391 research outputs found


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    A critical analysis of the representation of Yemen crisis in ideologically-loaded newspaper headlines

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    This qualitative research is a critical discourse analysis of the representation of Yemen crisis in ideologically-inclined newspaper headlines of Iran, Arab and the West. A total of 63 headlines were selected as the corpus of this study. The newspapers included Iran Daily, Tehran Times, Iran on-line and IRNA (Islamic republic news agency) from Iranian; Al-sharq Alwsat and Al-Jazeera from Arab; and finally Telegraph, USA Today, News Week, and New York Time from among the Western newspapers. The three dimensional model of Norman Fairclough was employed to explore the specific themes conveyed through the representation of participants and processes about Yemen crisis. The findings showed that the Houthis are introduced as rebels by both Arab and Western newspapers, and that Saudi Arabia plays a protective role against rebels. On the other end, Iran, along with representing Saudis and the westerns as intruders, chooses and promotes a diplomatic way by condemning the military measures and inviting the parties to come up with a diplomatic solution. Meanwhile, the West supports Saudi-led coalition and legitimates Saudi’s attack by proving that the Houthis are Rebels. As for the source of such opposing discourses, it is argued that the opposing ideological views of Islam in the Middle East and the discourse of Secularism in the West lead to contradictory discourses in the region

    Strategic Management Practices: An Investigation of Public Sector Organizations in the Kingdom of Bahrain

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    Several authors argued that strategic planning is limited and not producing the needed outcomes. In today’s increasingly challenging environment, it is argued that public sector organizations are expected to shift from traditional strategic planning to the strategic management approach in order to achieve their desired outcomes. Previous research has focused almost upon developed, and not on developing countries, for instance, the Kingdom of Bahrain. This study will be the first of its kind to focus on strategic management practices based on the new strategy of Bahrain for 2030. Using quantitative survey method, this paper aims to explore the progress of the transition from strategic planning to the strategic management approach in the public sector of Bahrain, and then the paper explores the elements that are related to successful strategic management approach in these organizations. The findings reveal that the progress in the transition from strategic planning to a strategic management approach in most of the organizations surveyed was limited. However, some of the organizations were found to be at the start of such a transition and this may be a good sign. Additionally, the findings reported many leading edge elements that are closely related to this transition

    RMS capacity utilisation: product family and supply chain

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    yesThe paper contributes to development of RMS through linkage with external stakeholders such as customers and suppliers of parts/raw materials to handle demand fluctuations that necessitate information sharing across the supply chain tiers. RMS is developed as an integrated supply chain hub for adjusting production capacity using a hybrid methodology of decision trees and Markov analysis. The proposed Markov Chain model contributes to evaluate and monitor system reconfigurations required due to changes of product families with consideration of the product life cycles. The simulation findings indicate that system productivity and financial performance in terms of the profit contribution of product-process allocation will vary over configuration stages. The capacity of an RMS with limited product families and/or limited model variants becomes gradually inoperative whilst approaching upcoming configuration stages due to the end of product life cycles. As a result, reconfiguration preparation is suggested quite before ending life cycle of an existing product in process, for switching from a product family to a new/another product family in the production range, subject to its present demand. The proposed model is illustrated through a simplified case study with given product families and transition probabilities


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa tugas dan fungsi Dirjen Bea dan Cukai dalam kepabeanan dan bagaimana peranan Dirjen Bea dan Cukai dalam pengawasan pencegahan penyelundupan senjata di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan dapat diambil kesimpulan: Dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsi Dirjen Bea Cukai berpayung pada Undang-Undang No. 39 Tahun 2007 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 1995 tentang Cukai, Dirjen Bea Cukai menentukan bahwa barang yang dimasukan ke dalam daerah pabean telah memenuhi kewajiban yang disyaratkan kepabeanan, dan melakukan pengawasan, pemeriksaan dan penegakan terhadap sarana pengangkut untuk dikeluarkan dari daerah pabean. Bahwa tugas dan fungsi bea cukai dalam pelaksanaan kepabeanan diadakan dan dilakukan dalam rangka untuk kepentingan publik, ekonomi dan kepentingan fase kehidupan berbangsa yang terdiri dari ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan keamanan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.Bea cukai dalam rangka pengawasan pencegahan penyelundupan barang-barang produksi, hasil pertanian termasuk narkoba dan senjata yang keluar masuk pabean adalah salah satu cara untuk mencegah dan mendeteksi adanya pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Pengawasan penyelundupan senjata melalui laut (pelabuhan) dapat diperoleh melalui dokumen-dokumen yang diajukan pada bea cukai, dan untuk penyelundupan yang terjadi di luar tempat kedudukan bea cukai informasinya harus dicari langsung di lapangan atau melalui intelejen agar patroli berjalan lancar. Kegiatan pencegahan penyelundupan senjata oleh bea cukai (kepabeanan) dimulai dari saat kedatangan kapal atau penumpang, pembongkaran barang, pemeriksaan dokumen, pemeriksaan barang, dan penumpang, apabila dalam pemeriksaan tersebut terdapat pelanggaran, maka akan ditindaklanjuti dengan pemindahan atau penyidikan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kata kunci: Bea cukai, Penyelundupan, Senjat

    Point and interval estimation for the logistic distribution based on record data

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    In this paper, based on record data from the two-parameter logistic distribution, the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators for the two unknown parameters are derived. The maximum likelihood estimators and Bayes estimators can not be obtained in explicit forms. We present a simplemethod of deriving explicit maximum likelihood estimators by approximating the likelihood function. Also, an approximation based on the Gibbs sampling procedure is used to obtain the Bayes estimators. Asymptotic confidence intervals, bootstrap confidence intervals and credible intervals are also proposed. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the different proposed methods. Finally, one real data set has been analysed for illustrative purposes

    Cybersecurity governance: A scoping review

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    Purpose: Security measures have become increasingly important due to the expansion of the cyber environments. National and international entities are exposing themselves to cybersecurity risks, and they are growing in number every day. Theoretical Framework: With a comprehensive cybersecurity plan, threats can be eliminated. Implementing this plan is possible by involving all stakeholders in the management processes because the idea of management is insufficient. To ensure cybersecurity, this study highlights the significance of cybersecurity and cybergovernance in the digital world. Design: The study findings and recommendations for cybersecurity governance were reviewed. A scoping review research model was used for this purpose. Findings:A basic and documentary research model related to research philosophy were developed for the application technique. The scope of the research includes publications from Scopus. Studies from the last ten years were downloaded using the selected keywords. Originality: The results show that despite research that has led to local cybersecurity governance solutions in several countries, a comprehensive governance framework has not yet been established. Instead, there is a hidden conflict over control of this region, not its governance.

    Projecting Cultural Identity through Metadiscourse Marking; A Comparison of Persian and English Research Articles

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    Writing projects are socially-situated identities. The rhetorically-loaded aspects of writing, like metadiscourse marking, are more prone to carry such identities. Through analyzing metadiscourse strategies employment in Persian and English (as the lingua franca of academic discourse community) research articles, this study makes an attempt to find out whether Persian native writers take on the identity and norms of the discourse community in writing in their own language or preserve the cultural identity and norms of their native language. A comparison of 36 Persian and 36 English research articles showed that, on the whole, the norms of Persian language in the use of metadiscourse were different from that of the academic discourse community. Closer analysis revealed more similarities in the employment of interactive metadiscourse used to guide the readers, and significant differences in the use of interactional metadiscourse that could represent the specific cultural identity of the Persian writers
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