30 research outputs found

    Cardiopulmonary functional capacity and the role of exercise in improving maximal oxygen consumption in women with PCOS

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    Zesp贸艂 policystycznych jajnik贸w (PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome) jest jednym z najcz臋stszych zaburze艅 endokrynologicznych u kobiet w wieku reprodukcyjnym. Zesp贸艂 ten cz臋sto wsp贸艂wyst臋puje z czynnikami ryzyka chor贸b sercowo-naczyniowych. Ponadto wi膮偶e si臋 on z upo艣ledzeniem czynno艣ci uk艂adu sercowo-naczyniowego i p艂uc. Zmniejszenie wydolno艣ci kr膮偶eniowo-oddechowej oraz dysfunkcja uk艂adu autonomicznego, kt贸ra wi膮偶e si臋 z zaburzeniem normalizacji cz臋sto艣ci rytmu serca mo偶e by膰 przyczyn膮 zwi臋kszonego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego u kobiet z zespo艂em policystycznych jajnik贸w. 膯wiczenia fizyczne maj膮 korzystny wp艂yw na wydolno艣膰 kr膮偶eniowo-oddechow膮 i powoduj膮 zmniejszenie ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego w tej grupie chorych. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (2): 207-209)Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common reproductive disorder in premenopausal women and is frequently accompanied by the presence of cardiovascular risk factors. It has also been recognized that PCOS women are characterized by cardiopulmonary impairment. Reduced cardiopulmonary functional capacity and the autonomic dysfunction associated with abnormal heart rate recovery might be responsible for the increased cardiovascular risk in patients with PCOS. Exercise training has beneficial effects on cardiopulmonary functional capacity and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in PCOS women. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (2): 207-209

    Learning Probabilistic Logic Programs in Continuous Domains

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    The field of statistical relational learning aims at unifying logic and probability to reason and learn from data. Perhaps the most successful paradigm in the field is probabilistic logic programming: the enabling of stochastic primitives in logic programming, which is now increasingly seen to provide a declarative background to complex machine learning applications. While many systems offer inference capabilities, the more significant challenge is that of learning meaningful and interpretable symbolic representations from data. In that regard, inductive logic programming and related techniques have paved much of the way for the last few decades. Unfortunately, a major limitation of this exciting landscape is that much of the work is limited to finite-domain discrete probability distributions. Recently, a handful of systems have been extended to represent and perform inference with continuous distributions. The problem, of course, is that classical solutions for inference are either restricted to well-known parametric families (e.g., Gaussians) or resort to sampling strategies that provide correct answers only in the limit. When it comes to learning, moreover, inducing representations remains entirely open, other than "data-fitting" solutions that force-fit points to aforementioned parametric families. In this paper, we take the first steps towards inducing probabilistic logic programs for continuous and mixed discrete-continuous data, without being pigeon-holed to a fixed set of distribution families. Our key insight is to leverage techniques from piecewise polynomial function approximation theory, yielding a principled way to learn and compositionally construct density functions. We test the framework and discuss the learned representations.Comment: Accepted at the 2018 KR Workshop on Hybrid Reasoning and Learnin

    Hormonal abnormalities in first-degree relatives of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

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    Wst臋p: Liczne dane wskazuj膮 na rodzinne wyst臋powanie zaburze艅 hormonalnych u krewnych pierwszego stopnia kobiet z zespo艂em policystycznych jajnik贸w (PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome). Celem pracy by艂a ocena czy u rodze艅stwa kobiet z PCOS wyst臋puj膮 zaburzenia hormonalne typowe dla tego zespo艂u. Materia艂 i metody: Zbadano 88 krewnych pierwszego stopnia kobiet z zespo艂em wielotorbielowatych jajnik贸w (44 siostry i 42 braci). Grupy kontrolne stanowi艂o 70 zdrowych kobiet i 30 zdrowych m臋偶czyzn. U wszystkich os贸b oceniono parametry antropometryczne i hormonalne (st臋偶enia testosteronu, androstendionu, DHEA-S, LH, FSH) oraz st臋偶enie SHBG. Wyniki: 艢rednie st臋偶enia testosteronu i DHEA-S by艂y wi臋ksze u si贸str kobiet z PCOS ni偶 u kobiet z grupy kontrolnej. U 8 z 44 si贸str (18,2%) postawiono rozpoznanie PCOS. 艢rednie st臋偶enia testosteronu, androstendionu oraz indeks wolnych androgen贸w by艂y istotnie wi臋ksze u si贸str z PCOS w por贸wnaniu z siostrami bez tego zespo艂u. Bracia kobiet z PCOS w por贸wnaniu z m臋偶czyznami z grupy kontrolnej mieli wi臋ksze st臋偶enia DHEA-S. Przedwczesne 艂ysienie cechowa艂o 11 z 42 braci (26,2%), kt贸re wyst膮pi艂o przed 30. rokiem 偶ycia. Przedwcze艣nie 艂ysiej膮cy bracia nie r贸偶nili si臋 od braci bez 艂ysienia pod wzgl臋dem ocenianych parametr贸w hormonalnych. Wnioski: Rodze艅stwo pacjentek z PCOS jest predysponowane do wyst臋powania zaburze艅 hormonalnych typowych dla tego zespo艂u. Przedwczesne 艂ysienie u m臋偶czyzn przed 30. rokiem 偶ycia nie powinno by膰 uznawane za m臋ski fenotypowy odpowiednik PCOS. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (2): 129–133)Introduction: A body of evidence points to a familial aggregation of hormonal abnormalities in first-degree relatives of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The aim of this study was to determine whether siblings of women with PCOS had evidence of hormonal abnormalities typical of PCOS. Material and methods: Eighty-six siblings of women with PCOS (44 sisters, 42 brothers) were recruited. Two control groups consisted of 70 healthy women and 30 healthy men. Anthropometric, hormonal (testosterone, androstenedione, DHEA-S, LH, FSH) parameters and SHBG were assessed in all subjects. Results: Mean testosterone and DHEA-S levels were higher in sisters of women with PCOS than in the control women. In eight of the 44 (18.2%) sisters, a diagnosis of PCOS was made. Mean testosterone and androstenedione levels, and free androgen index (FAI) were significantly higher in sisters with PCOS compared to the sisters without PCOS. Brothers of women with PCOS had higher DHEA-S level than the control men. Eleven of the 42 (26.2%) brothers had alopecia occurring before the age of 30. Prematurely balding brothers did not differ from the non-balding brothers in hormonal parameters. Conclusions: Siblings of women with PCOS are predisposed to hormonal abnormalities typical of PCOS. The symptom of premature balding under the age of 30 in brothers of women with PCOS should not be considered as a male PCOS equivalent. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (2): 129–133

    Wybrane zaburzenia neurologiczne zwi膮zane z zespo艂em wielotorbielowatych jajnik贸w

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurologic disorders. The epileptic seizures as well as antiepileptic drugs may disturb the reproductive system function. Polycystic ovary syndrome occurs more commonly in women with epilepsy, either treated or not with valproic acid. This article discusses the current knowledge about the relationships between epilepsy and polycystic ovary syndrome.Padaczka jest jedn膮 z najcz臋stszych chor贸b neurologicznych. Zar贸wno napady padaczkowe, jak i stosowane w tej chorobie leki mog膮 zaburza膰 czynno艣膰 uk艂adu rozrodczego. Zesp贸艂 wielotorbielowatych jajnik贸w wyst臋puje cz臋艣ciej zar贸wno u nieleczonych, jak i leczonych kwasem walproinowym kobiet z padaczk膮. Artyku艂 przedstawia aktualny stan wiedzy na temat zwi膮zk贸w pomi臋dzy oboma schorzeniami

    Zaburzenia psychiczne zwi膮zane z zespo艂em policystycznych jajnik贸w

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. The psychiatric disorders accompanying the clinical symptoms and hormonal abnormalities are important, but underestimated, aspects in PCOS. Obesity, hirsutism, acne, menstrual disturbances and infertility play important roles in lowering the quality of life in women with PCOS. Depression and anxiety are more often observed in patients with PCOS than in healthy women. Some authors consider that there is a relationship between valproic acid treatment of bipolar disease and PCOS. There have been reports that in women with PCOS anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other unspecified eating disorders are found more often than in the general population. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (6): 488–491)Zesp贸艂 wielotobielowatych (policystycznych) jajnik贸w (PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome) jest cz臋stym schorzeniem endokrynologicznym wyst臋puj膮cym u kobiet w wieku rozrodczym. Wa偶nym, cho膰 niedocenianym, aspektem s膮 zaburzenia psychiczne towarzysz膮ce objawom klinicznym i nieprawid艂owo艣ciom hormonalnym istniej膮cym w tym zespole. Oty艂o艣膰, hirsutyzm, tr膮dzik, zaburzenia miesi膮czkowania oraz niep艂odno艣膰 istotnie wp艂ywaj膮 na obni偶enie jako艣ci 偶ycia kobiet z PCOS. U pacjentek z tym zespo艂em, cz臋艣ciej ni偶 w populacji zdrowych kobiet, rozpoznawana jest depresja i zaburzenia l臋kowe. Ponadto uwa偶a si臋, 偶e istnieje zwi膮zek mi臋dzy stosowaniem kwasu walproinowego w chorobie dwubiegunowej a rozwojem PCOS. Istniej膮 r贸wnie偶 doniesienia o cz臋stszym wyst臋powaniu zaburze艅 od偶ywiania u kobiet z PCOS, takich jak: bulimia, jad艂owstr臋t psychiczny i niespecyficzne zaburzenia jedzenia. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (6): 488–491

    Tractable Querying and Learning in Hybrid Domains via Sum-Product Networks

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    Probabilistic representations, such as Bayesian and Markov networks, are fundamental to much of statistical machine learning. Thus, learning probabilistic representations directly from data is a deep challenge, the main computational bottleneck being inference that is intractable. Tractable learning is a powerful new paradigm that attempts to learn distributions that support efficient probabilistic querying. By leveraging local structure, representations such as sum-product networks (SPNs) can capture high tree-width models with many hidden layers, essentially a deep architecture, while still admitting a range of probabilistic queries to be computable in time polynomial in the network size. The leaf nodes in SPNs, from which more intricate mixtures are formed, are tractable univariate distributions, and so the literature has focused on Bernoulli and Gaussian random variables. This is clearly a restriction for handling mixed discrete-continuous data, especially if the continuous features are generated from non-parametric and non-Gaussian distribution families. In this work, we present a framework that systematically integrates SPN structure learning with weighted model integration, a recently introduced computational abstraction for performing inference in hybrid domains, by means of piecewise polynomial approximations of density functions of arbitrary shape. Our framework is instantiated by exploiting the notion of propositional abstractions, thus minimally interfering with the SPN structure learning module, and supports a powerful query interface for conditioning on interval constraints. Our empirical results show that our approach is effective, and allows a study of the trade off between the granularity of the learned model and its predictive power.Comment: Accepted at the 2018 KR Workshop on Hybrid Reasoning and Learnin

    Wp艂yw polimorfizmu genu receptora endokanabinoidowego 1 na parametry antropometryczne i metaboliczne u kobiet z zespo艂em wielotorbielowatych jajnik贸w

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    Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with an increasing number of metabolic comorbidities. About 50% of PCOS patients are obese, and insulin resistance affects up to 70% of these women. The endocannabinoid system contributes to human energy homeostasis. CNR1 is a biological candidate for human obesity and related metabolic disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between CNR1 polymorphisms and anthropometric and metabolic parameters in PCOS women.Material and methods: 130 women diagnosed with PCOS according to the Rotterdam criteria were recruited. The control group consisted of 70 healthy women. Medical history was taken, and physical examination as well as assessment of anthropometric (body mass, height, waist and hip circumference, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]) and metabolic parameters (glucose and insulin, the insulin resistance index HOMA, lipid profile) was carried out. Genetic studies to detect six CNR1 gene polymorphisms were performed.Results: The total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in PCOS women carrying T/T genotype of rs2023239CNR1 polymorphism were higher than in those with C/T and C/C. There were no statistical differences in other metabolic parameters or in the value of BMI and WHR between the variants of rs2023239 CNR1 polymorphism. The other studied polymorphisms of the CNR1 gene were not associated with anthropometric or metabolic parameters in PCOS women. There were no differences in anthropometric or metabolic parameters between the variants of studied polymorphisms of the CNR1 gene in control women.Conclusions: On the basis of our study, it seems that CNR1 polymorphisms are not associated with obesity and metabolic disorders, including insulin resistance, in PCOS women.Wst臋p: Zesp贸艂 wielotorbielowatych jajnik贸w wi膮偶e si臋 z licznymi zaburzeniami metabolicznymi. Oko艂o 50% kobiet z PCOS jest oty艂ych, a insulinooporno艣膰 wykazuje do 70% kobiet z tym zespo艂em. Uk艂ad endokanabinoidowy odgrywa rol臋 w regulacji r贸wnowagi energetycznej organizmu. Gen CNR1 jest genem kandydatem zwi膮zanym z oty艂o艣ci膮 i zaburzeniami metabolicznymi. Celem badania by艂a ocena wzajemnych powi膮za艅 mi臋dzy polimorfizmami genu CNR1 a parametrami antropometrycznymi i metabolicznymi u pacjentek z PCOS.Materia艂 i metody: Do badania w艂膮czono 130 kobiet, u kt贸rych w oparciu o kryteria rotterdamskie postawiono rozpoznanie PCOS. Grup臋 kontroln膮 stanowi艂o 70 zdrowych kobiet. U wszystkich badanych przeprowadzono wywiad lekarski, badanie fizykalne z ocen膮 parametr贸w antropometrycznych (masa i wysoko艣膰 cia艂a, obw贸d talii i bioder, indeks masy cia艂a, wska藕nik talia鈥揵iodra), wykonano badania biochemiczne (ocena st臋偶e艅 glukozy i insuliny, wska藕nika insulinooporno艣ci HOMA, lipidogramu). Przeprowadzono r贸wnie偶 badania genetyczne oceniaj膮ce sze艣膰 polimorfizm贸w genu CNR1.Wyniki: St臋偶enie cholesterolu ca艂kowitego i cholesterolu frakcji LDL by艂o wy偶sze u kobiet z PCOS i genotypem T/T polimorfizmu rs2023239 genu CNR1 w por贸wnaniu z pacjentkami z genotypami C/T i C/C. Nie by艂o istotnych statystycznie r贸偶nic dotycz膮cych innych parametr贸wmetabolicznych (st臋偶enia glukozy, insuliny, wska藕nik HOMA) ani wska藕nik贸w masy cia艂a i talia鈥揵iodra mi臋dzy poszczeg贸lnymi genotypami polimorfizmu rs2023239. Nie wykazano zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy innymi badanymi polimorfizmami genu CNR1 a parametrami antropometrycznymi i metabolicznymi u pacjentek z PCOS. Nie stwierdzono r贸wnie偶 takich zale偶no艣ci u kobiet z grupy kontrolnej.Wnioski: Na podstawie przedstawionego badania wydaje si臋, 偶e polimorfizmy genu CNR1 nie s膮 zwi膮zane z oty艂o艣ci膮 ani zaburzeniami metabolicznymi, w tym insulinooporno艣ci膮, u kobiet z PCOS

    Pheochromocytoma in 8-year observation at a single endocrinological center in Wroclaw

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    Wst臋p: Guz chromoch艂onny wyst臋puje rzadko, powoduje zwykle nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze i r贸偶norodne, zmienne objawy kliniczne, co cz臋sto utrudnia wczesne rozpoznanie i leczenie. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o przedstawienie danych klinicznych, efektywno艣ci diagnostyki i leczenia chorych z pheochromocytoma w o艣rodku wroc艂awskim w okresie 8 lat. Materia艂 i metody: W艣r贸d 37 chorych z pheochromocytoma leczonych w latach 2000-2007 w Klinice Endokrynologii, Diabetologii i Leczenia Izotopami Akademii Medycznej we Wroc艂awiu by艂y 23 kobiety (23-75 lat) oraz 14 m臋偶czyzn (17-74 lat). Zbadano cz臋sto艣膰 wyst臋powania poszczeg贸lnych objaw贸w klinicznych, przydatno艣膰 zastosowanych metod diagnostycznych i efekty leczenia. Wyniki: Czas trwania choroby do momentu rozpoznania wynosi艂 od 2 miesi臋cy do 16 lat. Najcz臋stsze objawy to: nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze napadowe lub sta艂e, tachykardia, b贸le g艂owy, wzmo偶ona potliwo艣膰, niepok贸j. Najczulsz膮 laboratoryjn膮 metod膮 diagnostyczn膮 by艂 pomiar st臋偶enia metoksypochodnych katecholamin w moczu dobowym. Tomografia komputerowa u wszystkich chorych wykaza艂a obecno艣膰 guza nadnercza, cz臋艣ciej prawego; w 1 przypadku guz by艂 umiejscowiony w 艣cianie p臋cherza moczowego. Po operacji nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze ust膮pi艂o u 59% pacjent贸w, obni偶y艂o si臋 u 26,8%, a u 13,9% nie obserwowano poprawy. U 2 chorych guz by艂 z艂o艣liwy, 1 kobieta zmar艂a po zabiegu. U 8 stwierdzono zesp贸艂 MEN 2A. Wnioski: Rozpoznania pheochromocytoma zwykle dokonuje si臋 po d艂ugim czasie trwania choroby. Najbardziej typowym objawem jest nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze napadowe, kt贸re wyst臋puje jedynie u oko艂o 40%, inne objawy s膮 niespecyficzne. Najbardziej przydatne diagnostycznie jest stwierdzenie podwy偶szonego wydalania metoksykatecholamin w moczu dobowym. Z bada艅 obrazowych najbardziej efektywna jest tomografia komputerowa. Chorzy z pheochromocytoma powinni by膰 rutynowo diagnozowani w kierunku wsp贸艂istnienia innych endokrynopatii, a szczeg贸lnie raka rdzeniastego i pierwotnej nadczynno艣ci przytarczyc - sk艂adowych zespo艂u MEN 2A.Introduction: Pheochromocytoma is rare tumor with a highly variable clinical presentation. This report provides clinical picture, efficiency of diagnostics and treatment of pheochromocytoma in 8-years in the endocrinological center in Wroclaw. Material and methods: The records of 37 patients with pheochromocytoma were identified, who were treated in 2000-2007 in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Isotope Treatment in Wroclaw. There were 23 women (age 23-75 year) and 14 men (age 17-74). We studied frequency of clinical signs, usefulness of diagnostic methods and efficacy of treatment. Results: The duration of the clinical history ranged from 2 months to 16 years. The most frequent symptoms were: hypertension paroxysmal and constant, palpitations, headache, sweating and anxiety. The most sensitive diagnostic method was increased concentration of urinary metanephrine in 24-hour urine. Computed tomography was the most widely used method for tumor localization. Adrenal pheochromocytoma was detecting by CT in all patients, predominated in right adrenal, in 1 case in urinary bladder. Surgery caused remission of hypertension in 59%, improvement in 26.8%, and no changes in 13.9% of patients. Malignancy was reported in 2 cases, 1 woman died after surgery. MEN 2A occur in 21.6%. Conclusions: The diagnosis of pheochromocytma is usually made after long duration of the disease. The study confirms that clinical presentation of pheochromocytoma is variable and nonspecific, this finding makes the diagnosis very difficult. The most typical symptom is paroxysmal hypertension, which is present only in 40%, other symptoms are nonspecific. The measurement of 24-hour urinary metanephrines was the best indicator. CT was almost always successful in localizing the tumor. Patients with pheochromocytoma should be consider for other endocrine diseases especially medullary carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidism and other component of MEN 2A