1,465 research outputs found

    The project buy-back under BT mode and it’s case study

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    BT模式是一种新型的公共基础设施建设投融资方式,由于我国城市化发展进程的加快,各地政府纷纷加大公共基础设施的投资建设力度,而政府财政资金实力又相对有限无法满足公共基础设施投资日益增长的需求,BT模式在此背景下应运而生,它可以大大降低政府投资建设风险,但BT项目投资人却面临着较大的政府回购风险。而我国目前通过采取合理的回购方案设计来降低回购风险的研究涉及较少。 本文通过介绍BT项目的交易结构和参与主体,剖析BT项目的运作程序,使BT项目投资人全方位地理解BT项目模式;通过对BT项目政府不能按期回购的风险表现形式进行分析,提出降低回购风险的应对措施;通过对回购方案设计需要考虑回购价款的组成、回购...BT mode is a new financing method in public infrastructure building. For the accelerating urbanization process in China, the local governments step up plans in public infrastructure building,while the government fiscal funds is limited and can’t meet the increasing demands in public infrastructure building. So BT mode emerges as the times require. It can greatly reduce the risk of governmental inv...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:X201115707

    The Effect of Social Engagement and Loneliness on Dementia Risk among Chinese Older Adults ——Analysis based on the Marginal Structural Model

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    目的 中国老龄化形势严峻,随之产生的老年痴呆发病率的急剧增加成为我国需重点关注的问题。而国内外有关社会参与、孤独感对老年痴呆发病风险影响的研究甚少,且结论不一致;此外,以往文献多采用传统回归方法,未考虑时间依赖混杂因素带来的偏倚。本文拟通过对中国65岁及以上老年人痴呆发病情况进行研究,运用边际结构模型(marginalstructuralmodel,MSM)方法了解社会参与、孤独感和老年痴呆发生的统计因果关系,并分析两者对老年痴呆发病风险影响的联合作用以及它们在不同性别、年龄、受教育水平上的差异,为预防老年痴呆、提高老年人生活质量,缓解我国老年痴呆的疾病经济负担等提供科学的参考依据。 方法...Objective With the intensification of China's aging, the rapid increase in dementia risk to become China's focus on issues to be concerned about. Few studies about the association of social engagement, loneliness and dementia risk and the conclusions are inconsistent. In addition, the previous studies using the traditional regression method, which is not take the deviation by the time-dependent c...学位:医学硕士院系专业:公共卫生学院_流行病与卫生统计学学号:3262014115055

    Study on the Geographical Indications Protection of China in the background of TRIPs and TPP

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    地理标志作为一种知识财产,逐步成为各国法律和国际条约所保护的对象,TRIPs作为世界上保护地理标志适用性最广的多边协定,是所有成员都必须遵守的保护地理标志的最低标准。2015年完成谈判的环太平洋国家主导的TPP代表了地理标志国际保护的新标准。研究TRIPs和TPP有助于把握国际知识产权的最新立法动态和趋势,具有理论和现实意义。本文通过文献分析、比较分析、案例分析、等研究方法,探索地理标志保护的基本理论、保护现状、与协定的差距及对策。全文共分为三章,主要内容如下: 第一章是关于TRIPs中对地理标志保护的相关规定和该协定实施以来对地理标志保护所作出的贡献以及在实施过程中出现的不足与缺陷,提出该...Geographical Indications, as an intellectual property, which gradually become the object under the protection of national laws and international treaties,all members must comply with the minimum standards for the protection of geographical indications.The regional trade agreement, which is most valued by all countries, is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), which is dominated by the Pac...学位:法律硕士院系专业:知识产权研究院_法律硕士学号:3252014115366

    Research on Legislative Deliberation

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    本文从当前国内外关于立法协商的理论研究现状出发,以协商民主思想为理论基础来提出本文对于立法协商的理解。在梳理了协商思想的源流后,本文提出立法协商是参与协商的主体,既包括直接行使国家立法权的机关机构,也包括作为间接立法主体的公民,借助于社会领域与国家立法机构之间的意见交往之流,以公共利益为价值取向,关于立法问题的自由、平等的理性对话过程。立法协商是一个具有程序性和理性特质的概念,它把协商的程序看作是立法合法性的来源,其对于立法协商的程序有着自由、平等的要求,希望通过这种程序为协商对话注入更多的理性,以使更好的理由来支持相应的论点进而说服不同意见者。借助于哈贝马斯的商谈理论,本文认为立法协商的核心...Understanding of legislative deliberation is based on deliberative democracy in this dissertation. After reviewing the deliberative thoughts, I definite legislative deliberation as a process that legislators, including legislatures and ordinary people, take the free, equal dialogue rationally with each others, then make the final legislative decisions in the perspective of the public good. Legisla...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院_法学理论学号:1362013015365

    Design and Implementation of Teaching Management System for a Vocational School Based on Web

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    在国民的教育体系中,职业教育与经济社会的发展具有密切的联系。经济社会越进步、越发展、越优越,人民的物质、生活水平越高,就越需要高质量、灵活多样、特色鲜明、高信息化的职业教育。职业教育必须围绕国家的重点发展规划、重视信息化服务,以促进就业改革。本文以海南某职业院校的教学信息化管理为背景,针对管理工作中的实际问题与业务需求,设计并实现了一套基于Web的教学管理系统。 系统中共包含学生、教师以及教务科管理人员3类角色用户,操作权限与其工作职能严格对应,做到了形式与内容的相互统一。系统基于B/S结构,采用PlayFramework框架,分为模型、视图和控制器3个部分。模型封装了数据存储、封装、变换等...In national education system,vocational education has a closed association with the development of economical society.The more progression, more development, more superior of economical society, the higher in material and living standard for the people, as more vocational education in high quality,flexibility,distinction,high-information.Vocational education must revolve around national significan...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323185

    Research on Puxia Village of Traditional Settlement and Architectural Form

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    中国传统聚落根植于几千年农耕文明,聚落形成是历史文化、生活习俗、伦理道德等多方面共同作用的结果,是适应自然环境生态的体现,更是劳动人民利用智慧创造美好舒适的乡村生活的表现。传统聚落形态各异、瑰丽多姿,是建筑遗产重要的组成部分,属于不可再生的宝贵财富。而目前,许多保留下来的珍贵古村落,也在面临着多种问题:无人问津,村落破败;新建建筑增多,改变传统聚落面貌;一些村落过渡的旅游开发......等等。本文从这一背景出发,基于对传统聚落保护与更新,通过分析聚落物质基础和文化特征,归纳总结适合传统聚落未来发展的保护更新方式。 本文选取闽南传统聚落——铺下村作为研究对象,村庄肌理格局清晰,民俗文化多样,传...Chinese traditional settlemen is rooted in thousands of years of agricultural civilization.the formation of settlement is the result of historical culture, customs, ethics and other aspects of joint action.It is the reflection to adapt to the natural environment and ecology.Simultaneously,it is the performance of beautiful and comfortable country life which more working people use wisdom to create...学位:建筑学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_建筑学硕士学号:2522013115177

    Meaning in dance,beauty in poetry-- Exploration and research on the creation of the original dance poem memory and light

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    本文是笔者结合自身创作实践,通过编创舞蹈诗《忆厦·拾光》过程中的个人体会,将作品进行了深度解析及在舞蹈诗的创作中的探索。文章主要是以“舞蹈诗”为切入点,针对思想性、艺术性和观赏性在舞蹈诗《忆厦·拾光》创作中的个人解读和舞台运用进行了探索,并用现、当代舞为主体,同时吸收中国传统古典舞身韵、西方现代芭蕾舞等多种元素,把现、当代舞的元素与交响编舞法有机的结合,实与虚的十字构架,着实与空灵交加的意境,探索新时期以校园题材的舞蹈诗——这种新型舞蹈形式的创作方式,并结合实践经验及观众反响,通过文字论述的形式呈现出来。为今后创作校园题材的舞蹈诗打下了经验基础。In this paper, author analyzes the work deeply by combining personal experience and thinking creating in the composing of the dance called A Time Remembered in Xiamen University. This paper focus on the idelological, artistic and ornamental value of A Time Remembered in Xiamen University which is based on modern dance and contains elements from both Chinese traditional dance and modern ballet. Thi...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_音乐与舞蹈学学号:1872014115364


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    Optical mapping has been applied to image brain activation two-dimensionally along the head surface by detecting the intensity changes of light that passes through the brain. In optical mapping for imaging brain activity, it is assumed that the head tissue is spatially homogeneous and temporally invariable except the activated region in the brain. However, in the superficial layers above the brain, the tissues are inhomogeneous and vary hemodynamically. Furthermore, light propagation and the optical pathlength inside the head are highly dependent on the anatomy and physiology in the head. In particular, the spatial variations in the thickness of skull and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) layers, the existence of the blood vessels and the hemodynamic changes in the superficial layers such as the CSF and skin layers would have significant influences on light propagation and would result in the difference in the mapping images. However, itis difficult to know these influences by in vivo experiments. The aim of this study is to investigate these influences by numerical and experimental methods. Three-dimensional head models are used to simulate light propagation in the head by solving the photon diffusion equation using the finite element method (FEM), and the optical mapping images are constructed from the simulated measurement data. Tissue-mimicking phantoms with spatially varying thickness and changeable optical properties of head layers were also developed and multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) experiments were performed on the dynamic phantoms. In the numerical simulations and phantom experiments, the changes in the optical densities (ΔOD) due to activated regions are obtained to construct the mapping images, and the light path probability distributions between one pair of source and detector are calculated to show the sensitivity of the tissue regions to the mapping images. As theresults, the influences of (1) the spatial variations of the skull and CSF layers and (2) the blood volume changes in the skin and CSF layers on the mapping images of brain activities are investigated quantitatively. The optical mapping for the single or multiple activated regions and the effects of the position of the activated regions relative to theprobe arrays on mapping images are also discussed. The quantitative results about the influences of the superficial layers in this study provide information for compensating the optical mapping images among different individuals or different head regions in an individual. In vivo experiments considering the influences of structural and hemodynamic differences in the superficial layers onoptical mapping remain as a future subject.電気通信大学201