52 research outputs found

    An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Tacit Knowledge Explication and Organization Performance

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    自波兰尼1958年在他的《个人知识》中首次提出隐性知识理论以来,隐性知识越来越受到各国学者的关注,近年来更是成为知识管理领域的一个热点话题。 对隐性知识的研究,早在波兰尼提出“隐性知识”这个概念之前就已经存在,如中国的“只可意会不可言传”的说法,就是对“隐性知识”的最好写照。但自波兰尼1958年正式提出这个概念之后,人们才开始真正地对隐性知识刮目相看。人们逐渐认识到隐性知识对企业的重要性,隐性知识比显性知识更完善、更能创造价值是知识管理的一个重要观点(袁庆宏,2001)。因此,如何开发和利用隐性知识,促进隐性知识显性化,成为研究的重中之重。 本文通过文献分析、问卷调查等方法归纳总结了影响隐...Since Polanyi proposed his tacit knowledge theory for the first time in his"Personnel Knowledge"in 1958, the tacit knowledge had been paid more attention by scholars of all countries around. In recent years, it has become a hot topic in the field of knowledge management. It already existed for the research on tacit knowledge as early as in that the"tacit knowledge" was be concept proposed by Pola...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:1762006115129


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    当前,我国处于食品安全风险高发期和矛盾凸显期。新《食品安全法》确立的“社会共治”模式反映的是一种利益关系,实质是以“公共利益”为取向的政府主导型治理,其他参与治理主体被悄然边缘化且正当利益被疏离,协同效应无法实现。利益均衡,不仅是参与共治主体间动态上权利、利益的公平,也是主观认识上的一种均衡。食品安全治理的域外考察与利益均衡的正当性分析,凸显了重构权力与权利资源的合理配置并兼顾多元利益的妥当。在契约精神下,通过企业、公权力、公众理性协商下的利益协同与主体间内部利益的理性认同,来完善政府与社会力量的规范性治理,以寻求利益均衡成为食品安全治理政策演进的一种价值旨归。Currently, China is in the period of high risk of food safety and of prominent contradictions. The "social co-governance" model established by the new Law of Food Safety reflects a relationship of interests. However, the essence of it is the government-based governance with the "public interests" as its orientation. Meanwhile, the other governing subjects that participate in it are quietly marginalized and their legitimate interests are alienated and dissimilated; therefore, synergistic effect cannot be achieved. Equilibrium of interests is not only a matter of dynamic fairness of the rights and interests of the governing subjects that participate in it, but also a balance of subjective cognition. Extraterritorial investigation of food safety control and the analysis of the legitimacy of interest balance highlight the rational allocation of reorganization power and right resources and the appropriateness by taking account of pluralistic interests. Under the spirit of contract, through the enterprises, public power, the coordination of interests under public rational consultation and the rational recognition of internal interests among the governing subjects, we are able to shape the normative governance between the government and the social forces to seek the balance of interests, which has become the ultimate value in the gradual progress of food safety governance policies.江西省社会科学规划项目“政府与民办高校新型互动关系研究--以有限政府理论为视角”(项目编号:15JY28);江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目“基于大数据的互联网商业模式创新研究”(项目编号:GJJ151181


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    目的观察祛湿化瘀复方的主效应中药或不同组合对游离脂肪酸(free fatty acid,FFA)诱导人肝癌细胞株(HepG2)细胞脂肪沉积和肿瘤坏死因子α(turmor necrosis factor α,TNF-α)分泌的作用,探索中药复方药理作用相应物质基础的分析方法。方法采用FFA诱导HepG2细胞脂肪沉积和TNF-α分泌的体外细胞模型和药物血清技术,运用数学模型"均匀设计法",根据复方中的5味中药(茵陈、栀子、虎杖、田基黄、姜黄),选用U11(1110)表进行组方设计所得10种中药组合进行干预,以对甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)及TNF-α的抑制效应作为考察指标,筛选主效应中药或组合,并重新区间分组验证。结果茵陈和田基黄在高剂量组合时有显著降低细胞TG及TNF-α含量的效应,与全方比较差异无统计学意义,其中单用茵陈也可显著降低细胞TG及TNF-α含量。结论茵陈及其与田基黄的组合是祛湿化瘀复方抑制FFA诱导HepG2细胞脂肪沉积和TNF-α分泌作用的主效应中药;应用均匀设计与药效学分析的方法可有效分析中药复方针对某一作用环节的主效应中药或组合


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    2009-2010 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Electrophysiological Mechanisms of Sleep Homeostasis

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    大脑需要稳态系统来维持神经元的正常活动。睡眠不足会影响到有机体的生理功能,因此清醒时不断累积的睡眠压 力会迫使哺乳动物进入睡眠状态,长时间清醒(睡眠剥夺)则会延长或加深随后的睡眠,这一现象被称为睡眠稳态(sleep homeostasis)。探明睡眠稳态的电生理机制有利于改善睡眠,治疗相关疾病,但目前仍存在许多问题。鉴于此,本文围绕睡 眠稳态的电生理机制,首先关注睡眠稳态公认的电生理标志物&mdash;&mdash;慢波活动,接下来介绍神经元放电率的相关研究,最后 从脑区差异、睡眠阶段、学习记忆和物种差异几个方面进行展望。</p

    The effect of ultrasound on the chemical reaction properties of cassava starch

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    淀粉颗粒内部具有结晶区和非结晶区,淀粉的变性化学反应主要发生在非结晶区。实验表明,超声波作用的木薯淀粉颗粒基本保持着原木薯淀粉的颗粒形状,而木薯淀粉颗粒的偏光十字特征减弱或消失;超声波作用没有破坏木薯淀粉分子的原有的结构,没有新的化合物产生,经超声波作用后的木薯淀粉的红外结晶指数下降,木薯淀粉颗粒表面不再圆滑平整,说明超声作用破坏了木薯淀粉颗粒表层结晶结构。超声波作用后的木薯淀粉与原木薯淀粉分别合成羟丙基淀粉,羟丙基淀粉的取代度分别为0.1895与0.0725,说明经超声波作用后的木薯淀粉的反应性能增强,因为超声波作用后的木薯淀粉颗粒结晶结构被破坏,反应试剂更容易进入淀粉颗粒内部进行反应,反应性能得到了提高。Starch grain has crystallization area and non-crystalline area in the interior. Chemical reactions commonly occur mainly in non-crystalline area. Experiments showed that cassava starch particles of ultrasonic kept basically original cassava starch particles shape and the polarization cross of cassava starch particles weakened or disappeared. The original structure of cassava starch molecules hadn't been destroyed and new compounds didn't produced after ultrasonic. By ultrasound actions, cassava starch crystal index drop, cassava starch granular surface crystal structure had been destroyed and particle surface smooth level off no longer. Hydroxypropul starch had been synthetized respectively with cassava starch after ultrasonic and original cassava starch, degree of substitution of hydroxypropyl starch were 0.1895 and 0.0725. The experimental results showed that chemical reaction performance of cassava starch after ultrasonic had been enhanced. Starch crystalline structure had been destroyed, so chemicalreagents easily go into starch grain. Therefore the contact area increased and the performance of the starch grain in the reaction could be improved.广西科学基金(桂科基0832010);广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科能0992928-13);广西教育厅项目(201106LX127