574 research outputs found

    Social genetic and social environment effects on parental and helper care in a cooperatively breeding bird

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    Phenotypes expressed in a social context are not only a function of the individual, but can also be shaped by the phenotypes of social partners. These social effects may play a major role in the evolution of cooperative breeding if social partners differ in the quality of care they provide and if individual carers adjust their effort in relation to that of other carers. When applying social effects models to wild study systems, it is also important to explore sources of individual plasticity that could masquerade as social effects. We studied offspring provisioning rates of parents and helpers in a wild population of long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus using a quantitative genetic framework to identify these social effects and partition them into genetic, permanent environment and current environment components. Controlling for other effects, individuals were consistent in their provisioning effort at a given nest, but adjusted their effort based on who was in their social group, indicating the presence of social effects. However, these social effects differed between years and social contexts, indicating a current environment effect, rather than indicating a genetic or permanent environment effect. While this study reveals the importance of examining environmental and genetic sources of social effects, the framework we present is entirely general, enabling a greater understanding of potentially important social effects within any ecological population

    Recommendations for uniform definitions used in newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Public health newborn screening (NBS) programs continuously evolve, taking advantage of international shared learning. NBS for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) has recently been introduced in many countries. However, comparison of screening outcomes has been hampered by use of disparate terminology and imprecise or variable case definitions for non-SCID conditions with T-cell lymphopenia. OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine whether standardized screening terminology could overcome a Babylonian confusion and whether improved case definitions would promote international exchange of knowledge. METHODS: A systematic literature review highlighted the diverse terminology in SCID NBS programs internationally. While, as expected, individual screening strategies and tests were tailored to each program, we found uniform terminology to be lacking in definitions of disease targets, sensitivity, and specificity required for comparisons across programs. RESULTS: The study’s recommendations reflect current evidence from literature and existing guidelines coupled with opinion of experts in public health screening and immunology. Terminologies were aligned. The distinction between actionable and nonactionable T-cell lymphopenia among non-SCID cases was clarified, the former being infants with T-cell lymphopenia who could benefit from interventions such as protection from infections, antibiotic prophylaxis, and live-attenuated vaccine avoidance. CONCLUSIONS: By bringing together the previously unconnected public health screening community and clinical immunology community, these SCID NBS deliberations bridged the gaps in language and perspective between these disciplines. This study proposes that international specialists in each disorder for which NBS is performed join forces to hone their definitions and recommend uniform registration of outcomes of NBS. Standardization of terminology will promote international exchange of knowledge and optimize each phase of NBS and follow-up care, advancing health outcomes for children worldwide

    Estimation in a multiplicative mixed model involving a genetic relationship matrix

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    Genetic models partitioning additive and non-additive genetic effects for populations tested in replicated multi-environment trials (METs) in a plant breeding program have recently been presented in the literature. For these data, the variance model involves the direct product of a large numerator relationship matrix A, and a complex structure for the genotype by environment interaction effects, generally of a factor analytic (FA) form. With MET data, we expect a high correlation in genotype rankings between environments, leading to non-positive definite covariance matrices. Estimation methods for reduced rank models have been derived for the FA formulation with independent genotypes, and we employ these estimation methods for the more complex case involving the numerator relationship matrix. We examine the performance of differing genetic models for MET data with an embedded pedigree structure, and consider the magnitude of the non-additive variance. The capacity of existing software packages to fit these complex models is largely due to the use of the sparse matrix methodology and the average information algorithm. Here, we present an extension to the standard formulation necessary for estimation with a factor analytic structure across multiple environments

    The complete linkage disequilibrium test: a test that points to causative mutations underlying quantitative traits

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetically, SNP that are in complete linkage disequilibrium with the causative SNP cannot be distinguished from the causative SNP. The Complete Linkage Disequilibrium (CLD) test presented here tests whether a SNP is in complete LD with the causative mutation or not. The performance of the CLD test is evaluated in 1000 simulated datasets.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The CLD test consists of two steps i.e. analysis I and analysis II. Analysis I consists of an association analysis of the investigated region. The log-likelihood values from analysis I are next ranked in descending order and in analysis II the CLD test evaluates differences in log-likelihood ratios between the best and second best markers. Under the null-hypothesis distribution, the best SNP is in greater LD with the QTL than the second best, while under the alternative-CLD-hypothesis, the best SNP is alike-in-state with the QTL. To find a significance threshold, the test was also performed on data excluding the causative SNP. The 5<sup>th</sup>, 10<sup>th </sup>and 50<sup>th </sup>highest T<sub>CLD </sub>value from 1000 replicated analyses were used to control the type-I-error rate of the test at p = 0.005, p = 0.01 and p = 0.05, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In a situation where the QTL explained 48% of the phenotypic variance analysis I detected a QTL in 994 replicates (p = 0.001), where 972 were positioned in the correct QTL position. When the causative SNP was excluded from the analysis, 714 replicates detected evidence of a QTL (p = 0.001). In analysis II, the CLD test confirmed 280 causative SNP from 1000 simulations (p = 0.05), i.e. power was 28%. When the effect of the QTL was reduced by doubling the error variance, the power of the test reduced relatively little to 23%. When sequence data were used, the power of the test reduced to 16%. All SNP that were confirmed by the CLD test were positioned in the correct QTL position.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The CLD test can provide evidence for a causative SNP, but its power may be low in situations with closely linked markers. In such situations, also functional evidence will be needed to definitely conclude whether the SNP is causative or not.</p

    Partial least square regression applied to the QTLMAS 2010 dataset

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    Detection of genomic regions affecting traits is a goal in many genetic studies. Studies applying distinct methods for detection of these regions, called quantitative trait loci (QTL), have been described, ranging from single marker regression [1] to methods that enable to fit several markers simultaneously [2,3]. Simultaneously fitting all markers leads to more accurate detection of QTL compared to independent fitting of single markers in a regression model when there is linkage disequilibrium (LD) between the genomic regions that affect the trait but comes at the cost of increased computational requirements [2]. Partial least square regression (PLSR) is one method for simultaneously fitting multiple markers and was applied by Bjornstad et al. for detection of QTL [3]. An interesting characteristic of PLSR its straightforward application of to simultaneous analysis of data of multiple traits [3]. The objectives of this study were to use PLSR to search for QTL and to estimate breeding values in the dataset of the QTLMAS 2010 worksho

    A Bayesian approach to detect QTL affecting a simulated binary and quantitative trait

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    Background - We analyzed simulated data from the 14th QTL-MAS workshop using a Bayesian approach implemented in the program iBay. The data contained individuals genotypes for 10,031 SNPs and phenotyped for a quantitative and a binary trait. Results - For the quantitative trait we mapped 8 out of 30 additive QTL, 1 out of 3 imprinted QTL and both epistatic pairs of QTL successfully. For the binary trait we mapped 11 out of 22 additive QTL successfully. Four out of 22 pleiotropic QTL were detected as such. Conclusions - The Bayesian variable selection method showed to be a successful method for genome-wide association. This method was reasonably fast using dense marker map

    Symbolic Formulae for Linear Mixed Models

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    A statistical model is a mathematical representation of an often simplified or idealised data-generating process. In this paper, we focus on a particular type of statistical model, called linear mixed models (LMMs), that is widely used in many disciplines e.g.~agriculture, ecology, econometrics, psychology. Mixed models, also commonly known as multi-level, nested, hierarchical or panel data models, incorporate a combination of fixed and random effects, with LMMs being a special case. The inclusion of random effects in particular gives LMMs considerable flexibility in accounting for many types of complex correlated structures often found in data. This flexibility, however, has given rise to a number of ways by which an end-user can specify the precise form of the LMM that they wish to fit in statistical software. In this paper, we review the software design for specification of the LMM (and its special case, the linear model), focusing in particular on the use of high-level symbolic model formulae and two popular but contrasting R-packages in lme4 and asreml

    Long-term outcomes for adults with chronic granulomatous disease in the United Kingdom

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    Uncorrected CGD is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in adulthood, in particular due to inflammatory complications including life-limiting interstitial lung disease

    Genomic breeding value prediction and QTL mapping of QTLMAS2011 data using Bayesian and GBLUP methods

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    Background: The goal of this study was to apply Bayesian and GBLUP methods to predict genomic breeding values (GEBV), map QTL positions and explore the genetic architecture of the trait simulated for the 15 QTL-MAS workshop. Methods. Three methods with models considering dominance and epistasis inheritances were used to fit the data: (i) BayesB with a proportion = 0.995 of SNPs assumed to have no effect, (ii) BayesC, where is considered as unknown, and (iii) GBLUP, which directly fits animal genetic effects using a genomic relationship matrix. Results: BayesB, BayesC and GBLUP with various fitted models detected 6, 5, and 4 out of 8 simulated QTL, respectively. All five additive QTL were detected by Bayesian methods. When two QTL were in either coupling or repulsion phase, GBLUP only detected one of them and missed the other. In addition, GBLUP yielded more false positives. One imprinted QTL was detected by BayesB and GBLUP despite that only additive gene action was assumed. This QTL was missed by BayesC. None of the methods found two simulated additive-by-additive epistatic QTL. Variance components estimation correctly detected no evidence for dominance gene-action. Bayesian methods predicted additive genetic merit more accurately than GBLUP, and similar accuracies were observed between BayesB and BayesC. Conclusions: Bayesian methods and GBLUP mapped QTL to similar chromosome regions but Bayesian methods gave fewer false positives. Bayesian methods can be superior to GBLUP in GEBV prediction when genomic architecture is unknown
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