108 research outputs found

    The Effects of eWOM Re-Diffusion Intention Under the Background of Social E-commerce

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    网络购物和社交网络是移动互联网时代两种极其重要的应用,中国网民规模的增长也呈现了持续、稳定、快速的发展,网络购物环境呈多样化发展,社会化电子商务就在网络购物和社交网络寻找持续快速增长出口的机遇中得到了迅速发展。在社会化电子商务模式下,购物模式正在发生变化,在线口碑信息的扩散机制也在发生着变化,网民通过社交方式有目标地自主传播和分享产品信息,并影响其他用户的消费行为。口碑的再传播是从口碑发送者到广大口碑受众扩散的中间环节,因网络传播容量的无限性,网络口碑的再传播可以做到病毒式的扩散效应,帮助企业在极短的时间获得最佳的口碑营销效果。 因此,本文构建了基于社会化电子商务背景的网络在线口碑再传播意愿...Online shopping and social networking are two very important application of mobile Internet era. With continuous, fast and stable development of netizen scale in China, online purchase environment shows diversified development, and common e-commerce has attained fast development when online purchase and social networks seek the opportunity of continuous and fast growth. In the electronic commerce ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_管理科学与工程学号:1772013115109

    A Study of Strategies for Chinese-English Consecutive Interpreting at China’s Official Press Conferences from the Perspective of the Functionalist Translation Theory

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    本文以中国官方记者招待会汉英交替口译为研究对象,在功能翻译理论的核心要素的指导下,采用基于语料的例证分析法,旨在证实并总结该场合的汉英交替口译策略。本文简述了本研究的背景、意义、目的、语料收集及研究方法,讨论了中国官方记者招待会的定义、历史和特点,并由此提出了该口译的难点。此外,对该研究对象的前人研究成果进行述评。从本质上来说,中国官方记者招待会是具有明确目的的跨文化交际活动。本文系统阐述了功能翻译理论,着重于该口译参与者、翻译纲要和功能翻译四大原则。同时概述了该理论的四大代表人物及发展历程。在功能翻译理论指导下,本文结合例证分析以探讨汉英交替传译口译策略。每一策略都由充足的实例验证而得出,同...The research object of this thesis is Chinese-English (C-E) consecutive interpreting at China’s official press conferences (COPCs). With the core elements of the Functionalist Translation Theory as the theoretical basis, this study employs the method of case analysis of the data collected for this project with a view to verifying and summarizing some coping strategies for C-E consecutive interpret...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:1202010115260

    Solutions of the time fractional partial equations and applications

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    分数阶微积分是专门研究任意阶积分和微分的数学性质及其应用的领域,是传统的整数阶微积分的推广,分数阶微分方程是含有非整数阶导数的方程。近几十年里,研究者们发现分数阶微分方程非常适合用来描述现实生活中具有记忆和遗传特性的问题,如:分形和多孔介质中的弥散,电容理论,电解化学,半导体物理、湍流、凝聚态物理,粘弹性系统,生物数学及统计力学等等,因此研究这类方程的性质和数值解法有现实的理论和应用意义。 本文主要讨论一类时间分数阶空间二阶偏微分方程,讨论其解析解,数值解。 第一章,给出本论文的研究背景和意义,总结了前人所做的工作,并叙述分数阶微积分的概念和分数阶微积分一些基本定义和性质,详列本论文的研究...Fractional calculus is a branch of studying the property of any order integral or derivative.Fractional order differential equation is the equation containingthe non-integer order derivative, raising from the standard differential equations by replacing the integer-order derivatives with fractional-order derivatives. Its application is very broad, many researchers find that the fractional differen...学位:理学博士院系专业:数学科学学院信息与计算数学系_计算数学学号:B2005140300

    非定常不可压粘性/ 无粘性耦合方程

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    给出了数值求解初始变量不可压Navier2Stokes/ Euler 耦合方程的一种分步块LU 分解方 法。与传统的时间分裂法不同,该法无需压力中介边条件,从而避免了传统时间分裂法要求 的复杂的压力中介边条件逼近。分步块LU 分解方法可看做经典的Uzawa 算法的改进,后者 曾被成功应用于不可压Navier2Stokes/ Euler 耦合方程的求解。但本文显示分步块LU 分解法 比经典的Uzawa 方法更经济。分析显示该法具有良好的稳定性和高精度,数值结果支持这一 理论分析。国家自然科学基金19801028 项目,科技部“中法先进研究计划”PRAS199203 项

    Effects of Spartina alterniflora on Mangrove Kandelia candel Seedlings Regeneration

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    以裸露的光滩为对照,在福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区互花米草入侵地进行秋茄胚轴插植试验,探究互花米草入侵对秋茄幼苗更新的影响。结果表明:由于互花米草遮荫的影响,秋茄幼苗生长缓慢,茎杆纤细且叶片出现脱落现象,最终由于互花米草的倒伏覆盖使得秋茄幼苗完全失去光照而全部死亡。The study was conducted in Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve.Study sited with Kandelia candel hypocotyls were separately set in the places invaded by Spartina alterniflora with the control of places of bare tidal flat.The growth and survival of K.candel hypocotyls in the scopes of S.alterniflora communities were surveyed to evaluate the effects of the invasion on the regeneration of K.candel seedlings.The results showed that K.candel seedlings poorly grew because of the Spartina alterniflora shading, stalks were slender and leaves abscised,at last,because of the lodging of S.alterniflora,K.candel seedlings losed sunlight and died.国家自然科学基金项目(30600077)资

    Yield and Value of Fishery Products of Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Forestry National Nature Reserve

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    2006年全年对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区红树林主要分布地竹塔村辖区内的海产品类型、产量和价格进行了逐日统计。结果表明:2006年竹塔村滩涂海产品总产量为529956kg(1589.9kg/HM2),远高于一般的红树林。其中缢蛏苗和缢蛏成品的产量最高,分别为312468kg(937.4kg/HM2)和123376kg(370.1kg/HM2),占总产量的59.0%和23.3%。泥蚶、锯缘青蟹成品和泥螺分别占总产量的12.2%、2.3%和2.0%。缢蛏苗以冬季(1月和12月)的产量最高;锯缘青蟹苗年产量为2.59尾/M2,高峰期出现在6月至11月。2006年竹塔村红树林滩涂海产品总产值为1388.0万元(4.17万元/HM2)。研究结果可为红树林生态系统服务功能的评价和红树林的科学管理提供基础数据。Daily investigation of the yield and value of the main fishery products within a mangrove area of Zhuta village in Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve were surveyed throughout the year of 2006.Results showed that the total yield of fishery products in this area was 529 956 Kg(1589.9kg/hm2) in 2006,much higher than that of the normal mangrove areas.The yields of young and adultSinonovacula constricta were the highest among the fishery products,respectively 312 468 kg(937.4kg/hm2) and 123 376 kg(370.1kg/hm2) ,accounting for 59.0% and 23.3% respectively of the total fishery yields.Tegillarca granosa,adult Scylla serrata and Bullacta exarata were the second important fishery products,accounting for 12.2%,2.3% and 2.0% of the total fishery products respectively.The yield of youngSinonovacula constricta peaked in winter(January and December) and the peak season of young Scylla serrata appeared between June and November.The annual fishery products value was 13.88 million Yuan(41 700 Yuan per hm2) .The results provide a basis for the evaluation of ecological services of mangroves and for its sound management.国家自然科学基金项目(40876046)资

    Analysis of buckling deformation of positive plates during formation at low temperature

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    [中文文摘]在低温条件蓄电池生产中,极板化成时经常产生正极板弯曲的现象。对此进行了研究,发现在低温下,电化学反应形成了致密的结晶,很难形成颗粒状的活性物质和分布均匀的孔隙,产生的应力无法释放;低温下化成的极板内部和极板外部的成分差异很大,也是产生应力的因素之一,这些应力导致了极板的变形。[英文文摘]During battery production at low temperature, buckling phenomenon of positive plates often appeared due to the formation of plates. Research showed that electrochemical reaction formed the dense crystals at low temperature. It is difficult to form the granular active materials and uniform distributed porosity, so that the resulted stress could not be released. During formation at low temperature, the difference of components between the internal and external plates was remarkable. This was also one of the factors of resulting in stress which lead to the deformation of plates


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    本文通过对《高等数学》中的有关教学原则的理解 ,探讨“科学性与思想性相结合原则” ,“知识积累与智能发展相结合原则” ,“理论联系实际原则”等教学原则在《高等数学》教学中的运用及其特有的体现形

    A Model Based on Support Vector Machine for Credit Risk Assessment in Commercial Banks

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    贷款业务是商业银行最重要的资产业务,构建一个适用的信用风险评估模型十分重要.本文基于近年来在智能学习系统领域发展起来的新理论,引入小样本学习的通用学习算法支持向量机(SVM),建立了商业银行的信用风险评估模型,通过与多元判别分析、以及神经网络模型的比较,证实了该方法用于风险评估的有效性及优越性.Loan is the key capital business in commercial banks.It’s very important to build a suitable model for credit risk assessment.Based on the new developing theory in the intelligent learning system domain,the Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique is introduced in this paper.By analyzing the real data,a new model based on SVM is built and tested.Empirical results show that the new proposed model is effective and more advantageous than those of both MDA model and neural network model

    A fractional step method for the time dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes/Euler coupled equations

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    给出了数值求解初始变量不可压Navier Stokes/Euler耦合方程的一种分步块LU分解方法。与传统的时间分裂法不同,该法无需压力中介边条件,从而避免了传统时间分裂法要求的复杂的压力中介边条件逼近。分步块LU分解方法可看做经典的Uzawa算法的改进,后者曾被成功应用于不可压Navier Stokes/Euler耦合方程的求解。但本文显示分步块LU分解法比经典的Uzawa方法更经济。分析显示该法具有良好的稳定性和高精度,数值结果支持这一理论分析。A fractional step method for solving the incompressible NavierStokes/Euler coupled equations in primitive variables is analyzed as a block LU decomposition. In this formulation, no intermediate boundary conditions for the velocity and the pressure is required, in contrast to the traditional time splitting method. In addition, the fractional step method can be reviewed as an improvement of the classical Uzawa algorithm that has been proven to be useful in the calculation of the incompressible NavierStokes/Euler coupled equations. The fractional step method is showed to be cheaper than the classical Uzawa algorithm. The stability and the accuracy analysis are also given. Numerical results confirm the theoretical analysis. Simulations of the flow past the cylinder are carried out in order to demonstrate the potential applications of the NavierStokes/Euler coupled solver.国家自然科学基金19801028项目;; 科技部"中法先进研究计划"PRAS199 03项目