Meaning in dance,beauty in poetry-- Exploration and research on the creation of the original dance poem memory and light


本文是笔者结合自身创作实践,通过编创舞蹈诗《忆厦·拾光》过程中的个人体会,将作品进行了深度解析及在舞蹈诗的创作中的探索。文章主要是以“舞蹈诗”为切入点,针对思想性、艺术性和观赏性在舞蹈诗《忆厦·拾光》创作中的个人解读和舞台运用进行了探索,并用现、当代舞为主体,同时吸收中国传统古典舞身韵、西方现代芭蕾舞等多种元素,把现、当代舞的元素与交响编舞法有机的结合,实与虚的十字构架,着实与空灵交加的意境,探索新时期以校园题材的舞蹈诗——这种新型舞蹈形式的创作方式,并结合实践经验及观众反响,通过文字论述的形式呈现出来。为今后创作校园题材的舞蹈诗打下了经验基础。In this paper, author analyzes the work deeply by combining personal experience and thinking creating in the composing of the dance called A Time Remembered in Xiamen University. This paper focus on the idelological, artistic and ornamental value of A Time Remembered in Xiamen University which is based on modern dance and contains elements from both Chinese traditional dance and modern ballet. Thi...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_音乐与舞蹈学学号:1872014115364

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