1,145 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Resistance in Pasteurellaceae Isolates from Pyrenean Chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) and Domestic Sheep in an Alpine Ecosystem

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has spread worldwide due to the inappropriate use of antimicrobial drugs in human and veterinary medicine, becoming a public health problem. However, little is known about its occurrence and maintenance in wild animals, and very few studies have been carried out in ecosystems subjected to low human pressure. In our study, nasal and lung swabs were collected from hunted Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica), and nasal swabs from sympatric domestic sheep were also collected. The swabs were cultured in agar plates to obtain bacterial isolates from the Pasteurellaceae family. The presence of AMR was assessed in a total of 28 Pasteurellaceae isolates from 45 Pyrenean chamois, and 9 isolates from sympatric domestic sheep found in the National Hunting Reserve of Freser-Setcases (Northeastern Pyrenees, Spain). The isolates belonged to one of the following three species: Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica and Bibersteinia trehalosi. Some P. multocida and M. haemolytica isolates tested positive for AMR. The statistical analysis revealed no differences between the AMR levels from chamois and domestic sheep isolates. However, one P. multocida of chamois origin presented resistance to cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones, which are antibiotics of critical importance for human health. Further studies are required to elucidate potential routes of dissemination of AMR genes in natural environments and assess any significant persistence in wildlife to design risk mitigation actions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto en la Usabilidad de un Sistema Web Académico desarrollado con Tecnología PHP y Framework Symfony2

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    En la presente investigación se realizó el análisis del uso del sistema académico web desarrollado para la "Academia Militar Tiwintsa" en la provincia Morona Santiago, el cual fue implementado utilizando la tecnología PHP con el framework Symfony2, con la finalidad de identificar el impacto del uso de estas tecnologías en la interfaz final del usuario. Para lo cual el sistema académico fue sometido a pruebas de calidad aplicando la norma ISO/IEC 9241-11, obteniendo como resultado en la métrica de efectividad un valor porcentual de 93,64 %; en la métrica de eficiencia un valor porcentual de 92,50%; y en la métrica de satisfacción un valor porcentual de 94,40%; resultados con los que se determinó que el uso de la tecnología PHP con el framework Symfony2 permite el desarrollo de un sistema intuitivo y amigable, motivando el uso diario del mismo para los diferentes procesos académicos y administrativos de la institución, pues ayuda a mejorar los tiempos de respuesta y en consecuencia la calidad de atención al client

    Cysteine and cysteine-related signaling pathways in arabidopsis thaliana

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    Cysteine occupies a central position in plant metabolism because it is a reduced sulfur donor molecule involved in the synthesis of essential biomolecules and defense compounds. Moreover, cysteine per se and its derivative molecules play roles in the redox signaling of processes occurring in various cellular compartments. Cysteine is synthesized during the sulfate assimilation pathway via the incorporation of sulfide to O-acetylserine, catalyzed by O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase (OASTL). Plant cells contain OASTLs in the mitochondria, chloroplasts, and cytosol, resulting in a complex array of isoforms and subcellular cysteine pools. In recent years, significant progress has been made in Arabidopsis, in determining the specific roles of the OASTLs and the metabolites produced by them. Thus, the discovery of novel enzymatic activities of the less-abundant, like DES1 with L-cysteine desulfhydrase activity and SCS with S-sulfocysteine synthase activity, has provided new perspectives on their roles, besides their metabolic functions. Thereby, the research has been demonstrated that cytosolic sulfide and chloroplastic S-sulfocysteine act as signaling molecules regulating autophagy and protecting the photosystems, respectively. In the cytosol, cysteine plays an essential role in plant immunity; in the mitochondria, this molecule plays a central role in the detoxification of cyanide, which is essential for root hair development and plant responses to pathogens.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2010-15201Junta de Andalucía CVI-719

    Expression of the HPV18/E6 oncoprotein induces DNA damage

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    Abstract This study investigated possible variations in DNA damage in HeLa cells with silenced expression of the HPV/E6oncogene compared with HeLa cells with normal expression of the E6oncogene using the DNA breakage detection-fluorescence in situ hybridization (DBD-FISH) technique and a whole human genome DNA probe. The variable levels of DNA breaks present were measured quantitatively using image analysis after whole-genome DNA hybridization. HeLa cells with silenced expression of the HPV18/E6 oncogene showed a significant decrease in DNA damage compared with parental cells with normal expression of the E6oncogene. These results were confirmed by alkaline comet assay. In conclusion, we demonstrated a decrease in DNA damage in HeLa clones associated with low expression of the HPV/E6 oncogene

    Signaling in the plant cytosol: cysteine or sulfide?

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    Cysteine (Cys) is the first organic compound containing reduced sulfur that is synthesized in the last stage of plant photosynthetic assimilation of sulfate. It is a very important metabolite not only because it is crucial for the structure, function and regulation of proteins but also because it is the precursor molecule of an enormous number of sulfur-containing metabolites essential for plant health and development. The biosynthesis of Cys is accomplished by the sequential reaction of serine acetyltransferase (SAT) and O-acetylserine(thiol)synthase (OASTL). In Arabidopsis thaliana, the analysis of specific mutants of members of the SAT and OASTL families has demonstrated that the cytosol is the compartment where the bulk of Cys synthesis takes place and that the cytosolic OASTL enzyme OAS-A1 is the responsible enzyme. Another member of the OASTL family is DES1, a novel L-cysteine desulfhydrase that catalyzes the desulfuration of Cys to produce sulfide, thus acting in a manner opposite to that of OAS-A1. Detailed studies of the oas-a1 and des1 null mutants have revealed the involvement of the DES1 and OAS-A1 proteins in coordinate regulation of Cys homeostasis and the generation of sulfide in the cytosol for signaling purposes. Thus, the levels of Cys in the cytosol strongly affect plant responses to both abiotic and biotic stress conditions, while sulfide specifically generated from the degradation of Cys negatively regulates autophagy induced in different situations. In conclusion, modulation of the levels of Cys and sulfide is likely critical for plant performance

    Novel Endocrine Targets for GBM Therapy

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    Astrocytomas are brain tumors from glial cells, and they are classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as astrocytoma, grade I or benign; astrocytoma, grade II or malignant; anaplastic astrocytoma, grade III; and glioblastoma multiforme or grade IV. The high‐grade gliomas have an incidence of 6.03/100,000. The frequency of GBM is higher in men than in woman by a 50%. The survival of patients with GBM varied between 14 and 18 months, and less than 10% patients survive for 5 years. The main treatments for GBM consist of surgical tumor resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. These tumors present different endocrine characteristics, such as expression of aromatase enzyme, estrogen, progesterone, as well as testosterone receptors. In addition, patients with GBM produce estradiol in high concentrations when compared to those with low‐grade astrocytomas. The highest mRNA expression of ERα and aromatase in GBM patients had been postulated as prognostic biomarkers. The aromatase inhibitors had been used in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women with satisfactory results. At present time, several research groups are interested in testing these inhibitors for treating GBM

    Does function determine the structure? Changes in flexor hallucis longus muscle and associated performance related to dance modality: A cross-sectional study

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    Background and Objectives: Flexor hallucis longus pathology is one of the most common conditions of the ankle and foot in dancers, due to the high demand of dance movements performed in an extreme plantar flexion and dorsiflexion range of motion. The objectives of this study were to determine the bilateral differences between the thickness and cross-sectional area of the flexor hallucis longus muscle in dancers, to establish possible differences between dance modalities, and to analyze whether there is a correlation between ultrasonographic parameters or performance variables and the dance modality. Material and Methods: A sample of 50 (29 classical and 21 contemporary) full-time pre-professional female dancers were included in the study. The thickness and cross-sectional area of the flexor hallucis longus muscle were evaluated for both limbs using ultrasound imaging. The range of movement of the first metatarsophalangeal joint was measured using functional extension with maximal ankle plantarflexion, balance was measured in a unilateral stance with the heel raised, endurance was evaluated through a modified heel rise fatigue test, and a counter movement jump to assess the vertical jump performance was measured bilaterally. Results: There were no significant differences recorded between the dominant and non-dominant limbs for each variable, within both groups. Contemporary dancers showed a greater thickness and cross-sectional area of the flexor hallucis longus muscle than classical dancers. However, classical dancers showed an increase of balance, endurance, range of movement of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, and counter movement jump with respect to contemporary dancers. Conclusion: Bilateral symmetry was identified in all variables for both groups. The size and performance of the flexor hallucis longus muscle may be influenced by the specific nature of dance modalit

    Training needs of university professors in skills related to the tutoring action

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    [ES] El objeto de este estudio es determinar el grado de capacitación del profesorado frente a las competencias que se consideran básicas para el desempeño de la acción tutorial en la universidad. De esta forma se puede valorar cuáles son los puntos fuertes y cuáles son deficitarios para la elaboración de futuros programas de formación del profesorado frente al desempeño de la nueva función tutorial dentro del EEEs.  En esta investigación participaron 279 profesores de tres universidades andaluzas de las diversas facultades o áreas de conocimiento, empleándose para tal selección un muestreo probabilístico, de carácter aleatorio por afijación proporcional en función de los diferentes departamentos que componen cada facultad, enviando el cuestionario a cada uno de los sujetos seleccionados mediante e mail a su correo institucional, recogiendo únicamente los resultados de las personas que accedieron a responder. Los resultados obtenidos permiten aclarar cuáles son las competencias que más pose[EN] The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of training of teachers against the competencies that are considered essential   for   the   performance   of   the tutoring   action   in   the   university.   So that there could be valued which are the  strong  points  and  which  are  deficit for  the  production  of  futures  programs of    formation    of    the    professorship opposite to the performance of the new tutoring function inside the EHEA. In this investigation there took part 279 teachers from three Andalusian universities of the diverse  powers  or  knowledge ́s  areas.  A probability sampling being used for such a selection, of random nature by affixation proportional  depending  on  the  different departments that compose every faculty, sending the questionnaire to each of the subjects selected by means of and e-mail to  his  institutional  mail,  gathering  only the results of the persons who agreed to answer. The obtained results allow to clarify which are theAguilar Parra, JM.; Alias García, A.; Fernández Campoy, JM.; Álvarez, J.; Pérez Gallardo, ER.; Hernández Rodríguez, AI. (2015). Necesidades de formación del profesor universitario en competencias relacionadas con la acción tutorial. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 13(3):357-375. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2015.5433OJS357375133Aguilar, J. M. y Martínez, M. (2012). Modalidades de tutoría. En Álvarez, J. Plan de Orientación para la Universidad. 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