59 research outputs found

    Research on Legal System of China Commercial Housing Mortgage Loan

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    内容摘要 关于住房按揭这种源自英国,从香港传入我国大陆地区的房地产融资模式是如何推动我国房地产业健康发展为迫切需要解决的问题的背景下建立和发展起来的。我国商品房按揭已具备完整的操作流程,目前尚未立法。商品房按揭业务涉及购房人、银行、房地产商、保险公司多方利益,法律关系复杂,实践表明我国商品房按揭制度存在性质界定不清、法律规定不完善等诸多问题,目前的做法将商品房按揭等同于房屋抵押。为了我国房地产市场的健康发展,本文建议在立法上创设按揭这一法律制度,完善商品房按揭登记制度,并建立专门的商品房按揭登记机构,使商品房按揭制度做到有法可依并具有实际操作性。 本文分四个章节对商品房按揭进行了研究:...ABSTRACT Regarding how housing mortgage loan, which is arose from UK and leaded into China mainland through HK, push forward China’s real estate develop healthily , and how to solve those problems taking place along with the development of this new legal relationship. There is no legislation on commercial housing mortgage loan in China mainland though its operating process is very full. Legal ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:K20030805

    Study on the Application of Comprehensive Budget Management in WZ Power Supply Company

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    全面预算是指企业对一定期间的经营活动、投资活动、财务活动等作出的预算安排。全面预算作为一种全方位、全过程、全员参与编制与实施的预算管理模式,凭借其计划、协调、控制、激励、评价等综合管理功能,成为优化配置企业资源、提高管理水平、增强企业核心竞争力,实现企业发展战略的重要抓手。 近年来,国家电网公司正在为加快实现“两个转变”(转变公司发展方式、转变电网发展方式)的企业战略目标和创建世界一流电网、国际一流企业的宏伟愿景而奋斗。全面预算管理作为实现企业发展战略和经营目标的有效方法,实施内部控制的重要措施,实现对企业各项活动制约和激励的重要手段,成为电网企业实现更高层次、更高水平、更高质量发展的必然选...Comprehensive budget refers to the budget made by the enterprises for operating activities, investment activities, and financial activities in a certain period. As an all-around and whole-process budget management model with all-member participation in the preparation and implementation, comprehensive budget has became an important means of integrating and optimizing the allocation of corporate re...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200915705

    Measurement and control software for vehicle cooling system based on 3-access architecture

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    针对车辆冷却系统测控试验平台中的数据实时采集和电机控制问题,利用三层架构的开发思想,基于C#语言、Measurement Studio控件以及SQL Server数据库,在上位机中结合数据采集卡和传感器等硬件设计开发了车辆冷却系统的测控软件。详细介绍了三层架构的数据访问层、业务逻辑层、表示层在测控程序中的具体实现过程,完成了对测控数据的实时采集、存储与处理,绘制了测控数据实时曲线和历史曲线,以及实现了对风扇电机和水泵电机的控制等功能。同时,利用多次实验对测控程序的可靠性及稳定性进行了测试。实验结果表明,基于三层架构框架指导开发的软件具有更好的可读性、维护性和扩展性,满足车辆冷却系统试验平台的测控要求。Aiming at the problem of real-time data acquisition and motor control for vehicle cooling system test-bed,using the development thought of 3-access architecture,the measurement and control software of the vehicle cooling system was designed and developed by C #,Measurement Studio control and SQL Server database based on the hardware of data acquisition card and sensor in the host computer. The realization process of 3-access architecture of DAL,BLL and UI were introduced in detail in the measurement and control program,it finished real-time acquisition,storage and processing of measurement and control data,real-time curves and history curves,fan motor control and water pump motor control,and other functions. At the same time,the reliability and stability of the program were tested by several experiments.The results indicate that the software can improve the readability,maintainability and expansibility of the program,and meet the requirements of measurement and control based on 3-access architecture.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2014J01210);; 深圳市科技计划项目(JCYJ20140417162429675

    LED Lighting Design of Underground Parking Lots Based on DILAUX

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    目前由于汽车的广泛普及,对城市的地下车库照明提出了更多的要求,但随着新一代照明光源lEd照明技术进一步的发展与完善,使得地下车库照明有了更节能、更环保、更经济的可能。在dIlAuX中建模57x33.3M2的中型地下车库,并利用dIlAuX计算软件对地下车库的lEd照明进行模拟、计算、优化,不断的调整灯具位置以及灯具间隔来到达最佳的照明效果,通过实景分析来探讨lEd在地下车库照明领域应用的可行性及其应用前景,并为地下车库照明提供一种设计上的借鉴。More requirements for the light system of civil underground parking lot lighting are concerned since cars are wildly-used nowadays.And it becomes possible to make the light system of underground parking lot more energy-saving,more environmental friendly and more economic as the new generation of LED technology gets more and more developed and improved.DILAUX is a kind of lighting calculation software,and it is used to model an underground parking lot with a medium 57 × 33.3m2and some simulations,calculations,and optimization on the LED light of the parking lot are also done by DILAUX.Therefore,constantly adjust locations and intervals of the lighting fixtures to achieve the optimal results.Furthermore,the feasibilities and application prospects of LED lighting applications in the underground parking lot field can also be explored through the real analysis.Overall,it shows an example to design the light system for civil underground parking lots.国家自然科学基金(61301009); 福建省重大科技项目资助(2006H0092); 福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(2013J01252

    Light Distribution Design and Simulation of LED for High Uniformity Illumination of Desk Lamp

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    针对台灯照明的高均匀性要求,设计一个自由曲面透镜对lEd光源进行二次光学配光。根据非成像光学理论,在已知入射光强分布与所需配光效果的前提下,建立关于透镜自由曲面面型的偏微分方程,并采用相应的数值解法,得到自由曲面面型数据。通过在建模软件rHInOCErOS中建立光学透镜的模型,并在TrACEPrO中进行光学仿真,得出仿真结果,验证此设计方法的可行性。According to high uniformity requirements of desk lamp lighting, a free curved surface lens is de-signed to perform the secondary light distribution of light emitting diode(LED) light source.Based on the theory ofnon-imaging optics, at the condition of known incident light intensity distribution and required light distribution effect,partial differential equations related to the shape of free curved surface are established.And corresponding numericalvalue algorithm is adopted to obtain the data of the shape of free curved surface.The models of optical lens are builtthrough simulation software Rhinoceros.And optical simulation is performed in Tracepro.The simulation results areobtained to verify the feasibility of the design method.福建省重大科技项目资助(2006H0092

    Studies on the recombinant insulin-like growth factor of growth performance of snapper

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    此研究利用大腸桿菌生產吳郭魚的重 組類胰島素成長因子,以飼料添加的方 式,飼養成長遲緩之笛鯛類,探討成長促 進的效果。以魚粉為主要蛋白源添加 0,0.5,1.0,2.5 及5.0%的含吳郭魚重組類胰 島素成長因子的乾燥E. coli 飼養赤鰭笛鯛 六週後以增重率及飼料效率評估成長效 果,結果最適添加量為0.5%。利用最適添 加量0.5%與無添加評估持續或間斷添加對 赤鰭笛鯛成長效果。飼養九週後結果持續 添加較無添加組增重率及飼料效率高出 50%及20%。These studies were conducted in Tilapia insulin-like growth factor from Escherichia coli and supplemented diets on the growth promotion of snappers. Red striped snapper ( Lutjanus argentimaculatus ) were fed with diets containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5 % five levels recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor, respectively. After 6 Weeks of feeding, the optimal amount of recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor added in feed is 0.5%. The group continuous fed with 0.5% recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor diet, a highter growth rate 50% and feed efficiency 20% were found than the control group

    Studies on the recombinant insulin-like growth factor of growth performance of snapper

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    此研究利用大腸桿菌生產吳郭魚的重 組類胰島素成長因子,以飼料添加的方 式,飼養成長遲緩之笛鯛類,探討成長促 進的效果。以魚粉為主要蛋白源每100g 飼 料添加0, 0.018, 0.035 及0.07%的含吳郭魚 重組類胰島素成長因子的乾燥E. coli, E.coli粉末0.035g 純化的吳郭魚重組類胰 島素成長因子0.2mg 及動物膠包覆純化的 吳郭魚重組類胰島素成長因子0.2mg。飼養 赤鰭笛鯛、石班魚及吳郭魚42 天後以增重 率及飼料效率評估成長效果,結果三種魚 的E. coli粉末最適添加量為0.018%。利用 最適添加量0.018%與無添加評估持續或間 斷添加對赤鰭笛鯛、石班魚及吳郭魚成長 效果。飼養84 天結果,赤鰭笛鯛持續添加 較無添加組增重率及飼料效率高出65%及 5%,石班魚持續添加較無添加組增重率及 飼料效率高出17%及5%,吳郭魚持續添加 較無添加組增重率及飼料效率高出279% 及3%。These studies were conducted in Tilapia insulin-like growth factor from Escherichia coli and supplemented diets on the growth promotion of snappers. Red striped snapper ( Lutjanus argentimaculatus) Grouper ( Epinephelus malabaricus) and Tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus )were fed with diets containing 0, 0.018, 0.035 and 0.07 % four levels recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor from dry E. coli, 0.2mg pure recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor and 0.2mg pure recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor encapsulated with gelatin, respectively. After 42 days of feeding, the three kind of fish optimal amount of recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor added in feed is 0.018%. The Red striped snapper continuous 84 days fed with 0.018% recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor diet, a higher growth rate 65% and feed efficiency 5% were found than the control group. The Grouper continuous 84 days fed with 0.018% recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor diet, a higher growth rate 17% and feed efficiency 5% were found than the control group. The tilapia continuous 84 days fed with 0.018% recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor diet, a higher growth rate 279% and feed efficiency 3% were found than the control group


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    [[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20160902[[booktype]]其他[[conferencelocation]]新北市, 淡江大