27 research outputs found


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    探讨影响中晚期肝细胞肝癌手术切除预后的因素。方法对130例中晚期大肝癌随访1~7年,采用单因素、多因素分析统计不同预后因素对患者生存率的影响。结果手术后1,3 ,5年生存率分别81.7%,24.3%,18.4%。单因素分析提示影响预后的因素为肝癌大小、是否早期复发、肝硬化情况、输血量;多因素分析提示肝癌大小、肿瘤早期复发是影响肝癌术后的预后因素。结论:中晚期肝癌手术切除预后仍不理想,重视围手术期处理,预防术后早期复发有望提高手术疗效 [英文摘要]Objective To study the prognostic factors in patients who received hepatectomy for large hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). Methods 130 patients operated for large HCC were followed up for 1~7 years. Twenty possible factors were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier Log rank estimate. A multivariative survival analysis of these individal variable was undertaken using the cumulative survival rate by the computers COX proportional hazard. Result The overall cumulative survival rate at 1,3,5 years was 81.7%,24.3%,18.4% re..

    用HPLC-MS-MS快速分析和鉴定三尖杉植物内生真菌发酵液中的Brefeldin A

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    采用HPLC -MS -MS联用技术 ,分析了C56和C65两株具有抗肿瘤活性的三尖杉植物内生真菌发酵液抽提物 ,首次报道了这两株真菌都能产生BrefeldinA(BFA)。采用ESI-MS总离子流跟踪分析HPLC的洗脱液 ,并用低能量的CID -MS -MS(碰撞诱导裂解方式 )进一步确定目标离子峰为BFA分子离子峰 ,这为植物内生真菌发酵液中的有效成分的早期鉴别奠定了基

    Studies on Genetic Diversities of Dai-ju Stock and Min-yue Stock Pseudosciaena crocea(Richardson)

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    运用形态学和RAPD等方法对舟山岱衢族和连江闽-粤东族大黄鱼养殖群体的遗传多样性进行了研究.结果显示:两养殖群体之间的差异并未达到亚种水平,但在全长/体长、体长/体高、口裂长/头长、眼径/头长和肥满度5个指标上存在显著差异,其中在全长/体长、口裂长/头长、眼径/头长和肥满度4个指标上的差异达到极其显著水平,两养殖群体属于不同地理种群;所检测的闽-粤东族养殖群体的遗传相似系数为0.923~0.987,平均0.962,遗传差异度为0.038 1;岱衢族养殖群体的遗传相似系数为0.874~0.982,平均0.949,遗传差异度0.061.两养殖群体之间的遗传距离为0.005 1,遗传多样性水平都较低,而其亲缘关系比较密切.Genetic diversities of reared Pseudosciaena crocea(Richardson) collected from Zhoushan(Dai-ju) stock of Zhejiang province,and Lianjiang(Min-yue) stock of Fujian province were analyzed by the ways of morphological measurement and random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD).The results were as follows:(1) The differences between two reared stocks didn't get to the sub-species level,but there were significantly differences in five indexes(p<0.05): TL/BL(Total length/Body length),BL/BH(body length/body high),ML/BL(mouth length/body length),ED/HL(eye diameter/head length),and relative fatness,furthermore,the differences in the five indexes above except BL/BH(body length/body high) got to extremely significantly difference level(p<0.01),so the two tested reared stocks might belong to different geographical populations.(2) The genetic similarity indexes of Lianjiang(Min-yue) stock tested were 0.923~0.987,average of 0.962,and 0.0381 of the genetic diversity;while those of the Zhoushan(Dai-ju) stock were 0.874~0.982,0.949,and 0.061 respectively.The genetic distance of two cultural stocks was 0.005 1.Therefore,the genetic diversities of both stocks were low,and the genetic distance between them was close.国家“863”计划(2002AA603021)资


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    将牧鸡引入草地畜牧业形成畜禽草耦合新型草地利用方式,能够促进退化草地生态和生产功能的双提升.但牧鸡对退化草地物种多样性有何影响尚不清楚.为探明牧鸡对退化草地植物群落的影响,本研究在浑善达克沙地开展了退化草地典型植物饲喂鸡实验和牧鸡控制实验.通过选取10种典型代表植物对鸡进行饲喂实验发现,鸡对藜科植物(如灰绿藜)的喜食度较高,其次喜食豆科(如花苜蓿和斜茎黄耆)和菊科植物(如蒲公英),不喜食禾本科植物.鸡对草地植物的喜食度与其粗纤维含量显著负相关,与其粗脂肪和粗蛋白含量显著正相关.鸡对草地植物的采食量极低,日采食量在3~9 g干物质之间,约占日总采食量的4%~11%.通过对比牧鸡(MJ)和不放牧(CK)实验区的植物群落特征,发现MJ对退化草地物种多样性无显著影响,植物群落的物种丰富度维持在10种左右, MJ的多样性指数和均匀度指数分别维持在1.5左右和0.7左右; MJ显著降低植物群落高度,实验第二年和第三年MJ的群落高度分别比CK降低了19.1%和27.2%;但MJ显著提高了植物群落的净初级生产力(NPP),实验第三年MJ的NPP达到464.3 g m~(-2)yr~(-1),是CK的1.7倍; MJ的植被盖度在第三年也达到74.3%,是CK的1.5倍.因此,将牧鸡引入传统草地畜牧业形成畜禽草耦合模式不会对物种多样性带来负面影响.但在实际生产中应注意牧鸡方法,持续关注牧鸡对物种多样性的影响及其可能引发的级联反应


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    草原牧鸡推动畜-禽-草耦合,成为一种新型草地利用方式,在生物灭蝗、土壤培肥和牧民增收等方面发挥良好作用,大范围推广有可能实现退化草地生态和生产功能的双提升.农区散养鸡由来已久,方法简单,易于掌握,能否照搬到草原牧区?这种方式会对草地生态系统有何影响?尚不清楚.为此,本研究通过开展以农区散养鸡方式牧鸡(MJ)和围封(CK)对比实验,探索以农区散养鸡方式开展牧鸡的可行性.结果表明,MJ样地内鸡群的空间分布符合依赖密度的聚集分布幂法则模型.随距离鸡舍由近及远,鸡的密度显著降低,从4000只/hm~2(R<R60 m).植物群落受MJ、距离和MJ×距离影响显著.距离鸡栖息地20 m以内,MJ对植被的破坏严重,群落高度、盖度和地上生物量均显著低于CK.20~60 m范围内,得益于MJ的养分添加效应,其物种丰富度、盖度和地上生物量均显著高于CK,MJ当年的升高幅度分别为110.0%,54.7%和43.2%,MJ第二年的升高幅度与第一年相当;而当距离大于60 m时,MJ对植被无显著影响.MJ会造成鸡群的不均匀分布和近栖息地附近植被的严重破坏,不宜在畜禽草耦合模式中应用.实际生产过程中牧鸡应尽量做到密度适中和均匀分布,充分发挥其养分添加效应,促进植被的生长与恢复

    Investigation on immune cells in head kidney of Pseudosciaena crocea

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    对大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)头肾印迹片、光镜片和电镜片进行观察。结果表明,大黄鱼头肾包括淋巴细胞聚集区和颗粒细胞聚集区,但无肾小球结构。头肾免疫细胞丰富,包括淋巴细胞、颗粒细胞(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型)、单核细胞和巨噬细胞,分别占57.94%、36.43%、5.63%,表明头肾是大黄鱼免疫细胞的生发中心,在免疫防御系统中具重要作用。The head kidney of Pseudosciaena crocea was observed by super-slice and slice technique in the present paper.The results showed that head kidney was composed of two regions,i.e.,lymphocyte-aggregate and granulocyte-aggregate.The kidney glomerulus was absent,and the immune cells including lymphocytes,granulocytes(I and II type),monocytes and macrophages were abundant in the head kidney,accounting for 57.94%,36.43% and 5.63% respectively.It seems that the head kidney is a germinal center of the immunocytes and plays the significant roles for immunologic defences.国家863计划资助项目(2006AA10A405);; 国家行业公益专项资助项目(200803051);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40776083);; 厦门市科技资助项目(3502Z20063022

    Post-embryonic histological development in digestive system of large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea

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    应用显微技术对大黄鱼PSEudOSCIAEnA CrOCEA消化系统胚后发育的形态和组织结构进行了研究。鱼苗孵化出膜至22日龄时每天取样1次,22至30日龄时每两天取样1次,30日龄以后每5天取样1次,直到60日龄。结果表明:在水温为25.6--29.4℃条件下,2日龄仔鱼肝脏出现,肛孔开裂;3日龄仔鱼胰脏、幽门盲囊出现,口形成;4日龄仔鱼胆囊出现,食道黏膜上皮中出现较多黏液细胞,胃肠分化,肠后端具肠瓣与直肠分界,胃肠蠕动,口和肛门与外界相通;5日龄仔鱼肝脏分化为两叶,胰脏分散分布在肠的周围;12--13日龄仔鱼胃分化为贲门部、幽门部和胃盲囊三部分,肠壁褶皱形成;36日龄稚鱼胃腺发育较好,幽门盲囊结构与成鱼相似,共16条。随着仔、稚、幼鱼的个体发育,消化道进一步扩张,肌肉层加厚,黏膜层皱褶加深,黏液腺增多。60日龄幼鱼,消化道和消化腺发育较完善,基本具备了成鱼消化系统的组织结构。文中还讨论了大黄鱼育苗过程中的3个“危险期“与消化系统发育变态的关系。The morphology and histology were described in post-embryonic development of digestive system of large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea everyday from the 1st to 22th day after hatching(DAH),every other day from the 22th to 30th DAH,and every 5 days from the 30th to 60th DAH under light microscopy.The results showed that the liver organ appeared,and the anus was opened on the 2nd DAH at water temperature from 25.6 to 29.4 ℃.The pancreas,pyloric caeca and mouth were formed on the 3rd DAH.The mouth and anus opened on the 4th DAH,while the gallbladder occurred at the same time.Many mucous cells were present in the mucosal epithelium of the oesophagus.Stomach was different from the intestine in that at the posterior to the intestine,it had lamellas.There was a boundary between the intestine and rectum.The stomach and intestines were peristaltic.On the 5th DAH,the liver of the larvae were divided into 2 parts.Pancreatic tissue was present in areas surrounding the intestine;from the 12th to 13th DAH,the stomach were composed of 3 parts:cardiac,pyloric and caecum gastricum.The intestine walls seemed rugose.The stomach gland developed completely on the 36th DAH.There were 16 pyloric caecae,similar to the caecae in the adult.At hatching,the larvae had an enlarging digestive tract,thicker muscles,pronounced folding mucosa,and many mucous glands.On the 60th DAH,the digestive tract and gland were well developed,indicating the acquisition of an adult digestion mode.The three "critical changes" in ontogenetic morphology of digestive system in the cultured large yellow croaker were discussed as well.国家“863”计划项目(2006AA10A405);国家自然科学基金资助项目(40976096);福建省高校水产科学技术与食品安全重点实验室(集美大学)基金资助项目;集美大学博士启动基金资助项

    Progress of studies on chromosome of Chondrichthyes

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    在各类脊椎动物中,软骨鱼类是开展染色体研究最少的类群。迄今为止,文献共报道了70种软骨鱼的核型,仅占现生838种软骨鱼类的8.35%,包括31种鲨类,37种鳐类和2种全头类。已报道的软骨鱼类二倍体染色体数为52~104(巴西双鳍电鳐二倍体染色体数为28例外),常存在微染色体。在不同的分类阶元,相对原始的软骨鱼类具有较多的染色体数,端部和亚端部着丝粒染色体较多,多有微染色体。软骨鱼类染色体进化趋势表现为个体染色体数目的减少,中部和亚中部着丝粒染色体数目的增多,并伴随微染色体的消失。软骨鱼类是核DNA含量较大的脊椎动物。已报道144种软骨鱼类的核DNA含量,其变化较大,为3.0~34.1 pg/N,全头类的核DNA含量最小,角鲨目和扁鲨目的核DNA含量最大。近年来,在软骨鱼类染色体的C带、核仁组织区(NOR)染色、限制性内切酶显带、特异DNA探针如端粒序列和短散布重复序列(SINE序列)的荧光原位杂交等方面取得了较大进展。现代分子生物学技术也被用于一些软骨鱼类的基因组研究,在重复DNA序列、随体DNA家族和微卫星位点等方面均取得一些成果。The chromosome of Chondrichthyes is the least investigated among vertebrates.The karyotypes of 70 out of 838 known species(8.35%) have been described,including 31 Selachomorpha,37 Batomorpha and 2 Holocephalian species.The diploid chromosome number ranges from 52 to 104,with the exception of Narcine brasiliensis which is 28,and microchromosomes are often present.The most primitive species in the different taxa have high diploid chromosome numbers,with many telocentric and acrocentric elements,and most of then have microchromosomes.The general trend in all groups seems to be a progressive increase of the metacentric and submetacentric chromosome number in the most specialized species,which is followed by the loss of the microchromosomes.Chondrichthyes have the larger genome sizes among vertebrates.Nuclear DNA contents of 144 chondrichthian species have been described.In the whole class,the species examined vary greatly in genome size,from 3.0 to 34.1 pg/N,the lowest values have been observed in holocephalans,while the highest values in Squaliformes and Squatiniformes.In recent years,studies on chondrichthian chromosome have been improved by C-banding,nucleolar organizer regions(NOR) staining,restriction enzymes in situ digestion and fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH) with specific DNA probes,such as telomeric sequence and short interspersed repetitive elements(SINE) sequences.The genomes of several chondrichthian fish have also been studied by up-to-date molecular techniques,especially as regards the repetitive DNA sequences,satellite DNA family and microsatellite loci.福建省教育厅科技项目(JA03136

    The development of the lymphoid organs of Larimichthys crocea from hatching to 12 months

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    研究孵化至12月龄大黄鱼的淋巴器官如头肾、胸腺、脾的生长发育和免疫细胞数量的变化,首先应用显微与超微技术研究大黄鱼初孵仔鱼至12月龄免疫器官——头肾、胸腺与脾脏的发育。3日龄仔鱼出现头肾原基,原始造血干细胞最早被发现于头肾,很快分化成不同类型的细胞。4日龄仔鱼出现脾脏原基和胸腺原基。脾脏靠近内脏,含大量窦状隙,有丰富的毛细血管、血细胞与血小板。胸腺是最迟出现的淋巴器官,但发育较快。胸腺位于鳃腔背上角,主要由胸腺细胞(淋巴细胞)和上皮细胞组成,分为外区和内区,二者虽没有明显界限,但容易区分。研究结果还表明,随着年龄和鱼体重量的增长,胸腺、头肾和脾脏的重量均有增长的趋势,脾脏重量与体重的关系要比与年龄的关系更为密切,头肾、胸腺重量与年龄的关系要比与体重的关系更为密切。胸腺、头肾和脾脏的白细胞总数随着年龄的增长不断增加。但每毫克胸腺、头肾和脾脏内白细胞数量与年龄间线性关系不明显。头肾比脾脏淋巴化程度高。在研究中发现,血液内各细胞组成与大黄鱼月龄及季节的变化没有明显的改变。The growth of the lymphoid organs,such as head kidney,spleen and thymus was stueied in Larimichthys crocea,from hatching to 12 months of age.A histological and ultrastructural study was performed on the development of the head kidney,thymus and spleen aging from just hatching to the 12 months.Head kidney was first present on the 3rd day after hatching(DAH).Primordial haemopoietic stem cells were first observed in the head kidney and rapidly differentiated into different cellular types.Progenitor spleen was present on the 4th DAH,located close to the gut,soon becoming rich in blood capillaries,red blood cells and thrombocytes.The thymus occurred obviously on the 4th DAH,located on either side of the upper corner of the opercular cavity,closely under the membrance of the opercuhr cavity.The thymus was the last lymphoid organ appearing but showed quick development.The thymus consisted of outer thymocytic and inner epithelioid zones.There was no obvious demarcation between them,but both zones were visible.Head kidney,spleen and thymus grew as the fish grew.The spleen weight showed a closer correlation to body weight than they did to age.But head kidney and thymus weight showed a closer correlation to age.The total number of leucocytes in the lymphoid organs increased with age.But the number per milligram of lymphoid organ didn't show a closer correlation to age.The head kidney was more lymphoid than the spleen.The blood components had no obvious ralationship with age or season during the period studied.国家“八六三”高技术研究发展计划(2006AA10A405);国家自然科学基金项目(40976096);集美大学科研基金资助(李尚大基金C510056;博士启动金

    Studies on Growth and Feeding of Larva and Juvenile of Epinephelus coioides

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    于2003~2004年对人工培育的斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)仔鱼、稚鱼和幼鱼的生长和摄食进行了研究.在水温28.5~31.0℃,盐度31.4~34.3条件下,初孵仔鱼经39 d培育变态为幼鱼.全长(L/mm)与日龄(D/d)的关系式为L=2.039 8e0.076 7D;体质量(M/mg)与日龄(D/d)的关系式为M=0.065 8e0.252 8D;全长(L/mm)和体质量(M/mg)的关系式为M=0.006 5L3.267 3.对170尾仔、稚、幼鱼的解剖观察结果表明,摄食率达95.88%,饱食率达77.65%.饱食量(F/mg)与体质量(M/mg)呈直线相关,F=0.043 3M-0.003 9,大多数仔稚鱼在30 min内可以饱食.仔鱼对轮虫的消化时间为1~2 h,稚鱼对卤虫无节幼体和桡足类的消化时间分别为1.5~3 h和2~4 h.斜带石斑鱼仔稚鱼的摄食强度具有明显的昼夜节律性,仔鱼白天摄食、晚上不摄食,前期仔鱼在8:00和18:00摄食量较大,后期仔鱼在8:00和16:00摄食量较大,稚鱼昼夜均摄食,摄食高峰期出现在中午12:00.Growth and feeding of larva and juvenile of Epinephelus coioides were studied during 2003 and 2004.The larvae developed to young fish 39 days after hatching under the conditions of temperatures of 28.5~31.0℃ and salinities of 31.4~34.3.The relationship between the total length(L/mm) and day age(D/d) was counted to be L=2.039 8e~(0.076 7D),the relationship between the body mass(M/mg) and day age(D/d) could be expressed to be M=0.065 8e~(0.252 8D),and the relationship between the total length(L/mm) and body mass(M/mg) was calculated to be M=0.006 5L~(3.267 3).Based on the determination of 170 individuals,the percentage of stomach with food was 95.88% in the experimental conditions,and the percentage of stomach full with food was 77.65%.Amount of food in full stomach(F/mg) and the body mass(M/mg) could be expressed to be F=0.043 3M-0.003 9.Most of larvae and juvenile could spend less than 30 min on feeding from empty to full in stomach,the larvae spend 1~2 h on digesting rotifers from full to empty in stomach,and the juvenile spend 1.5~3 h on digesting artemia nauplii and 2~4 h on digesting copepods from full to empty in stomach.Feeding intensity was obviously different during day and night,the higher feeding intensities of early-stage larvae were at 8:00 and 18:00,while the higher feeding intensities of lately-stage larvae were at 8:00 and 16:00,and the higher feeding intensity of juvenile was at 12:00.It turn out that larvae were feeding only on day,not at night.863计划(2003AA603011);; 福建省重大科技项目(2002N009)资