28 research outputs found

    Real-Time Radar-Based Gesture Detection and Recognition Built in an Edge-Computing Platform

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    In this paper, a real-time signal processing frame-work based on a 60 GHz frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar system to recognize gestures is proposed. In order to improve the robustness of the radar-based gesture recognition system, the proposed framework extracts a comprehensive hand profile, including range, Doppler, azimuth and elevation, over multiple measurement-cycles and encodes them into a feature cube. Rather than feeding the range-Doppler spectrum sequence into a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) connected with recurrent neural networks, the proposed framework takes the aforementioned feature cube as input of a shallow CNN for gesture recognition to reduce the computational complexity. In addition, we develop a hand activity detection (HAD) algorithm to automatize the detection of gestures in real-time case. The proposed HAD can capture the time-stamp at which a gesture finishes and feeds the hand profile of all the relevant measurement-cycles before this time-stamp into the CNN with low latency. Since the proposed framework is able to detect and classify gestures at limited computational cost, it could be deployed in an edge-computing platform for real-time applications, whose performance is notedly inferior to a state-of-the-art personal computer. The experimental results show that the proposed framework has the capability of classifying 12 gestures in real-time with a high F1-score.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal. A video is available on https://youtu.be/IR5NnZvZBL

    Audio source separation into the wild

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    International audienceThis review chapter is dedicated to multichannel audio source separation in real-life environment. We explore some of the major achievements in the field and discuss some of the remaining challenges. We will explore several important practical scenarios, e.g. moving sources and/or microphones, varying number of sources and sensors, high reverberation levels, spatially diffuse sources, and synchronization problems. Several applications such as smart assistants, cellular phones, hearing aids and robots, will be discussed. Our perspectives on the future of the field will be given as concluding remarks of this chapter

    Die verfehlte Begegnung mit dem Anderen. Psychoanalytische Annäherungen an Emmanuel Lévinas

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    Die Schwierigkeiten der Begegnung zwischen Ich und Anderem werden anhand einer klinisch-psychoanalytischen Fallvignette, die von einer narzißtisch getönten Interaktion mit einer jungen Frau mit einer postadoleszentären Identitätskrise handelt, erläutert. In deren selbst- und beziehungszerstörerischen Geschichte der \u27neuen Leiden der Seele\u27 scheint sich ein Muster moderner Intersubjektivität widerzuspiegeln. Die Widersprüche einer solchen klinischen Begegnung mit dem Anderen werden nun anhand einiger zentraler Begriffe der Phänomenologie von Emmanuel Lévinas geschärft und vertieft, denen zufolge sich der Weg des Subjekts \u27vom Sein zum Seienden\u27 beschreiben läßt: Von einem zunächst objektlosen Sein des reinen \u27es gibt\u27 entwickelt sich das Subjekt über eine Zwischenstufe von Vor-Objekten (\u27Adjekten\u27) zum Seienden als der Welt der Objektbeziehungen, in denen sich das menschliche Begehren intersubjektiv entfalten kann. Der Weg dorthin ist geprägt von Stufen des \u27Verfehlens der Begegnung\u27 (Lacan), in deren dialektischer Abfolge stets der Mangel als dynamischer Motor der Intersubjektivität fungiert. Erst aus der Anerkennung dieses Mangels ließe sich eine therapeutische Ethik der Fürsorge, des Seins für den Anderen, im Anschluß an Lévinas plausibel entfalten. Aber auch in dieser bleibt der zerstörerische Untergrund einer traumatischen Gefährdung jeder Intersubjektivität spürbar, die Lévinas als "Illeität", als unaufhebbare Abwesenheit des Anderen (\u27Spur\u27), kennzeichnet. (DIPF/Orig.)The difficulties of the encounter of the I with the other are explained on the basis of a clinical-psychoanalytical case Vignette dealing with a narcissistically colored interaction with a young woman going through a post-adolescent identity crisis. This women\u27s self- destructive and relation-destructive history of the "new sufferings of the soul" seems to reflect a pattern of modern intersubjectivity. The contradictions of such a clinical encounter with the other are then sharpened and deepened on the basis of central concepts of the phenomenology of Emmanuel Levinas, according to which the subject\u27s path can be described as a path "from being to the existing": from an initially objectless being of the mere "there is" the subject develops via an intermediate stage of pre-objects ("abjects") to the existing as the world of object relations in which the human desire can develop intersubjectively. This path is made up of stages of "missing the encounter" (Lacan) in the dialectical sequence of which deficit always functions as dynamic motor of intersubjectivity. Only through a recognition of this deficit could a therapeutical ethics of caring, of being there for the other, be developed plausibly and in accordance with Levinas. But in this ethics, too, there is still to be felt the destructive Underground of a traumatic threat to all intersubjectivity, designated by Levinas as "illeity", as insuspendable absence of the other ("trace"). (DIPF/Orig.

    Adaptive Beamforming Combined with Particle Filtering for Acoustic Source

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    While the main objective of adaptive Filter-and-Sum beamforming is to obtain an enhanced speech signal for subsequent processing like speech recognition, we show how speaker localization information can be derived from the filter coefficients. To increase localization accuracy, speaker tracking is performed by non-linear Bayesian state estimation, which is realized by sequential Monte Carlo methods. Improved acquisition and tracking performance was achieved even in highly reverberant environments, in comparison with both a Kalman Filter and a recently proposed Particle Filter operating on the output of a nonadaptive Delay-and-Sum beamformer