277 research outputs found

    A Research on the Mechanism and Effect of the Chinese Manufacturing Servitization

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    二十世纪八十年代初,许多发达国家实施了制造业服务化升级战略,时至今日,对于这些国家来说,无论是制造业的生产效率、制造业产品的附加值还是制造业的竞争能力,都比其他国家更胜一筹,拥有明显的竞争优势。2008年的国际金融危机爆发之后,长期存在于我国制造业中的冲突与矛盾集中爆发,导致国内大量制造企业破产倒闭,制造业升级的历史使命迫在眉睫。关于怎样实现我国制造业的升级,虽然国内外学者围绕产业结构、全球价值链、要素禀赋等方面做了大量研究,取得了丰厚的成果,但是学者们并没有重视市场需求快速变化与产品服务供给相对滞后的问题,这种只强调产品供给而忽略了服务供给与服务需求的发展思路并未给把我国制造业发展带来良好的...At the beginning of the eighties of the last century, many developed countries implemented the strategy of servitization for manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading.Today, regardless of the manufacturing producing efficiency and the added value of manufacturing product or competition ability of manufacturing , the countries which in transition of servitization have obvious advantages t...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济研究所_产业经济学学号:1602013015400

    An Analysis of the Correlation between Stock Index Futures and Their Spots Based on HuShen 300

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    股票指数期货(StockIndexFutures)是一种金融期货,是以某种股票指数为基础资产的标准化的期货合约。1982年2月,美国堪萨斯期货交易所推出世界上第一份股票指数期货合约——价值线综合指数期货合约(VLF)。自从价值线综合指数期货合约推出以来,由于股指期货交易具有流动性高、交易成本低、市场效率高的特点,在短短二十几年的时间里,股指期货以其独特的魅力和成功的运作,迅速被许多国家所接受和发展。 2010年4月16日,我国推出了沪深300股指期货,这从此拉开了我国股指期货市场的帷幕。期指上市至今,已近一载。在过去的一年里,期指交易活跃,尽管上市初期,期指一度短线炒作气氛浓厚,但是随着越来...Stock Index Future, a kind of financial futures, is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell a stock index at a certain time in the future at a certain price. In Feb. of 1982, KCBT launched the world’s first stock index future contracts, Value Line Comprehensive Index Futures Contracts (VLF) and in the next 20 years, Stock index futures, which have the unique charm and successful operation,...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_公共经济学学号:1552008115193


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    Study and Improved of Virtual Panoramic Display Based on Image

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    虚拟现实(VirturalReality)技术是20世纪90年代以来兴起的一种新型信息技术,随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展,虚拟现实技术已成为计算机应用领域的研究热点。虚拟现实是模拟真实环境,通过增强用户的在虚拟实现场景的投入使用的感觉和用户于电脑交互使产生身临其境的感觉。虚拟现实综合利虚拟现实(VirturalReality)技术是20世纪90年代以来兴起的一种新型信息技术,随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展,虚拟现实技术已成为计算机应用领域的研究热点。虚拟现实是模拟真实环境,通过增强用户的在虚拟实现场景的投入使用的感觉和用户于电脑交互使产生身临其境的感觉。虚拟现实综合利用了计算机的立体视觉、触...Virtual reality ( Virtural Reality ) technology is nineteen ninties since the rise of a new information technology, with the development of computer technology and network technology, virtual reality technology has become a research hotspot in the field of computer application。 Virtual reality is a virtual reality environment, through enhanced user inputs and human-computer interaction causing use...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机技术学号:X200722102


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    FM chaos UWB signal ranging technology based on delay line model

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    提出一种新型的基于延时线模型的超宽带混沌调频信号测距技术,从理论上推导了该信号的测距克拉美-罗界,结果表明测距精度与信噪比(Snr)、调频指数以及载波中心频率成正比。仿真并分析了该技术在测距系统中和多用户干扰存在时的测距均方根误差性能,结果表明,该技术相比于一般的高斯脉冲雷达检测技术在对抗多用户干扰时有着明显的性能优势。A new ranging technology based on delay lines model for frequency-modulated chaos ultra-wideband pulse(FMC-UWB)is proposed in this paper.The ranging Cramer-Rao bound(CRB)of this system is derived theoretically.The bound shows that the ranging accuracy is related to Signal-to-Noise Ratio(SNR),frequency modulation index and the center frequency of the carrier signal.The root mean square error(RMSE)performance and multi-user interference of this system is simulated and analyzed.Results show that the performance of this proposed system is more efficient than that of the traditional UWB radar detection system based on Gaussian pulse since the former possesses better capacity of anti-multi-user interference(MUI).重庆市科技攻关计划项目(CSTC;2010AC3060)---

    FPGA implementation of adaptive code rate QC-LDPC encoder

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    准循环低密度奇偶校验码(QC-LDPC codes)相比其他的LDPC码具有简单的编码结构,拥有较好的应用前景。通过构造校验矩阵设计了不同码率和不同帧长的具有系统结构的QC-LDPC码,并分析了这些码的性能,随后将编码过程分阶段引入主从控制模块及复用基本SRAA组,设计了变码率和变帧长的编码器,并用Verilog HDL语言在Spartan 3 3s1500fg676芯片上实现了编码器的设计。综合报告表明:在使用适中的硬件资源情况下,系统最大频率达到了174.856 MHz,能满足高速编码的要求。Quasi-cyclic(QC) low-density parity-check(LDPC) codes have encoding advantage over other types of LDPC codes for their simple coding structure.Different rates and frames QC-LDPC codes in systematic-circulant(SC) form were designed by constructing the parity check matrix,and their performance was analyzed.The design introduced two control-modules and reused SRAA circuits to realize multi-rate encoding.The encoder was implemented with Verilog HDL language on the chip of Spartan 3 3s1500fg676.Synthesis report shows that the system's max frequency is 174.856 MHz with mezzo hardware device and satisfies the demand of high rate-encoding application.教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET04-0601);; 福建省科技重点项目(2006H0039);; 重庆市自然科学基金项目(CSTC2007BB2387

    Conservation of the Cultural and biological Diversity in Maolan National Nature Reserve

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    本文基于对荔波茂兰国家级自然保护区主要少数民族居住地的实地调查,分析了少数民族文化表现形式的多样性和自然保护区生物的多样性,以及文化多样性和生物多样性关系,认为社区共管措施是保护和发展少数民族文化、保护茂兰生物多样性的有效途径。Based on the investigation on the minority villages in Maolan National Nature Reserve,this paper analyzed the culture diversity and bio-diversity in this area,as well as the relationship between them.It suggested that the community co-management be an effective management model for the protection and development of both the minority culture and the bio-diversity in Maolan nature reserve


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    应用 UBI-QEP方法估算了金属表面上形成的活化吸附态 CO- 2 在 Cu(1 1 1 ) ,Pd(1 1 1 ) ,Fe(1 1 1 )和Ni(1 1 1 )表面上的吸附热 ,计算了各种相关反应的活化能垒 .结果表明 ,CO- 2 在 4种过渡金属表面的相对稳定性的顺序为 Fe>Ni>Cu>Pd;在 Fe和 Ni表面上 CO- 2 较易生成 ,且容易进一步发生解离反应 ,在 Fe表面会解离成 C和 O吸附原子 ,而在 Ni表面上解离的最终产物为 CO和 O;在 Cu表面上 ,CO- 2 虽较难形成 ,但其加氢反应的活化能比解离反应低 ,因此加氢反应是其进一步活化的有效模式 ;在 Pd表面上 ,CO- 2 吸附态在能量上很不稳定 ,所以 CO2 在 Pd表面上不容易活