142 research outputs found


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    Current Situation of the Ethnic Chinese and Capital in Indonesia

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    印度尼西亚是东南亚地区华人数量最多的国家,由于历史原因,华人在印尼大多从商。本文以印尼官方公布的数据和部分权威统计资料为主要依据,对印尼华人和华商资本数量进行推估,指出印尼华人约达1000万,华商资本达1638亿美元。自1980年印尼政府放宽华侨入籍条件后,绝大部分印尼华侨通过入籍成为印尼公民,而华侨经济也自然演变为华人经济,成为印尼国民经济的重要组成部分。但目前印尼华商资本仍面临诸多困境,发展前景不容乐观。Indonesia has the largest number of the ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia.For historical reasons,most ethnic Chinese do business in Indonesia.This paper try to estimate the number of the ethnic Chinese and their capital in Indonesia based on the data released by the government and some authoritative statistics.The new estimation of the ethnic Chinese population in Indonesia is 10 million,the capital is 163.8 billion dollars.After the Government of Indonesia to relax the restrictions of Chinese citizenship in 1980s,the overwhelming majority of overseas Chinese became ethnic Chinese in Indonesia through naturalization.At the same time,the overseas Chinese economy also evolved into ethnic Chinese economy,which became an important part of the Indonesian national economy.But recently the capital of the ethnic Chinese enterprise is faced with many difficulties,whose future is not optimistic


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    智能嗅觉的发展和挑战杨原,王小如,李权龙,杨成隆,王志勇,袁东星(厦门大学化学系近代分析化学研究所,361005)智能嗅觉的发展经历了缓慢的,曲折的成长过程。就其原因来看,一方面是由于嗅觉传感器的发展速度远远落后于视觉传感器的发展 ̄[1],另一方面是..

    Classification Model of HCC Patients and Healthy People Established from Mass Spectrometry Data

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    通过对质谱数据处理和分析,建立肝细胞癌(HCC)病人与健康人的分类模型,可以用来判别样本是否来源于肝癌病人。运用表面加强激光解析电离-飞行时间质谱(SELDI-TOF-MS)获取肝癌病人和健康人血清蛋白指纹图谱数据,并运用偏最小二乘(PLS)变量筛选法建立分类模型,最终得到分类模型的交叉检验相关系数达0.96以上,判别准确率大大提高。同时对模型进行分析,找出对肝癌病人和健康人的差异有重要影响的因素或变量。这些变量为30个质荷比区间内特定蛋白的峰强度值,反映这些质荷比区间内蛋白量的增加或减少与肝癌的形成有密切关系,可作为重要的生物标志物进一步加以研究。并且采用所得模型的拟合值等一些信息做分类图,能较好地表达回归模型的分类效果。Classification models of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) patients and healthy people were built from mass spectrometry data,which could be used for the detection of HCC.Surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(SELDI-TOF-MS) technique was applied to get the data of serum protein from HCC patients and healthy people.Then PLS variable selection method was used to deal with the data and to establish the classification model.The cross validation relativity coefficients of the model cames to over 0.96.Furthermore the important factors or variables that discriminated HCC patients and healthy people were found by analyzing the model.The 30 variables were several peak intensities of protein from some m/z sections,which could express the up-regulation or down-regulation of protein in the sections.As potential biomarkers,the proteins may be closely related to the formation of HCC,which can be deeply studied.The classification figures constructed by the fitting value of the model in the article are clear and intuitive,and can express the discrimination effect of the model well.福建省自然科学基金(批准号:2007J0290)资

    Non Aqueous Capillary Electrophoresis

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    评述了与水相体系相比,非水体系电泳分离体系对分析对象的扩展、分离度和分离效率的改善、选择性的提高以及质谱检测联用技术等各方面带来的好处,同时还总结了非水介质各种参数对毛细管壁双层ζ电位、电渗流以及分离效率、分离度的影响。Non aqueous capillary electrophoresis is a Field needed For Further investigation. This work summarizes various advantages in extension of analysis range, improvements of resolution, separation eFFiciency, and selectivity, which are brought about by non aqueous media. It also reviews the inFluences of non aqueous media on the double layer potential, electroosmosis, resolution and eFFiciency.国家基


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