99 research outputs found

    Intranet of the future: functional study, comparison of products and practical implementation

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    Future intranet: functional study, comparison of products and practical implementation 1. Introduction The project has fulfilled three goals: 1) To perform a study of the functionalities which have to be covered in a modern intranet (web 2.0, unified communication, collaboration, etc) 2) To perform a comparison of tools of the market which can be used to implement intranets (commercial and open source products) 3) To test three of these tools (Oracle WebCenter, Liferay Portal and Microsoft SharePoint) and develop a prototype with Oracle WebCenter. In addition, it includes a research about the evolution of the Intranets among the time, as well as a work to discover the current state of this kind of platforms over the entire world. In this introductory research it is also convenient to include other topics which are not strictly technical involving the use of this Intranet. To be more concrete, there is an analysis of the importance of the human role and management of the Intranet, the process of deploying a new Intranet in an organization and methods to evaluate the performance of this new system.   2. Functional study The approach taken to fulfil this goal is to develop a theoretical model describing the relationship between the Intranet and its users, and a complete set of functionalities which could be covered in the Intranet of the future. These functionalities are categorized in groups. The project describes these groups and the functionalities included on them. 3. Comparison of products The project will describe and compare several technologies which can be used to develop an Intranet that we have previously modelled. The purpose here is to discover the strong points and weaknesses of each technology if it was used to develop the Intranet we desire. After having done such a review, the project focuses on three technologies and performs an extensive evaluation of them. Finally, an extensive comparison between these three technologies is done, highlighting where they offer better solutions and performance compared to the other possibilities. 4. Practical implementation The project focuses on three technologies: Oracle WebCenter, Liferay Portal and Microsoft SharePoint. Then, a prototype which covers a set of functionalities of the modelled Intranet has been built with Oracle WebCenter

    High Speed Railway Station: Mobility and Spatial Dynamics in Germany and Spain

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    This paper contains certain considerations on the High-Speed Railway HSR Station s area and its surroundings as well as the reasons and effects thereof The complexity and wide range of possible scenarios require a more specific context pertaining to medium-sized cities and a specific location of the station in those cities i e the city centre From the analysis based on the fieldwork carried out in certain stations in Germany as well as from the study of their accessibility level German cases are compared to other examples in Europe especially to examples in a country in which HSR was implemented at the same time Spain It can be concluded that there are material differences on the ways to approach the revitalisation of stations and the urban surroundings thereof in order to take advantage of the building s renovation project and the reorganisation of the railway environment as an important engine of urban renovatio

    La reputación de las estaciones de esquí: responsabilidad con los esquiadores

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    One of the characteristics of mountain sports activities is the presence of risk. The ski resorts should take measures to minimize risk and accident levels of skiers. The aim is to have information that can be used to plan and take steps safer and reduce accidents as far as possible and promote the ski resorts in a culture that emphasizes safety aspects and prevention. This paper examines the judgments in Spanish courts, from 1995 to 2008, in a skiing accident in the skiing season is a cause of litigation for damages or injuries.Una de las características de las actividades deportivas de montaña es la presencia de riesgo. Las estaciones de esquí deben adoptar medidas que minimicen los niveles de riesgo y siniestralidad de los esquiadores. Nuestro objetivo es recabar información que permita reducir los accidentes y promover en las estaciones de esquí una cultura que resalte los aspectos de seguridad y prevención. El trabajo analiza las sentencias dictadas en juzgados españoles, desde 1995 hasta 2008, en las que un accidente de esquí dentro del dominio esquiable de una estación fuera la causa de litigio por daños o lesiones

    European island Outermost Regions and climate change adaptation: a new role for regional planning

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    Some European regions are experiencing unprecedented impacts due to climate change. The islands of the Outermost Regions are also being affected by this phenomenon. When these islands have a higher level of functional complexity, climate change increases the difficulty of defining their urban and regional planning tools. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of these islands (comparing land use and demographic density) and a review of the efficacy of planning tools for incorporating climate change adaptation has been developed in order to understand the transformations produced in the regulatory frameworks. Through the case studies of Gran Canaria (Spain) and Reunion Island (France), which show high levels of urban and peri-urban land use pressure, the paper focuses on analysing the degree of mainstreaming adaptation strategies, as key elements for land use planning in a context of climate change. Results show a dysfunction between adaptation needs and the incorporation of the climatic issue in land use management. Insular planning tools do not generally consider climate change adaptation and excessive top-down management is observed in the decision-making process. This paper contributes new case studies to the literature, comparing two non-sovereign European islands, and reviews the regulatory framework on adaptation in insular contexts related to climate change

    High-speed railway: Impact on regional territorial configurations

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    ABSTRACT: In contrast to the improvement in accessibility of the cities with H-SR stations, there are greater problems for the connection of the stations with rural areas, making previous experience of connection of the high-speed network with regional transport services especially interesting. To do so, we will attempt to get to know the experiences in the reorganization of regional transport after the arrival of the high-speed railway in low population density areas, through the French cases of Brittany, Rhône-Alpes and Vendôme. As a hypothesis, we will focus on demonstrating that better exploitation of the infrastructure depends on the characteristics of the high-speed train itself, and especially on the actions and strategies developed around it. In other words, there should be a project for restructuring the regional transport model, in which all those involved should develop a coordinated strategy. Keywords: high-speed rail, reorganization of regional transport, accessibility, intermodality

    Desarrollo de un método estadístico para la generación de escenarios climáticos de alta resolución a partir de simulaciones de baja resolución de Modelos de Circulación General: aplicación a España

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    Esta tesis doctoral presenta el desarrollo, verificación y aplicación de un método original de regionalización estadística para generar escenarios locales de clima futuro de temperatura y precipitación diarias, que combina dos pasos. El primer paso es un método de análogos: los "n" días cuya configuración atmosférica de baja resolución es más parecida a la del día problema, se seleccionan de un banco de datos de referencia del pasado. En el segundo paso, se realiza un análisis de regresión múltiple sobre los "n" días más análogos para la temperatura, mientras que para la precipitación se utiliza la distribución de probabilidad de esos "n" días análogos para obtener la estima de precipitación. La verificación de este método se ha llevado a cabo para la España peninsular y las Islas Baleares. Los resultados muestran unas buenas prestaciones para temperatura (BIAS cerca de 0.1ºC y media de errores absolutos alrededor de 1.9ºC); y unas prestaciones aceptables para la precipitación (BIAS razonablemente bajo con una media de -18%; error medio absoluto menor que para una simulación de referencia (la persistencia); y una distribución de probabilidad simulada similar a la observada según dos test no-paramétricos de similitud). Para mostrar la aplicabilidad de la metodología desarrollada, se ha aplicado en detalle en un caso de estudio. El método se aplicó a cuatro modelos climáticos bajo diferentes escenarios futuros de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, para la región de Aragón, produciendo así proyecciones futuras de precipitación y temperaturas máximas y mínimas diarias. La fiabilidad de la técnica de regionalización fue evaluada de nuevo para el caso de estudio mediante un proceso de verificación. Para determinar la capacidad de los modelos climáticos para simular el clima real, sus simulaciones del pasado (la denominada salida 20C3M) se regionalizaron y luego se compararon con el clima observado (los resultados son bastante robustos para la temperatura y menos concluyentes para la precipitación). Las proyecciones futuras a escala local presentan un aumento significativo durante todo el siglo XXI de las temperaturas máximas y mínimas para todos los futuros escenarios de emisiones considerados. Las simulaciones de precipitación presentan mayores incertidumbres. Además, la aplicabilidad práctica del método se demostró también mediante su utilización para producir escenarios climáticos futuros para otros casos de estudio en los distintos sectores y regiones del mundo. Se ha prestado especial atención a una aplicación en Centroamérica, una región que ya está sufriendo importantes impactos del cambio climático y que tiene un clima muy diferente. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis presents the development, verification and application of an original downscaling method for daily temperature and precipitation, which combines two statistical approaches. The first step is an analogue approach: the “n” days most similar to the day to be downscaled are selected. In the second step, a multiple regression analysis using the “n” most analogous days is performed for temperature, whereas for precipitation the probability distribution of the “n” analogous days is used to obtain the amount of precipitation. Verification of this method has been carried out for the Spanish Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Results show good performance for temperature (BIAS close to 0.1ºC and Mean Absolute Errors around 1.9ºC); and an acceptable skill for precipitation (reasonably low BIAS with a mean of - 18%, Mean Absolute Error lower than for a reference simulation, i.e. persistence, and a well-simulated probability distribution according to two non-parametric tests of similarity). To show the applicability of the method, a study case has been analyzed. The method was applied to four climate models under different future emission scenarios for the region of Aragón, thus producing future projections of daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures. The reliability of the downscaling technique was re-assessed for the study case by a verification process. To determine the ability of the climate models to simulate the real climate, their simulations of the past (the 20C3M output) were downscaled and then compared with the observed climate – the results are quite robust for temperature and less conclusive for the precipitation. The downscaled future projections exhibit a significant increase during the entire 21st century of the maximum and minimum temperatures for all the considered future emission scenarios. Precipitation simulations exhibit greater uncertainties. Furthermore, the practical applicability of the method was demonstrated also by using it to produce future climate scenarios for some other study cases in different sectors and regions of the world. Special attention was paid to an application of the method in Central America, a region that is already suffering from significant climate change impacts and that has a very different climate from others where the method was previously applied

    Los procesos participativos en la sostenibilidad medioambiental. El caso del segmento turístico recreativo de Alta Montaña

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    High mountain tourism poses a dilemma for an increasing number of those concerned due to the conflict between recreational enjoyment of the area, its economic exploitation and conservation of the fragile areas that will inevitably be affected by it. This is a particularly important issue in the Pyrenees mountains. This paper looks at the impact on the environment of High Mountain Recreational Tourism Centres (CTRAM) and the concept of sustainability. We propose ways to improve the situation, describing the nature of the relationships between the different stakeholders and their differing degrees of bargaining power when taking decisions regarding the creation of sustainable value. Within this context, participation through Social Economy has a significant role, as it encourages and increases the involvement of the local population and different agents in the process.High Mountain Recreational Tourism Centre (CTRAM), stakeholders, participation, social economy, sustainable.

    Les petites agglomérations françaises et espagnoles face à la grande vitesse ferroviaire : comment convertir l'accessibilité en attractivité ?

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    Caractérisés par une taille et une structure radiale similaires, les réseaux ferroviaires à grande vitesse français et espagnols sont conçus pour répondre aux besoins d'accessibilité à longue distance des grands systèmes métropolitains. Les deux réseaux desservent néanmoins un certain nombre d'agglomérations de moins de 100 000 habitants, qui ont vu dans cette opportunité le moyen de renforcer leur attractivité. La comparaison des deux réseaux, dont le fonctionnement obéit à des principes d'exploitation différents, permet de préciser le rôle joué par la grande vitesse dans la situation spécifique de ces petites agglomérations et d'analyser les interactions entre les gains d'accessibilité dont elles ont bénéficié et les stratégies de valorisation qu'elles ont mises en œuvre. Au-delà de leur diversité, les projets d'aménagement très ambitieux n'ont eu que des retombées modestes. Les réalisations partielles des stratégies mises en œuvre interrogent les capacités de ces petites villes, aux fonctions polarisatrices réduites, à articuler gain d'accessibilité et développement territorial dans un contexte de métropolisation accentué par la grande vitesse

    La nueva llegada del ferrocarril a la periferia urbana: ¿una amenaza o una oportunidad para la consolidación de un modelo de ciudad?

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    Since the first train stations appeared in the XIX century, the train has been shaping urban structures in European cities strongly. The arrival of High Speed Trains to the peripheries brings nowadays a new possibility to affect urban developments. It appears in a special urban conjuncture where the diffuse growth obstruct the central city activity. This new residential areas are not offering solutions to the needs of urban references and social space for the inhabitants. In this context, new stations may bring an opportunity to consolidate a renewed city model. Due to its capacity of attraction they can also be seen as a threat, and compete with the already debilitated urban centre.This article tries to review the roll that new HST stations can play in the configuration of our cities and, with it, vindicate their potential as urban activity attractors.Desde las primeras estaciones decimonónicas, el ferrocarril ha incidido fuertemente en la configuración de las estructuras urbanas de las ciudades europeas. La llegada del tren de alta velocidad a las periferias ofrece una renovada posibilidad de incidencia en su tejido urbano, puesto que aparece en una coyuntura urbanística en la que los crecimientos difusos vacían de actividad la ciudad central, sin acabar de ofrecer soluciones a las necesidades de referentes urbanos y espacio social de sus habitantes. En este contexto, las nuevas estaciones periféricas pueden suponer una oportunidad en la consolidación de un renovado modelo de ciudad, aunque también una amenaza por su capacidad de atracción, que puede entrar en competencia con el ya debilitado centro urbano.El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la implicación que las nuevas estaciones de alta velocidad pueden jugar en la configuración de nuestras ciudades y, con ello, reivindicar la toma de decisiones de localización de la estación desde una perspectiva integradora, considerando su potencial como generador de ciudad

    Intranet of the future: functional study, comparison of products and practical implementation

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    Future intranet: functional study, comparison of products and practical implementation 1. Introduction The project has fulfilled three goals: 1) To perform a study of the functionalities which have to be covered in a modern intranet (web 2.0, unified communication, collaboration, etc) 2) To perform a comparison of tools of the market which can be used to implement intranets (commercial and open source products) 3) To test three of these tools (Oracle WebCenter, Liferay Portal and Microsoft SharePoint) and develop a prototype with Oracle WebCenter. In addition, it includes a research about the evolution of the Intranets among the time, as well as a work to discover the current state of this kind of platforms over the entire world. In this introductory research it is also convenient to include other topics which are not strictly technical involving the use of this Intranet. To be more concrete, there is an analysis of the importance of the human role and management of the Intranet, the process of deploying a new Intranet in an organization and methods to evaluate the performance of this new system.   2. Functional study The approach taken to fulfil this goal is to develop a theoretical model describing the relationship between the Intranet and its users, and a complete set of functionalities which could be covered in the Intranet of the future. These functionalities are categorized in groups. The project describes these groups and the functionalities included on them. 3. Comparison of products The project will describe and compare several technologies which can be used to develop an Intranet that we have previously modelled. The purpose here is to discover the strong points and weaknesses of each technology if it was used to develop the Intranet we desire. After having done such a review, the project focuses on three technologies and performs an extensive evaluation of them. Finally, an extensive comparison between these three technologies is done, highlighting where they offer better solutions and performance compared to the other possibilities. 4. Practical implementation The project focuses on three technologies: Oracle WebCenter, Liferay Portal and Microsoft SharePoint. Then, a prototype which covers a set of functionalities of the modelled Intranet has been built with Oracle WebCenter