1,598 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Cartoon E-commerce Platform for Service Based on J2EE

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    电子商务,已经逐渐成为很多企业与商家的重要销售方式。随着网络技术和信息化的发展,动漫产业也不断发展起来,如今,动漫产业电子商务基础设施得到全面升级,除此之外,物流平台也在不断完善,使电子商务发展的环境得到了保障。由于互联网的普及,消费者不再依附于传统的经济,人们对个性化的商品以及个性化的信息有着强烈的需求,为满足人们的需求,动漫产业将提供个性化需求定制,这也是动漫产业重要的发展方向,即将个人的偏好与个性融入到动漫产业中。 本文主要介绍了一个动漫电商服务平台的设计与实现,将传统的动漫产业与当前深受消费者青睐的电子商务系统结合起来,使动漫产业能够更好的发展。本文先介绍了目前动漫电商服务平台的研究...E-commerce has gradually become an important way for many enterprises and businesses. Along with the development of network technology and information technology, animation industry has developed, animation industry e-commerce infrastructure get comprehensive upgrade, in addition, logistics platform also is ceaseless and perfect, the development of electronic commerce environment is guaranteed. Du...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323212

    Advanced NPs catalysts prepared by Nanoparticles Beam Composite Deposition System

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    当前社会的发展对能源,尤其是对化石能源的需求日益扩大。化石能源作为一种不可再生资源供需缺口逐渐增大,而且其在利用过程中常伴随着严重的环境污染问题。燃料电池和氢能源作为一种新型绿色能源引起了人们越来越多的重视,具有长远的应用前景和重要的研究意义。直接甲酸燃料电池和电解析氢作为其中关键技术,已得到了大量的关注和长足的发展。目前采用的Pt及Pt基纳米催化剂存在造价高,活性低和寿命短等诸多问题,严重阻碍着燃料电池和氢能源的全面商业化运作。 本文采用课题组自主研发的纳米粒子束流复合沉积系统,实现了纳米粒子催化剂的可控化制备,制备出的纳米粒子具有组分稳定、尺寸小且均一、分散性良好的优点。对比传统化学制备...During the development of the society, the demand for energy, especially fossil energy is growing rapidly. But as a non-renewable resource, serious problems of environmental pollution and giant gap between supply and demand, always accompany in the process of use of fossil energy. So hydrogen and fuel cells as a new green energy, have long-term prospects and research significance. Amog them, direc...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院_材料物理与化学学号:2072013115006

    Design and Implementation of Network Teaching System in Secondary Vocational School Based on MOODLE

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    随着教育信息化建设的完善和普及,教育工作者也意识到传统面对面的课堂教学已不能满足当前社会的需求,传统教学与互联网在线学习结合起来的混合课堂,无论是线上,线下课堂内还是课堂外,均能调动学生的积极性,互相弥补教学中的不足,实现学生受教育的最优化。对此,中职校教育主要存在两点不足:一是传统教育的不足,中职校缺乏信息化教学模式的创新,互联网线上线下的自主学习普及性不高;二是网络教育成本较高。面对市价高昂及维护成本极高的教学平台,很多中等职业学校将很有限的教育资金投入于网络课程的开发和管理,致使教育成本急剧上升。因此,中职校需要建设一套能适应中职办学的免费开源的网络教学系统,从而实现中职教育数字资源的有...With the improvement and popularization of education informatization, educators are aware of the traditional face-to-face classroom teaching has been unable to meet the current needs of society, the traditional classroom teaching and Internet online learning mixed together, whether it is online and offline inside and outside of class can arouse students' enthusiasm, complement each other in teachi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323197

    Design and Implementation of Parts Managerment System for Sales Chanel

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    随着市场经济的多样化发展,企业的经营管理逐渐由粗放式管理,逐渐转入精细化管理的阶段。企业要生存、要发展,需要获得市场的认可,在细分市场中获取足够的市场份额。及时掌握市场终端的动向,是销售企业的一个重要课题。在中国当前高速发展的过程中,许多企业都在积极、快速地争夺市场占有率,通过开设分公司、寻找加盟商、代理商,快速开拓市场渠道,推广产品,获得市场份额。尤其在机电行业领域,配件是提供产品服务重要的战略支柱。而配件数量往往过于繁多,采用既有的邮件、传真、电话等信息传输/共享形式,耗时、耗力,精度、速度都难以满足现代快速提供服务的要求,同时很多分公司或者代理商为了满足自身的管理需求,也会尝试各自选择市...With market economy variety developing, enterprise management changed gradually from extensive management to fine management.Only gain market recognition, the enterprise to the survival and development.How to get the feedback from the market in time and get enough market share in the market segment, become a strategic task of many sales enterprises.In order to expand their own sales volumn, Curren...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323022

    The analysis of tax compliance and its influencing factors in Chaoshan area

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    税收是一个国家得以正常运作的保障,税收收入的效果取决于征纳双方都能按照税法的规定自觉的遵守执行。所以纳税遵从情况直接影响税收征管的成本和效率,也关乎税收法定主义的实现和国家管理经济社会职能的有效发挥。但是自税收出现至今,纳税不遵从问题一直存在,严重碍了税收实现其经济职能,甚至于有的时候成为国家朝代更替的主要原因。特别是我国自改革开放以来,纳税人纳税意识一直较薄弱。再加上经济业务复杂多元,逃税漏税等行为更为隐蔽,以至于近些年的纳税不遵从情况更加严峻。而潮汕地区由于其地理位置、商业传统和人文理念等的特征性,民众并没有形成普遍的、正确的纳税意识,在人情关系与金钱主义盛行的风气影响下纳税遵从度较低,亟...Taxation is the guarantee of the normal operation in a country. The effect of tax revenue is determined in whether tax authorities and taxpayers can abide the tax laws and regulations. Therefore, tax compliance has a direct impact on the cost and efficiency of tax collection and administration, and it also relates to the realization of the legal principle of taxation and the effective implementati...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_税务硕士学号:1552014115186

    A Study of Surface Modification and Electrochemical Performance of High Voltage Cathode Materials Lithium Nickel Manganese Oxide for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    尖晶石型正极材料LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4(LNMO)具有电压平台高、能量密度大等优点,有希望应用于动力电池。但是LNMO存在容量衰减快的不足,特别是在高温条件下,阻碍了其实际应用。一般认为LNMO的容量衰减是由材料中过渡金属离子的溶解和电极材料与电解液之间的副反应造成的。目前一般采用体相掺杂和表面包覆两种方法对LNMO进行改性。其中表面包覆可简单分为无机包覆和有机包覆,本论文采用有机包覆的方法对LNMO进行改性。首先采用共沉淀法结合高温烧结法合成原材料LNMO,然后通过三种不同方法在LNMO表面包覆一层导电聚合物。复合材料的电化学性能得到了显著提高,特别是倍率性能和高温循环性能。 在第三...The spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO) is a promising cathode material for power battery due to its high voltage plateau and high energy density. However, LNMO has an advantage of rapid capacity decay, especially at elevated temperatures, which hinder its practical application. It is generally believed that the capacity decay of LNMO is caused by the dissolution of transition metal ions and the side rea...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062014115144

    Design and Implementation of Android User Information Security Management Platform

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    随着经济和技术的不断发展,智能市场日渐强大,智能手机的普及度也越来越广。目前,Android系统占市场最大,正是由于Android的使用范围广,随之也给Android手机带来了威胁,对Android手机的安全性要求也越来越高。对于智能手机,它是一个年轻的平台,该平台的安全技术远远未能达到PC的水平,对于手机信息的保护及其重要。本文从用户信息方面,以计算机相关安全技术为基础研究手机平台的安全性问题。分析出手机比较重要、隐私的信息,然后根据Android系统的结构,找到相应的提高用户信息安全的解决方案。 本文主要从短信加密、短信通讯录备份恢复、程序开启加锁和进程监控及管理入手,设计一个用户信息安...With the intelligence market increasingly powerful, the popularity of smart phones more widely. What’ more, Android accounts for the largest market. With the increase of users, Android security problems more and more interesting, the Android mobile phone security requirements have become more sophisticated. On smart phones, it's a platform for young, which hardly reach the level of PC security tec...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323051

    Design and Implementation of Medical Bill Supervision System

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    在当今信息化的时代,随着科学信息技术的不断发展,如何利用计算机网络技术为手段,充分利用网络资源创新医疗收费票据的管理方式,来强化医疗收费票据的进一步监管,使票据使用行为和财政票据的管理行为进一步规范化。强化医疗机构的财务监督,维护国家的财经秩序,已经成为深化医疗收费票据管理改革的一项重要任务。 本文以如何对医疗收费票据进行实时监管为研究对象,探寻如何充分借助现代网络资源技术,实现财政部门对医疗收费票据从印制后入仓库、医疗机构申领、用票打印、上报财政核销、稽查检查等业务环节的实时监管和全生命周期监控,具体研究医疗票据监管系统的设计和实现,为财政票据管理部门、医疗机构、金融服务机构建立一个规范统...In the age of information, with the development of science and information technology, how to use computer technology as a means, making full use of network resources creative management of health care bills to strengthen further regulation of health care bills and makes notes use notes and financial management standardization. Strengthening financial supervision of medical institutions, main...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323081

    The Effective Supply of Public Services Based on the Background of China’s Dual Transition Period

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    我国改革开放30年来,经济社会迅猛发展。2007年我国的人均GDP达到了2456美元,正在向3000美元的大关逼近,经济进入了一个新的发展阶段;在经济快速发展,不断转型的过程中,我国社会也处在急剧转型过程当中,社会群体不断分化,需求不断改变。转型期的现状对我国的公共服务供给提出了新的要求,但是由于一些历史的和现实的原因,致使我国的公共服务供给存在总量不足、结构不合理、供给不均、供给机制单一、供给低效等问题,造成我国公共服务难以满足双转型期公众不断增长和多样化的公共服务需求。因而,构建与双转型期相适应的公共服务供给体系势在必行。 本文从全局的角度出发,试图构建出一个高效、公平、混合的公共服务供...After 30 years reform and opening, China's economic and social develop rapidly. At 2007, China's per capita GDP reached 2,456 dollars, approaching to 3000 dollars per capita GDP, the economy has entered a new stage of development. Economic is in the rapid develop and the process of transition, China's rapid transformation of society is also in the process, including the continuous differentiation ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:1392006115070

    Income Allotment and Underground Economic Relationship Analysis

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    随着我国改革开放的深入和力度的加强、收入多元化发展 ,在经济发展的同时 ,我国的收入分配差距逐渐扩大 ;同时 ,由计划经济向市场经济的转轨 ,我国地下经济出现了迅猛的增长势头。运用计量经济学中的Granger因果关系检验对两者进行检验 ,证明了我国地下经济和收入分配是互为因果关系的 ,在对两者相关关系的深入分析中找出既能有效遏制地下经济又能减小收入差距的解决办法是当前的重要任务Along with Chinese reform and open-up and the development of the diversified income,the margin of country's income allotment extends gradually.When the planned economy turns to the market economy, the underground economy in China develops fiercely.Through ‘Granger causality test’ which proves the relationship between income allotment and underground economy,it reveals that China's underground economy and income allotment interact each other.With the further analysis of the related relation,it finds a solution to this current problem as an important mission