276 research outputs found

    Ponderomotive forces in suprathermal space environments due to cyclotron waves

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    The Washimi and Karpman ponderomotive interaction due to right handed electron wave propagation is evaluated for different space conditions considering low temperature magnetized plasmas described by an isotropic Kappa distribution and with a wave propagation parallel with respect to the background magnetic field. We performed a brief analysis of the influence of the Kappa distribution in the dispersion relations for a low temperature plasma expansion at the lowest order in which the thermal effects are appreciated and without considering the damping characteristics of the wave. The different factors of the ponderomotive force are obtained and analyzed separately as function of the wavenumber, the spectral index κ\kappa, the ratio between the plasma frequency and the gyrofrequency, and the plasma beta. Our results shows an important influence of the non-thermal effects in all the factors of the ponderomotive force for magnetized plasmas, even for low values of the plasma beta. Therefore, we have found that even for nearly cold magnetized plasmas and waves far from the resonances the effect of the kappa parameter in the ponderomotive force cannot be neglected. This suggest a significant role of the Kappa distribution in ponderomotive phenomena of space physics. Also, the effect of the kappa distribution has been evaluated for a wide variety of space environments as the solar wind and the different regions of our magnetosphere. We have also analyzed the role of the non-thermal effect in the induced Washimi and Karpman ponderomotive magnetization and the total power radiated associated with it. Furthermore, we show that the magnitude of the slowly varying induced ponderomotive magnetic field is enhanced as the plasma moves away from thermal equilibrium

    Numerical modeling of thin-film solar cells with Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) and CdTe absorbers

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    This thesis analyses the world of thin-film solar cells focusing on two kind of technologies, the first based on copper-indium-gallium diselenide, also called CIGS, the second one on cadmium telluride. The aim of this work in particular is giving suggestions on how to increase the conversion efficiency of these devices by improving knowledge and understanding of their physical behavior. Thin-film solar cells based on CIGS or CdTe absorbers have been studied in research laboratories for at least 20 years, but only recently entered the phase of industrial production. While still lagging behind their Si-based competitors in terms of efficiency and dollars/Watt, these technologies are poised to conquer increasing market shares, and perhaps even market dominance. Thin-film solar cells based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) show record efficiencies among thin-film technologies, with manufacturers introducing mass production processes yielding cells with efficiencies in the 13-15% range. Lab specimens can provide power conversion efficiency as high as 20%, despite the poly-crystalline structure of the semiconductor thin film. Several papers were published on material growth, processing and characterization on one side, and on the performance of finished cells and modules on the other, but there is still a gap to fill in between: some of the specific features of CIGS cells, specifically those pertaining to the behavior of grain boundaries and hetero-junctions, are still under debate, and a complete understanding of the relationship between material characteristics and cell behavior is not available yet

    Adenocarcinoma gástrico esporádico

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    Os carcinomas com origem no tracto gastrointestinal superior constituem um grave problema de saúde a nível mundial. O adenocarcinoma gástrico esporádico é uma patologia com incidência galopante em alguns países, nomeadamente, Ásia e América do Sul. Na maioria dos países ocidentais tem-se assistido a um declínio do número de novos casos nos últimos 40 anos, no entanto a localização da neoplasia tem-se alterado nos últimos 15 anos. A razão para esta alteração não é clara. A etiologia da neoplasia gástrica ainda está sob investigação. Actualmente, sabe-se que factores ambientais, como dietéticos, infecciosos, e comportamentais, se associam a factores genéticos e epigenéticos, para uma carcinogénese multifaseada. Destes factores, o H. pylori tem papel fundamental, em muitos dos casos. Uma melhor compreensão da história natural tem influenciado significativamente a abordagem de diagnóstico e as opções de tratamento. Desenvolvimentos recentes têm sido feitos na área do estadiamento, com as técnicas de laparoscopia e eco-endoscopia, e com a possibilidade emergente da utilização de técnicas de imagiologia funcional. Cirurgicamente, a classificação TNM exige a ressecção e o exame de pelo menos 15 gânglios linfático – uma dissecção D0 é inaceitável. A combinação de quimioterapia e radioterapia como terapêuticas adjuvantes para determinados grupos de doentes tem-se tornado como o novo padrão. A confirmação da necessidade fundamental de um planeamento multidisciplinar do tratamento tem-se reflectido num maior interesse por todas as modalidades terapêuticas e sublinha a importância da abordagem holística dos doentes. Aguardam-se os resultados das investigações relacionadas com os novos agentes quimioterapêuticos, incluindo terapêuticas dirigidas, vacinas, terepêutica genética e agentes anti-angiogénicos, antecipando-se grandes avanços nesta área

    Magnetometer bias calibration based on relative angular position: Theory and experimental comparative evaluation

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    Abstract — This paper reports on a novel method for esti-mating the sensor bias of three-axis magnetometers (or any other field sensor). Our approach employs relative angular position measurements to estimate the three-axis magnetometer measurement bias, significantly improving magnetometer-based attitude estimation. Relative angular position measurements can be calculated from a variety of sources, including multiview image registration or laser-based scan matching. We report two methods implementing this approach based on batch linear least squares and a real-time discrete Kalman filter. Compared with previously reported methods our approach is time independent and less restrictive with data sampling. In addition, our two methods (i) are empirically shown to impose less restrictive conditions for the movements of the instrument required for calibration, (ii) do not require knowledge of the direction of the field (e.g., the local magnetic field) or the attitude of the instrument, and (iii) also ensure convergence for the estimated parameters. The proposed methods are evaluated and compared with previously reported methods in both numerical simulation and in comparative experimental evaluation using cameras and magnetometer sensors under different conditions. I

    Some new [(chromen-4-ylamino)-ethyl]-azetidin-2-ones and their antibacterial activity

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    A series of new azetidin-2-ones, on the basis of 3-nitrobenzopyran-2-one were synthesized by cyclo-condensation of various Schiff bases of coumarin with acetyl chloride. 4-(2-Amino-ethylamino)-3-nitro-chromen-2-one (3) is synthesized by condensation of 4-chloro-3-nitrobenzopyran-2-one (2) and ethane-1,2-diamine. The catalytic condensation of compound 3 with benzaldehyde, salicylaldehyde or 3-nitrobenzaldehyde yielded corresponding 4-[4-(benzylidene-amino)-phenylamino]-3-nitrobenzopyran-2-ones, 4a-c. The cyclization reac-tion of compounds 4a-c with acetyl chloride yielded corresponding substituted azetidin-2-ones, 5a-c. The structures of the obtained compounds were established by FT-IR and NMR spectrometric data and their elemental analysis. Prepared compounds 4a-c and 5a-c were screened for their antibacterial activity against S. aureus, E. coli and Klebsiella by disc diffusion method. Compounds 4a-c exhibited moderate antibacterial activity, whereas compounds 5a-c displayed significant activity against these microorganisms. The impact of substitutions in antimicrobial activity was also explored

    A casa real portuguesa ao tempo de D. Pedro II (1668-1706)

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    Tese de doutoramento, História (História Moderna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014É o principal objetivo deste trabalho o estudo da Casa Real portuguesa ao tempo de D. Pedro II englobando dois momentos distintos: entre 1668 e 1683, durante o período em que é príncipe-regente de Portugal, e quando se torna rei, após o falecimento do seu irmão, D. Afonso VI, até 1706, data em que D. Pedro morre. Não obstante, considera-se igualmente o processo de construção da Casa Real portuguesa após a Restauração, analisando, em especial, o Regimento da Casa Real, do reinado de D. João IV, e as funções dos cargos-mores. A dinâmica da Casa Real de D. Pedro II é estudada através dos detentores dos ofícios maiores, como sejam o mordomo-mor e o estribeiro-mor, identificam-se continuidades e ruturas, examinando-se com detalhe o esvaziamento da função do camareiro-mor, cargo detido pelos condes de Penaguião/marqueses de Fontes, e a entrada dos camaristas na estrutura do serviço e da casa, alteração que se mantém no reinado de D. João V. Privilegiase ainda o estudo do governo do reino através da Casa Real, com particular enfoque no papel dos gentis-homens da câmara. Continuando a acompanhar o processo de estruturação da Casa Real, privilegia-se o estudo da imagem de D. Pedro como governante de Portugal. Neste passo, destaca-se a codificação da vida áulica e abordam-se momentos de representação no exterior, mas também dentro do próprio reino, com especial atenção para a receção ao arquiduque Carlos de Áustria no contexto da participação portuguesa na Guerra da Sucessão de Espanha e o que isso significou para D. Pedro II.The main purpose of this work is the study of the Portuguese Royal Household at the time of D. Pedro II including two distinct moments: firstly, between 1668 and 1683, during the period that D. Pedro was Prince Regent of Portugal; and, in second place, when he becomes king of Portugal after the death of his brother, D. Afonso VI, until 1706, the year of his death. Nevertheless, it is also considered the process of construction of the Portuguese Royal Household after the Portuguese Restoration, in particular through the detailed analysis of the Regiment of the Royal Household, dated from D. João IV’s reign, and of the household higher offices

    Inequities in Organ Donation and Transplantation Among Immigrant Populations in Italy: A Narrative Review of Evidence, Gaps in Research and Potential Areas for Intervention

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    Immigrants from outside Europe have increased over the past two decades, especially in Southern European countries including Italy. This influx coincided with an increased number of immigrants with end-stage organ diseases. In this narrative review, we reviewed evidence of the gaps between native-born and immigrant populations in the Organ Donation and Transplantation (ODT) process in Italy. Consistent with prior studies, despite the availability of a publicly funded health system with universal healthcare coverage, non-European-born individuals living in Italy are less likely to receive living donor kidney transplantation and more likely to have inferior long-term kidney graft function compared with EU-born and Eastern European-born individuals. While these patients are increasingly represented among transplant recipients (especially kidney and liver transplants), refusal rates for organ donation are higher in some ethnic groups compared with native-born and other foreign-born referents, with the potential downstream effects of prolonged waiting times and inferior transplant outcomes. In the process, we identified gaps in relevant research and biases in existing studies. Given the Italian National Transplant Center’s (CNT) commitment to fighting inequities in ODT, we illustrated actions taken by CNT to tackle inequities in ODT among immigrant communities in Italy