238 research outputs found

    Research on Mo-Based Lanthanide Oxides (Tm2O3,Dy2O3 and Tb2O3) Neutron Absorber Materials

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    堆芯控制棒在核反应堆正常运行和事故工况下非常重要,以用于控制核反应性,其关键在于内部的中子吸收体芯块。本论文采用高能球磨、冷等静压成型和氩气保护烧结的工艺制备出了性能优异的核反应堆灰控制棒用中子吸收体钼基氧化铥、钼基氧化镝和钼基氧化铽芯块。深入分析了球磨过程中混合粉末的微观结构演变行为,探讨了球磨过程中的热力学机制和动力学驱动机理。研究了球磨时间和烧结温度与烧结时间对烧结块体物相与显微硬度的影响,分析了烧结块体的物相与微观组织结构,并测试了烧结块体的显微硬度、热物理性能和致密度等。 经过高能球磨后,分别获得混合均匀的Mo-Tm2O3、Mo-Dy2O3和Mo-Tb4O7球磨粉末。高能球磨使粉末...The core control rods are very important in the normal operation and accident conditions of the nuclear reactor for the control of nuclear reactivity, the key lies in the internal neutron absorber materials. The pellets of molybdenum-based thulium oxide,molybdenum-based dysprosium oxide and molybdenum-based terbium oxide used as neutron absorber materials of gray control rods in the nuclear reacto...学位:工程硕士院系专业:能源学院_工程硕士(材料工程)学号:3242014115225

    The Design and Implementation of Tag Antenna for RFID Systems

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    随着“物联网”概念的提出,以及RFID技术在物流上应用的广泛和深入,作为其关键技术之一的标签天线的设计也更加显得重要而有意义。基于福建省科技计划重点项目—“RFID标签天线设计技术的研究”以及厦门信达汇聪科技有限公司关于RFID物流的应用的基础上,本论文对应用于物流的RFID标签天线进行了设计和研究。本论文主要由两大问题:尺寸缩减和阻抗匹配,三个部:天线设计的基础理论,3/2分形镜像双频偶极子天线,“蝙蝠”型天线组成。 第一部分是关于两部分理论:天线设计所基于的偶极子天线理论和天线分析所基于的矩量法和有限元法,论文对有限元法做了较详细的介绍。 第二部分所做工作主要针对电子标签天线所...With the concept of the Internet of things, RFID will be applied to logistics extensively and intensively. As the indispensable part, the research on RFID tag antenna will be more important, significant and practical. With one hand basic on the basis of Microwave and Photon Technology Group and the other hand basic on the practice of Xinda Huicong Technology (Xiamen) Ltd. CO, in this paper two kin...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_电磁场与微波技术学号:2312007115014

    Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Spot Assayto Measure Serum Neutralizing Antibodies against Type I Herpes Simplex Virus

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    单纯疱疹病毒(HerpesSimplexVirus,HSV)属于疱疹病毒科a病毒亚科,根据血清型和抗原性的差异,单纯疱疹病毒分为I型和II型(HSV-1、HSV-2)。其中HSV-1病毒主要引起口唇性疱疹,HSV-2病毒主要引起生殖器疱疹。HSV-1病毒相比于HSV-2病毒危害性较小,80%以上的中国人都曾经感染过HSV-1病毒。 恶性肿瘤严重威胁着人类生命健康,其发生率呈逐年上升趋势。据世界卫生组织2010年统计结果显示目前肿瘤引起的死亡数目已经超越心脑血管疾病引起的死亡数目而跃居首位。随着肿瘤诊疗技术水平的不断提高,早期肿瘤患者的整体生存率显著提高,但是中晚期肿瘤患者生存率仍相对较低。目...Herpessimplexvirus (HSV), also as known as human herpesvirus, belongs to the Herpesviridae family, alphaherpesvirinae subfamily. According to the serotype and antigenicity,herpes simplex virus is divided into two types: type I and II herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2). HSV-1 causes primarily oral infections while HSV-2 more commonly causes genital infections. HSV-2 infection causes more severe...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162012115241

    Study on the Application of BSC in the Human Resource Management ——The Application Experience Summary of BSC of C Company

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    随着人类进入知识经济时代,人与企业的其他经济资源相比,无疑是最重要的战略性资源,也是企业战略得以实施的重要保证。企业的发展离不开优秀的人力资源以及对现有人力资源的优化配置,这就要求企业人力资源部门不能仅仅局限于日常性的工作,而是应该根据企业的战略定位,站在战略的高度,制定相应的人力资源政策,为实现企业的战略目标提供支持与帮助,从而实现企业的人力资源管理,这也代表着现代人力资源管理发展的趋势。人力资源的所有权属于人本身,而人可能会偷懒,这就必须依靠良好的机制来最大限度地防止人偷懒行为的发生。因此,要发挥人力资源在企业价值实现中的作用,必须充分发挥绩效考核在人力资源管理中的作用。我国企业的传统绩效...As human society entered the era of knowledge economy, compared with the other enterprise economic resources, human resource is undoubtedly the most important strategic resources. It is the important guarantee of the implementation of enterprise strategy. The development of Enterprise is inseparable from the excellent human resources. And it needs the optimal allocation of human resources. This re...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X201015601

    A Study of G Glass Outsourcing Manufacturing Strategy of C Company

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    2008年金融危机的爆发,改变了许多行业和行业中所在的公司,环境的巨大变化使大家开始反思什么样的战略能够使公司既能够保持迅速发展又能够分散风险,灵活应对经济波动甚至危机的影响,保持盈利和持续增长。 本文的研究对象C公司是特殊玻璃和陶瓷材料的全球领导厂商,C公司也同样受到金融危机的巨大影响。本文简要介绍了C公司的基本情况,主要产品;分析了C公司的竞争对手和所处的竞争环境,以及C公司在金融危机背景下遇到的问题和挑战。 作者根据多年的运营管理及供应链管理经验,结合C公司的具体情况,提出C公司可采取外包战略,加快公司发展,应对金融危机。运用五力模型,SWOT分析方法和外包管理的相关理论模型,对C公...Global financial crisis start from 2008 change a lot for the economic. Many industries and companies are impacted a lot. Many companies start to look for the strategy with more flexibility and lower risk to deal with the impact of economic cycle or even crisis to keep driving the company growing rapidly and consistently. Company C is the world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. Company C is ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1552005130149

    Detecting the circadian rhythms of clock proteins in Microcystis aeruginosa and screening of their interaction

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    生物钟是广泛存在于蓝藻、植物和动物细胞中的内源计时系统,它对各种代谢和行为的实时调控使机体能更好地适应环境日变化(如光照、温度和湿度等)。生物钟一般具有三个主要特点,即在稳恒条件下生物钟仍然能以近似24h的周期自由运行;光/暗和温度信号能重置生物钟时相;生物钟周期长度具有温度补偿性。蓝藻是具有生物钟的最简单生物,蓝藻生物钟的核心是kai基因簇及其编码的蛋白KaiA、KaiB和KaiC,这三种蛋白相互作用调节KaiC的磷酸化状态,从而产生昼夜节律信息。KaiC的磷酸化循环是昼夜节律的起搏器,调控包括kai基因在内的相关基因的节律性表达。为了研究铜绿微囊藻中Kai蛋白的表达节律,我们将三种kai基...The circadian clock is an endogenous cellular mechanism that allows organisms to temporally regulate gene expression and thereby regulate complex biological processes as a function of time. Temporal organization of cellular functions allows organisms to capitalize on the environmental condition at any given time of day. In any organism, biological phenomena defined as a circadian clock have three ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20042612

    Research on modeling and scheduling of stacker via colored timed petri net

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    为了直观、简洁地研究AS/rS中的堆垛机运送系统,应用着色赋时PETrI网(CTPn)建立了其动态模型。同时针对原有系统的不足,提出了基于双队列缓冲的堆垛机控制策略及双循环作业方式的路径优化策略,从而缓解了该系统中可能产生的阻塞现象,提高了堆垛机运送系统和出入库站台的效率,这对保证出入库的高效、正常、有序的进行有着重要的意义。In order to research the stacker convey system concisely and legibly in AS/RS,the colored timed petri net is adopted here to establish its dynamic model.At the same time,aimed at the shortcomings of the existing system,propose a stacker-control strategy based on dual buffers and a path-optimization strategy based on two-cycle operations,which not only reduce the clog that possible bring by the existing system greatly,but also enhance the efficiency in the stacker convey system and the input/ output station.It has the vital significance to AS/RS with high efficiency,normally and orderly to carry out.厦门大学985二期信息创新平台项目资

    Practices on distributed weighting system base on C/S and B/S mode

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    Design of the Intellective Quality Manage System for Coal Industry

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    针对煤炭公司质量检验和质量统计的分析研究,设计了煤炭智能化质量管理系统,该系统整合了质量化验和质量统计,不仅实现了煤炭行业质量和计重的自动关联(质计关联),而且可根据公司下达文件为各矿井设定煤质判定标准,并根据化验人员录入成份值自动判定煤质等级。The intellective quality manage system is in the research of quality test and statistics of coal industry, which makes quality test system and quality statistics integrated into one system. the whole system not only makes quality manage related with measure system, but can automatically decides the grade of coal based on the number inputted by test member, according to standards drawn up by company for every mine department