202 research outputs found

    The Effect of Work Stress on Turnover Intention with Work Satisfaction and Commitment as Intervening Variable (Study at PT Infomedia Solusi Humanika in Malang)

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    Turnover intention is one factor that needs to be considered by an organization, it has an impact on the sustainability of the organization. The impact is the high intensity of employee turnover, and the expense that is incurred from employee turnover for recruitment, this is certainly detrimental to the organization. It was also experienced by the call center of Humanika-Malang, electronic-based service, in which customers expect a practical and efficient service within 24 hours. This study aims to analyze the direct effects of work stress on job satisfaction, work stress on organizational commitment, stress on turnover intention, job satisfaction towards organizational commitment, job satisfaction on turnover intention, organizational commitment towards turnover intention, and indirect influence of work stress on turnover intention through job satisfaction, work stress on turnover intention through organizational commitment, work stress towards organizational commitment through satisfaction, and work stress to turnover intention through job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The design of this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach.  The population in this study are amounted to 203 contract employees with sampling technique by using the Slovin’s formula. Then, the sample in this research are 135 employees of PT Infomedia Solusi Humanika - Malang, East Java which are randomly chosen to fulfill the instrument. Furthermore, the data are analyzed by using path analysis. Based on the result of the data analysis, it reveals that work stress has positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment and turnover intention, job satisfaction has positive and significant influence on organizational commitment and turnover intention, organizational commitment has positive and significant impact on turnover intention, work stress has positive and significant influence to work commitment, work stress has a positive and significant impact on turnover intention through organizational commitment, job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention through organizational commitment and work stress has a positive and significant impact on turnover intention through job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Through this result, the further researcher can use as a reference that can be developed as well as adding other variables with techniques or deep approaches to make it worthwhile. Keywords: Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention

    Program Penyutradaraan Dokumenter Kaun Hai Hum, Hum Yaahan Hai (Siapa Kita? Disinilah Kita) Dengan Gaya Cinéma Vérité

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    Dokumenter “Kaun Hai Hum, Hum Yaahan Hai” menggambarkan 3 generasi keturunan Pakistan yang tinggal di Indonesia. Melalui 4 tokoh yang mewakili 3 generasi tersebut dokumenter ini membahas keseharian mereka yang sudah sama dengan masyarakat asli Indonesia dan juga keseharian mereka yang berbeda dengan masyarakat Indonesia yang masih warisan nenek moyangnya dari Pakistan. Mereka mempertahankan adat Pakistan terlihat saat terjadi pernikahan dengan sesama keturunan Pakistan. Mereka juga melakukan pembauran salah satunya juga melalui pernikahan yang terjadi dengan etnis lain, yaitu masyarakat asli Indonesia. Pengemasan dokumenter ini menggunakan gaya dokumenter cinéma vérité, dengan mengedapan realita visual untuk menggambar keluarga keturunan Pakistan tersebut. Dokumenter ini dibuat seperti orang memotret sebuah peristiwa kemudian dicetak dan dipamerkan kepada kepada khalayak sehingga respon khalayak akan beranekaragam. Menggambarkan keberadaan keluarga keturunan etnis Pakistan yang tinggal di Indonesia dalam bentuk dokumenter akan menjadi pengalaman baru bagi khalayak

    Implementasi Telegram Bot untuk Monitoring Mikrotik Router

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    Smartphone muncul sebagai alat praktis untuk digunakan dalam aktivitas harian dan acara besar termasuk interaksi sosial. Hal itu dikarenakan smartphone memberikan akses pengguna untuk melakukan layanan dan sumberdaya yang kuat melalui media yang kecil. Salah satu layanan yang terdapat pada Smartphone adalah adanya fasilitas instant messenger yang tentunya dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam komunikasi jarak jauh. Berbagai aplikasi instant messenger tersedia pada smartphone seperti salah satunya telegram. Di suatu instansi terkadang memiliki masalah dengan mikrotik router, terutama masalah pengawasan, sementara mikrotik router berakibat fatal jika terjadi ganguan dan admin atau teknisi yang terkadang memiliki jadwal diluar sehingga mereka membutuhkan cara cepat untuk mendapatkan informasi kondisi mikrotik router yang ada pada ruangan. Berdasaran masalah tersebut, maka dimungkinkan untuk membuat sebuah Telegram Bot untuk monitoring miktorik router. Mengingat belum adanya sebuah Telegram Bot pada untuk monitoring mikrotik router pada Cv.Infomedia Technology. Bot telegram sebagai jembatan antara mikrotik dan smartphone, mikrotik dan smartphone harus terhubung dengan koneksi internet agar dapat mengirim notifikasi ke smartphone. notifikasi dikirim dalam bentuk informasi dari mikrotik dan terintegrasi ke aplikasi telegram. Informasi yang diberikan terdiri dari konektivitas jaringan, user hotspot login atau logout dan kondisi mikrotik. Notifikasi langsung masuk ke akun telegram admin atau teknisi.Kata Kunci: Mikrotik Router, Telegram, Telegram bot

    A Study of Teachers Perception on English Curriculum for Vocational High School in Surabaya

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru bahasa Inggris SMK di Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan persepsi guru bahasa Inggris terhadap K13, termasuk hambatan yang dihadapi ketika mengimplementasikannya di kelas. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan guru bahasa Inggris SMK sebagai peserta penelitian. Data didapatkan dengan cara membagikan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa K13 bagus dalam mengembangkan aspek afektif, pengetahuan dan kemampuan siswa, sayangnya, ada beberapa hal yang di keluhkan oleh guru. Pertama, kompetensi dan materi pembelajaran terlalu umum, pembelajaran di SMK membutuhkan pembelajaran yang memasukkan bahasa Inggris spesifik yang sesuai dengan jurusan. Kedua, penilaian K13 terlalu rumit. Ketiga, guru menyatakan pengajaran membutuhkan waktu lebih dari sekedar dua jam tatap muka per minggu, dari yang awalnya empat jam per minggu. Kata Kunci: Kurikulum, SMK, Persepsi Abstract This study investigates the perception of English teachers in Surabaya towards the implementation of K13 in vocational high school. The objective of this study is to describe the perception of SMK English teachers towards K13 curriculum, including the obstacles they face when they implement it in the classroom language teaching. This study is a descriptive qualitative study, with SMK English teachers as the participants. The data were obtained by administering questionnaire. The findings showed that K13 is good to develop students affective competence, however, there are things which are complained by teachers. First, learning material and competencies are too general, it needs to include specific English related to the major of study. Second, the assessment is too complicated. Third, they demand more learning hours, since learning hour is decreased from four learning hours per week into two learning hours per week. Keywords: Curriculum, SMK, Perceptio

    Implementation Of The SAW Method For Selection Of Best Operational Vehicles

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    Operational Vehicle is one of the assets owned by the company to help transportation that aims to facilitate the carrying out of a job. With the existence of operational vehicles can increase company productivity. The problems that exist in the process of selecting the best operational vehicles are still simple or depend on the company's budget. The purpose of this study is to obtain a decision in determining the selection of operational vehicles using several criteria and can provide solutions to determine the best choice of operational vehicles for company management. The method used by the author is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) which can help in making decisions to overcome a complex problem. The results of this study are the decision support system can be used as a tool for decision making recommendations for companies in determining the selection of operational vehicles using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, in addition to providing an alternative form of decision support systems to help and facilitate the company's stakeholders in decide on operational vehicles.Keywords: Decision Support System, Operational Vehicle, SAW Method

    The Correlation Between Students’ Personality (Extrovert and Introvert) and Their Reading Comprehension Achievement

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    The students struggled with reading due to a lack of vocabulary and boredom when attempting to comprehend a reading text. Besides, the Teacher's technique did not match the student's personalities, so they did not follow the instructions given by the Teacher in the reading learning process. As a result, many students at MAN 1 Pesisir Barat Lampung got underscore in reading. This study aimed to determine whether there was a relationship between the personality traits of students (extrovert and introvert) and their reading comprehension success in the tenth grade of MAN 1 Pesisir Barat Lampung in the academic year 2020/21. This research used a correlation research design. The population of this research was the tenth grade of MAN 1 Pesisir Barat Lampung. The sample of this research was two classes, X Science 1 and 2, consisting of 77 students from those two classes. The data is collected by using personality questionnaires and reading comprehension tests. There were 20 questions for the personality questionnaires exam and 40 questions for the reading comprehension test, which had been verified. After collecting data for both variables, SPSS version 21 with the Pearson Correlation Formula was used to analyze the data. After doing the hypothetical test, the result showed that the value of significant generated Sig (P-value) = 0.006 < ɑ = 0.05. As a result, H0 was rejected, and H1 was accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a correlation between students' personalities (extrovert and introvert) and their reading comprehension achievement in the tenth grade of MAN 1 Pesisir Barat Lampung in the academic year 2020/2021. Then, the coefficient correlation between students' personality and their reading comprehension achievement was 0.749, which means that the correlation of both variables was high and positive.   Keywords: Correlation Research Design; Personality; Reading Comprehension Achievement

    Photovoltaic Emulator Berbasis Embedded System pada Jaringan Listirk Cerdas

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    Intisari — Photovoltaic Emulator merupakan alat yang dirancang untuk meniru karakteristik tegangan dan arus keluaran dari pembangkit listrik tenaga surya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan Photovoltaic Emulator dengan menggunakan rangkaian elektronika daya dengan pemrograman pemodelan panel surya. Penyinaran mataharai dan suhu harian digantikan mikrokontroler dengan chip ATMega 328P sebagai komponen pengendali dan pemantau. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, Photovoltaic Emulator yang dibuat dalam studi ini terbukti dapat meniru karakteristik tegangan dan arus keluaran dari panel surya dengan masukan irradiance dan suhu harian pada suatu daerah.Pengukuran menggunakan sensor arus dengan rata-rata galat senilai 2.601 % dan sensor tegangan dengan rata-rata galat senilai 1,971% dibandingkan dengan pengukuran multimeter. Persentase kemiripan karakteristik keluaran Photovoltaic Emulator dengan panel surya yang ditiru yaitu 95.13%. Setiap data disimpan berdasarkan waktu pada secure digital card melalui datalogger.Kata kunci — Photovoltaic Emulator, Smart Grid, Embedded System. Abstract — Photovoltaic Emulator is a device designed for emulating voltage and current output characteristics of a solar panel.  The purposes of this research are to design and to develop a Photovoltaic Emulator based on power electronic components and solar panel modeling software. The solar radiation as well as daily temperature were represented by a microcontroller with 328P ATMega chip as a controlling and monitoring component. From experiment results, the emulator is able to mimic voltage and current characteristics of the solar panel based on the irradiance and daily temperature in a certain area.The error measurement of the voltage and current sensor are 1.971% and 2.601% respectively compared to the multimeters. The similarity of Photovoltaic Emulator output characteristics with solar panels is 95.13%. Each data was stored based on time in the secure digital card through data logger.Keywords — Photovoltaic Emulator, Smart Grid, Embedded Syste
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