79 research outputs found

    Relationship of vascular variations with liver remnant volume in living liver transplant donors

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    Background: In this study, we investigated the relationship between the portal vein and hepatic artery variations and the remaining liver volume in living donors in liver transplantation.Materials and methods: In the study, triphasic abdominal computed tomography images of 180 live liver donor candidates were analysed retrospectively. Portal veins were divided into four groups according to the Nakamura classification and seven groups according to the Michels classification. The relationship between vascular variations and remnant liver volume was compared statistically.Results: According to the Nakamura classification, there were 143 (79.4%) type A, 23 (12.7%) type B, 7 (3.9%) type C and 7 (3.9%) type D cases. Using the Michels classification, 129 (71%) type 1, 12 (6.7%) type 2, 24 (13%) type 3, 2 (2.2%) type 4, 10 (5.6%) type 5, 1 (0.6%) type 6, and 2 (1.1%) type 7 cases were detected. There was no significant difference in the percentage of the remaining volume of the left liver lobe between the groups (p = 0.055, p = 0.207, respectively).Conclusions: Variations in the hepatic artery and portal vein do not affect the remaining liver volume in liver transplantation donors

    Interaction between Axons and Specific Populations of Surrounding Cells Is Indispensable for Collateral Formation in the Mammillary System

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    An essential phenomenon during brain development is the extension of long collateral branches by axons. How the local cellular environment contributes to the initial sprouting of these branches in specific points of an axonal shaft remains unclear.The principal mammillary tract (pm) is a landmark axonal bundle connecting ventral diencephalon to brainstem (through the mammillotegmental tract, mtg). Late in development, the axons of the principal mammillary tract sprout collateral branches at a very specific point forming a large bundle whose target is the thalamus. Inspection of this model showed a number of distinct, identified cell populations originated in the dorsal and the ventral diencephalon and migrating during development to arrange themselves into several discrete groups around the branching point. Further analysis of this system in several mouse lines carrying mutant alleles of genes expressed in defined subpopulations (including Pax6, Foxb1, Lrp6 and Gbx2) together with the use of an unambiguous genetic marker of mammillary axons revealed: 1) a specific group of Pax6-expressing cells in close apposition with the prospective branching point is indispensable to elicit axonal branching in this system; and 2) cooperation of transcription factors Foxb1 and Pax6 to differentially regulate navigation and fasciculation of distinct branches of the principal mammillary tract.Our results define for the first time a model system where interaction of the axonal shaft with a specific group of surrounding cells is essential to promote branching. Additionally, we provide insight on the cooperative transcriptional regulation necessary to promote and organize an intricate axonal tree

    The effect of soundscape on the students' perception in the high school environment

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    In 2014, ISO 12913-1 standard was established for the conceptual soundscape framework to assess soundscape studies. According to this framework, soundscape process includes the examination of acoustic environment and its sound sources, and their influences on the humans' auditory sensation, as to react that, humans' interpretation of auditory sensation, responses and outcomes. Aim of the study is to create this conceptual soundscape framework in high-school environment and to examine the effect of soundscape on the students' perception. The study was conducted in two spaces as classroom and computer laboratory with 30 students in Bilkent High School; Ankara. To understand acoustic environment, in-situ measurements were conducted. Moreover, semi-structure interview results were evaluated to understand the students' perception of soundscape. Generated conceptual framework revealed different relations between students' perception and sound preferences. Students mostly expect to hear speech in classroom whilst computer fan sound in computer laboratory. Moreover, the most positive sound sources are birds singing in classroom whilst laughter in computer laboratory. Speech is found as most negative sound source in both spaces. Students responded these sound sources with positive approaches such as promoting the relaxation, interaction and with negative approaches such as distraction and annoyance. © 2016, German Acoustical Society (DEGA). All rights reserved

    Genetic parameters and correlations for lactation milk yields according to lactation numbers in Jersey cows [Jersey i·neklerde laktasyon si{dotless}ralari{dotless}na göre laktasyon sĂŒt verimleri i·çin genetik parametreler ve korelasyonlar]

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    In this study, heritabilities, genetic and phenotypic correlations for lactation milk yields were estimated using 3630 305-day lactation milk yield records obtained from cows calved from 1984 to 2007 years in Jersey cattle herd of Karaköy Agricultural State Farm in Samsun. Calving year, calving month and lactation number were assumed as fixed effect factors in statistical analysis of data. Heritabilities, genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated by derivative-free REML with the animal model. Analysis showed that the overall means of 305-day milk yield, lactation length, dry off period and calving interval were 3467 kg, 297 days, 70 days and 367 days, respectively. Variance analysis results showed that all of the fixed effect factors were statistically significant on lactation milk yields (P<0.001). REML estimates of heritability were 0.289, 0.319, 0.324, 0.331, 0.339, 0.357 and 0.379 for lactation milk yields (from the first to seventh lactation numbers, respectively). Genetic correlations among the first and sub-sequent lactation milk yields were 0.687, 0.676, 0.631, 0.601, 0.590 and 0.551, respectively. All genetic correlations were high and statistically significant (P<0.01). High genetic correlations among lactation numbers reflected that the first lactation milk yield of cows would be useful indicator for the sub-sequent lactations and selection of breeding stock

    Investigation of zoonotic infections in risk groups in Ordu University Hospital, Turkey

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    Aims: Zoonotic diseases, which are a major public health problem in our city, have a negative impact on public health and also cause economic losses due to yield losses of animals and deaths. This study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of tularemia, bartonellosis, brucellosis, Q fever, and cystic echinococcosis in the risk groups for zoonotic infection.Subjects and Methods: Ninety serum samples were taken from people in the risk groups in covering veterinarian, butchers, farmers and examined with the following tests: Microagglutination test for tularemia, indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for bartonellosis, standard tube agglutination test for brucellosis, IFAT IgG for Q fever, and enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay IgG test for cystic hydatid.Statistical Analysis Used: The Chi‑square analysis was used to assess, and the logistic regression analysis was used to identify the risk factors.Results: The analyzed all serum samples were found to be seronegative for tularemia, bartonellosis, and hydatid cyst antibodies. When analyzed for Coxiella burnetii with IgG antibody titers, it was determined that 23 samples (25.6%) were seropositivity. When brucellosis was analyzed with serological tests for Brucella, it was positive in seven samples (7.8%).Conclusions: In this study, examined in the risk groups in which it is located along black sea coast of Turkey for tularemia, bartonellosis, and hydatid cysts, seropositivity was not found. When Brucella was tested, 7.8% was found to be positive, and when analyzed in terms of Q fever, 25.6% of people were determined to be seropositive. In conclusion, in our region, Q fever seropositivity was found to be higher in the risk groups. Therefore, most of the zoonotic disease look like not so common in the region, out of tularemia.Keywords: Bartonellosis, brucellosis, cystic echinococcosis, Q fever, seroprevalence, tularemi
