518 research outputs found

    The Impact of Vaccination on Grand Rapids Public Schools’ Students

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    The focus of our project was to analyze the amount of children vaccinated in Grand Rapids Public Schools. After determining the percentage of vaccinated children, we planned to implement an intervention to promote vaccination education to parents in the Grand Rapids area as well as increase awareness of the detrimental complications of refusing vaccinations. As one of the focuses of our project, we decided to create a set of pamphlets. We focused on two main vaccines: the MMR vaccine and the Influenza Vaccine. After we gathered information about the two different vaccines, we compiled this information into an organized manner on two separate brochures. Being that our population focused on the Grand Rapids Public Schools, we recognized that there was a large population of spanish speaking families. Since this was the case, we decided to translate both the Influenza Vaccine brochure and the MMR vaccine brochure into Spanish. We reached out to a medical employee who works at MED-1 Occupational Health Services, in which her first language was Spanish. This helped us to ensure that our translation pamphlets were both accurate and presented in a manner that would make sense to this specific population

    The effect of the Colombian trade liberalisation process on the evolution of its international trade

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    113 p.The thesis examines empirically the extent to which Colombia's trade liberalisation, as a government strategy to boost its exports, has helped to balance its structural trade deficit. Based on the trade gravity model theory, we determine the factors that promote and/or hinder Colombian international trade, focusing on the impact of variables related to trade integration processes, particularly in the variable of free trade agreements. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of the Colombian institutional quality on its exports and we delve into the impact generated for Colombian trade by the entry into force of the agreement with the European Union, an agreement that is one of the main treaties in relation to the amounts traded. The results confirm an adverse effect of the Colombian trade liberalisation process evidenced in the deepening of the country's trade balance. However, if it is analysed by type of traded good, it is observed that this process has promoted exports of non-fuel goods, although the growth of imports of this type of goods is greater. It also indicates that improving the country's institutional quality could be an important factor in promoting its exports. Finally, the analysis of the FTA with the EU establishes that this factor does not generate any (insignificant) effect on Colombian exports to the EU, although it promotes its imports

    Aluminum inhibits hemoglobin synthesis but enhances iron uptake in friend erythroleukemia cells

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    Aluminum inhibits hemoglobin synthesis but enhances iron uptake in Friend erythroleukemia cells. Aluminum (Al) overload in dialysis patients and experimental animals is associated with the development of anemia. However, the precise mechanisms of erythrocyte Al uptake and toxicity are poorly understood. Al accumulation, hemoglobin (Hb) synthesis and cell growth were evaluated in dimethysulfoxide (DMSO)-induced Friend erythroleukemia cells (FEC), a model system for erythroid differentiation. FEC were grown in media containing either Al citrate, transferrin-aluminum (Tf-Al), Tf or no additions. Al accumulation occurring only in cells grown in Tf-Al containing media was detected at 24 hours and increased linearly up to 96 hours after induction. By 96 hours, 200 ± 36 µg Al/liter lysed cells were detected in Tf-Al grown cells versus 5 ± 1 µg Al/liter lysed cells in cells grown in Al citrate (P < 0.001). Tf-Al inhibited Hb synthesis at 72 hours after induction. At 96 hours 50 ± 15% cells were benzidine positive when grown in Tf-Al compared to 76 ± 15% in Al citrate (P < 0.001). FEC grown in increasing concentrations of Tf-Al (100 to 500 µg/ml) showed inhibition of Hb synthesis at lower concentrations of Tf-Al at 100 µg/ml than for cell growth at 300 µg/ml. Higher concentrations of Tf-Al (>300 µg/ml) did not further inhibit Hb synthesis or cell growth. Iron (Fe) and Tf uptake were increased in Al loaded FEC compared to control cells. The increased Tf uptake was probably the result of increased Tf receptor expression on FEC since Tf cell cycling time was unchanged. These data indicate that Al utilizes the Tf uptake pathway for entry into erythrocyte precursors. Al is toxic at sites distal to Fe uptake, possibly at the heme and/or globin synthetic pathways, resulting in decreased Hb synthesis and cell growth

    The Impact of Vaccination on Grand Rapids Public Schools\u27 Students

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    Central Focus: The focus of this paper is to analyze the amount of children vaccinated in the Kent County School District. After determining the percentage of vaccinated children, we plan to implement an intervention to promote vaccination education to parents in the Grand Rapids area as well as increase awareness of the detrimental complications of refusing vaccinations. We are going to interview administrators in the school districts in Kent County, along with school nurses and Primary Care Providers to determine what they believe the issues surrounding the vaccination rates in this area are. After obtaining this information, we are going to create an intervention to promote awareness of the need for vaccinations in the form of an educational session, handout, or pamphlet. Higher rates of vaccination amongst school-aged children provide protection not only for the recipient, but for the student population and society as a whole

    Haplotype analysis and genetic variability of Togninia minima from different geographic sources

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    Togninia minima (anamorph Phaeoacremonium aleophilum) is one of the main fungi responsible for trunk diseases of grapevines and other woody hosts worldwide. Sequences of protein-coding genes of isolates from countries in different continents have been published, presenting a useful resource for examination of the diversity and spatial distribution of T. minima genotypes. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detected in public sequences of the actin and partial β-tubulin genes were used to assess the genetic variability and to determine haplotypes of isolates of this species from different sources. The Italian sample showed the greatest allele number and the largest number of haplotypes. Most haplotypes were present in more than one country, except for haplotype 11010 which was found only in Italy and 10111 found only in Canada. Haplotype 11111 was the most conspicuous and cosmopolitan, being present in six countries and on three host plant species. One observed polymorphism in the non-coding region of the β-tubulin gene could be targeted with allele-specific primers to detect this particular haplotype

    Caracterización de la Población Estudiantil del Centro Educativo Bachillerato en Bienestar Rural (c.e.b.b.r.), a partir del anexo 6 a del sistema de matrícula estudiantil de Educación Básica y Media – Sistema Integrado de Matrículas (SIMAT)

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    La educación en Colombia como en toda sociedad es un componente vital para el desarrollo del territorio, la población al igual que de su economía sin perder claro está la vitalidad del componente cultural. A través de la historia los diferentes gobiernos han implementado una serie de políticas públicas a fin de potenciar la educación, sin embargo las zonas rurales por su situación geográfica de difícil acceso han impedido una mayor cobertura sumado al quebranto de la articulación entre las zonas rurales y urbanas, sin perder de vista claro está el conflicto armado que ha hecho presencia en mayor proporción en zonas rurales de todo el contexto nacional. En los últimos años se ha venido trabajando más el tema de la inclusión social a los procesos tales como los educativos, como es el caso del bachillerato rural desarrollado en el departamento de Risaralda el cual ha beneficiado ampliamente a muchas personas las cuales no habían podido por diferentes razones o situaciones acceder a la educación

    Developing Entrepreneurship Programs to Assist New Destination Latino Immigrants

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    Presentation made at Latinos in the Heartland (12th : 2014 : St. Louis, Mo.) and published in the annual conference proceedingAs part of an integrated research and outreach program designed to better understand and to ultimately assist Latino entrepreneurs to establish businesses in Arkansas, educational materials and a pilot training program were developed. The results showed a renewed interest in business start-ups and expansions. Additionally, the pilot training created linkages between Latino entrepreneurs, community members, and business leaders, and also created a greater awareness of Latino concerns. Over the past two decades, many areas of the U.S. have experienced substantial in-migration of Latinos from Mexico and Meso-America. As the Latino populations have expanded, these migrants' participation in business creation has also expanded. However, a study of Latino business owners identified language and cultural barriers to establishing businesses, which are in addition to more typical barriers confronting entrepreneurs. These barriers were often found to be unique to the community in which the entrepreneurs resided. The educational materials combined existing entrepreneurship training resources with locally focused information to address the unique concerns of Latino entrepreneurs in Arkansas. The pilot training program was conducted in two rural communities with substantial Latino populations. The topics covered in the workshops were those identified as most important by Latino entrepreneurs. This paper and presentation will explain the process for developing the educational materials and pilot training, describe the educational materials created for the target audience, and present the findings and key components of a successful outreach effort to Latino entrepreneurs

    El ‘gran método’ de Foucault: Una arqueología-genealógica y una genealogía-arqueológica

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    Usualmente se ha considerado que el trabajo de Foucault está atravesando por dos métodosprincipalmente: la arqueología y la genealogía. Dos métodos diferentes e inclusoexcluyentes entre sí, siendo el primero reemplazado por el segundo. Sin embargo, estetrabajo propone que se puede interpretar la metodología foucaultiana, no desde dosmétodos diferentes, sino desde un único método que incluye a los dos mencionados comoejes fundamentales e imbricados necesariamente, de tal forma que no se pueden separa