225 research outputs found

    View of Young People of the Modern Russian Society on Predominant Values of Partnership in Marriage (on the Basis of Survey)

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    The results of the survey carried out by the authors and devoted to studying ideal and real image of a partner in the view of young people of the modern Russian society are given and analyzed. The objective of the article is to analyze the view of young people on an ideal partner and to find to what extent an ideal image matches a real one. The issues of images of an ideal and real partner correspondence, similarities and differences in choosing a partner by young men and women are analyzed, social and role expectations in family relationship are found. The conclusions about young people marriage intentions are made on the basis of young men and women opinions about an ideal partner. The main methods used in research are survey, content analysis and mathematical statistics approaches

    View of Young People of the Modern Russian Society on Predominant Values of Partnership in Marriage (on the Basis of Survey)

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    The results of the survey carried out by the authors and devoted to studying ideal and real image of a partner in the view of young people of the modern Russian society are given and analyzed. The objective of the article is to analyze the view of young people on an ideal partner and to find to what extent an ideal image matches a real one. The issues of images of an ideal and real partner correspondence, similarities and differences in choosing a partner by young men and women are analyzed, social and role expectations in family relationship are found. The conclusions about young people marriage intentions are made on the basis of young men and women opinions about an ideal partner. The main methods used in research are survey, content analysis and mathematical statistics approaches

    Description of a New Methodology for Baking Products from Wheat and Rye Flour by the Sour Dough Method

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    Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of using various methods for thermal processing of bakery products. It is shown that the infrared method is one of the most promising methods of heat treatment. The analysis showed that when combining different methods of heat treatment, the products retain their consumer qualities and the time of the technological cycle is reduced. The author proposes to use the method of thermal processing in the fast food industry. Materials and Methods. The subject of the study is a new method of thermal processing of bakery products made from wheat-rye flour using infrared radiation. For the study, a heating unit was manufactured in accordance with the patent for utility model No. 199820, where heating elements made using the grid-screen printing technology were installed; the performance of heating elements was controlled by a device with a PID controller of the TRM 148-T brand with an RS-485 interface. Results. The article shows that this method can be used to create a uniform product heating. The results of studies on the control of temperature conditions for baking bread are presented. It has been shown that the time of baking bread decreased by more than 25%, while the consumer quality of the product did not change. Discussion and Conclusion. The studies have shown that the use of the method for thermal processing opens up new opportunities for the fast food industry and other sectors of the national economy. The results of the study showed that together with a set of experimental data, this method will be possible to use in the individual sector and to carry out the intellectualization of the process of preparing various food products

    Rectal cancer (lecture)

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    The lecture deals with the issues of classification, etiology, diagnostics and treatment of rectal cancer

    Darboux cyclides and webs from circles

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    Motivated by potential applications in architecture, we study Darboux cyclides. These algebraic surfaces of order a most 4 are a superset of Dupin cyclides and quadrics, and they carry up to six real families of circles. Revisiting the classical approach to these surfaces based on the spherical model of 3D Moebius geometry, we provide computational tools for the identification of circle families on a given cyclide and for the direct design of those. In particular, we show that certain triples of circle families may be arranged as so-called hexagonal webs, and we provide a complete classification of all possible hexagonal webs of circles on Darboux cyclides.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figure

    Верификация и синтез программ сложения на базе правил корректности операторов

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    Deductive verication and synthesis of binary addition programs are performed on the base of the rules of program correctness for statements of the predicate programming P language. The paper presents the sketch of verication and synthesis of the programs for the Ripple carry, Carry look-ahead and Ling adders. The correctness conditions of the programs were translated into the specication language of the PVS verication system. The time needed to prove the program correctness conditions in the PVS is more than the time of the ordinary programming by a factor of 10. However, for program synthesis, development of PVS theories and proofs are easier and faster than that for program verication.Дедуктивная верификация и синтез программ двоичного сложения проводятся на базе системы правил доказательства корректности для операторов языка предикатного программирования P. В работе представлены ключевые фрагменты процесса верификации и синтеза программ сумматоров. Условия корректности программ транслировались на язык спецификаций системы автоматического доказательства PVS. Доказательство на PVS оказалось на порядок более трудоемким процессом по сравнению с обычным программированием. Однако в режиме синтеза построение теорий и доказательство на PVS проще и быстрее по сравнению с верификацией

    Страхование как инструмент нейтрализации финансовых рисков предприятия

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    В статті досліджено теоретичні основи управління фінансовими ризиками підприємства, проаналізовано процес управління фінансовими ризиками підприємства, внесено пропозиції щодо вибору ефективного інструменту для нейтралізації фінансових ризиків в діяльності підприємства.The paper investigates the theoretical foundations of financial risk management company, analyzes the process of financial risk management company, made suggestions on choosing an effective tool for neutralizing the financial risks in the enterprise.В статье исследованы теоретические основы управления финансовыми рисками предприятия, проанализирован процесс управления финансовыми рисками предприятия, внесены предложения по выбору эффективного инструмента для нейтрализации финансовых рисков в деятельности предприятия

    Вибір базового класу при розпізнаванні зображень

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    Розглядається алгоритм визначення базового класу при розпізнаванні зображень для скінченного апріорного алфавіту в рамках інформаційно-екстремальної інтелектуальної технології та досліджено його вплив на функціональну ефективність здатної навчатися системи розпізнавання образів. Алгоритм реалізовано при розпізнаванні електронограм. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4569Рассматривается алгоритм определения базового класса при распознавании изображений для конечного априорного алфавита в рамках информационно-экстремальной интеллектуальной технологии и исследовано его влияние на функциональную эффективность способной обучаться системы распознавания образов. Алгоритм реализовано при распознавании электронограмм. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4569The article describes the algorithm for determining the base class for pattern recognition for the terminal alphabet by using information-extreme intelligence technology and its influence on the functional efficiency of educational systems capable of pattern recognition. The proposed algorithm is implemented in recognition of electronograms. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/456

    Финансовый лизинг как инструмент улучшения финансового состояния предприятия

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    В статті досліджена ефективність застосування лізингу та його окремого виду – фінансового у практиці роботи конкретного підприємства, проведено порівняння між лізингом та кредитом, обгрунтовані переваги лізингу.The paper investigated the effectiveness of leasing and its particular species - in the practice of financial particular company, the comparison between leasing and credit, The advantages of leasing.В статье исследована эффективность применения лизинга и его отдельного вида - финансового в практике работы конкретного предприятия, проведено сравнение между лизингом и кредитом, обоснованы преимущества лизинга