1,406 research outputs found

    Accompagner les acteurs dans le changement de leur systĂšme Un jeu de rĂŽles pour des projets collectifs d'irrigation au Tadla, Maroc

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    Les petites exploitations agricoles du pĂ©rimĂštre irriguĂ© du Tadla font actuellement face Ă  de profonds changements environnementaux, institutionnels et Ă©conomiques. Les ressources hydriques diminuent, l'Etat marocain se repositionne vis-Ă -vis de la gestion des grands pĂ©rimĂštres irriguĂ©s et les marchĂ©s s'ouvrent (libre-Ă©change). L'organisation des petites exploitations autour de projets collectifs d'irrigation (PCI) visant la reconversion Ă  l'irrigation localisĂ©e reprĂ©sente une solution prometteuse pour faire face Ă  cette nouvelle situation. Ces PCI nĂ©cessitent un profond changement du systĂšme traditionnel des agriculteurs, tant sur le plan technique qu'organisationnel. Ce changement est mis en oeuvre Ă  travers une action collective innovante dont l'accompagnement requiert de nouvelles formes d'intervention. S'inscrivant dans un processus participatif plus gĂ©nĂ©ral visant Ă  soutenir la mise en oeuvre des PCI au Tadla, un jeu de rĂŽles a ainsi Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©. A travers cet exercice, des groupes pilotes d'agriculteurs et de gestionnaires ont pu expĂ©rimenter, d'une maniĂšre virtuelle, les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de la mise en oeuvre d'un PCI. Ce jeu de rĂŽles a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour dĂ©velopper, en anticipation, un savoir commun sur les PCI, ce qui a permis de renforcer l'implication et le pouvoir de dĂ©cision des agriculteurs vis-Ă -vis du projet collectif, tout en facilitant les Ă©tapes ultĂ©rieures du processus. On a pu ainsi formaliser les attentes de ces derniers et rĂ©vĂ©ler les questions problĂ©matiques. Par ailleurs, ce jeu de rĂŽles s'est avĂ©rĂ© ĂȘtre un outil efficace pour rĂ©vĂ©ler les projets individuels des agriculteurs. Cet outil participatif ouvre une voie prometteuse dans le dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles formes d'intervention destinĂ©es Ă  accompagner des acteurs dans l'Ă©volution de leur systĂšme. Au Tadla, le transfert de cette approche Ă  des organisations professionnelles locales pourrait permettre le dĂ©veloppement des PCI, et leur accompagnement Ă  plus large Ă©chelle, spatiale et temporelle

    Kajian Potensi Pengembangan Bandar Udara Internasional Di Malang Jawa Timur (Study on Potential Development of International Airport in Malang East Java)

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    Jurnal ini mempunyai tiga tujuan yaitumengetahui karakteristik sosial-ekonomi serta karakteristik perjalanan penumpang Internasional yang berasal dari Malang dan sekitarnya, mengetahui model pemilihan bandar udara, dan mengetahui potensi perpindahan penumpang dari Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda Surabaya ke bandar udara Internasional di Malang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Stated Preferencedengan atribut selisih harga tiket, frekuensi perjalanan dan gabungan.Dari survei yang dilakukan kepada penumpang yang melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri didapat total responden sebanyak 242 diantaranya 206 responden dari survei langsung dan 36 responden melalui survei Google Forms.Berdasarkan hasil kajian didapatkarakteristik penumpang Internasional yaitu laki-laki (65%), berusia 21-30 tahun (44%), berprofesi sebagai pelajar/ mahasiswa dan pekerja swasta (31%), pendidikan terakhir sarjana (36%), rata-rata seluruh pendapatan dalam sebulan ≄ Rp. 2.000.000,00 – Rp. 4.000.000,00 (23%). Para responden yang melakukan perjalanan paling banyak menuju ke Negara Malaysia (37%) dengan maksud perjalanan non bisnis yaitu rekreasi, atau mengunjungi keluarga dan teman (46%), frekuensi perjalanan dalam sebulan < 1 kali (88%), jenis biaya perjalanan adalah biaya sendiri (77%). Dari pengolahan stated preference didapat model pemilihan bandar udara untuk selisih harga tiket (∆X1) = (UBM-UBJ) = 2,557 - 0,00000705 (∆X1), selisih frekuensi keberangkatan (∆X2) = (UBM-UBJ) = 1,247 + 0,129 (∆X2) dan atribut gabungan (∆X1) dan (∆X2) = (UBM-UBJ) = - 4,152 + 0,00000503 (∆X1) - 0,332 (∆X2). Jumlah potensi penumpang yang pergi ke luar negerisebesar 184 penumpanguntuk selisih harga tiket Rp. 200.000 lebih mahal di Malang,188 penumpang untuk frekuensi keberangkatan sama dengan Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda sebanyak 21 kali dalam sehari dan 151 penumpang untuk atribut gabungan

    Changes in Grape Maturity Induced by Spraying Ethanol

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    Three different ethanol solutions were sprayed onto Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) clusters during the ripening period: 2.5, 5 and 10% by volume in water. Controls were sprayed with water alone. Three different times of spraying were also tested: 8, 10 and 13 weeks post-flowering. One of the observed changes was a lower titratable acidity in grape samples at harvest, when the clusters were sprayed with ethanol at 10 weeks, in comparison with controls. The wines made with grapes treated with ethanol after mid-veraison, had higher ODs at 520 nm than did the controls. This may due to a combined effect of red pigment levels and acidity. In addition, following malolactic fermentation, the acidity levels of wines made with ethanoltreated grapes were slightly higher than those made with the control grapes. Spraying ethanol at 13 weeks post-flowering increased the berry weight by 10% at harvest without decreasing the °Brix value. The corresponding wines had similar degrees of alcohol. This observation was made for the first time in 2001

    Low-temperature specific heat of real crystals: Possibility of leading contribution of optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations

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    We point out that the repeatedly reported glass-like properties of crystalline materials are not necessarily associated with localized (or quasilocalized) excitations. In real crystals, optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations remain damped due to defects down to zero temperature. If such a damping is frequency-independent, e.g. due to planar defects or charged defects, these optical and short-wavelength acoustical vibrations yield a linear-in-TT contribution to the low-temperature specific heat of the crystal lattices. At low enough temperatures such a contribution will prevail over that of the long-wavelength acoustical vibrations (Debye contribution). The crossover between the linear and the Debye regime takes place at T∗∝NT^* \propto \sqrt N, where NN is the concentration of the defects responsible for the damping. Estimates show that this crossover could be observable.Comment: 5 pages. v4: Error in Appendix corrected, which does not change the main results of the pape

    Reaction ⁶Li(p, Δâșâș)⁶He At 1.04 GeV And The Δ−N Interaction

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    The reaction ⁶Li(p, Δâșâș)⁶He has been studied at 1.04 GeV for transferred momenta ranging from 0.11 to 0.35 (GeV/c)2. An exponential decrease of the cross section is observed. A Glauber-type calculation is presented. The possibility of extracting information on σ(ΔN) and α(ΔN) is discussed

    Impact of multimorbidity on disability and quality of life in the Spanish older population

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    Background Population aging is closely related to high prevalence of chronic conditions in developed countries. In this context, health care policies aim to increase life span cost-effectively while maintaining quality of life and functional ability. There is still, however, a need for further understanding of how chronic conditions affect these health aspects. The aim of this paper is to assess the individual and combined impact of chronic physical and mental conditions on quality of life and disability in Spain, and secondly to show gender trends. Methods Cross-sectional data were collected from the COURAGE study. A total of 3,625 participants over 50 years old from Spain were included. Crude and adjusted multiple linear regressions were conducted to detect associations between individual chronic conditions and disability, and between chronic conditions and quality of life. Separate models were used to assess the influence of the number of diseases on the same variables. Additional analogous regressions were performed for males and females. Results All chronic conditions except hypertension were statistically associated with poor results in quality of life and disability. Depression, anxiety and stroke were found to have the greatest impact on outcomes. The number of chronic conditions was associated with substantially lower quality of life [ß for 4+ diseases: -18.10 (-20.95,-15.25)] and greater disability [ß for 4+ diseases: 27.64 (24.99,30.29]. In general, women suffered from higher rates of multimorbidity and poorer results in quality of life and disability. Conclusions Chronic conditions impact greatly on quality of life and disability in the older Spanish population, especially when co-occurring diseases are added. Multimorbidity considerations should be a priority in the development of future health policies focused on quality of life and disability. Further studies would benefit from an expanded selection of diseases. Policies should also deal with gender idiosyncrasy in certain cases

    Chalcogenide nanoparticles and organic photosensitizers for synergetic antimicrobial photodynamic therapy

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    Synergistic antimicrobial effects were observed for copper sulfide (CuS) nanoparticles together with indocyanine green (ICG) in the elimination of wild type pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureusATCC 29213 andPseudomonas aeruginosaATCC 27853) and also opportunistic fungal infective yeast (Candida albicansATCC 10231). Furthermore, large antibacterial effects were observed for clinical isolates of Methicillin-resistantS. aureus(MRSA) PFGE strain-type USA300. This efficient antimicrobial action was attributed to the combined extra- and intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species upon light irradiation. Instead of the use of visible-light for the activation of common photosensitizers, both ICG and CuS nanoparticles can be activated in the near infrared (NIR)-region of the electromagnetic spectrum and therefore, superior tissue penetration would be expected in a potential elimination of pathogenic microorganisms not only on the skin but also in the soft tissue. In the different bacteria studied a 3-log reduction in the bacterial counts was achieved after only 6 min of NIR irradiation and treatment with ICG or CuS alone at concentrations of 40 and 160 ”g mL-1, respectively. A maximum bactericidal effect againstS. aureusand USA300 strains was obtained for the combination of both photosensitizers at the same concentration. RegardingP. aeruginosa, a 4-log reduction in the CFU was observed for the combination of CuS and ICG at various concentrations. InCandida albicansthe combination of both ICG and CuS and light irradiation showed an antimicrobial dose-dependent effect with the reduction of at least 3-log in the cell counts for the combination of ICG + CuS at reduced concentrations. The observed antimicrobial effect was solely attributed to a photodynamic effect and any photothermal effect was avoided to discard any potential thermal injury in a potential clinical application. The generation of reactive oxygen species upon near infrared-light irradiation for those photosensitizers used was measured either alone or in combination. The cytocompatibility of the proposed materials at the doses used in photodynamic therapy was also demonstrated in human dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes by cell culturing and flow cytometry studies. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021

    Participatory analysis for adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean agricultural systems: possible choices in process design (versĂŁo Pre Print)

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    There is an increasing call for local measures to adapt to climate change, based on foresight analyses in collaboration with actors. However, such analyses involve many challenges, particularly because the actors concerned may not consider climate change to be an urgent concern. This paper examines the methodological choices made by three research teams in the design and implementation of participatory foresight analyses to explore agricultural and water management options for adaptation to climate change. Case studies were conducted in coastal areas of France, Morocco, and Portugal where the groundwater is intensively used for irrigation, the aquifers are at risk or are currently overexploited, and a serious agricultural crisis is underway. When designing the participatory processes, the researchers had to address four main issues: whether to avoid or prepare dialogue between actors whose relations may be limited or tense; how to select participants and get them involved; how to facilitate discussion of issues that the actors may not initially consider to be of great concern; and finally, how to design and use scenarios. In each case, most of the invited actors responded and met to discuss and evaluate a series of scenarios. Strategies were discussed at different levels, from farming practices to aquifer management. It was shown that such participatory analyses can be implemented in situations which may initially appear to be unfavourable. This was made possible by the flexibility in the methodological choices, in particular the possibility of framing the climate change issue in a broader agenda for discussion with the actors
