620 research outputs found

    Dotychczas bezobjawowe dwumiesięczne niemowlę z unikatową prezentacją trójprzedsionkowego lewego serca, prawego częściowego nieprawidłowego spływu żył płucnych oraz krytycznej nadzastawkowej stenozy mitralnej

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    Major developments in diagnostic techniques in pre- and neonatal care have significantly reduced the rate of undetected congenital heart defects (CHD). Despite such advances, several patients with critical congenital heart defects are discharged annually from neonatal units with no proper diagnosis or treatment. We present the case of a two month-old originally asymptomatic girl who represents the perfect example of such a situation. The infant was diagnosed just after pulmonary and cardiovascular decompensation with critical, complex CHD. The absence of disease symptoms of occurred due to a rare and specific morphology of pulmonary vessels and intracardiac membranes.Ogromny rozwój technik diagnostycznych w opiece przed- i okołoporodowej znacząco zmniejszył odsetek pacjentów z przeoczoną wrodzoną wadą serca. Mimo tego postępu, corocznie kilku pacjentów z krytyczną anomalią układu sercowo-naczyniowego jest wypisywanych bez odpowiedniej diagnozy i leczenia. Przedstawiony przypadek 2-miesięcznej, pierwotnie niewykazującej objawów dziewczynki jest doskonałym przykładem takiej sytuacji. Niemowlę zdiagnozowano tuż po ostrej dekompensacji krążeniowo-oddechowej. Początkowy brak objawów wiązał się z rzadką i nietypową morfologią współwystępujących anomalii żył płucnych i dodatkowych błon wewnątrzsercowych

    Physiological responses of spring wheat to 5-aminolevulinic acid under water stress applied at seedling stage

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    5-Aminolevulinic acid relieves the effects of environmental stresses in plants. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) on the activity of the photosynthetic apparatus in spring wheat. Other analyzed parameters involved plant height, relative turgidity, membrane status, and chlorophyll level. The plant material consisted of three genotypes of spring wheat (J × Z, R × K, K × M), subjected to mild and severe drought in the early phase of vegetative development. 5-ALA showed a positive effect on the activity of the photosynthetic apparatus under water stress. The relieving action of 5-ALA on PSII was the most evident in J × Z genotype during severe soil drought. 5-ALA positively influenced the maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), the overall performance index of PSII photochemistry (PI) and the effective quantum field of PSII (φEo). In the same genotype, the investigated acid stimulated light energy absorption (ABS/CSm), and enhanced the amount of excitation energy trapped in PSII reaction centers (TRo/CSm) and the amount of energy used for electron transport (ETo/CSm). Moreover, 5-aminolevulinic acid showed its potential to overcome the adverse effects of water deficit on Triticum aestivum L. by increasing plant growth, relative turgidity, and chlorophyll content and reducing the degree of damage to cell membranes at the early phase of vegetative development

    Improving osteoblasts cells proliferation via femtosecond laser surface modification of 3D-printed poly-ε-caprolactone scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications

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    Synthetic polymer biomaterials incorporating cells are a promising technique for treatment of orthopedic injuries. To enhance the integration of biomaterials into the human body, additional functionalization of the scaffold surface should be carried out that would assist one in mimicking the natural cellular environment. In this study, we examined poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL) fiber matrices in view of optimizing the porous properties of the constructs. Altering the porosity of a PCL scaffold is expected to improve the material's biocompatibility, thus influencing its osteoconductivity and osteointegration. We produced 3D poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL) matrices by a fused deposition modeling method for bone and cartilage tissue engineering and performed femtosecond (fs) laser modification experiments to improve the surface properties of the PCL construct. Femtosecond laser processing is one of the useful tools for creating a vast diversity of surface patterns with reproducibility and precision. The processed surface of the PCL matrix was examined to follow the effect of the laser parameters, namely the laser pulse energy and repetition rate and the number (N) of applied pulses. The modified zones were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal microscopy, X-ray computed tomography and contact angle measurements. The results obtained demonstrated changes in the morphology of the processed surface. A decrease in the water contact angle was also seen after fs laser processing of fiber meshes. Our work demonstrated that a precise control of material surface properties could be achieved by applying a different number of laser pulses at various laser fluence values. We concluded that the structural features of the matrix remain unaffected and can be successfully modified through laser postmodification. The cells tests indicated that the micro-modifications created induced MG63 and MC3T3 osteoblast cellular orientation. The analysis of the MG63 and MC3T3 osteoblast attachment suggested regulation of cells volume migration

    Farnesol and Selected Nanoparticles (Silver, Gold, Copper, and Zinc Oxide) as Effective Agents Against Biofilms Formed by Pathogenic Microorganisms

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    Agata Lange,1 Arkadiusz Matuszewski,2 Marta Kutwin,1 Agnieszka Ostrowska,1 Sławomir Jaworski1 1Department of Nanobiotechnology, Institute of Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; 2Department of Animal Environment Biology, Institute of Animal Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, PolandCorrespondence: Sławomir Jaworski, Department of Nanobiotechnology, Institute of Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Ciszewskiego 8, Warsaw, 02-786, Poland, Tel +48 225936675, Email [email protected]: Biofilms, which are created by most microorganisms, are known for their widely developed drug resistance, even more than planktonic forms of microorganisms. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of agents composed of farnesol and nanoparticles (silver, gold, copper, and zinc oxide) in the degradation of biofilms produced by pathogenic microorganisms.Methods: Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans were used to create the biofilm structure. Colloidal suspensions of silver, gold, copper, and zinc oxide (Ag, Au, Cu, ZnO) with the addition of farnesol (F) were used as the treatment factor. The size distribution of those composites was analyzed, their zeta potential was measured, and their structure was visualized by transmission electron microscopy. The viability of the microorganism strains was assessed by an XTT assay, the ability to form biofilms was analyzed by confocal microscopy, and the changes in biofilm structure were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. The general toxicity toward the HFFF2 cell line was determined by a neutral red assay and a human inflammation antibody array.Results: The link between the two components (farnesol and nanoparticles) caused mutual stability of both components. Planktonic forms of the microorganisms were the most sensitive when exposed to AgF and CuF; however, the biofilm structure of all microorganism strains was the most disrupted (both inhibition of formation and changes within the structure) after AgF treatment. Composites were not toxic toward the HFFF2 cell line, although the expression of several cytokines was higher than in the not-treated group.Conclusion: The in vitro studies demonstrated antibiofilm properties of composites based on farnesol and nanoparticles. The greatest changes in biofilm structure were triggered by AgF, causing an alteration in the biofilm formation process as well as in the biofilm structure.Keywords: farnesol, nanocomposites, nanoparticles, biofilm structure, toxicit

    The impact of limited access of photodynamic therapy during COVID-19 pandemic on patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus

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    Objectives: Stressful situations have an impact on progression of lichen sclerosus. The aim of the study was to investigate fears and complaints of patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus and progression of disease at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: The analysis was based on 103 women with mean age was 64.81 ± 11.36 years divided into two groups. The first one comprised of patients with stabilization of disease during the pandemic with mean age 66.02 ± 10.01 (32–87), while the second one with progression of vulvar symptoms with mean age 63.49 ± 12.66 (25–87). Results: Delay of diagnosis was reported to be a problem for respectively 25.93% of women from both groups. Fear about COVID-19 was described respectively by 57.4% and 55.1%. Stabilization of disease was more frequent in patients after photodynamic therapy before pandemic. Progression of vulvar symptoms and features were observed more in patients who did not conduct PDT previously. All patients from the second group who underwent photodynamic therapy reported disappointment because of no access for continuation of treatment. On the other hand, 81.4% (43 women) regret that have no chance for trying photodynamic therapy. Conclusions: Photodynamic therapy seems to be a method of treatment with longer survival without progression of lichen sclerosus in times of  pandemics. There has been no investigation until now about concerns of patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus. Better understanding of problems connected with the pandemic can help medical personnel in taking care of patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus

    The Importance of Grey and Qualitative Literature in Developing Domestic Violence and Abuse and Child Maltreatment Core Outcome Sets: A Brief Report

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    Purpose: Core Outcome Sets (COS) are agreed sets of outcomes to be used in all trials that evaluate the effect of interventions. This report considers the added value of including grey and qualitative literature in a study to identify COSs of family-focused interventions for CM and DVA. / Methods: We identified outcomes of interventions for DVA or CM through systematically searching 12 academic databases and 86 organisation websites, leading to the inclusion of 485 full-text reports across 6 reviews. We developed a candidate outcome longlist comprising 347 extracted outcomes. / Results: We identified 87% (282/347) of candidate outcomes from the grey and qualitative literature, and 37% (127/347) from the trial literature. Of the candidate outcomes on the longlist, 22% (75/347) were identified solely from the grey or qualitative literature and 7% (26/347) from trial literature. Three of the eight outcomes in the final core outcome sets may have been missed if grey or qualitative literature had not been searched. / Conclusions: The qualitative and grey literature adds DVA and CM outcomes that are relevant to survivor perspectives but not reported in trials; this had an impact on the final COSs. It is important for COS developers to consider what they may be missing if they do not search the qualitative and grey literature

    Towards illiberal conditioning? New politics of media regulations in Poland (2015–2018)

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    In this article, we examine how media policy changes aid de-democratisation in Poland. Unfolding the logic underpinning the new politics of media regulations, this article argues that media policy paints a nuanced picture of democratic backsliding. Our Foucault-inspired discourse analysis of media policy archive focuses on the rise of illiberal trends at the cross-roads of the Polish hybrid media system, democracy and society. We find these trends display the features of centralisation of power, cultural politics, political partisanship and social polarisations. We explain these notions, using the concepts of “executive aggrandisement” and “politicisation” of public service media sector

    Association of FTO and TMEM18 polymorphisms with overweight and obesity in the population of Polish children

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    Published Online: 2016-03-16The objective of the study was to verify whether or not FTO rs9939609, rs9926289 and TMEM18 rs4854344, rs6548238, rs2867125 variants are important risk factors for overweight and/or obesity in Polish children aged 6-16 (n=283). FTO rs 9939609 and rs9926289 exhibited a strong codominant obesity-predisposing effect of genotypes homozygous for minor alleles (OR=5.42, 95% CI: 2.04-14.39, p=0.0006). The important finding of the study is increased risk of overweight (OR=5.03, 95% CI: 1.15-21.93, p=0.0306) in individuals homozygous for the minor alleles rs4854344, rs6548238 and rs2867125 in the recessive inheritance model, while no other significant associations between TMEM18 variants and risk of obesity were found. Given the identified interaction TMEM18 genotype × BMI category (p=0.0077), it seems that the effect of homozygous for the minor alleles may be compared to a “weight guard”, which significantly increases the risk of overweight, but not of obesity, because it promotes weight gain only up to the threshold of obesity. Conclusion: The proposed hypothetical effect (“weight guard”) of homozygous for the minor alleles in the TMEM18 based on a rather small sample is a possible explanation of the effects of minor alleles, which minimize the risk of obesity.Iwona Rosset, Dominik Strapagiel, Aneta Sitek, Małgorzata Majewska, Lidia Ostrowska-Nawarycz, Elżbieta Żądzińsk