4,617 research outputs found

    Modelling and Environmental Assessment of Heterogeneous Catalysis Biodiesel Process Using War Algorithm

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    Environmental assessment in a preliminary designing stage of a process is important to evaluate the environmental friendliness of a process design, minimizing the environmental impact of the process. WAR algorithm, a methodology for determining the potential environmental impact (PEI) of a chemical process is developed to describe the flow and the generation of PEI through a chemical process. WAR algorithm which acts as a comparison tool in selecting the environmentally benign design option is developed using heterogeneous catalysis and alkali homogeneous catalysis of biodiesel process as case study. Heterogeneous catalysis of biodiesel process flowsheeting is first developed and simulated using Aspen Plus 7.0. Data and simulation results are then exported to the spreadsheet for environmental assessment of WAR algorithm. Four PEI indexes (TRO,TOP,TRG,TGP) are used to evaluate the environmental friendliness of a process design while eight PEI categories (four global and four toxilogical) are used to evaluate the PEI indexes. Comparison of the PEI indexes concluded that heterogeneous catalysis of biodiesel process showed more environmentally friendly process with minimum amount of PEI value compared to homogeneous catalysis process


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    The 2019 election was the first simultaneous election held in Indonesia since the first election was held in 1955. Simultaneously here in the sense of legislative elections together with the implementation of presidential and vice presidential elections. So that in the 2019 election voters get five types of ballots. This simultaneity creates its own challenges in the holding of the 2019 elections. Both in terms of the technical implementation of voting and vote counting. Also in terms of community enthusiasm or community participation. In practice, although the voting and counting have experienced complexity because of the large number of votes that must be used by voters and take a lot of time when counting votes at polling stations (TPS). However, the good news is that the results of the voting and counting are the achievement of greater public participation from the previous elections. In the data records in the Bekasi City KPU, Community Participation for the Election of President and Vice President is 76.1% and for the Legislative Election is 75.8%. Even if it refers to the target of participation suspected by the Indonesian KPU it has not been achieved. The participation target announced by the Indonesian KPU is 77.5%. However, through a number of socialization efforts carried out by the Bekasi City KPU, public participation in the 2019 elections can increase.Pemilu 2019 adalah pemilu yang dilaksanakan secara serentak pertama di Indonesia sejak pemilu pertama kalinya dilaksanakan pada tahun1955. Serentak disini dalam arti pemilihan legislatif bersamaan dengan pelaksanan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden. Sehingga dalam pemilu 2019 pemilih mendapatkan lima jenis surat suara. Keserentakan ini menimbulkan tantangan tersendiri didalam penyelenggaraan pemilu 2019. Baik dari sisi teknis pelaksanaan pemungutan dan penghitungan suara. Maupun dari sisi antusiasme masyarakat atau partisipasi masyarakat. Dalam pelaksanaannya, meskipun pemungutan dan penghitungan suara mengalami kerumitan karena banyaknya suarat suara yang harus di gunakan oleh pemilih dan memakan banyak waktu saat penghitungan suara di Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS). Namun demikian, kabar baiknya adalah hasil pelaksanaan pemungutan dan penghitungan suara adalah tercapainya patisipasi masyarakat yang lebih tinggi dari pemilu sebelumnya. Dalam catatan data yang ada di KPU Kota Bekasi Partisipasi Masyarakat untuk Pemilihan Presiden dan wakil presiden sebanyak 76,1 % dan untuk pemilihan Legislatif sebesar 75,8 %. Meskipun jika mengacu kepada target partisipasi yang dicanangka oleh KPU RI memang belum tercapai. Dimanan target partisipasi yang dicanagkan oleh KPU RI sebesar 77,5 %. Akan tetapi melalui beberapa upaya sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh KPU Kota Bekasi, partisipasi masyarakat pada pemilu 2019 dapat meningkat

    The usage of social media and e-reputation system in global supply chain : comparative cases from diamond & automotive industries

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    The last decade witnesses a heave use of social media-based information systems in different fields of business such as logistics, procurement, and supply chain management. Managing these types of information systems, could help companies to outsource their supply chain functions in a global scale and enhance their competitive advantages. However, the digital performance of these activities inherent risks of inappropriate supplier selection process, lack of trust, limited information about supply conditions (e.g., pricing, shipping and timing). To address such challenges, this research explains how companies use e-reputation systems and social media to select their global trusted suppliers. Based on two-case evidence from British Diamond and Egyptian Automotive companies, the researchers conducted 20 interviews with purchasing and supply chain professionals. Chen & Lin’s reputation system model has been adopted to explain the process of selecting and evaluating a trusted supplier and to inform our data analysis. Our findings pointed diamond professionals’ lack of experience of how to use e-reputation systems and lack do not understand the role of social media-based ratings or referrals during the stages of selection suppliers’ discovery and approval. Though, automotive professionals find e-reputation system a strong tool to build goodwill, tacit credibility, competence and predictable trust. Ironically, both cases confirm that supply chain professional use these systems to re-evaluate and reselect their existing suppliers than to extend new supply networks. Keywords: e-Reputation Systems, Social Media, Global Supply Chai

    Desain Kapal Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin 15 Gt Untuk Daerah Perairan Terpencil Wilayah Timur Indonesia

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    Dalam konsep desain kapal pembangkit listrik tenaga angin (KPLTA) yang memanfaatkan energi terbarukan yang ada, yakni energi angin untuk kepentingan hajat hidup manusia, terutama masyarakat yang hidup di daerah perairan terpencil. Dimana masyarakat yang hidup di daerah yang belum teraliri oleh listrik, namun cukup berdekatan dengan daerah perairan seperti sungai, danau atapun pantai yang mempunyai hembusan angin yang cukup kuat untuk mengerakan Baling-Baling kincir angin. KPLTA tersebut membantu masyarakat dalam memaksimalkan energi angin yang tersedia berlimpah. Energi angin yang dapat diubah dari energi gerak menjadi energi listrik sangat membantu kelangsungan hidup bagi masyarakat terpencil sehingga kapal yang semula hanya difungsikan sebagai kapal angkut penumpang ataupun kapal untuk menangkap ikan biasa, tetapi kapal juga dilengkapi dengan peralatan kincir angin yang dapat mengubah energi angin menjadi energi listrik. Pembangkit listrik tenaga angin atau wind power system memanfaatkan angin melalui kincir, untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Secara umum, sistem alat ini memanfaatkan tiupan angin untuk memutar Baling-Baling kincir angin, yang selanjutnya ditransmisikan untuk mengerakan generator DC yang didalamnya ada medan magnet yang dipotong oleh kumparan dari gerak poros rotor sehingga menghasilkan gaya gerak listrik (GGL) induksi / arus listrik. Kemudian arus listrik DC tersebut disimpan kedalam baterai ataupun accu yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat

    Perbandingan Kinerja Concurrent Connection pada Apache HTTP Server dan Node.js

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    Permintaan pengguna terhadap internet semakin mengalami peningkatan dari waktu ke waktu sehingga pemilihan teknologi web server yang tepat sangat penting dalam menangani permintaan pengguna yang kian meningkat. Saat ini teknologi web server yang digunakan masih didominasi oleh Apache HTTP Server. Namun, baru-baru ini Node.js mulai digandrungi pengembang web sebagai teknologi web server alternatif terbaik selain Apache dalam pengembangan web, tetapi hal ini tidak membuat popularitas Apache HTTP Server menjadi menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja concurrent request berupa konsumsi sumber daya dan output request pada kedua web server dengan diujikan pada skenario pengujian yang paling ringan sampai ke yang paling berat. Pengujian dilakukan diatas virtual machine melalui platform Google Cloud Compute Engine. Adapun model pengujian yang dilakukan yaitu Static I/O Test, Computation Test, dan Serving File Test dengan jumlah client yang diujikan sebesar 100, 500, dan 1000 concurrent request. Indikator kinerja yang diukur diantaranya CPU, memory, total request dan error timeout. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan Node.js unggul dalam semua skenario concurrent request dan model pengujian dibandingkan dengan Apache yang mulai mengalami struggle pada 500 dan 1000 concurrent request. Node.js tercatat hanya mengalami error timeout pada pengujian Serving File Test (1000) dengan total rata-rata sebesar 5.8 error, sedangkan Apache menunjukkan kinerja terbaiknya pada skenario 100 concurrent request namun masih tidak mampu melebihi total request yang sudah diperoleh dari Node.js

    Kecukupan Udara Mempengaruhi Kenyamanan Pada Ruang Kamar

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    Ventilation is the process of exchanging clean air from outside into the room. Good ventilation is able to ensure smooth air circulation. This study aims to determine the relationship of air adequacy with comfort in room space. This research is an analytic study with cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 30 rooms that used natural ventilation systems. The air change time is calculated from the volume of the room, the height and area of the ventilator, as well as the difference in the temperature of the outside and indoor air. Adequacy of air available with the air needed by its inhabitants. Objective comfort is based on the difference between outside and inside room temperature, and subjectively based on the room occupant's perspective. The results showed as many as 87% of the rooms had no air turnover time and as many as 20% of the rooms had insufficient air. Objectively stated rooms are uncomfortable as much as 57%, but subjectively reaching 77%. Statistically there is a significant relationship between air adequacy with comfort in the room objectively (p = 0.024). It can be concluded that the adequacy of the air represented by the ventilation system is related to the comfort of the air in the room space, to create a comfortable and healthy room space. Future research is expected to consider and include other factors that affect the ventilation system such as the layout of the furniture, the position of the ventilation, and the characteristics of the building so that research on comfort is more objective

    Biodegradation of catechols by micro-organisms - A short review

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    Many aromatic hydrocarbons and catechols are known to be toxic and carcinogenic for humans, and their contamination of soils and aquifers is of great environmental concern. Soil microorganisms, like Pseudomonas spp. and Mycobacterium, were found to be capable of transforming and degrading toxic catechols to easily absorbable TCA metabolites. These abilities may be useful in removal of toxic organic compounds from the environment. The successful application of microorganisms to thebioremediation of contaminated sites requires a deeper understanding of how microbial degradation proceeds. In this review, the microorganisms involved and the metabolic pathways for the degradation of many aromatic hydrocarbons are summarized and the biological aspects of catechol bioremediation are discussed

    Saturasi Oksigen Pada Petugas Di Terminal Yang Terpapar Karbon Monoksida Udara

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    Monoxide (CO) bonds with blood are 200 times stronger than oxygen bonds with blood. When inhaled CO will be absorbed through the lungs following the blood circulation and binds to haemoglobin to form HbCO in the tissues which will block the entry of oxygen needed by the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of air CO levels with oxygen saturation (SpO2) in officers in Terminal Type B of South Kalimantan Province. This type of research is analytically using a cross-sectional design with a sample of 24 people. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation, CO measurement and SpO2 examination with Pulse Oximetry. The results showed that there was a relationship between air CO levels and the SpO2 of terminal officers with a significance value of 0.0025 (sig

    Political Policy Struggle Of The New Order Against Development Of State Aliyah Madrasah In Indonesia (1966-1998)

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    This study aims to examine the New Order's political policies towards the development of State Aliyah Madrasah in Indonesia. The method of this study is a historical approach. Data obtained through literature review, both primary and secondary. Analysis of research data with content analysis. The results obtained are the development of Madrasah Aliyah influenced by the relationship of the New Order to Political Islam, that is, if the relationship between the New Order and Islam improves, there will be significant progress towards the development of the Aliyah madrasa. There are policies that benefit the development of Madrasah Aliyah, both in terms of recognition of formal legality and institutional quality.This study aims to examine the New Order's political policies towards the development of State Aliyah Madrasah in Indonesia. The method of this study is a historical approach. Data obtained through literature review, both primary and secondary. Analysis of research data with content analysis. The results obtained are the development of Madrasah Aliyah influenced by the relationship of the New Order to Political Islam, that is, if the relationship between the New Order and Islam improves, there will be significant progress towards the development of the Aliyah madrasa. There are policies that benefit the development of Madrasah Aliyah, both in terms of recognition of formal legality and institutional quality
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