380 research outputs found

    HW/SW Co-Simulation System for Enhancing Hardware-in-the-Loop of Power Converter Digital Controllers

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    Digital controllers of power converters are more and more implemented in FPGAs due to the increasing complexity of current control algorithms, higher switching frequencies, and concurrence requirements. System behavior depends not only on the control algorithm but also on the implementation issues. Thus, closed-loop controller evaluation at early design stages is a main concern. In this paper, a new hardware-in-the-loop method is proposed. It profits from FPGAs and their design tools in order to validate the closed-loop power converter before prototyping the power stage. The proposed solution presents a general architecture that does not depend on specific vendors or CAD tools, but it uses those utilized for the final implementation of the controller. A case study is presented with a given implementation of the proposed solution. Comparisons with existing alternatives show the advantages of our approach

    Peripheral B-cell subset distribution in primary antiphospholipid syndrome

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    Background: B-cell differentiation and B-cell tolerance checkpoints may be different in antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and can help to understand differences between them. Our aim was to define alterations of B-cell subsets in patients with primary APS (pAPS) and to compare them with SLE patients and healthy controls (HC). Methods: Cross-sectional study including three study groups: 37 patients with pAPS, 11 SLE patients, and 21 age- and gender-matched HC. We determined the frequencies of different B-cell subsets in peripheral blood naïve and memory compartments. In addition, we measured serum B cell-activating factor (BAFF) levels and circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, by commercial ELISA and CBA, respectively. Results: Patients with pAPS showed a lower percentage of immature and naïve B cells than patients with SLE (p = 0.013 and p = 0.010, respectively) and a higher percentage of non-switched memory B cells than patients with SLE (p = 0.001). No differences either in the percentage of switched memory cells or plasma cells were found among the different groups. Serum BAFF levels were higher in SLE patients than in healthy controls and pAPS patients (p = 0.001 and p = 0.017, respectively). A significant increase in the serum BAFF levels was also observed in pAPS patients compared to HC (p = 0.047). Circulating IL-6 levels were higher in SLE and pAPS patients than HC (p = 0.036 and p = 0.048, respectively). A positive correlation was found between serum BAFF and IL-6 levels in patients with SLE but not in pAPS (p = 0.011). Conclusions: Our characterization of peripheral blood B-cell phenotypes in pAPS demonstrates different frequencies of circulating B cells at different stages of differentiation. These differences in the naïve B-cell repertoire could explain the higher number and variety of autoantibodies in SLE patients in comparison to pAPS patients, especially in those with obstetric complications

    High-efficient energy harvesting architecture for self-powered thermal-monitoring wireless sensor node based on a single thermoelectric generator

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    In recent years, research on transducers and system architectures for self-powered devices has gained attention for their direct impact on the Internet of Things in terms of cost, power consumption, and environmental impact. The concept of a wireless sensor node that uses a single thermoelectric generator as a power source and as a temperature gradient sensor in an efficient and controlled manner is investigated. The purpose of the device is to collect temperature gradient data in data centres to enable the application of thermal-aware server load management algorithms. By using a maximum power point tracking algorithm, the operating point of the thermoelectric generator is kept under control while using its power-temperature transfer function to measure the temperature gradient. In this way, a more accurate measurement of the temperature gradient is achieved while harvesting energy with maximum efficiency. The results show the operation of the system through its different phases as well as demonstrate its ability to efficiently harvest energy from a temperature gradient while measuring it. With this system architecture, temperature gradients can be measured with a maximum error of 0.14 ∘ C and an efficiency of over 92% for values above 13 ∘ C and a single transducer.This work was supported by the research Grant PID2019-110142RB-C22 funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Effects of sevoflurane postconditioning on cell death, inflammation and TLR expression in human endothelial cells exposed to LPS

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    Background: Sevoflurane is an anesthetic agent which also participates in protective mechanisms in sepsis, likely due to anti-inflammatory properties. A key tissue in sepsis is the endothelium, which expresses TLR2 and TLR4 receptors, known regulators of inflammatory mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets for this pathology. In this context, we explored the effect of sevoflurane postconditioning in an in vitro sepsis model. Methods: Primary cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells were used for two different experiments. In the first set, cultures were placed in an airtight incubation chamber and exposed to different concentrations of sevoflurane (0,1,3 or 7% vol,) for 1 hour. In the second set, lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli 0111:B4 (1 μg/ mL) was added to culture medium for 3 hours and cells were subsequently exposed to sevoflurane (0,1,3 or 7% vol,) for 1 hour as explained before. In both cases, cell viability was measured by MTT and Trypan blue assays, TLR2 and TLR4 expression were analyzed by flow cytometry, and TNFα and IL-6 levels were quantified in cell culture media by an immunoassay immediately after exposure, at 6 and 24 hours. Results: Exposure to 3% sevoflurane decreased TLR2 at 24 hours and TLR4 at 6 and 24 hours (both p<0.05), whereas exposure to 7% decreased TLR4 expression at 6 hours (p<0.05). Both 3 and 7% sevoflurane decreased TNF-α and IL-6 levels at 24 hours (both p<0.05). In LPS-stimulated cultures, exposure to 3% sevoflurane was cytoprotective at 6 and 24 hours (p<0.05) compared with control, and decreased TLR2 and TLR4 expression at 24 hours (p<0.05); whereas 7% decreased TLR4 expression at 24 hours (p<0.05). Both 3% and 7% sevoflurane decreased TNF-α and IL-6 levels at 24 hours (both p<0.05). Conclusions: Postconditioning with the halogenated anesthetic agent sevoflurane after LPS stimulation shows a cytoprotective effect in an in vitro model, decreasing cell death and reducing TLR2 and TLR4 expression as well as levels of the inflammatory mediators TNF-α and IL-6 in human endothelial cellsS


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    Using panel data set for 3 selected textile industries in Kano State for the period 1985 – 2005 this study utilized Fixed Effects Regression Model (FEM) and Random Effects Regression Model (REM) to investigate on globalization and textile output in Kano. Results from this research reveal that electricity consumption has significant positive influence on textile output. Another finding of the research is that globalization and exchange rate of naira against United State dollar have negative but significant influence on textile output. The study therefore recommends that Nigerian government should take a second look at her membership of the World Trade Organisation (W.T.O) and selectively engage those policies that will promote her national interest, most especially the imperative need to protect the textile firms. As for the exchange rate, adjustment should be made in the level of the domestic currency based on the interactions of market forces that will facilitate appropriate pricing of the foreign exchange and enhance domestic products which enhance their competitiveness in the export market. Moreover, stable and reliable power supply is necessary to generate optimum production at lower cost so as to enhance utilization of idle resources, expand factor incomes, improve competitiveness and expand overall textile output

    Proceso de memoria, toma de decisiones y atención

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    The present study aims to provide strategies that favor a functional learning, through memorization, analysis and encourage the development of creativity both in the school and social environment, since at present and due to technological advances, that aim to simplify the daily activities of human beings, we are losing capabilities that do nothing more than generate mental laziness, distort our reality and limit our ability to concentrate and imagination. We do not seek in any way to damage the image of technological advances, but to analyze and remember that the brain must be placed once again in the focus of our intellectual performance, since this is the organ where meaningful learning is generated. This article was confronted with the reality that we live today as a result of the pandemic, which forced us to work remotely through multiple platforms and demanded us to learn at a different pace and sometimes at forced marches, as teachers in education we hope that these strategies and the graphic results shown below can help you to structure better strategies and learning environments that favor the new generations.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar estrategias que favorezcan un aprendizaje funcional, por medio de la memorización, el análisis y fomenten el desarrollo de la creatividad tanto en el ámbito escolar como en el social, puesto que en la actualidad y debido a los avances tecnológicos que tiene como fin simplificar la actividades diarias del ser humano, vamos perdiendo capacidades que no hacen más que generar pereza mental, distorsionan nuestra realidad y van limitando nuestra capacidad de concentración e imaginación. No se busca de ninguna manera dañar la imagen de los avances tecnológicos, sino de analizar y recordar que el cerebro debe ser puesto una vez más en el foco de nuestro desempeño intelectual, puesto que este es el órgano donde se genera el aprendizaje significativo. Este artículo fue confrontado con la realidad que se vive en la actualidad a consecuencia de la pandemia, que nos orilló a trabajar a distancia por múltiples plataformas y nos exigió aprender a un ritmo diferente y a veces a marchas forzadas, como docentes en educación esperamos que estas estrategias y los resultados gráficos que se muestran a continuación puedan ayudarte a estructurar mejores estrategias y ambientes de aprendizaje que favorezcan a las nuevas generaciones


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    A la coberta: MArqEtsaB. Curs 2015-2016. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de BarcelonaDescripció del recurs: 12 de juny de 2017El llibre recull els projectes del primer curs del Taller PFC del MArqEtsaB, així com els programes docents de les diferents intensificacions i textos complementaris