582 research outputs found

    La conectividad virtual una forma exitosa de interactuar en las plataformas digitales en una institución educativa de Trujillo, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo de estudio describir y analizar la conectividad virtual una forma exitosa de interactuar en las plataformas digitales en una institución educativa de Trujillo, 2021, para cumplir con el objetivo propuesto se desarrolló una investigación con enfoque cualitativo y diseño fenomenológico. Para la presente investigación se seleccionó a cuatro participantes y se realizó la respectiva entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados se discutieron bajo la técnica de la triangulación en base a un diseño fenomenológico. Dentro de los hallazgos se concluyó que la conectividad virtual interactúa positivamente en las plataformas digitales a través de una planificación adecuada permite organizar y plantear las actividades que se desarrollará a fin de lograr el propósito del aprendizaje. En la conectividad virtual, la planificación sigue siendo la acción necesaria de planear nuevas estrategias para una educación a la distancia. A pesar del cambio drástico a inicio de la virtualidad, la adecuación fue difícil. En la actualidad es diferente, se puede trabajar con materiales concretos. Además, la conectividad condujo a nuevos escenarios. Dentro de las dificultades se encontraron el conocimiento y el dominio del manejo de las herramientas virtuales. Así como la velocidad del internet. En realidad, no se sabía cómo se realizarían las clases de manera virtual

    Effects of lacto-vegetarian diet and stabilization core exercises on body composition and pain in women with fibromyalgia: randomized controlled trial

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    Introducción: la fibromialgia es una enfermedad de origen desconocido caracterizada por dolor muscular crónico. La falta de conocimientos sobre esta enfermedad es una de las principales causas por las que resulta complejo realizar un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados. Objetivo: el objetivo principal de este estudio fue conocer la eficacia de un tratamiento de fisioterapia combinado con una intervención dietético-nutricional lacto-vegetariana, sobre el dolor bajo de espalda y la composición corporal en mujeres con fibromialgia. Métodos: en el estudio participaron 21 mujeres, que fueron divididas aleatoriamente en 3 grupos: A (ejercicios estabilización core + dieta lacto-vegetariana), B (placebo + dieta lacto-vegetariana) y C (control). La intervención tuvo una duración de 4 semanas y se realizaron evaluaciones del dolor (escala EVA), y de la composición corporal (bioimpedancia), al inicio y final de la intervención. Resultados: el grupo A mostró cambios significativos en la reducción del dolor y la composición corporal al final de la intervención, aumentando la masa muscular y disminuyendo la masa grasa. Además, este grupo mejoró significativamente los resultados en comparación con los grupos B y C. Las correlaciones realizadas mostraron una relación entre la masa muscular y la disminución del dolor referido al final del estudio en las pacientes del grupo A. Conclusiones: un programa de intervención de 4 semanas de duración en el que se combina ejercicios de estabilización de core más dieta lacto-vegetariana en pacientes con fibromialgia que presentan dolor bajo de espalda contribuye a la reducción del dolor y la mejora de la composición corporal.Background: fibromyalgia is a disease of unknown origin characterized by chronic muscular pain. The lack of knowledge about this disease is one of the main causes that makes complex to make a diagnosis and an appropriate treatment. Objective: the main objective of this study was to know the efficacy of a physiotherapy treatment combined with a lacto-vegetarian dietary-nutritional intervention, on low back pain and body composition in women with fibromyalgia. Methods: twenty-one women were randomly divided into three groups: A (core stabilization exercises + lacto-vegetarian diet), B (placebo + lacto-vegetarian diet) and C (control). The intervention lasted 4 weeks. Pain assessments (EVA scale) and body composition (bioimpedance) were performed at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. Results: group A showed significant changes in pain reduction and body composition at the end of the intervention, increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat mass. In addition, this group significantly improved outcomes compared to groups B and C. The correlations showed a relationship between muscle mass and pain reduction referred to at the end of the study in patients in group A. Conclusions: four-week intervention program combining core stabilization exercises plus lacto-vegetarian diet in patients with fibromyalgia who have low back pain contributes to pain reduction and improved body composition

    Job satisfaction and work–family policies through work-family enrichment

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of a bundle of work–family policies on employee’s job satisfaction and (affective) organizational commitment, by using work–family enrichment and conflict as explanatory. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical study is conducted with a sample of 322 employees from 30 Spanish firms that have been granted with the “Flexible Firm Award” or have been certified as “Family Responsible Firms.” Structural equation modeling is used to test hypotheses. Findings: The results show that the higher the use of work–family policies the more positive effects on work–family enrichment and conflict, and that job satisfaction is positively related to (effective) organizational commitment. Research limitations/implications: This is a cross-sectional study which may limit the establishment of causal relationships. Practical implications: Work–family policies may constitute a relevant management tool to balance work and family life by making employees more interested in their jobs, enhancing their well-being and reducing the conflicts between work and family domains. The positive role of work–family enrichment contributes to enhance employees’ job satisfaction and, at the same time, to increase their organizational commitment. Managers should pay attention at how work–family policies are justified because they may influence differently on their outcomes on satisfaction and commitment. Originality/value: There are two main original contributions of the paper. First, the authors study the joint effect of work–family policies on different dimensions of enrichment and conflict. Second, the authors analyze the relationship between different dimensions of enrichment and conflict on job satisfaction and organizational commitment

    El módulo y el sistema: celosías funcionales en el complejo de la Hidrola en Escombreras

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    This paper presents a detailed analysis of a building as unique as it is unknown or forgotten: the thermal power station built by Hidroeléctrica Española in Escombreras, Cartagena, in the mid-1950s, designed by the architect Fernando Urrutia and the engineer Carlos Jaureguizar. And it does so from a double point of view: on the one hand, by contextualising the building within the industrial and architectural context of the time, to which it responds with a perfect modernity that is at the same time pragmatic and monumental. On the other hand, by focusing on a meticulous constructive, geometric and aesthetic analysis of perhaps its most unique element, the very ingenious functional grid (as the architect calls it) that defines its facades with a prefabricated modular skin that gives it a unique personality and a disturbing contemporaneity.Este artículo presenta un detallado análisis de un edificio tan singular como prematuramente olvidado: la Central térmica que Hidroeléctrica Española construye en Escombreras, Cartagena, a mediados de los años cincuenta, bajo proyecto del arquitecto Fernando Urrutia y el ingeniero Carlos Jaureguizar. Y lo hace desde un doble punto de vista: de una parte, contextualiza el edificio en el marco industrial y arquitectónico del momento, al que ofrece una respuesta de una perfecta modernidad, a la vez pragmática y monumental, que debe ser puesta en valor. De otra, centrándose en un meticuloso análisis constructivo, geométrico y estético de, quizás, su elemento más singular, la muy ingeniosa celosía funcional (así la denomina el arquitecto) que construye sus fachadas mediante una piel modular prefabricada y que la dota de una personalidad única y de una contemporaneidad inquietante


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    It is globally known that the micro-business as a mean of self-employment has sustained the social and economical developments, which are surpluses against poverty. In Latin America, these organizations represent 20% of the national PIB with 65 millions approximately, and at the same time, these micro-businesses represent a half of the region's employment. In Mexico, micro, small and medium enterprises represent more than 95% of total economic units and contribute with 50% of employment. Studies of business extinction causes highlight the absence of formal administration and obstacles in accessing to technology and services required. The objective was to identify and analyze features associated with the technological innovation management processes in twelve small businesses in Chihuahua. The information obtain had been analyzed. The results reveal micro-companies have the characteristics which literature considers key for innovation; however their rates are less than evaluations made to small and medium businesses.Evaluation instruments, innovation management, technology management, small businesses., Agribusiness,

    Psychological and Sleep Effects of Tryptophan and Magnesium-Enriched Mediterranean Diet in Women with Fibromyalgia

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    Anxiety, mood disturbance, eating and sleep disorders, and dissatisfaction with body image are prevalent disorders in women with fibromyalgia. The authors of this study aimed to determine the effects of tryptophan (TRY) and magnesium-enriched (MG) Mediterranean diet on psychological variables (trait anxiety, mood state, eating disorders, self-image perception) and sleep quality in women with fibromyalgia (n = 22; 49 ± 5 years old). In this randomized, controlled trial, the participants were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the placebo group. The intervention group received a Mediterranean diet enriched with high doses of TRY and MG (60 mg of TRY and 60 mg of MG), whereas the control group received the standard Mediterranean diet. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire, Body Shape Questionnaire, State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Profile of Mood States (POMS-29) Questionnaire, Eating Attitudes Test-26, and Trait Anxiety Inventory were completed before and 16 weeks after the intervention. Significant differences were observed between groups after the intervention for the mean scores of trait anxiety (p = 0.001), self-image perception (p = 0.029), mood disturbance (p = 0.001), and eating disorders (p = 0.006). This study concludes that tryptophan and magnesium-enriched Mediterranean diet reduced anxiety symptoms, mood disturbance, eating disorders, and dissatisfaction with body image but did not improve sleep quality in women with fibromyalgia

    Optical characterisation and photothermal conversion efficiency of a water-based carbon nanofluid for direct solar absorption applications.

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    Carbon nanoparticles are very useful in solar thermal applications as they absorb much of the solar spectrum and can be inexpensive. Water-based carbon nanofluids with two different concentrations (3 and 33 mg l−1) were prepared with sodium dodecyl sulphate as surfactant to achieve good high-temperature stability with a constant mean particle size of 200 nm at 25 °C and 85 °C. The morphology of the nanoparticles was observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy and the particle size distribution was studied using Dynamic Light Scattering at room and high temperature. Ballistic transmittance, absorption coefficient and scattering albedo of the three fluids were measured by a spectrophotometer with and without an integrating sphere using the Kubelka-Munk theory. The average value of the absorption coefficient showed important increases when comparing water against the nanofluid with the highest concentration (from 0.1 to 3.3 cm−1). Finally, the temperature change achieved when lighting the samples with an artificial sunlight simulator were measured and photothermal conversion efficiencies were evaluated, with increases of up to 200% when comparing nanofluid and base fluid. The results of this study show this kind of nanofluids to be very interesting for increasing the overall efficiency of the direct absorber solar collectors

    Profile of the Spatial Distribution Patterns of the Human and Bacteriophage Virome in a Wastewater Treatment Plant Located in the South of Spain

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the support given by the Institute of Water Research of University of Granada and the disposition of Municipal Water Company of Granada (EMASAGRA S.A.) for financial support to carry out the research.In wastewater treatment plants, most microbial characterization has focused on bacterial, archaeal, and fungal populations. Due to the difficult isolation, quantification, and identification of viruses, only a limited number of virome studies associated with wastewater treatment plants have been carried out. However, the virus populations play an important role in the microbial dynamics in wastewater treatment systems and the biosafety of effluents. In this work, the viral members present in influent wastewater, mixed liquor (aerobic bioreactor), excess sludge, and effluent water of a conventional activated sludge system for the treatment of urban wastewater were identified. Viral members were observed by transmission electron microscopy and studied through next-generation sequencing studies. The results showed the dominance of bacteriophages in the viral community in all samples, with the dominant viral phylotype classified as Escherichia coli O157 typing phage 7. Moreover, different human viruses, such as Cynomolgus cytomegalovirus and Gammaherpesvirus, were also detected.Institute of Water Research of University of Granad

    Work-family practices and organizational commitment: the mediator effect of job satisfaction

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    This article analyzes the mediator effect of job satisfaction in the relationship between the availability of work-family practices and employees'' organizational commitment. Empirical data from employees working for family-friendly awarded firms shows that when employees perceive that work-family practices are really available to them, they are more satisfied in their jobs and demonstrate more organizational commitment