4 research outputs found

    Research on Key Security of Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Application

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    在无线传感器网络中,如果通信双方或某一方的密钥一旦丢失、被窃取或者泄露,就必将直接威胁到整个网络,无线传感器网络通信的安全性就将无法得以保证。众所周知,密钥在密码算法中是处于可变的部分,在一切采用了密码技术进行保护的信息系统中,其密钥的良好保护性将直接决定了系统安全性的高低。而密钥的管理研究是控制密钥的产生、分配、更新以及撤销等过程的重要依据,它在密码系统中起着决定性的作用,特别是针对特殊的无线WSN网络环境,安全密钥管理方案的研究就更显重要,已逐渐成为了目前研究WSN安全的基础和核心课题。 本文的主要目的是在充分研究和分析现有密钥管理方案的基础上,针对当前密钥管理方案中存在的各种缺陷和不足...In wireless sensor networks, if the encryption keys of both sides or a key on one side of the communication has been lost, stolen or leaked, then it will be a direct threat to the entire network, and the security of the wireless sensor network communication will not be guaranteed. As we all know, the cipher algorithm of an encryption key is variable, and in all the information systems which use pa...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:X201022102

    Convex Optimization Resource Allocation Algorithm in Cogniti'^e Heterogeneous Networks under Imperfect Spectrum Sensing

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    当前认知异构网络中无线频谱日益紧缺,而传统固定频谱分配模式日益成为限制无线通信性能的重要瓶颈,在非理想频谱感知情况下资源分配的问题尤为突出。为实现非理想频谱感知情况下无线资源的高效分配,提出一种基于认知异构网络的凸优化资源分配算法。该算法首先构建了基于主用户活跃度的用户到达模型,以精确描述认知网络中主用户的频谱使用状态,为认知用户分配资源提供依据;并通过认知异构网络干扰分析构建非理想频谱感知条件下的干扰容限条件,最后通过凸优化算法实现对认知网络中频谱资源的优化分配。仿真结果表明,在非理想频谱感知条件下,该算法能够有效降低系统平均时延,提升认知异构网络的传输速率和系统吞吐量。The cognitive radio spectrum in heterogeneous networks become increasingly scarce, and thetraditional fixed spectrum allocation model has become an important bottleneck of wireless communication. Theproblem of the allocation of resources under imperfect spectrum sensing is particularly prominent. To realizeeficient allocation of wireless resources under imperfect spectrum sensing,our paper presents a convex optimization resource allocation algorithm in Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks. Firstly,it constructs the arriving model basedon the primary users activity,and accurately describes the spectrum usage of primary users,provides a basis for cognitive users to allocate resources. Through cognitive heterogeneous network interference analysis,w e reason out of the interference tolerance limits under imperfect spectrum sense, and finally proposes a convex optimizationalgorithm to achieve an optimal allocation of spectrum resources. Simulation results show thatunder tlie imperfectspectrum sensing,this method can effectively reduce the average delay of system,and improve transmission speedand the overall throughput of the cognitive heterogeneous network.福建师范大学闽南科技学院教学改革项目(12014002)和福建师范大学闽南科技学院本科教学工程培育项目(PYXM-2015-01)资


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    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Home Control System Based on Android and Arduino

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    作为时下最炙手可热的移动应用端操作系统,Android以其显著的开放性、便于开发的灵活性、能够与Google应用的无缝对接性及丰富的第三方软硬件; 资源等成为智能应用系统不可或缺的组成部分;Arduino单片机系统以其开源的电子原型平台、灵活便捷的设计和丰富的传感器资源等被广泛应用。其与Ja; va和C语言相类似的基于; Wiring/Processing的语言开发环境更是受到越来越多的电子爱好者和开发者的青睐。本文以移动手机安卓系统为无线控制终端,结合Ardui; no单片机系统,设计并实验仿真了一款基于Android与Arduino的智能家居控制系统,以控制; LED灯示例,通过网络http传输控制指令到Arduino单片机系统,Arduino根据所接收到的指令,控制不同的家居电器完成所要求的工作任务。; 仿真实验表明,文章所设计方法行之有效,可以灵活的运用到日常家居电器设备,提供了一种智能家居系统设计的新思路,具有易实现,应用广的特点。As one of the most sought-after mobile application terminal operating; system, Android has become an indispensable part of the intelligent; application system, because it has the features of definite openness,; flexibility for development, perfect connection with Google applications; and abundant third party software and hardware resources and so on.; Arduino MCU system is widely used in society because of its; characteristics of open source electronic prototype platform, flexible; and convenient design, rich sensor resources, etc. Moreover, its classes; Java and C language based on Wiring/Processing development environment; are becoming more and more popular among the electronics enthusiasts and; developers. Taking the mobile phone Android system as wireless control; terminal, and combining Arduino MCU system, an intelligent home control; system based on Android and Arduino is designed and implemented in this; paper. By controlling LED lamp samples, with the network HTTP; transmission control instructions sending to the Arduino MCU system, and; according to the received instructions, Arduino can control different; household electrical appliances to complete the required tasks.; Experiments show that the methods designed in this paper can be flexibly; applied to daily household appliances, such as, home appliance control,; security equipment, etc. This paper provides a new idea for the design; of intelligent home system, which is easy to implement and widely used.2015年度"福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划"项目; 2015年福建省高等学校创新创业教育改革项目;; 2016年本科高校重大教育教学改革研究项目; 2016年省级互联网实验教学示范中心项目; 2016年福建省高等学校服务产业特色专业建设项