31 research outputs found

    QoS-Aware Error Recovery in Wireless Body Sensor Networks Using Adaptive Network Coding

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    Wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs) for healthcare and medical applications are real-time and life-critical infrastructures, which require a strict guarantee of quality of service (QoS), in terms of latency, error rate and reliability. Considering the criticality of healthcare and medical applications, WBSNs need to fulfill users/applications and the corresponding network’s QoS requirements. For instance, for a real-time application to support on-time data delivery, a WBSN needs to guarantee a constrained delay at the network level. A network coding-based error recovery mechanism is an emerging mechanism that can be used in these systems to support QoS at very low energy, memory and hardware cost. However, in dynamic network environments and user requirements, the original non-adaptive version of network coding fails to support some of the network and user QoS requirements. This work explores the QoS requirements of WBSNs in both perspectives of QoS. Based on these requirements, this paper proposes an adaptive network coding-based, QoS-aware error recovery mechanism for WBSNs. It utilizes network-level and user-/application-level information to make it adaptive in both contexts. Thus, it provides improved QoS support adaptively in terms of reliability, energy efficiency and delay. Simulation results show the potential of the proposed mechanism in terms of adaptability, reliability, real-time data delivery and network lifetime compared to its counterparts


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    Bu araştffinarun amacl, ergenlik donemine girmig \\\'eya girme ewesinde olan gocuklarm sevgi, krskanghk, , korku, hilzLin. hoglanma- heyecan gibi duygulanm Gorsel Sanatlar dersinde ne dlgride aglga vurduklannr saptamaktrr. Qocuklarrn ergenlik doneminin ozelliklerini ne derecede yansrttrklanm ve yaqamlannda etkilendikleri olaylan ve kigileri sezebilmekle birlikte gocuklann gevresi, ailesi ve arkadaqlarr ile olan iligkilerini ve duqiincelerini incelemektir. Bu araqtrmada, uygulamah etkinlikler kullanrlmrg, araqtrrma gdzlem ve gtiriiqmeye dayah veriler iizerinde yiinitiilmiigtiir. ansyontemiylesegileno[rencilereduyguvediiqiincelerinirahathklaifadeedebileceklerikonularverilerekresimyapmalarristenmigtir.Uygulamasiirecindensoffayaprlanresimlertizerindeanalizlerveyorumlaryaprlarakgocuklarhakkrndabilgilereldeedilmigtir.Bununyamndaofirencilerlegciri.iqmeleryaprlmrqresimlerindeanlatrlmakistenendiiqiincelerleilgilibilgiyevanlmrgtrr.Aragtrma,YozgatBahgeqehirans yontemiyle segilen o[rencilere duygu ve diiqiincelerini rahathkla ifade edebilecekleri konular verilerek resim yapmalarr istenmigtir. Uygulama siirecinden soffa yaprlan resimler tizerinde analizler ve yorumlar yaprlarak gocuklar hakkrnda bilgiler elde edilmigtir. Bunun yamnda ofirencilerle gciri.iqmeler yaprlmrq resimlerinde anlatrlmak istenen diiqiincelerle ilgili bilgiye vanlmrgtrr. Aragtrma, Yozgat Bahgeqehir ehit Mehmet Armagan Alper ilkogretim Okulu\'nda uygulamalar yaparak gergekleqtirilmiqtir. 7. srmf cifrencilerinden segilen 15 dlrenciye resim 1\'aptrnlarak uygulama stireci tamamlanmrgtr. Sanat etkinlikleri sonucunda ortaya grkan veriler toplanmrq, analiz edilmig ve elde edilen veriler sonugta bir araya getirilmiqtir. Bulgular, gocuklann ig diinyalanm yansrtmalannda, duygu ve drigiincelerini ifade etmelerinde gorsel sanatlar dersinin dnemli oldufunu ortaya koymaktadrr. Qocuklar iqinde bulunduklan gizgisel geliqim donemlerini resimlerinde yansrtarak onlar hakkrnda daha fazla bilgi sahibi olmamrzr sa[lamaktadrrlar. Qocuklarrn resimlerine bakarak fiziksel, zihinsel, kiqisel, sosyal ve cinsel gelimleri hakkrnda da bulgular elde edilmiqtir. Aynr yaq grubu gocuklarr igerisindeki duygu ve di.iqiince farkhhklarr tespit edilmiqtir. Bulgular, gocuklann yagamlarrnda etkilendikleri olaylarr ve kiqileri gcirsel sanatlar dersinde yaprlan sanat etkinlikleriyle agr[a vurduklannr gcistermektedir. Çocu[un ergenlik donemindeki sorunlannr ve igsel gokiintiilerini tespit etmede bu dersin onemli oldulu saptanmrgtrr. Bu bulgular rqtfmda, yaprlabilecek araqtrrmalara ve gocuklara kargr geliqtirilecek cifretmen ve ebeveyn tutumlartna oneriler sunulmugtur.The purpose of this research, entered into adolescence or entering in a phase of ::,ldren u\'ith love, jealousy, fear, sadness, enjoyment, excitement and emotions, such as the -, -sua1 Arls course n\'hat extent is to determine what they reveal. To what extent the characteristics of children in adolescence and the life they had ..--ected on the events and influences sulrounding the children We could detect people, their :--:iionship n\'ith family and friends and thoughts incelemmust be added. In this study, used hands-on activities, research based on observations and interviews \',;:: conducted on the data. Selected students with a chance method easily can express their ,=:.,l.\'s and thoughts about givingrek were asked to paint. After the application process, .:.lrsis and comments on the pictures made about the children was obtained. Besides .,.,:n\'iervs with the students want to be told in pictures madeinformation about how the idea ,.-. \'f een reached. Research, Yozgat Mehmet Armagan Alper Marlyrs Primary School Bahgegehir ,::-,cations are conducted by doing.7. grade students to 15 students selected from the -.:-:mentation process rvas completed files built. Art ActivationAs a result of the resulting -, -, ,-.1eri u-ere collected and analyzed the data obtained are combined into one result. Findings reflect the inner rvorld of children, to express feelings and thoughts is :--:,rrrallt visual arls course reveals. Children in the images reflected in their linear qt\'oslh r:r.ird. Arataus to be more knou,ledgeable about their rak provide. Children looking at :-:.-,rres of physical, mental, personal, social and sexual findings were obtained about the :\'\'.:ilple. Within the same age group children feeling ve thought differences w-ere identified. ..:s-:lts. events and other influences in the lives of children and the arts in visual arls courses ... .heir activities they are revealing. Adolescent childto identify problems and intemal ::;:kdorvn w\'ere found to be important in this course. In the light of these findings, to do :-s:arch and teacher and parental attitudes towards children to be developed r;, trlllrreildations were Dresented

    A Preamble-Based Approach for Providing Quality of Service Support in Wireless Sensor Networks

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