154 research outputs found

    Tillaberi Slaughterhouse Discharges And Their Impact On The Niger River: A Physicochemical And Microbiological Analysis

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    The main objective of this work was to study the solid and liquid waste discharges of the slaughterhouse of the city of Tillabéri, and their impacts on the Niger River. To do so, the identification and quantification of the solid waste of the slaughterhouse were carried out in the first step, then the physical, chemical, and microbiological characterization of the liquid discharges of the slaughterhouse and of the river water in the second step. The results obtained showed that the slaughterhouse in the urban commune of Tillabéri produced an average of 156.1 ± 41.1 kg of solid waste per day, divided into four groups: 133 kg of stercoral, 19.7 kg of seized organs, 1.9 kg of plastic and 1.4 kg of skin pieces. The average values obtained after physic-chemical and microbiological characterization of the liquid waste are as follows pH (7.08 ± 0.15), Temperature (28.6 ± 0.49), Electrical conductivity (985 ±184.1 µS/cm), COD (12860 ± 3831.8mg/l), BOD (5338 ± 1572.05mg/l), Suspended Solid (835 ± 258.7mg/l) Cl- (81.5 ± 1.3 mg/l), NO3- (0.66 ± 0.97mg/l). The BOD5/COD ratio is about 0.41. After microbiological characterization of these liquid discharges, (3.1.104 cfu) of E. coli, (3.104 cfu) of fecal coliforms, and (6.1.108 cfu) of total coliforms were found. The physicochemical and microbiological characterization of the river water showed that most of the physicochemical parameters comply with the WHO limits, except for BOD5 and COD, which have fairly high average values of (62.5 ± 47.06mg/l) and (200 ± 110.1mg/l) respectively. The E. coli found are of the order of 5.6.104 cfu, however, there are no fecal coliforms in these waters. All these values indicate that the river water is polluted. This pollution would come from the discharges of the slaughterhouse

    Bilan D’activités De 10 Ans De Pratique D’endoscopie Urologique Au Niger : Résultats, Défis Et Perspectives

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    But: Rapporter les rĂ©sultats de la pratique d’endoscopie urologique au Niger, recenser les dĂ©fis et annoncer les perspectives. MatĂ©riels et MĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude descriptive rĂ©trospective allant du 1er janvier 2010 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2019 portant sur les dossiers des patients ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de procĂ©dures endoscopiques urologiques. L’étude s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e sur quatre sites du pays qui disposaient de matĂ©riel endoscopique urologique. Les paramètres sont : les caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques des patients, le type de procĂ©dure endoscopique, les indications, les rĂ©sultats. RĂ©sultat: Au total 5806 gestes chirurgicaux dont 535 procĂ©dures endoscopiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sur la pĂ©riode d’étude. Treize (13) dossiers incomplets ont Ă©tĂ© exclus. Les activitĂ©s endoscopiques constituaient 9,21% de l’ensemble des activitĂ©s chirurgicales. L’âge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 49,60 ans avec un Ă©cart type de 18,15 et la tranche d’âge [41-60 ans] Ă©tait la plus reprĂ©sentĂ©e avec 36,21%. Le sexe ratio Ă©tait de 2,4 en faveur de l’homme. L’endoscopie Ă©tait diagnostique dans 90,04%. L’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©tait la procĂ©dure la plus pratiquĂ©e (88,70%) suivie de l’urĂ©trotomie interne endoscopique (UIE) (4,21%). La rĂ©section trans urĂ©trale de la prostate (RTUP) et la rĂ©section trans urĂ©trale de la vessie (RTUV) reprĂ©sentaient respectivement 0,96% et 1,34%. Les principales indications de l’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©taient l’hĂ©maturie avec 245 cas soit 52,91% suivie des SBAU avec 113 cas soit 24,40%. Les rĂ©sultats de l’urĂ©trocystoscopie Ă©taient dominĂ©s par les tumeurs de vessie (31,10%) ; l’hypertrophie prostatique (17,71 %). Conclusion : L’urĂ©trocystoscopie domine la pratique de l’endoscopie au Niger. Le vĂ©ritable problème demeure le manque de matĂ©riels d’oĂą la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’équiper les diffĂ©rents services d’urologie du pays. Aim: To report the results of the practice of urological endoscopy in Niger, identify the challenges, and to announce the prospects. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019 on the records of patients who underwent urological endoscopic procedure. The study took place at four sites across the country that had urologic endoscopic equipment. The parameters studied were: the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients, the type of endoscopic procedure, the indications, and the results. Results: A total of 5,806 surgical procedures, including 535 endoscopic procedures, were performed over the study period. Thirteen (13) incomplete files were excluded. Endoscopic activities constituted 9.21% of all surgical activities. The mean age of the patients was 49.60 years with a standard deviation of 18.15 and the age group [41-60 years] was the most represented with 36.21%. The sex ratio was 2.4 in favor of the male. Endoscopy was diagnostic in 90.04%. Urethrocystoscopy was the most frequently performed procedure (88.70%) followed by endoscopic internal urethrotomy (EIU) (4.21%). Transurethral resection of the prostate TURP and transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) accounted for 0.96% and 1.34%, respectively. The main indications for urethrocystoscopy were hematuria with 245 cases (52.91%), followed by lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with 113 cases (24.40%). Urethrocystoscopy findings were dominated by bladder tumors (31.10%) and prostatic hypertrophy (17.71%). Conclusion: Urethrocystoscopy dominates the practice of endoscopy in Niger. The real problem remains the lack of materials. Hence, there is the need to equip the various urology services in the country

    Modèle de régression optimale des traits de conformation et de la production laitière des troupeaux bovins de race kouri élevés à la station de Sayam du Niger.

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    Objectif : évaluer en station, la pertinence des traits de conformation traditionnellement privilégiés par les éleveurs kouri, pour l’identification des meilleures vaches laitières.Méthodologie et résultats : La production laitière et treize traits biométriques ont été évalués sur 54 vaches, de septembre 2015 à février 2016, au Centre de Multiplication de Bétail de Sayam, après six (6) mois de contrôle laitier. Il est constaté que la production laitière journalière était positivement corrélée aux traits de conformation du bassin (largeur aux ischions (r = 0.35**) et la largeur aux trochanters (r = 0.36**)), à la profondeur de poitrine (r = 0.27*), à la largeur aux poitrines (r = 0.29*) et au rapport de la largeur aux poitrines sur la largeur aux hanches (r = 0.28*). Le modèle de régression optimale de la production laitière qui s’est bien ajusté de façon hautement significative (p = 0.004) est un modèle utilisant la largeur-Trochanters et le rapport largeur- Poitrine/Largeur-hanche comme indices prévisionnels. La valeur du R carrée ajusté du modèle et de l’erreur standard des résidus étaient respectivement 0.16 et 0.43.Conclusion et perspectives : les traits biométriques intéressants, identifiés comme promoteurs dans cette étude, peuvent être inclus dans le développement de mécanismes de sélection qui peut encore être couplé à des techniques modernes de sélection. Le modèle ainsi obtenu, pourrait être utilisé pour prédire la production de lait des vaches kouri ou à des fins de sélection.Mots clés : Corrélation, modélisation, traits de conformation, production laitière, kour

    Crowdsourcing Linked Data on listening experiences through reuse and enhancement of library data

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    Research has approached the practice of musical reception in a multitude of ways, such as the analysis of professional critique, sales figures and psychological processes activated by the act of listening. Studies in the Humanities, on the other hand, have been hindered by the lack of structured evidence of actual experiences of listening as reported by the listeners themselves, a concern that was voiced since the early Web era. It was however assumed that such evidence existed, albeit in pure textual form, but could not be leveraged until it was digitised and aggregated. The Listening Experience Database (LED) responds to this research need by providing a centralised hub for evidence of listening in the literature. Not only does LED support search and reuse across nearly 10,000 records, but it also provides machine-readable structured data of the knowledge around the contexts of listening. To take advantage of the mass of formal knowledge that already exists on the Web concerning these contexts, the entire framework adopts Linked Data principles and technologies. This also allows LED to directly reuse open data from the British Library for the source documentation that is already published. Reused data are re-published as open data with enhancements obtained by expanding over the model of the original data, such as the partitioning of published books and collections into individual stand-alone documents. The database was populated through crowdsourcing and seamlessly incorporates data reuse from the very early data entry phases. As the sources of the evidence often contain vague, fragmentary of uncertain information, facilities were put in place to generate structured data out of such fuzziness. Alongside elaborating on these functionalities, this article provides insights into the most recent features of the latest instalment of the dataset and portal, such as the interlinking with the MusicBrainz database, the relaxation of geographical input constraints through text mining, and the plotting of key locations in an interactive geographical browser

    Les Occlusions Intestinales Par Nœud Ileo-Sigmoïdien : Aspects Diagnostiques, Thérapeutiques Et Pronostiques

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    Introduction: Ileosigmoid knot (ISK), also known as compound volvulus or double volvulus, is a rare disease and affects mostly male subjects in their fourth decade. Delayed diagnosis often leads to complications with a high incidence of digestive necrosis. Materials and methods: This was a 10-year retrospective, descriptive and analytical study from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2016, which covered all patients operated emergently for ISK in the surgical and surgical specialty departments at the Niamey National Hospital (NNH). Results: The series involved 8 cases of ISK, representing 0.82% of intestinal obstructions. There were 7 men and 1 woman. The average age of patients was 44.33 years with extremes ranging from 25 to 60 years. The main clinical signs were: abdominal pain (100%), inability to pass gas and stool (100%), vomiting (87.5%) and abdominal meteorism (87.5%). Four patients (50%) had a clear obstructive syndrome and the other 4 patients (50%) had associated signs of peritoneal irritation. Paraclinical diagnosis was difficult because of atypical clinico-radiological signs, but in all cases an abdominal x-ray was performed and showed a double loop of dilated sigmoid shadow in 87.5% of the cases. Laparotomy was the first approach used in all patients and led to a 50% necrosis rate. Hartmann’s colectomy and ideal colectomy were used in identical proportions, with 50% each. Ideal colectomy was characterized by a morbidity rate of 50% and a mortality rate of 25% compared to 0% for Hartmann’s procedure. The overall morbidity was 25% and the overall mortality was 12.5%. The average hospital stay was 65.87 days (range 17 to 128 days). The average time before reestablishment of digestive continuity was 50.37 days (range 31-128 days). Conclusion: Ileosigmoid knot is a rare condition at Niamey national hospital where the diagnostic approach is similar to that of occlusions in general, but remains difficult due to its uncommonness and atypical clinico-radiological signs. Necrosis rates and postoperative complications remain high

    Cyprus' image—a sun and sea destination—as a detrimental factor to seasonal fluctuations. Exploration into motivational factors for holidaying in Cyprus

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    Cyprus is established as a summer destination. To aid the destination in developing its winter season as well, this research uses a qualitative inductive approach to explore the tourists’ current image of the island and their motivations of visiting it. The research indicates that the current image, which essentially portrays Cyprus as a sun-and-sea destination is thought to dissuade tourists from perceiving the island as a year-round destination. Nonetheless, increasing the pull factors of the destination through the development of unique special interest products can help in extending the tourism season as well as broaden its narrow image

    Invagination Intestinale Aiguë De L’adulte: Aspects Diagnostiqsues, Thérapeutiques Et Étiologiques

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    Introduction: Acute intussusception is a rare clinical entity in adults where it accounts for only 1-2% of intestinal obstructions. The authors wanted to report cases of acute intussusception in adult patients, their diagnostic aspects, their management, and their etiologies. Patients and Methods: This study is a retrospective study of the medical files of patients of both sexes. They include adults over 15 years of age, operated between January 2010 and December 2014, who were diagnosed with obstruction due to acute intestinal intussusception. Results: Six cases of adult intestinal intussusception were collected. The average age was 26.5 years. The sex ratio was 1 and there were so many men as women. Five out of six patients were unstable on admission. The diagnosis was made preoperative in two cases out of six, 33.3%. Ultrasound revealed a target sign in two cases. The ileo-ileal form was the most frequent (5 cases out of 6) or 83.3%. Also, there were two cases of intestinal necrosis out of six. Intestinal resection was performed in five cases or 83.33%. The cause of intussusception was found in four cases out of six or 66.7%. Here, a tumor was the cause in half of the cases. Immediate surgical follow-up was uncomplicated in all patients. Conclusion: Acute intestinal intussusception of the adult is a very rare condition. The preoperative diagnosis of acute intussusception of the adult remains delicate. The ileo-ileal form is more frequent than the ileo-colic form in adults. Treatment is always surgical in adults

    Cumulative Effects in 100 kHz Repetition-Rate Laser-Induced Plasma Filaments in Air

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    [EN] Cumulative effects are crucial for applications of laser filaments, such as for the remote transfer of energy and the control of electric discharges. Up to now, studies of cumulative effects in the air of high-repetition-rate pulse trains have been performed at lower rates than 10 kHz. Herein, the nonlinear effects associated with short plasma filaments produced by pulses of moderate energy (0.4 mJ per pulse) and repetition rates up to 100 kHz are experimentally characterized. With increasing repetition rate, a decrease in absorption, fluorescence emission, and breakdown voltage and concurrently an increase in peak intensity and third-harmonic-generation efficiency are observed. Hydrodynamic simulations of the heated gas show that the observed decreases are directly related to a quasi-stationary state of reduced gas density in the filament. However, further investigations are required to fully understand the physics underpinning the observed sharp reduction of the breakdown voltage at 100 kHz repetition rates. The results may prove relevant for energy and information delivery applications by laser-induced air waveguide or electric discharge and lightning control.TJW acknowledges the support from NSAF (Grant no. U2130123), Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant no. XDB16), International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant nos. 181231KYSB20200033 and 181231KYSB20200040), Shanghai Science and Technology Program (Grant no. 21511105000), and Oversea Training Program of Ministry of Science and Technology. MC acknowledges the support from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (Fellowship "In-Tempo" EP/S001573/1), and the Royal Society (RGS\R1\201365). JCD acknowledges the support of NASA (SBIR grant 80NSSC22PB067). The authors wish to acknowledge Drs. Jean-Pierre Wolf, Jerome Kasparaian, Clara Saraceno, and Olga Kosareva for enlightening discussions.Wang, T.; Ebrahim, MH.; Afxenti, I.; Adamou, D.; Dada, AC.; Li, R.; Leng, Y.... (2023). Cumulative Effects in 100 kHz Repetition-Rate Laser-Induced Plasma Filaments in Air. Advanced Photonics Research. 4(3). https://doi.org/10.1002/adpr.2022003384

    Development of a multiplexed bead-based immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of antibodies to 17 pneumococcal proteins

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    Presently, several pneumococcal proteins are being evaluated as potential vaccine candidates. Here, we gather novel insights in the immunogenicity of PLY, PsaA, PspA, PspC, NanA, Hyl, PpmA, SlrA, Eno, IgA1-protease, PdBD, BVH-3, SP1003, SP1633, SP1651, SP0189 and SP0376. We developed a multiplex bead-based immunoassay (xMAP® Technology, Luminex Corporation) to simultaneously quantify antibodies against these 17 pneumococcal proteins in serum. The median fluorescence intensity (MFI) values obtained for human pooled serum with the multiplex assay were between 82% and 111% (median 94%) of those obtained with the singleplex assays. For IgG, the coefficient of variation (CV) in serum ranged from 2% to 9%, for IgA, the CV ranged from 3% to 14% and for IgM, the CV ranged from 11% to 15%. Using this immunoassay, we showed that anti-pneumococcal antibody levels exhibited extensive inter-individual variability in young children suffering from invasive pneumococcal disease. All proteins, including the proteins with, as yet, unknown function, were immunogenic. In conclusion, the multiplex Streptococcus pneumoniae immunoassay based on proteins is reproducible. This assay can be used to monitor anti-S. pneumoniae antibody responses in a material- and time-saving manner
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