126 research outputs found

    La idea de juventud en Chile en el siglo XX Aproximación genealógica al discurso de las revistas de juventud

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    El texto expone resultados preliminares de una investigación sobre la construcción histórica de la idea de juventud en las revistas chilenas en el periodo 1900-1940. Para ello, el artículo presenta el contexto comunicacional de las revistas de juventud, las identidades juveniles reconocibles en las primeras décadas del siglo XX y los regímenes de juvenilidad que se comienzan a perfilar. Concluimos de manera provisional algunas cuestiones vinculadas con el proceso de estabilidad semiótica de la idea de juventud y el papel que las imágenes, específicamente las publicitarias, cumplen en la construcción de lo juvenil

    Citizen-Centric Data Services for Smarter Cities

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    Smart Cities use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to manage more efficiently the resources and services offered by a city and to make them more approachable to all its stakeholders (citizens, companies and public administration). In contrast to the view of big corporations promoting holistic “smart city in a box” solutions, this work proposes that smarter cities can be achieved by combining already available infrastructure, i.e., Open Government Data and sensor networks deployed in cities, with the citizens’ active contributions towards city knowledge by means of their smartphones and the apps executed in them. In addition, this work introduces the main characteristics of the IES Cities platform, whose goal is to ease the generation of citizen-centric apps that exploit urban data in different domains. The proposed vision is achieved by providing a common access mechanism to the heterogeneous data sources offered by the city, which reduces the complexity of accessing the city’s data whilst bringing citizens closely to a prosumer (double consumer and producer) role and allowing to integrate legacy data into the cities’ data ecosystem.The European Union’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme has supported this work under grant agreement No. 325097

    La idea de juventud en Chile en el siglo XX Aproximación genealógica al discurso de las revistas de juventud

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    El texto expone resultados preliminares de una investigación sobre la construcción histórica de la idea de juventud en las revistas chilenas en el periodo 1900-1940. Para ello, el artículo presenta el contexto comunicacional de las revistas de juventud, las identidades juveniles reconocibles en las primeras décadas del siglo XX y los regímenes de juvenilidad que se comienzan a perfilar. Concluimos de manera provisional algunas cuestiones vinculadas con el proceso de estabilidad semiótica de la idea de juventud y el papel que las imágenes, específicamente las publicitarias, cumplen en la construcción de lo juvenil

    ¿Una microhistoria total de Simojovel?

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    Review of the book: Toledo Tello, Sonia (2019). Espacios sociales en una región agraria del norte de Chiapas (siglos XIX-XXI). San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico: CIMSUR-UNAM.Reseña del libro: Toledo Tello, Sonia (2019). Espacios sociales en una región agraria del norte de Chiapas (siglos XIX-XXI). San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas: CIMSUR-UNAM

    El hombre en la naturaleza: los resultados del Proyecto Chicago en Chiapas, 1956-1959

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    This article analyzes the results of the first operational phase (1956-1959) of a University of Chicago project that focused on the Tseltal and Tsotsil populations of Chiapas, and the documents that offered shared visions. First, we deal with the general characteristics of this intellectual endeavor. Second, we discuss the usual way anthropologists have understood the project and we present an alternative perspective. Third, we explore the contributions and contradictions offered. The last section discusses elements that validate the activities undertaken by the Chicago Project in Chiapas.En este artículo se analizan los resultados a los que llegó el equipo de trabajo del proyecto desarrollado por la Universidad de Chicago sobre las poblaciones tseltales y tsotsiles de Chiapas, concentrándose en su primera fase operativa (1956-1959) y en los documentos que ofrecieron visiones de conjunto. Se revisan las características generales de dicha empresa intelectual, se presenta cómo ha sido entendido el proyecto desde la disciplina antropológica y se ofrece una propuesta alternativa para su comprensión. Para finalizar, se estudian los aportes y contradicciones ofrecidos en el reporte y se muestran al lector elementos para revalidar las actividades emprendidas por el proyecto Chicago en Chiapas

    Síntesis y evaluación farmacológica de nuevas moléculas multipotentes para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Faculta de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Orgánica. Fecha de lectura: 28-11-201

    A First Approach to a Fuzzy Classification System for Age Estimation based on the Pubic Bone

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    The study of human remains suffers from a lack of information for determining a reliable estimation of the age of an individual. One of the most extended methods for this task was proposed in the twenties of the past century and is based on the analysis of the pubic bone. The method describes some age changes occurring in the pubic bone and establishes ten different age ranges with a description of the morphological aspect of the bone in each one of them. These descriptions are sometimes vague and there is not a systematic way for using the method. In this contribution we propose two different preliminary fuzzy rule-based classification system designs for age estimation from the pubic bone that consider the main morphological characteristics of the bone as independent and linguistic variables. So, we have identified the problem variables and we have defined the corresponding linguistic labels making use of forensic expert knowledge, that is also considered to design a decision support fuzzy system. A brief collection of pubic bones labeled by forensic anthropologists has been used for learning the second fuzzy rule-based classification system by means of a fuzzy decision tree. The experiments developed report a best performance of the latter approach


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    This article discusses the existence of a generation @ in Latin America. From five cases of American —Indian youth, migrants, penguins, generation 2.0 and trendsetters—, problematize the notion of generation in the sociopolitical and cultural contexts of the region. We identify some transitional features of generation X to generation @ from Latin American youth identities joints or palimpsests evoke in their own subjectivities of actors from politics, consumption, unequal incorporation of technology, migration and neo rurality give an idea of generational Latin American peculiarities.En este artículo se discute la existencia de una generación @ en América Latina. A partir de cinco casos de jóvenes latinoamericanos —indios, migrantes, pingüinos, generación 2.0 y trendsetters—, problematizamos la noción misma de generación en los contextos sociopolíticos y culturales de la región. Identificamos algunos rasgos transicionales de la llamada generación X a la generación @ a partir de las identidades juveniles latinoamericanas que evocan empalmes o palimpsestos en las propias subjetividades de los actores que desde la política, el consumo, la desigual incorporación tecnológica, la migración y la neorruralidad dibujan las peculiaridades generacionales latinoamericanas.Este artigo discute a existência de uma Geração @ na América Latina. A partir de cinco categorias de jovens latino-americanos —índios, migrantes, pinguins, geração 2.0 e os trendsetters— problematizamos a própria noção de geração nos contextos sociopolíticos e culturais da região. Identificamos algumas características de transição da chamada geração X para a geração @, a partir das identidades juvenis latino-americanas que evocam articulações ou reciclagens nas próprias subjetividades dos atores, os quais, a partir da política, o consumo, o acesso desigual à tecnologia, a migração e a neoruralidade, estabelecem as peculiaridades geracionais da América Latina

    Epigenetic repression of ROR2 has a Wnt-mediated, pro-tumourigenic role in colon cancer

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    9 páginas, 4 figuras.-- et al.[Background]: Wnt factors control cell differentiation through semi-independent molecular cascades known as the β-catenin-dependent (canonical) and -independent (non-canonical) Wnt signalling pathways. Genetic and epigenetic alteration of components of the canonical Wnt signalling pathway is one of the primary mechanisms underlying colon cancer. Despite increasing evidence of the role of the non-canonical pathways in tumourigenesis, however, the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. [Results]: Here we report that the receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 (ROR2), a transmembrane receptor for Wnt factors that activates non-canonical pathways, is frequently repressed by aberrant promoter hypermethylation in human colon cancer cell lines and primary tumours. By restoring ROR2 activity in colon cancer cells harbouring ROR2 promoter hypermethylation, we show that the role of ROR2 in colon cancer cells is mediated, at least in part, by canonical Wnt and that its epigenetic-dependent loss can be pro-tumourigenic. [Conclusions]: Our data show the importance of epigenetic alterations of ROR2 in colon cancer, highlighting the close interconnection between canonical and non-canonical Wnt signalling pathways in this type of tumour.AM is funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN; SAF2007-60341, ISCIII-RETIC RD06/0020/0009), VC receives a fellowship from the Spanish FPU Research Programme, EL and CH are recipients of fellowships from the Spanish FIS Research Programme. The Instituto Universitario de Oncología is supported by Obra Social Cajastur, Spain. This work was supported by the MICINN (PI061267; PS09/02454; Ref. 200820I172).Peer reviewe

    3-D modelling of a fossil tufa outcrop. The example of La Peña del Manto (Soria, Spain)

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    [EN]Classical studies of tufas lack quantitative outcrop descriptions and facies models, and normally do not integrate data from subsurface in the stratigraphic and evolutive analysis. This paper describes themethodology followed to construct one of the first digital outcrop models of fossil tufas. This model incorporates 3-D lines and surfaces obtained from a terrestrial laser scanner, electric resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles, and stratigraphic and sedimentologic data from 18 measured sections. This study has identified seven sedimentary units (from SU-1 to SU-7) which are composed of tufa carbonates (SU-1; 3; 5; 6) and clastics (SU-2; 4; 7). Facies identified occur in different proportions: phytoherm limestones of bryophytes represent 43% of tufa volume, bioclastic limestones 20%, phytoherm limestones of stems 12%, oncolitic limestones 8%, and clastics 15%. Three main architectural elements have been identified: 1) Steeply dipping strata dominated by phytoherm limestones of bryophytes; 2) gently dipping strata dominated by phytoherm limestones of stems; and 3) horizontal strata dominated by bioclastic and oncoid limestones. The alternation of tufa growth and clastic input stages is interpreted as the result of climatic changes during Mid–Late Pleistocene.18.KA4A-463 A.C.01, Universidad de Salamanca CGL2014-54818-P of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)