1,031 research outputs found

    Dynamical analysis of the interaction between object location and hand use in a midline crossing task in children with trisomy 21

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of spatial constraints on the hand use in children with trisomy 21. Methods: Participants were 31 children with trisomy (13.35 ± 2.78 years old, 18 girls) (T21) and 38 children with typical development (8.62±.79 years old, 22 girls) (TD), with similar APGAR scores at birth (1 mn and 5 mn), but with significantly different mental age in Goodenough test. Children grasped seven colored Styrofoam balls in a semi-circumference arraying; in a pseudorandom condition (R) and in a scaling condition (increasing sequence [IS]- from left to right hemispace; decreasing sequence [DS]- from right to left hemispace). Results: In the R, TD displayed a significantly greater frequency of midline crossing than T21, as in the DS; but not in the IS condition. T21 showed significantly larger hysteresis in the left hemispace, as well as in the midline location, but not in the right hemispace. In R, IS and DS, no significant differences were observed between TD and T21 in the frequency of left-hand use. Conclusion: Spatial constraints highly determined T21 hand-use, as clearly expressed in the pattern of midline crossing and of hysteresis. In T21, the scaling procedure permitted the detection of patterns of interaction among spatial and intrinsic constraints, that the traditional R procedure would not. This perceptual-motor pattern of behavior should be considered as criteria in the planning of perceptual-motor intervention for children with T21. We propose the “task constraints attunement hypothesis”, suggesting that T21 children (and, probably others with developmental problems) reveal more left-handedness and less asymmetry because they are compelled to use the hand in accordance with spatial constraints.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Virtual reality at nuclear issues: a review study

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    Recently, several applications using concepts related to virtual reality has been proposed to help on solving issues of great interest in Nuclear Engineering. Among them are power plant's control rooms simulators; measurement of the estimated radiation dose in a nuclear power plant; use of game engines to create virtual environments to support evacuation planning of buildings and circulation in areas subjected to radiation; development of a man - machine interface based on speech recognition; virtual control tables for simulation of nuclear power plants; evacuation plans support; security teams training and evaluation of physical protection barriers; ergonomic evaluation of control rooms, and other ones. Many of these applications are developed at Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), having their results published in form of articles in periodicals and conferences. This article presents a review of some of these studies showing the evolution in the use of these concepts, describing some of its results and showing prospects for future applications that can make use of virtual reality technology

    Estágio na marca Georgia Hardinge

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    A Moda de Autor Sustentável no Reino Unido é o objeto de estudo do estágio, dado que a temática da sustentabilidade é uma preocupação cada vez maior no mundo da moda, verificando-se cada vez mais o surgimento de Marcas de Moda Sustentável e a incorporação deste conceito em marcas fortes do mercado. Por outro lado, também se observa o surgimento de um consumidor cada vez mais consciente desta problemática, exigindo das marcas uma maior responsabilidade social e ambiental. A realização do estágio constituiu um importante contributo para o aprofundamento de conhecimentos e experiências a nível pessoal e profissional na área da moda e da moda sustentável, através do contacto direto com todo o processo criativo de um atelier que utiliza uma metodologia muito própria e que aplica no seu processo produtivo opções sustentáveis. A investigação sobre o tema teve como ponto de partida os projetos desenvolvidos, em contexto de estágio curricular, no atelier da designer Georgia Hardinge. Para este estudo, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de natureza mista, intervencionista e não intervencionista, de base qualitativa e quantitativa, que permitiu um conhecimento alargado da temática da sustentabilidade, em termos gerais e, em particular, na área da moda, indústria têxtil e do vestuário. Na fase dedicada ao desenvolvimento dos projetos no atelier, recorreu-se a uma metodologia intervencionista, a investigação ativa. Esta experiência foi enriquecedora para a mestranda, e impulsionadora de novos conhecimentos, técnicas e processos de trabalho, contribuindo também para a qualidade dos projetos desenvolvidos durante o estágio.Abstract : Sustainable Fashion in the United Kingdom is the object of study of this internship, given that the theme of sustainability is a increasing concern in the fashion world, with the emergence of Sustainable Fashion Brands and the incorporation of this concept in strong brands in the market. On the other hand, there is also the emergence of a consumer that is increasingly aware of this issue, demanding from brands greater social and environmental responsibility. This internship has an important contribution to the deepening of knowledge and experiences at a personal and professional level in the area of fashion and sustainable fashion, through direct contact with all of the studio’s creative work and the use of its own methodology and how it is applied in its sustainable production. The investigation on the subject had as a starting point the projects developed, in the context of curricular internship, in the studio of designer Georgia Hardinge. For this study, it was developed a mixed methodology, interventionist and non-interventionist, with a qualitative and quantitative basis, which allowed a broad knowledge of the theme of sustainability, in general terms and, in particular, in the area of fashion, textile industry and the clothing. In the phase dedicated to the development of the projects in the studio, it was used an interventionist methodology, active research. This experience was enriching for the Master's student, and boosted new knowledge, techniques and work processes, also contributing to the quality of the projects developed during the internship

    É preciso haver feministas? O estudo do movimento feminista nas aulas de História e Geografia de Portugal como estratégia de promoção para a Cidadania Global

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    Relatório Final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Português e História e Geografia de Portugal no 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico apresentado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO presente relatório condensa o percurso pedagógico efetuado no decorrer da intervenção em contexto educativo no ano letivo de 2018/2019. Nele se apresentam as sequências didáticas implementadas nas diferentes áreas curriculares, os materiais pedagógicos desenvolvidos, o envolvimento na comunidade educativa e apresenta-se o estudo desenvolvido no âmbito da temática relacionada com as conquistas feministas. Começamos por realizar o enquadramento das duas intervenções em contexto pedagógico realizadas, uma no 1º CEB e outra no 2º CEB, mas também, apresentamos o estudo realizado na disciplina de História e Geografia de Portugal, no 6º ano de escolaridade, no âmbito da Educação para o Desenvolvimento. Desta forma, e tendo presente como missão do professor, em particular do professor de HGP, a necessidade de formar os jovens para o respeito pelos Direitos Humanos e para a solidariedade, optamos por centrar o nosso estudo numa temática muito particular da Educação para a Cidadania Global: a conquista da igualdade através das lutas feministas. Assim, partindo da comparação da Constituição de 1933 com a Constituição de 1976, no que respeita ao entendimento do papel da mulher na sociedade, desenvolvemos um estudo que teve como propósito conhecer as ideias que os alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade apresentavam relativamente à problemática. Era nossa intenção promover o debate sobre o tema e pensar, em conjunto, as soluções ao alcance de todos para minimizar a desigualdade social, nomeadamente, a desigualdade social estabelecida pelo sexo. Neste contexto, a investigação contou com a participação de 19 alunos, tendo-se optado por um paradigma de investigação qualitativo, com algum tratamento quantitativo. Como técnicas de recolha de dados recorremos à observação direta, ao inquérito por questionário e à análise documental. Pelos resultados obtidos, foi-nos possível concluir que se reveste de sentido pedagógico integrar a Educação para a Cidadania Global, em temas como o Feminismo, nas aprendizagens de História e Geografia de Portugal. Os alunos demonstraram uma evolução positiva ao estabelecer a comparação entre as ideias pré-concebidas e as ideias resultantes após a mudança concetual conseguida através da implementação de uma sequência didática bem estruturada. Concluímos o trabalho com uma reflexão global sobre o caminho e os desafios alcançado que nos permitiu crescer profissionalmente.This report condenses the pedagogical path taken during the intervention in the educational context in the 2018/2019 school year. It presents the didactic sequences implemented in the different curricular areas, the pedagogical materials developed, the involvement in the educational community and the study developed within the theme related to feminist achievements. We begin by framing the two interventions in the pedagogical context, one in the 1st CEB and another in the 2nd CEB, but also, we present the study conducted in the discipline of History and Geography of Portugal, in the 6th grade, in the context of Education for the development. Thus, and bearing in mind the mission of the teacher, particularly the HGP teacher, the need to train young people to respect human rights and solidarity, we chose to focus our study on a very particular theme of Citizenship Education. Global: the achievement of equality through feminist struggles. Thus, starting from the comparison of the Constitution of 1933 with the Constitution of 1976, regarding the understanding of the role of women in society, we developed a study that aimed to know the ideas that the students of the 6th grade presented about the problem. It was our intention to promote the debate on the subject and to think together about solutions available to all to minimize social inequality, namely the social inequality established by sex. In this context, the research had the participation of 19 students, having opted for a qualitative research paradigm, with some quantitative treatment. As data collection techniques we resorted to direct observation, questionnaire inquiry and document analysis. From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that it is of pedagogical sense to integrate Global Citizenship Education, in themes such as Feminism, in the learning of History and Geography of Portugal. Students demonstrated a positive evolution by comparing preconceived ideas with resulting ideas after conceptual change achieved through the implementation of a well-structured teaching sequence. We conclude the work with a global reflection on the path and challenges achieved that allowed us to grow professionally

    Enciclopédia da União Europeia

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    Simbolicamente publicada no sexagésimo aniversário da assinatura dos Tratados de Roma que criaram a Comunidade Económica Europeia e a Comunidade Europeia da Energia Atómica, esta obra pretende tornar acessível a um público diversificado, conceitos, teorias, instituições, políticas, acontecimentos e personalidades fundamentais para compreender a natureza e o funcionamento da União Europeia

    A cultura na disciplina de espanhol língua-cultura estrangeira : um estudo de caso didactológico no 3.º ciclo do ensino básico em Portugal

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    Posicionando-se no ponto de confluência da Didactologia das Línguas-Culturas, da Didática do Espanhol e da Supervisão Pedagógico-didática correspondente, o presente Relatório de Estágio, que emerge no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais do Centro Regional de Braga da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, tem por propósito essencial – enquanto texto de índole dissertativa – proceder à reportação do estudo e da investigação respetiva sobre a abordagem educacional de carácter didactológico da problemática da (inter-)relação das componentes língua e cultura na disciplina de Espanhol Língua-Cultura Estrangeira, no âmbito do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico português. Tendo em consideração os referenciais científicos da Educação em e pelas Línguas-Culturas, o estudo constata que o princípio didactológico de consubstancialidade da língua e da cultura não é objeto de consideração nos registos didactográficos de suporte das práticas de ensino-aprendizagem do Espanhol Língua-Cultura Estrangeira no contexto escolar português. Em resultado dessa constatação, o estudo, cuja execução tem por referência o quadro da prática de ensino supervisionada da componente disciplinar de Espanhol do Estágio da autora do presente documento dissertativo, prática de ensino essa que se verificou no ano escolar de 2013/2014, assenta, em termos de prioridade educacional, uma abordagem didactológica da problemática correspondente. A investigação objeto de reportação no presente Relatório de Estágio apresenta um projeto de conceção, construção e produção prototípicas de registos didactográficos de suporte de ensino-aprendizagem suscetíveis de proporcionar e evidenciar a relevância tanto declarativa como procedural do princípio didactológico de consubstancialidade das componentes do objeto língua-cultura na disciplina de Espanhol Língua-Cultura Estrangeira no âmbito do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico português. Os resultados globais do estudo em geral e da investigação respetiva em particular permitem avançar que a adoção dos referenciais didactológicos de consubstancialidade da língua e da cultura podem ser considerados em termos essenciais e operatórios no plano didactográfico do Espanhol Língua-Cultura Estrangeira no quadro da disciplina escolar correspondente no âmbito do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico português contemporâneo.The present Training Report is positioned at the point of confluence of Didactology of Languages-Cultures, of the Spanish Teaching and the corresponding Pedagogical-didactic supervision, which emerges under the Master in Teaching of Portuguese at the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and at the Secondary Education, and Spanish at the Basic and Secondary Education of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Regional Centre of Braga of the Portuguese Catholic University. Its essential purpose, while an essay, is to report the study and respective research of the educational approach under a didactological point of view of the problem of (inter)relationship of language and culture components in the discipline of Spanish Foreign Language-Culture at the Portuguese 3rd Cycle of Basic Education. Taking into account the scientific referential systems on and by Languages-Cultures, this study finds that the didactological consubstantiality of the language and culture is not considered within the didactographic records that support the teaching-learning practices of Spanish Foreign Language-Culture in the Portuguese school context. As a result of this finding, this study, whose implementation has by framework the supervised teaching practice of Spanish as the disciplinary component of the training of the author of the present document, a teaching practice that took place in the school year 2013/2014, is based in terms of educational priority, a didactolgical approach of the corresponding problematic. The research whose results are described in this Training Report presents a project of conception, construction and production that is prototypical of dictatographical records supporting teaching-learning, which are capable to supply and show the relevance as much declarative as procedural of the didactological consubstantiality principle of the components of the object language-culture in the discipline Spanish Foreign Language-Culture under the Portuguese 3rd Cycle of Basic Education. The overall results of this study, in general, and the respective research results, in particular, allow to conclude that the adoption of the didactological referential system of consubstantiality of the language and culture can be considered in essential and operative terms in the didactographical plan of Spanish Language-Culture Foreign within the corresponding school discipline at the contemporary Portuguese 3rd Cycle of Basic Education

    Current Progress and Future Perspectives on the Use of Bacillus clausii

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    Bacillus clausii is a probiotic that benefits human health. Its key characteristics include the ability to form spores; the resulting tolerance to heat, acid, and salt ensures safe passage through the human gastrointestinal tract with no loss of cells. Although B. clausii has been widely used for many decades, the beneficial properties of other probiotics, such as Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp., are better disseminated in the literature. In this review, we summarize the physiological, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory properties of probiotic B. clausii strains. We also describe findings from studies that have investigated B. clausii probiotics from the perspective of quality and safety. We highlight innovative properties based on biochemical investigations of non-probiotic strains of B. clausii, revealing that B. clausii may have further health benefits in other therapeutic areas

    Users’ perception of satisfaction of the eletronic information system – SEI in the Instituto Federal de Rondônia

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    Public institutions in Brazil have undergone a major process of digitization of their procedures and services following the precepts of Industry 4.0. In this scenario, Instituto Feral da Rondônia - IFRO sought to increase its efficiency with the adoption of the Electronic Information System - SEI, adopted in 2017. The following investigation sought to know the perception of satisfaction of users of the system through the adapted application of the Model of Technology Acceptance (TAM). This is an exploratory investigation of a quantitative nature that sought to validate or reject hypotheses through the application of a questionnaire. The collected data showed that the various analyzed constructs had a positive relationship with each other, making it possible to validate all the research hypotheses. It was concluded that IFRO employees perceived the usefulness of the SEI and that this perception significantly influenced the intention to use the system and the quality, agility and planning of work in the institution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio