1,479 research outputs found

    Penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning mata pelajaran akidah akhlak pada siswa Kelas VII MTs An Nur Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak pada siswa kelas VIII Di MTs An Nur Palangka Raya, (2) Tes hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak kelas VIII dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning di MTs An Nur Palangka Raya, dan (3) Tes kemampuan afektif siswa pada mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak kelas VIII dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning di MTs An Nur Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Quasi Eksperimen dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar pengamatan pengelolaan pembelajaran, tes hasil belajar (THB) kognitif siswa, dan angket kemampuan afektif siswa. Instrumen THB yang digunakan berjumlah 25 butir soal pilihan ganda dengan 4 option yang telah melalui uji coba dan dianalisis dengan uji validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran dan daya beda.Penelitian ini akan melibatkan dua kelas sampel, yaitu kelas eksperimen (VIIIA)berjumlah 23 orang dan kelas kontrol (VIIIB) berjumlah 26 orang. Analisis data pretest dan posttest THB menggunakan program SPSS versi 20.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: (1) Penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada materi menghindari akhlak tercela kepada diri sendiri pokok bahasan ananiah dan putus asa dapat terlaksana dan menunjukkan hasil yang baik, karena memperoleh skor rata-rata 3,31 dengan persentase 82,75%, sedangkan pada penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional menunjukkan hasil yang baik, karena memperoleh skor rata-rata 2,97 dengan persentase 74,2% (2) Nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa di kelas eksperimen dengan model problem based learning memiliki nilai rata-rata 77,48sementara siswa yang belajar di kelas kontrol dengan pembelajaran konvensional memiliki nilai rata-rata 68,54. Analisis hipotesis menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol di lihat dari hasil posttest, gain, dan N-gain pada materi menghindari akhlak tercela kepada diri sendiri pokok bahasan ananiah dan putus asa dengan pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional. (3) Berdasarkan angket kemampuan afektif siswa pada kelas eksperimen dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning diperoleh skor rata-rata 84,24% dengan kategori baik. Sedangkan pada kelas kontrol dengan pembelajaran konvensional diperoleh skor rata-rata 78,73% dengan kategori baik. ABSTRACT The purpose of the research is to know (1) the implementation of Problem Based Learning model in Akidah Akhlak at the 8th grade students of MTs An Nur Palangka Raya, (2) the cognitive test result of the 8th grade students in Akidah Akhlak by implementing Problem Based Learning model in MTs An Nur Palangka Raya, and (3) the affective test result of the 8th grade students in Akidah Akhlak by implementing Problem Based Learning model in MTs An Nur Palangka Raya. The research used Quasi-Eksperiment researchby Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The instruments of the research are the observation sheet of learning management, the cognitive test result of the students, and the questionnaire of students’ affective ability. The instrument of the cognitive test consists of 25 multiple choice questions with 4 options, which the questions have been verified and analyzed by validity test, reliability, difficulty level and diversity. The research involved 2 classes as the sample; the experiment class (VIIIA) with 23 students and the control class (VIIIB) with 26 students. The data analysis of the pretest and posttest used SPSS program version 20.0 for windows. The result of the research are: (1) the learning management by using Problem Based Learning model about avoiding self impeccable character with the topic ananiah (egoist) and despair runs well and shows the good result, since the score average is 3,31 with the percentage 82,75%, while in the learning management by using the conventional learning method shows the good result, since the score average is 2,97 with the percentage 74,2%, (2) the score average of the experiment class students by Problem Based Learning model is 77,48, while the score average of the control class students by the conventional learning method is 68,54. The hypothesis analysis shows the significant difference between the experiment class and the control class test result in the posttest, gain, and N-gain about avoiding self impeccable character with the topic ananiah (egoist) and despair by comparing Problem Based Learning model to the conventional learning method, and (3) Based on the questionnaire of students’ affective ability in the experiment class by Problem Based Learning model, it is gained the score average 84, 24%, which the category is good. Where as the score average of the control class by the conventional learning method is 78, 73%, which the category is good


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    Many parents who decided to work abroad as International migrant workers. They work for financial fulfilment. On the other hand, their children do not get more attention from them because the children are usually left by father/mother or both of them to work abroad and the children are at home just with their mothers or grandparents. This qualitative research was conducted in Karangwotan village, Pati, Central Java. The data showed three result: (1) problems faced by the children with parents as immigrant in getting Islamic education are that they do not have the real model in the family and there was no father/mother or both of them who teach and educate in the family; (2) there is just little parents’ influence to children’s islamic education. It is just such kind of order, suggestion and advice; and (3) for getting the islamic education,  the children with parents as immigrant workers join several islamic programs. They are Taman Pendidikan Qur’an (TPQ) or Program of Qur’an Education, Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah or Islamic Elementary School, and the islamic courses

    Kohesivitas Suami Istri Dalam Mewujudkan Keharmonisan Rumah Tangga: Studi Kasus di Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta

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    Each couple must have longed for harmony in the household, but many of them decide to divorce. The issue is not resolved for the sake of the problems cause conflict.This happens when couples are no longer uphold openness and trust. This study raised the marital cohesion in the area of Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta, considering this region occurred in the case of divorce due to lack of harmony in the marital relationship. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with three pairs of husband and wife. The study concluded that the three couples showed cohesiveness characterized by a relatively high intensity of togetherness, the role of head of the family stay on her husband, satisfaction with the solutions generated and the defense their family name

    Karakteristik Iket Sunda di Bandung dan Sumedang Periode Tahun 1968-2006

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    The study discusses the design of Iket Sunda as it is related to the life of Sundanese people and their associated culture. Iket is a type of traditional head-attire of Sunda, in which through its use we may grasp the function and status of those who wears it. Unfortunately, the use of traditional iket Sunda is no longer common and no one seems to wear it in daily basis. Yet, iket Sunda carries more than just fashion, as it also represent distinct identity amongst diverse ethnic cultures of Indonesia. This study exposes the knowledge behind iket Sunda, from the embedded aesthetic values, the associated behavior of the people who wears it, and its inter-related historical background. To address the purpose, this study applied qualitative approach based on cultural transformation theory, in order to understand the undergone changes that may relate to the design of iket-Sunda.  Results indicate that iket Sunda is not completely washed out of use in today's living, as a small group of Sundanese societies in Bandung and Sumedang still wear it on a daily basis. However, some Sundanese people only wear it as part of complete traditional attire in certain events, including dance costumes and other performance activities, therefore most are not aware of the various styles of iket-Sunda. Study found that through times, iket Sunda has undergone changes on the shape, use of clothes, size, decorations, colors, and way of wearing. As rare as it may be, iket Sunda represents the true identity of Sundanese people and their associated culture


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    This study aims to determine the differences in students' interpersonal condition and results of the research process and its impact on student’s accomplishment. The study involved two subjects as student guidance of thesis in semester 8 Academic Year 2012/2013 in Biology Education Department, FKIP UNS. This research method is descriptive qualitative by comparing the process and results of research and its impact on the student's accomplishment on the implementation of the problem-based learning model (PBL) with variation of problem presenting: Student 1 (M1) used research journals; and student 2 (M2) used scientific articles in terms of student’s interpersonal condition. Data collection was non-test techniques by observation, interviews and document analysis. The data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative research. Based on the results of the research can be concluded: 1) There are differences in the effectiveness of the process and the results of student research include: time of implementation of the model, research data acquisition, and process guidance in terms of student interpersonal conditions; 2) Interpersonal condition factors that include: motivation, character, of way of thinking, ability to understanding of matterial can be influenced the student’s accomplishment

    Prarancangan Pabrik Natrium Difosfat Heptahidrat dari NAtrium Klorida dan Asam Fosfat Kapasitas 85.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Pabrik natrium difosfat heptahidrat dengan bahan baku natrium klorida dan asam fosfat dengan kapasitas 85.000 ton pertahun di rencanakan beroperasi selama 330 hari/tahun. Proses pembuatan natrium difosfat heptahidrat dilakukan dalam tiga buah Reaktor Alir Tangki Berpengaduk yang di pasang secara seri. Reaksi berlangsung pada fase cair-cair, dengan sifat reaksi irreversible, endotermis, non adiabatic, isothermal. Pada suhu 90C, tekanan 1 atm, perbandingan mol H3PO4 : NaCl sebesar 1:1, dan konversi pembentukan Na2HPO4 terhadap NaCl sebesar 95%. Kebutuhan asam fosfat untuk pabrik ini sebanyak 56.408,2366 ton/tahun dan kebutuhan natrium klorida sebanyak 36.733,3781 ton/tahun Produk berupa natrium difosfat heptahidrat sebanyak 85.000 ton/tahun.Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyediaan air sebesar 160.000 kg/jam, yang diperoleh dari air laut, penyediaan saturated steam pada suhu 110oC, tekanan 1,4139 atm, sebesar 26.946,2799 kg/jam, yang diperoleh dari boiler dengan bahan bakar fuel oil sebesar 1.864,2799 liter/jam, kebutuhan udara tekan sebesar 150 m3/jam dan kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari PLN dan dua buah generator set sebesar 600 kW, sebagai cadangan di gunakan bahan bakar sebanyak 12,5182 kW. Pabrik ini didirikan dikawasan industri Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan luas tanah 20.000 m2 dan jumlah karyawan total sebanyak 115 orang. Pabrik natrium difosfat heptahidrat menggunakan modal tetap sebesar US Rp.195.852.043.987 dan menggunakan modal kerja sebesar Rp Dari analisis ekonomi terhadap pabrik ini menunjukkan keuntungan sebelum pajak Rp 102.590.367.652 per tahun setelah dipotong pajak 30% keuntungan mencapai Rp 71.813.257.356 per tahun. Percent Return On Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak 52,38% dan setelah pajak 36,67 %. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak selama 1,60 tahun dan setelah pajak 2,14 tahun. Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 41,85 %, dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 25,28 %. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) terhitung sebesar 38,06 %. Dari data kelayakan di atas dapat disimpulkan, bahwa untuk pabrik beresiko tinggi perhitungannya memenuhi standar maka pabrik ini menarik untuk didirikan


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    Digital learning is a current mode of education today, triggered by the rapid development of information and communication technology in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. This mode of learning has the capacity to develop the potential and abilities of students,  not only in knowledge but also in life skills, especially in terms of innovative creativity which is an important capital in the era of  21st Century. This article discusses the concept of digital learning,  readiness for usage, and its role in developing students' innovative creativity.   Pembelajaran digital merupakan modus pendidikan masa kini yang dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan pesat teknologi komunikasi dan informasi pada era Industrial Revolution 4.0. Modus ini mempunyai potensi untuk mengembangkan potensi dan kemampuan anak didik bukan saja dalam hal pengetahuan tetapi juga dalam life skills, khususnya dalam hal kreativitas inovatif yang menjadi modal penting dalam kehidupan era Abad 21. Artikel ini membahas tentang pengertian pembelajaran digital serta kesiapan untuk menggunakan, dan perannya dalam pengembangan kreativitas inovatif mahasiswa

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Petani Dalam Menggapai Negara Kesejahteraan (Welfare State)

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    Masyarakat petani di pedesaan pada dasarnya berada pada posisi yang lemah baik secara ekonomi maupun dari aspek yuridis, apalagi didaerah lahan kritis yaitu yang mengandalkan dari tadah hujan.. Oleh karena itu perlu mendapatkan perlindungan hukum baik secara preventif maupun represif. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis yang disandingkan dengan kajian normatif sehingga akan tampak studi law in book dan law in action. Secara kualitatif dengan survey studiespeneltian ini menghasilkan deskripsi tentang upaya pemerintah dalam perlindungan hukum terhadap petani dalam menggapai Negara kesejahteraan (wefare state) kesejahteraan ( welfare state

    Interaksi Kesiapan Belajar Dan Kepuasan Terhadap Layanan Pada Pembelajaran Online Program Pascasarjana

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    : This article intends to analyze the interaction among learning readiness, measured by selfefficacy, self-regulation, connectedness and learning satisfaction in online learning. Success in online learning requires a certain mindset and learning behavior necessary for independent learners, to persist and succeed in study. Fifty-nine (59) students from various parts of Indonesia constitute respondents of this research. A questionnaire was sent to 200 students by email, with a 29.4 % return rate. Correlation and regression analysis was employed to determine the effect of the research variables on learning satisfaction. The result shows a positive and significant correlation among students self-efficacy, selfregulation, connectedness and learning satiffaction, ranging from .25 to .78. Further analysis using multiple regression indicates a simultaneous significant effect of self-effectiveness, self-regulation and connectedness on learning satisfaction with effect size of 40%. However at individual level, the effect is not statistically significant. Suggestions are made in terms of developing and implementing online learning programs
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