49 research outputs found

    Delayed presentation of a traumatic scalp arteriovenous fistula

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    Background: Arteriovenous (AV) fistulas of the scalp are extracranial vascular malformations commonly caused by trauma and typically present within 3 years. Although they follow a benign course, they can be esthetically displeasing. Case description: We present an atypical onset of scalp AV fistula in a patient with a 1-year history of the left-sided pulsatile tinnitus and scalp swelling 7 years after a traumatic epidural hematoma evacuation. Our patient was found to have an 8 mm AV fistula supplied by the deep temporal artery. Endovascular embolization was performed using eight coils. There was no complication from the procedure, and the patient's pulsatile tinnitus and swelling resolved immediately after embolization. Follow-up angiogram demonstrated complete obliteration of the AV fistula. Conclusion: Delayed presentation of traumatic scalp AV fistula is very rare, and it is important to keep this in the differential in patients with scalp swelling after head trauma

    Rapid Improvement Project: Improving Caregivers’ Understanding of Safety Recommendations for Neurosurgical Devices

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    There has been a proliferation in the development of indwelling neuromodulatory devices with varied safety recommendations, making it difficult for providers to remain up-to-date. This deficit presents an opportunity for significant improvement in patient safety. Methods: We performed a search for monopolar electrocautery and magnetic resonance imaging safety recommendations for several indwelling neuromodulatory devices. We developed a questionnaire followed by an educational compendium and a posttest for 50 care providers. Results: Overall, there was a poor performance on the pretest (mean 39%, SD 19%) but significant improvement on the posttest (mean 71%, SD 16%), P < 0.0001. We placed the educational compendium that included all manufacturer recommendations in the operating room for easy reference. A 2.4 times decrease in the case start times of vagus nerve stimulator cases is evidence of its effectiveness. Conclusions: The authors highlight the lack of knowledge about manufacturer safety recommendations for indwelling neurosurgical devices, which led to the creation of operating room supplements and educational devices

    Acute Cytotoxic Cerebellar Edema Subsequent to Fentanyl Patch Intoxication in an Infant

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    The opioid epidemic continues to have devastating consequences for children and families across the United States with rising prevalence of opioid use and abuse. Given the ease of access to these medications, accidental ingestion and overdose by children are becoming increasingly more common. The recognition of opioid-induced neurotoxicity and the associated life-threatening complication of acute cerebellar cytotoxic edema are crucial, as are the high morbidity and mortality without timely intervention. We discuss an infant with acute cytotoxic cerebellar edema following mucosal exposure to a transdermal fentanyl patch

    Intracranial chordoma presenting as acute hemorrhage in a child: Case report and literature review

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    BACKGROUND: Chordomas are rare, slow-growing malignant neoplasms derived from remnants of the embryological notochord. Pediatric cases comprise only 5% of all chordomas, but more than half of the reported pediatric chordomas are intracranial. For patients of all ages, intracranial chordomas typically present with symptoms such as headaches and progressive neurological deficits occurring over several weeks to many years as they compress or invade local structures. There are only reports of these tumors presenting acutely with intracranial hemorrhage in adult patients. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 10-year-old boy presented with acute onset of headache, emesis, and diplopia. Head computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of brain were suspicious for a hemorrhagic mass located in the left petroclival region, compressing the ventral pons. The mass was surgically resected and demonstrated acute intratumoral hemorrhage. Pathologic examination was consistent with chordoma. CONCLUSION: There are few previous reports of petroclival chordomas causing acute intracranial hemorrhage. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case of a petroclival chordoma presenting as acute intracranial hemorrhage in a pediatric patient. Although uncommon, it is important to consider chordoma when evaluating a patient of any age presenting with a hemorrhagic lesion of the clivus

    Waterfowl recently infected with low pathogenic avian influenza exhibit reduced local movement and delayed migration

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    Understanding relationships between infection and wildlife movement patterns is important for predicting pathogen spread, especially for multispecies pathogens and those that can spread to humans and domestic animals, such as avian influenza viruses (AIVs). Although infection with low pathogenic AIVs is generally considered asymptomatic in wild birds, prior work has shown that influenza-infected birds occasionally delay migration and/or reduce local movements relative to their uninfected counterparts. However, most observational research to date has focused on a few species in northern Europe; given that influenza viruses are widespread globally and outbreaks of highly pathogenic strains are increasingly common, it is important to explore influenza–movement relationships across more species and regions. Here, we used telemetry data to investigate relationships between influenza infection and movement behavior in 165 individuals from four species of North American waterfowl that overwinter in California, USA. We studied both large-scale migratory and local overwintering movements and found that relationships between influenza infection and movement patterns varied among species. Northern pintails (Anas acuta) with antibodies to avian influenza, indicating prior infection, made migratory stopovers that averaged 12 days longer than those with no influenza antibodies. In contrast, greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) with antibodies to avian influenza made migratory stopovers that averaged 15 days shorter than those with no antibodies. Canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria) that were actively infected with influenza upon capture in the winter delayed spring migration by an average of 28 days relative to birds that were uninfected at the time of capture. At the local scale, northern pintails and canvasbacks that were actively infected with influenza used areas that were 7.6 and 4.9 times smaller than those of uninfected ducks, respectively, during the period of presumed active influenza infection. We found no evidence for an influence of active influenza infection on local movements of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). These results suggest that avian influenza can influence waterfowl movements and illustrate that the relationships between avian influenza infection and wild bird movements are context- and species-dependent. More generally, understanding and predicting the spread of multihost pathogens requires studying multiple taxa across space and time

    Quality of Resuscitative Care Provided to an Infant with Abusive Head Trauma in Community Emergency Departments: An In Situ, Prospective Simulation-Based Study

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    Objectives Abusive head trauma (AHT) is a very common and serious form of physical abuse, and a major cause of mortality and morbidity for young children. Early Recognition and supportive care of children with AHT is a common challenge in community emergency department (CEDs). We hypothesized that standardized, in situ simulation can be used to measure and compare the quality of resuscitative measures provided to children with AHT in a diverse set of CEDs. Methods This prospective, simulation-based study measured teams' performance across CEDs. The primary outcome was overall adherence to AHT using a 15-item performance assessment checklist based on the number of tasks performed correctly on the checklist. Results Fifty-three multiprofessional teams from 18 CEDs participated in the study. Of 270 participants, 20.7% were physicians, 65.2% registered nurses, and 14.1% were other providers. Out of all tasks, assessment of airway/breathing was the most successfully conducted task by 53/53 teams (100%). Although 43/53 teams (81%) verbalized the suspicion for AHT, only 21 (39.6%) of 53 teams used hyperosmolar agent, 4 (7.5%) of 53 teams applied cervical spine collar stabilization, and 6 (11.3%) of 53 teams raised the head of the bed. No significant difference in adherence to the checklist was found in the CEDs with an inpatient pediatric service or these with designated adult trauma centers compared with CEDs without. Community emergency departments closer to the main academic center outperformed CEDs these that are further away. Conclusions This study used in situ simulation to describe quality of resuscitative care provided to an infant presenting with AHT across a diverse set of CEDs, revealing variability in the initial recognition and stabilizing efforts and provided and targets for improvement. Future interventions focusing on reducing these gaps could improve the performance of CED providers and lead to improved patient outcomes

    Decompression for Chiari malformation type II in individuals with myelomeningocele in the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of decompression for Chiari malformation type II in individuals with myelomeningocele in the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry (NSBPR). In addition, the authors explored the variation in rates of Chiari II decompression across NSBPR institutions, examined the relationship between Chiari II decompression and functional lesion level of the myelomeningocele, age, and need for tracheostomy, and they evaluated for temporal trends in rates of Chiari II decompression. Methods: The authors queried the NSBPR to identify all individuals with myelomeningocele between 2009 and 2015. Among these patients, they identified individuals who had undergone at least 1 Chiari II decompression as well as those who had undergone tracheostomy. For each participating NSBPR institution, the authors calculated the proportion of patients enrolled at that site who underwent Chiari II decompression. Logistic regression was performed to analyze the relationship between Chiari II decompression, functional lesion level, age at decompression, and history of tracheostomy. Results: Of 4448 individuals with myelomeningocele identified from 26 institutions, 407 (9.15%) had undergone at least 1 Chiari II decompression. Fifty-one patients had undergone tracheostomy. Logistic regression demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between Chiari II decompression and functional lesion level of the myelomeningocele, with a more rostral lesion level associated with a higher likelihood of posterior fossa decompression. Similarly, children born before 2005 and those with history of tracheostomy had a significantly higher likelihood of Chiari II decompression. There was no association between functional lesion level and need for tracheostomy. However, among those children who underwent Chiari II decompression, the likelihood of also undergoing tracheostomy increased significantly with younger age at decompression. Conclusions: The rate of Chiari II decompression in patients with myelomeningocele in the NSBPR is consistent with that in previously published literature. There is a significant relationship between Chiari II decompression and functional lesion level of the myelomeningocele, which has not previously been reported. Younger children who undergo Chiari II decompression are more likely to have undergone tracheostomy. There appears to be a shift away from Chiari II decompression, as children born before 2005 were more likely to undergo Chiari II decompression than those born in 2005 or later

    Genetic association study of QT interval highlights role for calcium signaling pathways in myocardial repolarization.

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    The QT interval, an electrocardiographic measure reflecting myocardial repolarization, is a heritable trait. QT prolongation is a risk factor for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD) and could indicate the presence of the potentially lethal mendelian long-QT syndrome (LQTS). Using a genome-wide association and replication study in up to 100,000 individuals, we identified 35 common variant loci associated with QT interval that collectively explain ∌8-10% of QT-interval variation and highlight the importance of calcium regulation in myocardial repolarization. Rare variant analysis of 6 new QT interval-associated loci in 298 unrelated probands with LQTS identified coding variants not found in controls but of uncertain causality and therefore requiring validation. Several newly identified loci encode proteins that physically interact with other recognized repolarization proteins. Our integration of common variant association, expression and orthogonal protein-protein interaction screens provides new insights into cardiac electrophysiology and identifies new candidate genes for ventricular arrhythmias, LQTS and SCD

    Too Big to Fail — U.S. Banks’ Regulatory Alchemy: Converting an Obscure Agency Footnote into an “At Will” Nullification of Dodd-Frank’s Regulation of the Multi-Trillion Dollar Financial Swaps Market

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    The multi-trillion-dollar market for, what was at that time wholly unregulated, over-the-counter derivatives (“swaps”) is widely viewed as a principal cause of the 2008 worldwide financial meltdown. The Dodd-Frank Act, signed into law on July 21, 2010, was expressly considered by Congress to be a remedy for this troublesome deregulatory problem. The legislation required the swaps market to comply with a host of business conduct and anti-competitive protections, including that the swaps market be fully transparent to U.S. financial regulators, collateralized, and capitalized. The statute also expressly provides that it would cover foreign subsidiaries of big U.S. financial institutions if their swaps trading could adversely impact the U.S. economy or represent the use of extraterritorial trades as an attempt to “evade” Dodd-Frank. In July 2013, the CFTC promulgated an 80-page, triple-columned, and single-spaced “guidance” implementing Dodd-Frank’s extraterritorial reach, i.e., that manner in which Dodd-Frank would apply to swaps transactions executed outside the United States. The key point of that guidance was that swaps trading within the “guaranteed” foreign subsidiaries of U.S. bank holding company swaps dealers were subject to all of Dodd-Frank’s swaps regulations wherever in the world those subsidiaries’ swaps were executed. At that time, the standardized industry swaps agreement contemplated that, inter alia, U.S. bank holding company swaps dealers’ foreign subsidiaries would be “guaranteed” by their corporate parent, as was true since 1992. In August 2013, without notifying the CFTC, the principal U.S. bank holding company swaps dealer trade association privately circulated to its members standard contractual language that would, for the first time, “deguarantee” their foreign subsidiaries. By relying only on the obscure footnote 563 of the CFTC guidance’s 662 footnotes, the trade association assured its swaps dealer members that the newly deguaranteed foreign subsidiaries could (if they so chose) no longer be subject to Dodd-Frank. As a result, it has been reported (and it also has been understood by many experts within the swaps industry) that a substantial portion of the U.S. swaps market has shifted from the large U.S. bank holding companies swaps dealers and their U.S. affiliates to their newly deguaranteed “foreign” subsidiaries, with the attendant claim by these huge big U.S. bank swaps dealers that Dodd-Frank swaps regulation would not apply to these transactions. The CFTC also soon discovered that these huge U.S. bank holding company swaps dealers were “arranging, negotiating, and executing” (“ANE”) these swaps in the United States with U.S. bank personnel and, only after execution in the U.S., were these swaps formally “assigned” to the U.S. banks’ newly “deguaranteed” foreign subsidiaries with the accompanying claim that these swaps, even though executed in the U.S., were not covered by Dodd-Frank. In October 2016, the CFTC proposed a rule that would have closed the “deguarantee” and “ANE” loopholes completely. However, because it usually takes at least a year to finalize a “proposed” rule, this proposed rule closing the loopholes in question was not finalized prior to the inauguration of President Trump. All indications are that it will never be finalized during a Trump Administration. Thus, in the shadow of the recent tenth anniversary of the Lehman failure, there is an understanding among many market regulators and swaps trading experts that large portions of the swaps market have moved from U.S. bank holding company swaps dealers and their U.S. affiliates to their newly deguaranteed foreign affiliates where Dodd- Frank swaps regulation is not being followed. However, what has not moved abroad is the very real obligation of the lender of last resort to rescue these U.S. swaps dealer bank holding companies if they fail because of poorly regulated swaps in their deguaranteed foreign subsidiaries, i.e., the U.S. taxpayer. While relief is unlikely to be forthcoming from the Trump Administration or the Republican-controlled Senate, some other means will have to be found to avert another multi-trillion-dollar bank bailout and/or a financial calamity caused by poorly regulated swaps on the books of big U.S. banks. This paper notes that the relevant statutory framework affords state attorneys general and state financial regulators the right to bring so-called “parens patriae” actions in federal district court to enforce, inter alia, Dodd- Frank on behalf of a state’s citizens. That kind of litigation to enforce the statute’s extraterritorial provisions is now badly needed

    Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016