255 research outputs found

    The flavonoid constituents of Leucaena Leucocephala growning in Egypt, and their biological activity

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    Background: Leucaena leucocephala is native to Southern Mexico and Northern Central America, but is now naturalized throughout the tropics. The phyto-chemical data of L. leucocephala revealed the presence of terpenes, flavonoids, coumarins and sterols. Various parts of L. leucocephala have been reported to have medicinal properties.Materials and Methods: Flavonoids were isolated from the aerial parts of L. leucocephala. Antioxidant activity of the extracts and the isolated compounds was evaluated using (DPPH), as well as their cytotoxic activity using a single tumor [Ehrlish ascites carcinoma cells].Results: The flavonoidal constituents isolated from chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol fractions of the aqueous alcoholic extract of aerial parts of Leucaena leucocephala were identified as Caffeic acid, Isorhamnetin, Chrysoeriol, Isorhamnetin 3-O-galactoside, Kaempferol-3-O-rubinoside, Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside and Luteolin-7-glucoside. Chemical structures of the isolated compounds were identified by TLC, PC and spectral techniques (UV, 1H -NMR and MS). The ethyl acetate fraction and the isolated flavonoidal compounds showed high antioxidant activity compared to Trolox (standard antioxidant compound). The different fractions and isolated compounds of Leucaena leucocephala exhibited no cytotoxic activity against Ehrlich- ascitis carcinoma cell line at the tested concentrations.Conclusion: This is the first record of the flavonoids in the aerial parts of Leucaena leucocephala (L.) except Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside.Key words: Leucaena leucocephala., Flavonoids, Antioxidant, cytotoxic activity

    Student Experience of Access to Egyptian Higher Education.

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    Focusing on the relationship between Higher Education (HE) and social justice in Egypt, this study attempts to identify the main socioeconomic factors affecting HE access in Egypt from the students' perspective through tracing and comparing students' narratives of their access processes in distinctively different socioeconomic settings. The study investigates the perceived effects of the General Secondary Education Certificate (GSEC) students' socioeconomic conditions on determining their academic choices. Different socioeconomic dimensions, such as culture, social conditions and finance are examined. The study also looks at the way students incorporate issues of social justice such as fairness, distribution of resources and social connections into understanding the process of HE access. Following a snowballing approach to recruiting the research participants, 55 students of the Egyptian GSEC took part in the research. The analysis is based on two sets of data: 1) Quantitative data were derived from two questionnaires examining the participants' socioeconomic classes, their perception of their academic experience, their aspirations and attitudes towards HE, determinants of their HE access process, and their views of the (in)equality of the access process. Allocating the participants into 3 socioeconomic groups, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used and cross-tabulation and comparisons were made between the three groups and correlations were examined. 2) Qualitative data were derived from interviews: Narratives of 17 students were sought through comprehensive semi-structured interviews that aimed at capturing the students' perceptions of their journeys through GSEC and the HE access process. The interviewed cases were regarded as instruments to dig into the impact of the socioeconomic factors onto the HE access process. Bourdieu's theory of social and cultural reproduction was drawn upon to explain social inequality as an outcome of inequitable access to HE and socially differentiated educational attainment. The theory provides a framework of understanding that explains how education, rather than becoming a means of social reform and equality, has become a tool for the reproduction of classism. The study also examines social media as a research tool and discusses its potentialities and limitations in social sciences research


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    Background: Leucaena leucocephala is native to Southern Mexico and Northern Central America, but is now naturalized throughout the tropics. The phyto-chemical data of L. leucocephala revealed the presence of terpenes, flavonoids, coumarins and sterols. Various parts of L. leucocephala have been reported to have medicinal properties. Materials and Methods: Flavonoids were isolated from the aerial parts of L. leucocephala. Antioxidant activity of the extracts and the isolated compounds was evaluated using (DPPH), as well as their cytotoxic activity using a single tumor [Ehrlish ascites carcinoma cells]. Results: The flavonoidal constituents isolated from chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol fractions of the aqueous alcoholic extract of aerial parts of Leucaena leucocephala were identified as Caffeic acid, Isorhamnetin, Chrysoeriol, Isorhamnetin 3-O-galactoside, Kaempferol-3-O-rubinoside, Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside and Luteolin-7-glucoside. Chemical structures of the isolated compounds were identified by TLC, PC and spectral techniques (UV, 1H -NMR and MS). The ethyl acetate fraction and the isolated flavonoidal compounds showed high antioxidant activity compared to Trolox (standard antioxidant compound). The different fractions and isolated compounds of Leucaena leucocephala exhibited no cytotoxic activity against Ehrlich- ascitis carcinoma cell line at the tested concentrations. Conclusion: This is the first record of the flavonoids in the aerial parts of Leucaena leucocephala (L.) except Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside


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    Применение 1-, 3- и 6-месячных лекарственных депо-форм лейпрорелина ацетата в гормональной терапии рака предстательной железы в 9 европейских странах: обзор доказательств и экономическая оценка.Введение. Лейпрорелин – хорошо известный агонист лютеинизирующего гормона рилизинг-гормона, используемый в терапии рака предстательной железы (РПЖ) первой линии. В связи с тем, что использование различных лекарственных форм и режимов дозирования влечет определенные материальные расходы, целью нашего исследования являлась оценка эффективности, безопасности и стоимости применения различных лекарственных форм и режимов дозирования в 9 европейских странах: Австрии, Бельгии, Чешской Республике, Венгрии, Италии, Латвии, Нидерландах, Польше, Португалии.Материалы и методы. В результате поиска в базах данных было выявлено 13 клинических исследований с применением лейпрорелина, применяемого в формах для введения 1 раз в месяц (1 М), 1 раз в 3 мес (3 М) и 1 раз в 6 мес (6 М). По всем 3 формам сравнивали только те данные о применении лейпрорелина с системой доставки Атригель, которые характеризовались одинаковой эффективностью, безопасностью и соблюдением предписанного режима терапии. Был проведен анализ минимизации затрат с учетом расходов на лечение препаратом Элигард, консультации специалистов, а также диагностику сроком до 12 мес последующего наблюдения. Анализ был проведен для органов государственного здравоохранения.Результаты. В выборке пациентов «все пациенты, начавшие получать лечение», уровень тестостерона которых составил ≤ 50 нг/дл после лечения препаратом Элигард в формах 1 M (93,3 %), 3 М (98,3 %) и 6 М (97,3 %), существенного различия не наблюдалось (p > 0,05). Также сопоставимыми были профили нежелательных явлений этих 3 форм. В целом форма 6 М была наименее дорогостоящей; средние общие годовые затраты составили от 788 евро (Бельгия) до 1839 евро (Португалия). Вариант использования формы 3 M был более дорогостоящим, затраты на него превышали таковые при применении формы 6 М на 2,5 % (Венгрия) – 37,6 % (Бельгия); использование формы 1 М было наиболее дорогостоящим при увеличении расходов на 15,5 и 151,6 % в сравнении с формой 6 М для этих стран соответственно. Форма 3 M была дешевле в сравнении с формой 1 М на 11,2–45,3 %. Общая сумма затрат была связана с частотой визитов для введения препарата и проведения мониторинга. Для лечения с применением формы 1 M потребовалось 12 визитов, формы 3 M – от 4,4 до 4,8 визита и формы 6 М – от 2,1 до 2,3 визита. До 50 % дополнительных визитов может финансироваться из сэкономленных средств, полученных в результате перевода соответствующих пациентов с форм 1 М и 3 М на форму 6 М. Полученные результаты одномерных и вероятностных анализов чувствительности были стабильными.Вывод. Формы препарата Элигард обеспечивают сопоставимую эффективность и безопасность, однако различные режимы дозирования препарата требуют различной частоты посещения лечебного учреждения пациентами. Лекарственная форма 6 М обеспечивает наибольшую экономию средств и должна рассматриваться в качестве препарата выбора для лечения соответствующих пациентов в Европе

    Body mass index and distribution of body fat can influence sensory detection and pain sensitivity.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of body fat percentage and its distribution on sensory detection and pain sensitivity responses to experimentally induced noxious stimuli in otherwise pain-free individuals. METHODS: Seventy-two participants were divided into three equal groups according to their body mass index (BMI: normal, overweight and obese). Percentage body fat was estimated using a four-site skinfold method. Measurements of cold pressor pain threshold, tolerance and intensity; contact thermal sensory detection and heat pain threshold and tolerance (TSA-II - NeuroSensory Analyzer, Medoc); and blunt pressure pain threshold (algometer, Somedic SenseLab AB) were taken at the waist and thenar eminence. RESULTS: Mean ± SD pressure pain threshold of the obese group (620.72 ± 423.81 kPa) was significantly lower than normal (1154.70 ± 847.18 kPa) and overweight (1285.14 ± 998.89 kPa) groups. Repeated measures ANOVA found significant effects for site for cold detection threshold (F1,68  = 8.3, p = 0.005) and warm detection threshold (F1,68  = 38.69, p = 0.001) with waist having lower sensory detection thresholds than thenar eminence. For heat pain threshold, there were significant effects for site (F1,68  = 4.868, p = 0.031) which was lower for waist compared with thenar eminence (mean difference = 0.89 °C). CONCLUSION: Obese individuals were more sensitive than non-obese individuals to pressure pain but not to thermal pain. Body sites may vary in their response to different types and intensities of stimuli. The inconsistency of findings within and between research studies should catalyse further research in this field. SIGNIFICANCE: This study provided evidence that body mass index and distribution of body fat can influence sensory detection and pain sensitivity. Obese individuals were more sensitive than normal range body mass index individuals to pressure pain but not to thermal pain. Pain response varied according to subcutaneous body fat at different body sites. These findings strengthen arguments that weight loss should be a significant aspect of a pain management programme for obese pain patients

    From the Trenches: A Cross-Sectional Study Applying the GRADE Tool in Systematic Reviews of Healthcare Interventions

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    Background: GRADE was developed to address shortcomings of tools to rate the quality of a body of evidence. While much has been published about GRADE, there are few empirical and systematic evaluations. Objective: To assess GRADE for systematic reviews (SRs) in terms of inter-rater agreement and identify areas of uncertainty. Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive study. Methods: We applied GRADE to three SRs (n = 48, 66, and 75 studies, respectively) with 29 comparisons and 12 outcomes overall. Two reviewers graded evidence independently for outcomes deemed clinically important a priori. Inter-rater reliability was assessed using kappas for four main domains (risk of bias, consistency, directness, and precision) and overall quality of evidence. Results: For the first review, reliability was: k = 0.41 for risk of bias; 0.84 consistency; 0.18 precision; and 0.44 overall quality. Kappa could not be calculated for directness as one rater assessed all items as direct; assessors agreed in 41 % of cases. For the second review reliability was: 0.37 consistency and 0.19 precision. Kappa could not be assessed for other items; assessors agreed in 33 % of cases for risk of bias; 100 % directness; and 58 % overall quality. For the third review, reliability was: 0.06 risk of bias; 0.79 consistency; 0.21 precision; and 0.18 overall quality. Assessors agreed in 100 % of cases for directness. Precision created the most uncertainty due to difficulties in identifying ‘‘optimal’ ’ information size and ‘‘clinica