Studies on the recombinant insulin-like growth factor of growth performance of snapper


此研究利用大腸桿菌生產吳郭魚的重 組類胰島素成長因子,以飼料添加的方 式,飼養成長遲緩之笛鯛類,探討成長促 進的效果。以魚粉為主要蛋白源添加 0,0.5,1.0,2.5 及5.0%的含吳郭魚重組類胰 島素成長因子的乾燥E. coli 飼養赤鰭笛鯛 六週後以增重率及飼料效率評估成長效 果,結果最適添加量為0.5%。利用最適添 加量0.5%與無添加評估持續或間斷添加對 赤鰭笛鯛成長效果。飼養九週後結果持續 添加較無添加組增重率及飼料效率高出 50%及20%。These studies were conducted in Tilapia insulin-like growth factor from Escherichia coli and supplemented diets on the growth promotion of snappers. Red striped snapper ( Lutjanus argentimaculatus ) were fed with diets containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5 % five levels recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor, respectively. After 6 Weeks of feeding, the optimal amount of recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor added in feed is 0.5%. The group continuous fed with 0.5% recombinant Tilapia insulin-like growth factor diet, a highter growth rate 50% and feed efficiency 20% were found than the control group

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