180 research outputs found

    Evaluating 7th Grade English Textbook Based on Ellis Evaluation Frameworka

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    This study tries to investigate the pedagogical value of 7th grade English textbook taught in Iranian secondary schools based on Ellis (1997) evaluation framework. To reach this aim a micro-evaluation was done to examine all the involved tasks in 8 lessons of this textbook to examine whether the designed and presented tasks are compatible with their intentional purposes or not.The analysis indicated many differences between what the tasks are focusing and what they should focus primarily on. Most of the tasks lack providing adequate opportunity of product and process outcome. The analysis also indicates some problems in integrating the tasks together.The findings of this study provide good insight for language learners, teachers and material developers

    Spirited Women Tell Their Stories: A Study of Bangladeshi Female

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    This dissertation draws on the stories of 34 Bangladeshi women who went to seven Middle Eastern countries, including United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Lebanon and Jordan, as temporary workers during 1995-2010. I interrogate their interactions with migration brokers and employers and offer a complex understanding of their migration journey. My understanding adds to the structural aspect of their migration journey by highlighting the social context of rural Bangladesh from where these women migrate. I argue a nuanced view of these womens engagement with migration brokers from their social and familial circles and their conduct with their employers in Middle East requires a critical consideration of Bangladeshi rural realities. Understanding their behaviour in terms of their rural origins leads to feminist insights into power attentive to social context. By linking a macro-structural lens of power to a feminist meso lens of power in this dissertation, I comprehend their situation with brokers and employers in a nuanced manner and complicate dominant ways of understanding their migration journey. My approach bridges a feminist critical understanding of power relations and a macro-structural understanding of power relations between women and other institutional actors, including migration brokers and employers in womens migration journey. This study generates feminist knowledge by utilizing the methodological approach of Grounded Theory. From a feminist epistemological point of view, this knowledge is particularly important as it is generated by marginalized/ disenfranchised Bangladeshi women and uses their otherwise unappreciated perspectives as the basis of knowledge creation

    Analisis manajemen pemasaran pembiayaan murabahah di BMT Bismillah Sukorejo

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    Aktivitas utama BMT Bismillah adalah menyalurkan dana kepada anggota melalui berbagai macam pembiayaan, diantaranya murabahah, bai’ bitsamanil ajil, qardul hasan (jual beli), mudharabah, musyarakah. Dalam penyaluran dana BMT Bismillah, sangat diperlukan penerapan-penerapan mekanisme yang mencerminkan keadilan, kejujuran dan profesionalisme untuk memberikan pelayanan sesuai nilai-nilai universal agama islam. Manajemen pemasaran merupakan rangkaian kegiatan terarah yang meliputi analisis, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian atas program yang dirancang untuk menciptakan, membentuk dan mempertahankan pertukaran yang menguntungkan dengan pembeli sasaran untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan organisasional.Pada kenyataanya, di BMT Bismillah masih terdapat hambatan-hambatan pada manajemen marketing yang kurang efektif dalam mempromosikan produk murabahah. Oleh karena itu, perlu peningkatan sistem manajemen agar pembiayaan murabahah di BMT Bismillah dapat lebih baik dalam mencapai target. Tugas Akhir ini disusun menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan sumber data diperoleh dari data primer, yakni data field research (penelitian lapangan) melalui wawancara dengan manajer BMT Bismillah Sukorejo, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data sekunder (tidak langsung) yaitu literatur lainnya yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang dikaji. Adapun metode analisis, penulis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang bertujuan mendiskripsikan penerapan manajemen pemasaran pembiayaan murabahah di BMT Bismillah Sukorejo. Dari proses penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa BMT Bismillah dalam penerapan manajemen pemsaran pembiayaan murabahah telah sesuai dengan langkah-langkah manajemen yang ada, akan tetapi perlu pembenahan terhadap langkah perencananaan dan pengorganisasian agar lebih kreatif dan optimal lagi dalam pelaksanaan pemasaran, serta sistim pengendalian harus lebih ketat dalam mengawasi supaya tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Kata kunci : Manajemen Pemasaran Pembiayaan Murabaha

    Strategi Pengembangan Pegawai dalam Prestasi Kerja di Kantor Camat Tukka Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah

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    Fenomena yang terjadi pada Kantor Kecamatan Tukka Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah mengakibatkan rendahnya kualitas pelayanan publik, bahkan mengakibatkan pengguna jasa harus membayar biaya yang mahal (high cost economy). Gambaran buruknya birokrasi (kinerja PNS yang rendah) disebabkan setelah apel pagi masih banyaknya ditemukan para Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang masih berada diluar kantor, bahkan ada yang duduk di warung/kantin, dan ada sebagian berada diluar sehingga masuk jam kerja tidak beraturan. Untuk itu selaku atasan tertinggi yaitu Camat berusaha agar mampu mewujudkan sumber daya manusia (PNS) yang profesional dan berkompetensi dengan pengembangan pegawai yang dilaksanakan atas dasar perpaduan antara sistem prestasi kerja dan karir. Adapun perumusan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut :Bagaimana strategi pengembangan melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan pada pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Tukka Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah.Faktor-faktor dalam meningkatkan prestasi kerja melalui pengembangan pendidikan dan pelatihan pada Kantor Kecamatan Tukka Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung atau observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Metode deskriptif adalah metode yang digunakan untuk meneliti status kelompok manusia, suatu obyek, suatu kondisi dan suatu sistem pemikiran serta peristiwa yang akan terjadi (Burgin, Burhan, 2012: 83). Strategi pengembangan pegawai melalui pendidikan dan pelatihandengan menggunakan bahan dalam bentuk materi, metode serta pelatihan di tempat kerja sehingga pengelolaan pengembangan melalui Diklat Teknis belum dapat terlihat secara maksimal. Faktor-faktor dalam meningkatkan prestasi kerja melalui pengembangan pendidikan dan pelatihan pada Kantor Kecamatan Tukka Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Pasca Diklat yaitu masih kurangnya motivasi dari atasan sehingga kinerja pegawai kurang melaksanakan peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku, sarana dan prasarana yang sudah memadai namun penggunaan sarana prasarana tersebut tidak dipergunakan sesuai aturan.Phenomenon that occursof the Tukka District Office in Central Tapanuli Regency has resulted in low quality of public services, even resulting in service users having to pay high costs (high cost economy). The bad image of bureaucracy (the low performance of civil servants) is because after the morning apples there are still many civil servants who are still outside the office, there are even those who sit in stalls / canteens, and some are outside so that they enter irregular working hours. Therefore, as the highest supervisor, the Camat is trying to be able to realize professional and competent human resources (PNS) with employee development carried out on the basis of a combination of work and career achievement systems. The formulation in this study are as follows: How is the development strategy through education and training for employees of the Tukka District of Central Tapanuli District Office. What factors occur in improving work performance through the development of education and training at the Tukka District Office in Central Tapanuli Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by conducting direct observations or observations, interviews and documentation. Descriptive method is a method used to examine the status of human groups, an object, a condition and a system of thought and events that will occur (Burgin, Burhan, 2012: 83). Employee development strategies through education and training using materials in the form of materials, methods and training in the workplace so that development through Technical Training can not be seen optimally. Factors in improving work performance through the development of education and training in the Tukka District Office in Central Tapanuli Regency Post Training and Education are still increasing motivation from superiors so as to improve the performance of employees who are less applicable regulations, facilities and infrastructure that are available Used according to the rules

    Analisis Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dalam Membangun Karakter Tanggung Jawab Siswa Di Dusun Tahun XI Kecamatan Batang Serangan Kabupaten Langkat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1). Untuk mengetahui pola asuh orang tua dalam membangun karakter tanggung jawab pada anaknya di Dusun Tahun XI, Kecamatan Batang Serangan, Kabupaten Langkat. 2). Untuk mengetahui karakter tanggung jawab anak di Dusun Tahun XI, Kecamatan Batang Serangan, Kabupaten Langkat. 3). Untuk mengetahui kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh orang tua dalam membangun karakter bertanggung jawab sebagai siswa di Dusun Tahun XI, Kecamatan Batang Serangan, Kabupaten Langkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan metode studi kasus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat Dusun Tahun XI, Kecamatan Batang Serangan Kabupaten Langkat terdiri dari 3 orang tua, 3 orang siswa,2 orang teman sebaya, 2 orang tetangga rumah, serta 2 orang pihak dari sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3alat instrument yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil yang didapat peneliti mengenai pola asuh orang tua dalam membangun karakter tanggung jawab yaitu setiap orang tua memiliki cara yang berbeda dalam membangun karakter tanggung jawab, terdiri dari pola asuh autokratis dan demokratis. Terdapat satu orang tua yang memiliki pola asuh autokratis sehingga membuat anak tersebut menjadi terbiasa tangung jawab dan unggul di sekolahnya. Sedangkan dua orang tua lainnya memiliki pola asuh demokratis sehingga membuat satu anak menjadi biasa bertanggung jawab dan satunya lagi belum terbiasa bertanggung jawab dan masih membutuhkan perhatian dari orang tuanya. Pola asuh yang dilakukan pada orang tua dalam membangun karakter tanggung jawab yaitu dengan cara melakukan karakter tanggung jawab tersebut dalam kegiatan sehari-harinya dan juga membutuhkan motivasi dari orang tua tersebut sehingga membuat anak terbiasa melakukan tanggung jawabnya sebagai siswa


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    This paper addresses some of the challenges of gender mainstreaming in the context of a Rwanda-Canada social research project. The study partnership includes a team of academics from the Social Sciences Department at the University of Rwanda and three Canadian universities which are Calgary, St.Thomas and York. The ultimate goal of the research project is to create knowledge that could be used to train social workers to respond appropriately to the complex social issues of post-genocide Rwanda. The research team started by documenting the current practice of social work by Rwandan social workers; it wanted to be sure to understand the influence of indigenous cultures and values in social work practices. Interviews were conducted with 19 social work practitioners in Huye and Gisagara Districts of the Southern Province of Rwanda. The findings about the above stated goal have been published elsewhere. However, the present paper is focusing on the challenges of gender mainstreaming which arose after the field work. In this transnational social research project, the research team realized that it had not adequately addressed the different socio-cultural values of the researchers, particularly their understanding of gender and gender equality. It was found that when research team members/collaborators have different geopolitical locations, gender equal collaboration can be difficult to achieve. The paper reflects on the importance of research collaborators, either locally or transnational, to practice self-reflexivity as they negotiate the issues of power and privilege to produce non-hierarchical and accountable knowledge. The paper suggests that research team members need to be open to discuss the construction of gender and gender equality in both the local and the global context of the research. This research is a reminder that engaging gender throughout the process of transnational social research is crucial to addressing gender equity in post-conflict contexts

    The Performance Of Steam Engine System With Retrofitted Reciprocating Engines

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    Steam engines were one of the early human inventions in power generation technology. They were essential during the Industrial revolution as steam engines are used in ships, locomotives and also factories in driving machineries. At present, there are no available steam engines in the market and it is usually self-developed by using any engines that are available. This project is done to determine the performance of two engines that are available in a steam engine system. The steam engine system is composed of 3 main parts which are the boiler, pressure regulating valve and the steam engine. The boiler which is fueled by LPG is a vertical fire-tube boiler with a 7.5 liter capacity and can operate up to 10 bar of pressure. The pressure regulating valve is a Yoshitake GD-45P which has maximum operating temperature of 220℃ and maximum operating pressure of 2MPa. The steam engines are a 2-stroke engine and a 4-stroke converted 2-stroke engine. The performance of the steam engine system was determined at three different speeds of flywheel by the variation of load and inlet pressure where the speed of the flywheel is maintained. The boiler has the efficiency of 44.68% and can supply power input to the engine up to 5kW. Due to low efficiency and power generated by the boiler, the 4-stroke engine is not suitable to operate in this system. However, for the 2-stroke engine, the highest brake power, indicated power and friction power is 4.01 W, 5.408 kW and 5.405 kW respectively. The highest specific steam consumption is 4075.09 kg/kWh. Besides, the highest mechanical efficiency is 0.127% while the highest specific steam consumption is 4075.09 kg/kWh. A quite low overall efficiency is obtained for the 2-stroke engine in this system which is 0.0523%

    Novel Trajectories of Bromocriptine Antidiabetic Action: Leptin-IL-6/ JAK2/p-STAT3/SOCS3, p-IR/p-AKT/GLUT4, PPAR-γ/Adiponectin, Nrf2/PARP-1, and GLP-1

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    Bromocriptine (BC), a sympatholytic dopaminergic D2 receptor agonist, has been comprehensively used in clinic to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD) and prolactinomas. Besides, BC represents a novel therapeutic option in type 2 diabetes (T2DM); however, the precise mechanisms are not completely unveiled. Hence, the objective of the current work is to clarify the potential molecular pathways of the insulin sensitizing effect of BC in the skeletal muscle of diabetic rats and to evaluate its possible interaction with sitagliptin (SG) as an add-on therapy. Here experimental model impersonates unhealthy dietary habit and T2DM was adopted, in which rats were fed high caloric diet of fat and fructose for 6 weeks followed by a single sub-diabetogenic dose of streptozotocin (STZ) (35 mg/kg; HF/Fr/STZ). Diabetic rats were treated with BC, SG at two dose levels (SG10 and SG20) and combination of BC + SG10 for 2 weeks. BC successfully corrected glucose/lipid profile, as well as leptin and GLP-1. On the muscular molecular level, BC curtailed the inflammatory signal IL-6/JAK2/p-STAT3/SOCS3, while enhanced the PPAR-γ/adiponectin signaling, resulting in activation of the insulin signaling pathway (p-IR/p-AKT/GLUT4). Moreover, BC confirmed its antioxidant capabilities by altering Nrf2 and PARP-1; the study also highlighted novel mechanisms for SG as well. On almost all tested parameters/pathways, the combination regimen surpassed each drug alone to reach a comparable level to the high dose of SG. In conclusion, our finding shed some light on novel anti-diabetic mechanisms of BC. The study also points to the potential use of BC as an adds-on to standard anti-diabetic therapies

    Effects of shinbuto and ninjinto on prostaglandin E2 production in lipopolysaccharide-treated human gingival fibroblasts.

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    Previously, we revealed that several kampo medicines used for patients with excess and/or medium patterns (kakkonto (TJ-1), shosaikoto (TJ-9), hangeshashinto (TJ-14), and orento (TJ-120)) reduced prostaglandin (PG)E2 levels using LPS-treated human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs). Recently, we examined other kampo medicines used for patients with the deficiency pattern [bakumondoto (TJ-29), shinbuto (TJ-30), ninjinto (TJ-32), and hochuekkito (TJ-41)] and the herbs comprising shinbuto and ninjinto using the same experimental model. Shinbuto and ninjinto concentration-dependently reduced LPS-induced PGE2 production by HGFs, whereas hochuekkito weakly reduced and bakumondoto did not reduce PGE2 production. Shinbuto and ninjinto did not alter cyclooxygenase (COX) activity or the expression of molecules involved in the arachidonic acid cascade. Therefore, we next examined which herbs compromising shinbuto and ninjinto reduce LPS-induced PGE2 production. Among these herbs, shokyo (Zingiberis Rhizoma) and kankyo (Zingiberis Processum Rhizoma) strongly and concentration-dependently decreased LPS-induced PGE2 production. However, both shokyo and kankyo increased the expression of cytosolic phospholipase (cPL)A2 but did not affect annexin1 or COX-2 expression. These results suggest that shokyo and kankyo suppress cPLA2 activity. We demonstrated that kampo medicines suppress inflammatory responses in patients with the deficiency pattern, and in those with excess or medium patterns. Moreover, kampo medicines that contain shokyo or kankyo are considered to be effective for the treatment of inflammatory diseases