16 research outputs found

    Correlation of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Actions of Coffee Farmers in Implementing Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) in Solok District

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    Implementation of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) in coffee farming as an effort to increase productivity. However, many farmers do not apply good cultivation techniques in their farming activities. research aims to analyze the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and actions of farmers in implementing GAP. The method used was a survey and sampling technique using non-probability sampling (saturated sampling) of 120 Arabica coffee farmers in Lembah Gumanti and Pantai Cermin Districts, Solok Regency. Data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics from the results of frequency distribution tables and correlation analysis using Spearman Rank correlation test calculations. The analysis results show that farmers' knowledge of implementing GAP is high, and farmers' attitudes are quite good, while farmers' actions in implementing GAP are in the inappropriate category. Correlation analysis shows a significant relationship (significance 0.05) between knowledge, attitudes, and attitudes towards farmer actions (p= 0.00). There is no significant relationship between knowledge and action (p=0.974). In implementing GAP, farmers need to be given continuous counseling so that their attitudes and knowledge improve and farmers have high motivation to implement GAP


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    The growing number of coffee agro-industries, the increase of consumers’ interest in coffee, and the challenges of industrial revolution 4.0, are driving demand for improving coffee agro-industry business. It encourages entrepreneurs to develop their entreprenuerial skills. This study aims to analyze the entrepreneurial spirit of the coffee agro-industry’s entrepreneur in Bukittinggi city in encountering industrial revolution 4.0. Bukittingi was selected as the study area due to leading tourist destinations in West Sumatera and its coffee agro-industry known as "Rang Bukik Apik". This research used survey method. Thirty coffee agro-industry entreprenuers were selected by simple random sampling technique. The research found that of 15 indicators assessed, the average of all indicator’s summary is 82.49%. Coffee agro-industry actor in Bukittinggi are people who are willing to take all risks, always think about goals, confident, like a challenges, like to take full outhority over themselves, optimistic, happy to immerse themselves into a work, statisfied with their product, have a high standar for the quality of work, considers of that personal and professional development is more important than senses of calm, money and prestige, likes to work hard and can combine the power of reason and intusion. To conclude, coffee agro-industry’s entrepreneurs are characterized by their high entrepreneurial spirit and capability to develop their business through product innovation and manufacturing of value-added products. At the same time, these charactiristics would be able to support entrepreneurs in facing industrial revolution era 4.0 challenges

    Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Produk Pada Agroindustri Kopi di Kota Bukittinggi

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    Putri et al, 2017. The Effect of Entrepreneurship Orientation on  Product Performance of Coffee Agroindustry in Bukittinggi. JLSO 6(1):1-6.Succes of business development determined by the entrepreneur ability to develop ideas and search for business opportunities. Creativity in developing ideas is one of the most quality an entrepreneur should have in order to achieve business success. Entrepeneur can be achieve the quality if the have a clear orientation toward product and market. The purpose of this study is to detemermine the effect of entrepreneurship orientation on product performance of coffee agroindustry in Bukit tinggi. Sample for this study was token randomly as much as 30 coffee agroindustry in city of Bukit tinggi. The data were analized using regression analysis with independent variables of entrepreneurship orientation while the dependent variable was product performance. The result shows that variables include entrepreneurship orientation : goal, product creation, innovation and risk simultaneously affect the product performance. However, partially only innovation ability affect the product performance

    Kinerja Faktor Produksi Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica L.) di Lembah Gumanti, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat

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    Abstrak Produk agroindustri komoditi kopi memiliki prospek untuk dikembangkan di pasar domestik dan internasional. Namun, untuk pengembangkan sektor tersebut masih mengalami berbagai masalah mulai dari ketersediaan bahan baku hingga saat produk dipasarkan. Pasokan bahan baku kopi harus didukung oleh produksi kopi. Pemilihan dan kombinasi penggunaan faktor produksi secara optimal dan efisien menentukan jumlah produksi kopi. Namun, saat ini masih ada petani kopi yang belum mengoptimalkan penggunaan faktor produksi. Kabupaten Solok sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil kopi Arabika di Sumatera Barat dan Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti adalah penghasil kopi utama di daerah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi produksi kopi Arabika dengan metode survei pada 30 petani kopi yang dipilih secara acak sederhana. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian yakni jumlah produksi, produktifitas, penggunaan pupuk urea, modal, pengalaman berusaha tani dan tenaga kerja. Penelitian menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan model fungsi Cobb Douglass. Hasil analisis menyatakan variabel produktifitas, modal dan tenaga kerja dengan nilai koefisien masing-masing 0,981; 2,279 dan 3,140 berpengaruh terhadap produksi kopi. Variabel umur tanaman dan penggunaan pupuk urea dengan koefisien 0,098 dan 0,131 berpengaruh positif sedangkan pengalaman berusaha tani dengan koefisien -0,290 berpengaruh negatif tapi variabel tersebut tidak signifikan. Kata kunci: agroindustri, kopi, faktor produksi Abstract Agroindustry product that has the potential to be developed in the domestic and international market is the coffee commodity. This commodity has various problems such as the availability of raw materials, product marketing, and other issues. The supply of coffee raw materials must be supported by coffee production. With selecting and combining production factors optimally can determine coffee production. However, in reality, coffee farmers still cannot optimize the use of production factors. Lembah Gumanti district at Solok regency is one of the Arabica coffee producers in West Sumatra. This study aims to determine the factors that affect Arabica coffee production. The method used is a survey method with a sample of 30 coffee farmers selected by simple random sampling. Variables used in this study is total production, land area, the use of urea fertilizer, capital, farmer experience, and labor. The data collected are primary and secondary data which then analyzed quantitatively by using Cobb Douglass function model. The analisys showed that productivity, capital and labor variables have a significant effect on coffee production with coefficients of 0.981; 2.279 and 3.140. Plant age variables and the use of urea fertilizer have a positive impact with a coefficient value of 0.098 and 0.131 while the farmer experience variable has a coefficient of -0.290 and not have a significant impact on coffee production. Keywords: agroindustry, coffee, production facto

    Media Pembelajaran Sindu Sebagai Aplikasi Peningkatkan Pemahaman Nilai-Nilai Budaya Jepara Bumi Kartini Bagi Peserta Didik Paud

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    ABSTRAKPengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat penggunaan aplikasi GeoGebra pada mata pelajaran matematika bagi guru di tingkat Sekolah Dasar di Jakarta Selatan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini diadakan di gedung Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta dengan peserta pelatihan sebanyak 28 guru matematika Sekolah Dasar di Jakarta Selatan. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian ini berupa pemberian pelatihan dalam bentuk workshop mengenai penggunaan dan pemanfaatan aplikasi GeoGebra pada materi Bangun Ruang. Adapun tahapan pengabdian ini terdiri dari: persiapan/ perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan refleksi. Kegiatan pelatihan ini mendapat respon positif dari peserta pelatihan, adapun manfaat yang didapat oleh peserta pelatihan adalah menumbuhkan minat guru dalam menggunakan aplikasi GeoGebra pada proses pembelajaran Matematika di kelas, menambah wawasan bagi guru untuk membuat media pembelajaran berbasis ICT yang lebih menyenangkan dengan menghasilkan ilustrasi benda tiga dimensi sehingga dapat meningkatkan daya tangkap siswa, mempermudah guru dalam menyampaikan konsep matematika yang abstrak menjadi lebih konkret, memudahkan guru dalam membuat soal mengenai bangun ruang. Kata kunci—GeoGebra, Pembelajaran Matematika, Bangun Ruang, ICT