
A Cognitive Study of English Polysemy and Its Implication for Vocabulary Teaching ---Based on Conceptual Metaphor Theory


多义词,即一词多义,在英语及任何其他语言中占据主导地位而单义词则为少数。我们日常生活中使用的用于表示熟悉事务的常用词大部分是多义词。作为一种常见的重要的语言现象,多义词已经引起了哲学家、心理学家和语言学家们的重视。尤其是语言学家们,他们对多义词的成因和发展路径产生了浓厚的兴趣。传统语言学家,如Aristotle和Breal,认为语言是任意的、抽象的和不能体验的,多义词的多义项的发生是巧合的。结构主义语言学家们在研究多义词多项意义之间的联系时,过于关注于语言形式的内部结构,却忽略了影响多义形成的外部因素—使用语言的人,包括人类的认知手段、生活体验等。结果他们的研究没有把握多义词的实质,无法对一词...Polysemy means literally a plurality of meaning, and it refers to a word which has two or more different meanings. In English as in any other language polysemy is the rule and monosemy is the exception. Most of the common words denoting familiar objects in our daily life have various meanings. Being a general and important phenomenon in language, polysemy has won attentions from philosophers, psyc...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院外语教学部_英语语言文学学号:X200711101

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