718 research outputs found


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    Research on Key Security of Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Application

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    在无线传感器网络中,如果通信双方或某一方的密钥一旦丢失、被窃取或者泄露,就必将直接威胁到整个网络,无线传感器网络通信的安全性就将无法得以保证。众所周知,密钥在密码算法中是处于可变的部分,在一切采用了密码技术进行保护的信息系统中,其密钥的良好保护性将直接决定了系统安全性的高低。而密钥的管理研究是控制密钥的产生、分配、更新以及撤销等过程的重要依据,它在密码系统中起着决定性的作用,特别是针对特殊的无线WSN网络环境,安全密钥管理方案的研究就更显重要,已逐渐成为了目前研究WSN安全的基础和核心课题。 本文的主要目的是在充分研究和分析现有密钥管理方案的基础上,针对当前密钥管理方案中存在的各种缺陷和不足...In wireless sensor networks, if the encryption keys of both sides or a key on one side of the communication has been lost, stolen or leaked, then it will be a direct threat to the entire network, and the security of the wireless sensor network communication will not be guaranteed. As we all know, the cipher algorithm of an encryption key is variable, and in all the information systems which use pa...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:X201022102

    Convex Optimization Resource Allocation Algorithm in Cogniti'^e Heterogeneous Networks under Imperfect Spectrum Sensing

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    当前认知异构网络中无线频谱日益紧缺,而传统固定频谱分配模式日益成为限制无线通信性能的重要瓶颈,在非理想频谱感知情况下资源分配的问题尤为突出。为实现非理想频谱感知情况下无线资源的高效分配,提出一种基于认知异构网络的凸优化资源分配算法。该算法首先构建了基于主用户活跃度的用户到达模型,以精确描述认知网络中主用户的频谱使用状态,为认知用户分配资源提供依据;并通过认知异构网络干扰分析构建非理想频谱感知条件下的干扰容限条件,最后通过凸优化算法实现对认知网络中频谱资源的优化分配。仿真结果表明,在非理想频谱感知条件下,该算法能够有效降低系统平均时延,提升认知异构网络的传输速率和系统吞吐量。The cognitive radio spectrum in heterogeneous networks become increasingly scarce, and thetraditional fixed spectrum allocation model has become an important bottleneck of wireless communication. Theproblem of the allocation of resources under imperfect spectrum sensing is particularly prominent. To realizeeficient allocation of wireless resources under imperfect spectrum sensing,our paper presents a convex optimization resource allocation algorithm in Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks. Firstly,it constructs the arriving model basedon the primary users activity,and accurately describes the spectrum usage of primary users,provides a basis for cognitive users to allocate resources. Through cognitive heterogeneous network interference analysis,w e reason out of the interference tolerance limits under imperfect spectrum sense, and finally proposes a convex optimizationalgorithm to achieve an optimal allocation of spectrum resources. Simulation results show thatunder tlie imperfectspectrum sensing,this method can effectively reduce the average delay of system,and improve transmission speedand the overall throughput of the cognitive heterogeneous network.福建师范大学闽南科技学院教学改革项目(12014002)和福建师范大学闽南科技学院本科教学工程培育项目(PYXM-2015-01)资

    Highly Dispersed Metal Particles on SiO2 from Metal Acetylacetonate Precursors -- Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Performance for Methane Partial Oxidation to Syngas

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    摘要 本文以探究采用简单浸渍法制备高分散、抗烧结负载型金属催化剂的方法为目的,在先前工作的基础上,详细考察了以Pd(acac)2为前驱体制备Pd/SiO2催化剂的机理,并考察了负载于SiO2上的其它M(acac)n(n=2或3;M=Pt、Ru、Rh、Ir)化合物在空气中加热分解过程的变化情况。针对甲烷部分氧化(POM)制合成气这一高温反应,以Rh(acac)3和Ce(acac)3为前驱体,制备了具有较低Rh负载量和良好POM反应性能的Rh-CeO2/SiO2催化剂,并对催化剂的构效关系进行了详细的考察。主要研究结果如下: (1)以Pd(acac)2为前驱盐通过简单浸渍法即可制备出高分散、抗...Abstract The development of thermally stable, nanometer-sized precious metal-based catalysts remains a daunting challenge, especially those prepared by a simple impregnation method. This thesis focuses on the studies of preparing well-dispersed supported catalysts from metal acetylacetonate. We reveal the mechanism of the highly stable Pd/SiO2 catalyst and inspiring the rational design of anti-si...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052012115156

    Design and Implementation of Enterprise Fixed Assets Management System

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    如今,信息化已成为全球经济和社会发展的主流趋势,在国民经济生产的各个层面占有至关重要的地位,如工业化,产业优化升级,生产力的发展,现代化的各个关键环节。信息技术的应用越来越广泛。企业是我国教育、科研、文化、卫生等各项社会公益事业发展的基础和骨干力量,是提供公益服务的主要载体,在促进我国经济发展、改善人民群众生活等方面发挥着重要作用。企业固定资产管理是我国资产管理的重要组成部分,具有重大的战略意义,因此我们应当给予足够的重视。 企业合理的使用固定资产,科学地对固定资产进行全面管理,特别是加强对固定资产利用情况的信息化管理与分析,对挖掘固定资产潜力,提高固定资产利用效果,增强企业活力,提高单位经...Nowadays,Informatization has become the main developmental trend of globe and society. And it has become very important for the each part of country’s economic development, such as industrialization, optimizing and upgrading the industry structure, developing the productive and all aspects of modernization. Information technologies are widely used. And public service sector is the main power and f...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123076


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    A Study on the Relationship between RMB Exchange Rates and Interest Rates

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    在市场化和开放的经济环境中,利率和汇率分别代表了货币在货币市场和外汇市场上的价格,二者都是调节宏观经济、引导资源配置的重要杠杆,是货币当局对内对外货币政策的重要工具。西方国家自1973年实行浮动汇率制后,汇率理论得到快速的发展,同时也伴随着大量的对汇率与利率关系的实证研究,但实证研究的结果却是多样的不确定的,这也反映了汇率与利率之间存在复杂的多方面的联系。随着我国改革开放的进行,汇率和利率的市场化进程加快,汇率和利率作为调节经济的手段得到更多的使用。当前人民币汇率和利率之间存在怎样的互动关系,直接影响着我国货币政策的传导效果,也关系到我国利率市场化和资本市场开放等重大政策问题。基于此,本文对人...Under the opening financial market, interest rate and exchange rate are the two powerful adjustments of monetary market and foreign exchange market, and are the main methods of the Central Bank monetary policy. Over the periods from 1973:3 to present which floating exchange rates prevail in western countries, progress has been made in the exchange rate theory and there are also lots of empirical s...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:B20041001

    Implementation of SNMP Network Management System Based on ARM-LINUX

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    随着网络时代的发展,人们越来越离不开网络,网络硬件的安全性、可靠性越发重要。即使是短暂的网络中断也可能给人们的生活带来极大的影响,这使得人们对网络相关设备的管理监控实时性的需求越来越高。这就要求网络运营商需要对远近端网络设备进行监控,在网络出现问题时能及时发现并加以解决,实现网络预防和及时维护功能,提高网络运营商对用户的服务质量。 本文主要就是基于该背景提出的一种解决方案。本文采用的SNMP协议提供了一种对这些网络设备进行有效管理的技术基础。本文的主要思路是在ARM9开发板原有的软硬件基础上及ARM-LINUX系统上,主要利用SNMP服务器来实现对网络设备监控网管的功能,并在SNMP服务器中...With the developing of the Internet,people are more and more rely on the internet. The safe and the reliability of the network hardware are more and more important. The demand for the real time control on the network-related equipment is higher than before because even a brief interruption of the network may make a great impact on the people’s life. That means the network operators should monitor ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200523001

    Pressure Evaluation and Policy Simulation of Sustainable Development of Electricity Power of Henan Province

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    可持续发展的思想已为世界所普遍接受,并发展到电力、煤炭、环境等领域。电力是从化石能源(煤炭、石油和天然气等)、可再生能源(水能、风能、太阳能、潮汐能、地热能和生物质能)以及核能等一次能源转换而得的清洁二次能源。世界主要发达国家和发展中国家的实践经验表明,电力生产的增长速度一般快于经济和一次能源增长的速度。在资源短缺和环境污染日益严重的趋势下,电力在经济、能源与环境三者之间发挥着越来越重要的平衡作用。电力可持续发展受到资源和环境的双重约束,不容忽视的是电力可持续发展还需要体现社会公平,研究电力可持续发展意义深远。 河南是典型的能源结构以煤为主的省份。通过计算资源耗竭成本、污染气体排放空间、人文...The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world widely, and integrated with electricity power, coal, environment, etc. Electricity power is a clean energy which is transformed from the fossil energy (coal, oil and gas, etc.), renewable energy (water, wind, solar, geothermal and tidal, biomass energy, etc) and nuclear energy. The experience of major developed countries and develo...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562006115100

    A Cognitive Study of English Polysemy and Its Implication for Vocabulary Teaching ---Based on Conceptual Metaphor Theory

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    多义词,即一词多义,在英语及任何其他语言中占据主导地位而单义词则为少数。我们日常生活中使用的用于表示熟悉事务的常用词大部分是多义词。作为一种常见的重要的语言现象,多义词已经引起了哲学家、心理学家和语言学家们的重视。尤其是语言学家们,他们对多义词的成因和发展路径产生了浓厚的兴趣。传统语言学家,如Aristotle和Breal,认为语言是任意的、抽象的和不能体验的,多义词的多义项的发生是巧合的。结构主义语言学家们在研究多义词多项意义之间的联系时,过于关注于语言形式的内部结构,却忽略了影响多义形成的外部因素—使用语言的人,包括人类的认知手段、生活体验等。结果他们的研究没有把握多义词的实质,无法对一词...Polysemy means literally a plurality of meaning, and it refers to a word which has two or more different meanings. In English as in any other language polysemy is the rule and monosemy is the exception. Most of the common words denoting familiar objects in our daily life have various meanings. Being a general and important phenomenon in language, polysemy has won attentions from philosophers, psyc...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院外语教学部_英语语言文学学号:X200711101