135 research outputs found

    Brain oscillations in cognitive control: a cross-sectional study with a spatial Stroop task

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    An important aspect of cognitive control is the ability to overcome interference, by boosting the processing of task-relevant information while suppressing the irrelevant information. This ability is affected by the progressive cognitive decline observed in aging. The aims of this study were to shed light on the neural spectral dynamics involved in interference control and to investigate age-dependent differences in these dynamics. For these reasons two samples of participants of different ages (23 younger and 20 older adults, age range=[18 35] and [66 82], respectively) were recruited and administered a spatial Stroop task while recording electroencephalographic activity. Scalp- and source-based time-frequency analyses revealed a main role of theta and beta frequencies in interference control. Specifically, for the theta band, we found age-dependent differences both for early event-related spectral perturbation (ERSP) Stroop effects at the source level \u2013 which involved dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices \u2013 and for related brain-behaviour correlations. This ERSP Stroop effect in theta was greatly reduced in magnitude in the older group and, differently from what observed in younger participants, it was not correlated with behavioural performance. These results suggest an age-dependent impairment of the theta-related mechanism signalling the need of cognitive control, in line with existing findings. We also found age-related differences in ERSP and source spectral activity involving beta frequencies. Indeed, younger participants showed a specific ERSP Stroop effect in beta \u2013 with the main involvement of left prefrontal cortex \u2013 whereas the pattern of older participants was delayed in time and spread bilaterally over the scalp. This study shows clear age-related differences in the neural spectral correlates of cognitive control. These findings open new questions about the causal involvement of specific oscillations in different cognitive processes and may inspire future interventions against age-related cognitive decline

    monthly averaged anthropogenic aerosol direct radiative forcing over the mediterranean based on aeronet aerosol properties

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    Abstract. The all-sky direct radiative effect by anthropogenic aerosol (DREa) is calculated in the solar (0.3–4 μm) and infrared (4–200 μm) spectral ranges for six Mediterranean sites. The sites are differently affected by pollution and together reflect typical aerosol impacts that are expected over land and coastal sites of the central Mediterranean basin. Central to the simulations are aerosol optical properties from AERONET sun-/sky-photometer statistics for the year 2003. A discussion on the variability of the overall (natural + anthropogenic) aerosol properties with site location is provided. Supplementary data include MODIS satellite sensor based solar surface albedos, ISCCP products for high- mid- and low cloud cover and estimates for the anthropogenic aerosol fraction from global aerosol models. Since anthropogenic aerosol particles are considered to be smaller than 1 μm in size, mainly the solar radiation transfer is affected with impacts only during sun-light hours. At all sites the (daily average) solar DREa is negative all year round at the top of the atmosphere (ToA). Hence, anthropogenic particles produce over coastal and land sites of the central Mediterranean a significant cooling effect. Monthly DREa values vary from site to site and are seasonally dependent as a consequence of the seasonal dependence of available sun-light and microphysical aerosol properties. At the ToA the monthly average DREa is −(4±1) W m−2 during spring-summer (SS, April–September) and −(2±1) W m−2 during autumn-winter (AW, October–March) at the polluted sites. In contrast, it varies between −(3±1) W m−2 and −(1±1) W m−2 on SS and AW, respectively at the less polluted site. Due to atmospheric absorption the DREa at the surface is larger than at the ToA. At the surface the monthly average DREa varies between the most and the least polluted site between −(7±1) W m−2 and −(4±1) W m−2 during SS, and between −(4±3) W m−2 and −(1±1) W m−2 during AW. The DREa at infrared wavelengths is positive but negligible, especially at the ToA (<0.3 W m−2). The average of DREa monthly-means referring to all sites has allowed getting a ToA- and sfc-DREa yearly-mean value of −(3±2) and −(5±3) W m−2, respectively at solar wavelengths. Last data, even if refer to a particular year, indicate that the radiative energy-balance of Central Mediterranean land and coastal sites is quite affected by anthropogenic particles

    In Situ Samplings and Remote Sensing Measurements to Characterize Aerosol Properties over Southeast Italy

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    Abstract Ground-based particulate matter (PM) samplers, an XeF Raman lidar operating in the framework of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET), and a sun/sky radiometer operating in the framework of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) have been used to characterize vertical profiles, optical and microphysical properties, and chemical composition of aerosols during the 29 June–1 July 2005 dust outbreak that occurred over the central-eastern Mediterranean. Aerosol backscatter coefficient, total depolarization, and lidar ratio vertical profiles revealed that a well-mixed dust layer extending from ∼0.5 to 6 km was present over southeastern Italy on 30 June. Sun/sky radiometer measurements revealed a bimodal lognormal size distribution during all measurement days. The particle volume distribution was found to be well correlated either to the PM mass distribution measured at ground by a seven-stage cascade impactor and to the fine to total suspended PM mass ratio measured by ground-based PM samplers. Scanning electron microscopy and ion chromatography analyses on PM samples revealed that coarse-mode aerosols were mainly made of carbonate, aluminum-silicate, and sea salt particles. Carbon, sulfate, and nitrate particles were the main components of fine-mode aerosols representing more than 50% of the total aerosol load; the significant role of fine-mode anthropogenic particles during a dust event is highlighted. Finally, the potential capabilities of complementary measurements by passive and active remote sensing techniques and in situ observations to retrieve the vertical distribution of the particle number and mass concentration are analyzed and discussed

    Tiempo de estallidos : La disconformidad social de los pasajeros de trenes urbanos

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    En el presente documento de trabajo presentamos un avance investigativo sobre las formas de disconformidad social, en particular aquellas que asumen el carácter de acción directa, desarrolladas en el marco del sistema de transporte ferroviario de pasajeros del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, entre octubre de 2002 y junio de 2010. El núcleo de este trabajo lo constituye el análisis comparativo de los episodios de violencia colectiva ocurridos en las estaciones de Haedo (noviembre de 2005), Constitución (mayo de 2007) y Castelar (septiembre de 2008). La hipótesis que postulamos sostiene que la configuración sistémica del servicio produce niveles extraordinarios de disconformidad que no logran ser procesados eficazmente por dicha configuración. El sistema en su interacción con determinadas condiciones de contorno, en este caso la difusión de una cultura de la acción directa, genera perturbaciones cuya muestra más extrema son los estallidos de hostilidad protagonizados por pasajeros del servicio. En la perspectiva de los usuarios, estos adquieren un carácter más expresivo que instrumental, no obstante, y como consecuencia no necesariamente buscada de la acción, los estallidos dinamizan cambios, que -en ocasiones- son favorables a sus intereses

    Comparison of different conditions for DNA extraction in sputum : A pilot study

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    Background: The analysis of microbiome in respiratory samples is a topic of great interest in chronic respiratory diseases. The method used to prepare sputum samples for microbiome analysis is very heterogeneous. The selection of the most suitable methodology for DNA extraction is fundamental to have the most representative data. The objective of this study was to compare different conditions for DNA extraction from sputum in adult patients with bronchiectasis. Methods: Five sputum samples from bronchiectasis patients were collected at the Policlinico Hospital in Milan, Italy. Eighteen conditions for DNA extraction were compared, including two enzyme-based (Roche and Zymo) and one beads-based (Mobio) technique. These techniques were tested with/without Dithiothreitol (DTT) and with/without lysostaphin (0.18 and 0.36 mg/mL) step. DNA was quantified, tested using Real-time PCR for 16S rDNA and S. aureus and, then, microbiome was evaluated. Results: Although 16S rDNA was similarly detected across all the different techniques, Roche kit gave the highest DNA yield. The lowest Ct values for Real-time PCR for S. aureus was identified when lysostaphin was added. Considering genera from microbiome, alpha diversity indices did not show any significant differences between techniques, while relative abundances were more similar in presence of DTT. Conclusions: None of the conditions emerged to be superior to the others even if enzyme-based kits seem to be needed in order to have a higher extraction yield

    Immune Response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in the Parietal Pleura of Patients with Tuberculous Pleurisy

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    The T lymphocyte-mediated immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in the parietal pleura of patients with tuberculous pleurisy is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the immune response in the parietal pleura of tuberculous pleurisy compared with nonspecific pleuritis. We have measured the numbers of inflammatory cells particularly T-cell subsets (Th1/Th2/Th17/Treg cells) in biopsies of parietal pleura obtained from 14 subjects with proven tuberculous pleurisy compared with a control group of 12 subjects with nonspecific pleuritis. The number of CD3+, CD4+ and CCR4+ cells and the expression of RORC2 mRNA were significantly increased in the tuberculous pleurisy patients compared with the nonspecific pleuritis subjects. The number of toluidine blue+ cells, tryptase+ cells and GATA-3+ cells was significantly decreased in the parietal pleura of patients with tuberculous pleurisy compared with the control group of nonspecific pleuritis subjects. Logistic regression with receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis for the three single markers was performed and showed a better performance for GATA-3 with a sensitivity of 75%, a specificity of 100% and an AUC of 0.88. There was no significant difference between the two groups of subjects in the number of CD8, CD68, neutrophil elastase, interferon (IFN)-γ, STAT4, T-bet, CCR5, CXCR3, CRTH2, STAT6 and FOXP3 positive cells. Elevated CD3, CD4, CCR4 and Th17 cells and decreased mast cells and GATA-3+ cells in the parietal pleura distinguish patients with untreated tuberculous pleurisy from those with nonspecific pleuritis

    The fair value accounting for the usefulness of financial information

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    In the last years the spotlight has been on the debate over fair-value accounting that is blamed to generate no correct financial information about the public companies. On an hand, the profits arising from value changes may not have been realised and recognition of unrealised gains goes against the traditional prudent approach to accounting. On the other hand, the use of fair value accounting for measuring the value of financial instruments has been a source of controversy that has highlight, among others, the difficulty of applying fair value (“mark-to- market”) accounting especially in illiquid markets. In the two key bodies of accounting standards - US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, commonly abbreviated as US GAAP, and International Financial Reporting Standards or IFRS - the concept of fair value has become more predominant: more standard require the use of fair value measurements when presenting and disclosing certain assets, liabilities, and components of equity in the financial statements. In particular, this paper intends to increase awareness regarding fair value accounting and to clarify some of the underlying arguments like the Fair Value Hierarchy and the new disclosure claim and their impact on the usefulness of fair value information for investor’s decision-making