183 research outputs found

    11 March 2004 and its aftermath

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    Face aux attaques terroristes, la bibliothèque nationale d\u27Espagne a mis en place des mesures de sécurité. Néanmoins, ces dernières années, la bibliothèque a assoupli son système pour l\u27ouvrir plus aux usagers. Par ailleurs, elle a mis en place un nouveau programme qualité, tant d\u27un point de vue humain que technique afin de rapporcher les agents de sécurité et le personnel de l\u27établissment

    Prototipo de sistema de localización por GPS para salvamento marítimo

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    Este proyecto abordará el diseño, construcción y posterior verificación de un demostrador para un sistema de radiobalizas personales para salvamento marítimo, basado en una red de dispositivos capaces de procesar y comunicar por radiofrecuencia su posición GPS para ser monitorizados en tiempo real mediante un interfaz visual dedicado. El dispositivo a localizar está integrado en la parte trasera del uniforme de trabajo para pescadores y su objetivo es localizar a un pescador que haya caído al agua mientras faena o navega para poder rescatarle lo antes posible. Esto es posible gracias a que se podrá conocer la situación GPS de la víctima y la posición relativa en tiempo real respecto al barco de donde ha caído, lo que posibilita su salvamento en condiciones de visibilidad y meteorológicas adversas.Ingeniería Técnica en Electrónic

    Using a new high-throughput video-tracking platform to assess behavioural changes in Daphnia magna exposed to neuro-active drugs

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    © 2019. ElsevierOne of the major challenges that faces today regulatory risk assessment is to speed up the way of assessing threshold sublethal detrimental effects of existing and new chemical products. Recently advances in imaging allows to monitor in real time the behaviour of individuals under a given stress. Light is a common stress for many different organisms. Fish larvae and many invertebrate species respond to light altering their behaviour. The water flea Daphnia magna as many other zooplanktonic species has a marked diel vertical phototactic swimming behaviour against light due to fish predation. The aim of this study was to develop a high throughput image analysis to study changes in the vertical swimming behaviour to light of D. magna first reproductive adult females exposed to 0.1 and 1 µg/L of four psychiatric drugs: diazepam, fluoxetine, propranolol and carbamazepine during their entire life. Experiments were conducted using a new custom designed vertical oriented four 50 mL chamber device controlled by the Noldus software (Netherlands). Changes in speed, preferred area (bottom vs upper areas) and animal aggregation were analysed using groups of animals under consecutive periods of dark and apical light stimulus of different intensities. Obtained results indicated that light intensity increased the speed but low light intensities allowed to better discriminate individual responses to the studied drugs. The four tested drugs decreased the response of exposed organisms to light: individuals move less, were closer to the bottom and at low light intensities were closer each other. At high light intensities, however, exposed individuals were less aggregated. Propranolol, carbamazepine and fluoxetine were the compounds effecting most the behaviour. Our results indicated that psychiatric drugs at environmental relevant concentrations alter the vertical phototactic behaviour of D. magna individuals and that it is possible to develop appropriate high-throughput image analysis devices to measure those responses.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Structural and functional divergence of two fish aquaporin-1 water channels following teleost-specific gene duplication

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Teleost radiation in the oceans required specific physiological adaptations in eggs and early embryos to survive in the hyper-osmotic seawater. Investigating the evolution of aquaporins (AQPs) in these vertebrates should help to elucidate how mechanisms for water homeostasis evolved. The marine teleost gilthead sea bream (<it>Sparus aurata</it>) has a mammalian aquaporin-1 (AQP1)-related channel, termed AQP1o, with a specialized physiological role in mediating egg hydration. However, teleosts have an additional AQP isoform structurally more similar to AQP1, though its relationship with AQP1o is unclear.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By using phylogenetic and genomic analyses we show here that teleosts, unlike tetrapods, have two closely linked AQP1 paralogous genes, termed <it>aqp1a </it>and <it>aqp1b </it>(formerly AQP1o). In marine teleosts that produce hydrated eggs, <it>aqp1b </it>is highly expressed in the ovary, whereas in freshwater species that produce non-hydrated eggs, <it>aqp1b </it>has a completely different expression pattern or is not found in the genome. Both Aqp1a and Aqp1b are functional water-selective channels when expressed in <it>Xenopus laevis </it>oocytes. However, expression of chimeric and mutated proteins in oocytes revealed that the sea bream Aqp1b C-terminus, unlike that of Aqp1a, contains specific residues involved in the control of Aqp1b intracellular trafficking through phosphorylation-independent and -dependent mechanisms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose that 1) Aqp1a and Aqp1b are encoded by distinct genes that probably originated specifically in the teleost lineage by duplication of a common ancestor soon after divergence from tetrapods, 2) Aqp1b possibly represents a neofunctionalized AQP adapted to oocytes of marine and catadromous teleosts, thereby contributing to a water reservoir in eggs and early embryos that increases their survival in the ocean, and 3) Aqp1b independently acquired regulatory domains in the cytoplasmatic C-terminal tail for the specific control of Aqp1b expression in the plasma membrane.</p

    El síndrome de Prader Willi: indagando en las Necesidades Educativas Especiales

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    Lo que pretendo con este trabajo es intentar profundizar desde el punto de vista educativo en los diferentes síndromes menos trabajados con los que nos podemos encontrar en las aulas a lo largo de nuestra carrera profesional como maestros/as. Para ello me he centrado en concreto en el Síndrome de Prader Willi. Conocemos muchos síndromes, y la mayoría de ellos los vemos en el aula tarde o temprano. Algunos son: autismo, retraso mental, retraso del lenguaje, asperger, etc. Para estos tenemos mucha más información, por lo que es más fácil ayudarles y podemos hacerlo de forma más adecuada, proporcionando a nuestros alumnos mayor beneficio durante su proceso de aprendizaje, pero no ocurre lo mismo con los síndromes menos conocidos, ya que la falta de información nos dificulta mucho el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. A través de este trabajo hablaré de la evolución de la educación y de como hemos llegado a la Educación Inclusiva, de qué es lo que caracteriza a estos niños, de como trabajar en el aula y, además, incluiré una pequeña guía para orientar a los padres

    Utilidad del Dímero-D en los algoritmos diagnósticos de trombosis venosa profunda : análisis según edad y tiempo de evolución

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    El diagnòstic de la Trombosi Venosa Profunda pot ser difícil degut a una clínica poc específica. S'han desenvolupat diversos algoritmes en què el Dímer-D té un important paper, degut al seu elevat valor predictiu negatiu. El Dímer-D augmenta amb l'edat i disminueix des de l'aparició dels símptomes, si ajustem el seu punt de tall tenint en compte aquests dos paràmetres, és possible augmentar el seu rendiment diagnòstic. Segons els nostres resultats, als subjectes majors de 70 anys i als que presenten una clínica inferior a 14 dies, es podria utilitzar un punt de tall de 1000 ng/mLEl diagnóstico de la Trombosis Venosa Profunda puede ser difícil debido a una clínica poco específica. Se han desarrollado diversos algoritmos en los que el Dímero-D tiene un importante papel, debido a su alto valor predictivo negativo. El Dímero-D aumenta con la edad y disminuye desde la aparición de los síntomas, si ajustamos su punto de corte teniendo en cuenta estos dos parámetros, es posible aumentar su rendimiento diagnóstico. Según nuestros resultados, en sujetos mayores de 70 años y en los que presentan una clínica inferior a 14 días, podría utilizarse un punto de corte de 1000 ng/mL

    Epidemiología de la enfermedad arterial periférica (EAP) en varones adultos de nuestro medio : estudio poblacional prospectivo /

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    Descripció del recurs: 7 setembre 2011Antecedents La incidència de la malaltia arterial perifèrica i la seva associació amb la malaltia coronaria han sigut estudiades prèviament. Aquests estudis però, s'han realitzat en poblacions amb elevada incidència de cardiopatía isquèmica. Objectius - Determinar la prevalença de la malaltia arterial perifèrica (MAP) al nostre àmbit. - Avaluar la associació de la MAP amb el desenvolupament de futurs events coronaris a 5 anys. - Determinar la incidència de MAP durant un seguiment de 5 anys i realitzar un model de predicció de risc de MAP. Subjectes i Mètodes Estudi poblacional prospectiu realitzat al districte urbà de Pubilla Casas, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. La població d'estudi va comprendre els mascles d'entre 55 i 74 anys. Es varen recollir com a variables basals la existència de factors clàssics de risc, els antecedents de malaltia coronaria i cerebro-vascular, i es va realitzar l'índex turmell/braç (IT/B) a tots els subjectes. Per fer el diagnòstic de MAP es va requerir la confirmació d'un IT/B 0.9 al laboratori vascular. Durant el seguiment es varen recollir tots els events coronaris, cerebrovasculars, els éxitus i la seva causa. Als 5 anys es va realitzar un altre cop l'IT/B en tots els casos, excepte als que ja presentaven MAP al moment d'inclusió i els que varen morir o es varen perdre durant el seguiment, amb els mateixos criteris que a la mesura basal. Resultats - La prevalença de la MAP va ser de 13.4% i la seva presencia es va associar a edat avançada, tabaquisme actiu, hipertensió arterial, diabetes mellitus, nivells baixos de colesterol-HDL, valors sérics elevats de triglicérids i antecedent de malaltia cardiovascular prèvia. - Durant el seguiment, un 5% dels subjectes varen presentar un event coronari major. La incidència d'aquest en subjectes amb MAP basal va ser de 13.8%, 3 cops major que en aquells que mancaven d'aquest antecedent. La seva supervivència als 5 anys també va ser significativament menor (76.4% vs 92.9%). - La incidència de MAP als 5 anys pels subjectes mancats de malaltia a aquesta cohort va ser de 11.9% i es va associar de significativament a edat avançada, el tabaquisme i a la existència d'antecedents cardio- o cerebro-vasculars. - Es va calcular la incidència per els subgrups de major risc, sent aquest de 22.4% per els majors de 70 anys, 21.5% per els fumadors de mes de 40paq·any, 29.4% i 25% per els que havien presentat algun event cerebro-vascular i cardiovascular, respectivament, sent només de 6% als subjectes mancats d'aquests factors. Conclusions Els subjectes afectats de malalatia arterial perifèrica a la cohort presentada tenen un risc 3 cops major de presentar un event coronari major als 5 anys següents. La magnitud d'aquesta associació es molt similar a la publicada previament a poblacions amb major incidència de cardiopatía isquèmica. Es confirma així la importància de l'IT/B com predictor de morbi-mortalitat cardiovascular. A la població estudiada, l'11.9% dels homes sans entre 55 i 74 anys desenvoluparan malaltia arterial perifèrica durant un seguiment de 5 anys. Els subjectes majors de 70 anys i els fumadors, a més dels que presentin antecedents de malaltia cardio- i/o cerebro-vascular, son els que constitueixen el grup de major risc de desenvolupar MAP. Aquests grups de risc elevat deurien constituir l'objectiu principal de la prevenció primària d'aquesta malaltia.Antecedents Peripheral arterial obstructive disease incidence and their association with coronary disease have been studied previously. However, these studies have been achieved in populations with elevated coronary heart disease incidence. Objectives - Investigate peripheral arterial obstructive disease (PAOD) prevalence in our setting. - Assess the association between PAOD and coronary events in 5 years follow up. - Find out PAOD incidence after 5 years follow up and develop risk prediction model for PAOD. Subjects y Methods Prospective population study carried out in an urban district near Barcelona (Pubilla Casas, Hospitalet de Llobregat). Study population was constituted by men aged between 55 to 74 years old. Data collected at the recruitment were: classic risk factors, previous coronary or cerebro-vascular events, and ankle-braquial index. PAOD diagnosis was confirmed in a vascular laboratory when almost one anklebraquial index was 0.9. During follow up, coronary and cerebro-vascular events, and mortality with their causes were recruited. After 5 years new ankle-braquial index were done in all cases except in these presenting PAOD at the beginning of the study, subjects lost to follow up or died during these period, using the same criterion than in the first measurement. Results - PAOD prevalence was 13.4% and its presence was associated with advanced age, tobacco consumption, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, low plasma cholesterol-HDL levels, high plasma triglyceride levels and previous cardiovascular disease. - During follow up, 5% of subjects present a major coronary event. Coronary event incidence in basal PAOD subjects was 13.8%, 3 fold higher than subjects without basal PAOD. Their survival at 5 years were significantly lower too (76.4% vs 92.9%). - PAOD incidence at 5 years in healthy subject in the present cohort was 11.9% and was associated significantly to advanced age, tobacco consumption and previous coronary or cerebro-vascular events. - Incidence for high risk subgroups was 22.4% in subjects >70 years-old, 21.5% for smokers >40paq·año, 29.4% y 25% for subjects with previous cerebro-vascular and coronary events respectively, being 6% if these risk factors were absent. Conclusions In our cohort, subjects with PAOD have 3-fold higher risk of coronary event in next 5 years. This association and their magnitude is similar to that published previously for populations with higher coronary heart disease incidence. This fact confirms the importance of ankle-braquial index like a predictor factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In the studied population, 11.9% of safety subjects between 55 to 74 years old developed PAOD during 5 years follow up. Subjects aged 70 or more years old, severe smokers, and these with previous cardiovascular events, were who have higher risk to develop PAOD. These higher risk groups should be the priority objective of preventive measures

    A Zebrafish Model of Neurotoxicity by Binge-Like Methamphetamine Exposure

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    Hyperthermia is a common confounding factor for assessing the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine (METH) in mammalian models. The development of new models of methamphetamine neurotoxicity using vertebrate poikilothermic animals should allow to overcome this problem. The aim of the present study was to develop a zebrafish model of neurotoxicity by binge-like methamphetamine exposure. After an initial testing, zebrafish was exposed to 40 mg/L of METH for 48h, and the effects on the brain monoaminergic profile, locomotor, anxiety-like and social behaviors as well as on the expression of key genes of the catecholaminergic system were determined. A concentration- and time-dependent decrease in the brain levels of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) was found in METH-exposed fish. A significant hyperactivity was found during the first hour of exposure followed 3h after by a positive geotaxis and negative scototaxis in the novel tank and in the light/dark paradigm, respectively. Moreover, the behavioral phenotype in the treated fish was consistent with social isolation. At transcriptional level, th1 and slc18a2 (vmat2) exhibited a significant increase after 3h of exposure, whereas the expression of gfap, a marker of astroglial response to neuronal injury, was strongly increased after 48h exposure. However, no evidences of oxidative stress were found in the brain of the treated fish. Altogether, this study demonstrates the suitability of the adult zebrafish as a model of METH-induced neurotoxicity and provides more information about the biochemical and behavioral consequences of METH abuse

    Zebrafish is a predictive model for identifying compounds that protect against brain toxicity in severe acute organophosphorus intoxication

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    Acute organophosphorus (OP) intoxication is aworldwide clinical and public health problem. In addition to cholinergic crisis, neurodegeneration and brain damage are hallmarks of the severe form of this toxidrome. Recently, we generated a chemical model of severe acute OP intoxication in zebrafish that is characterized by altered head morphology and brain degeneration. The pathophysiological pathways resulting in brain toxicity in this model are similar to those described in humans. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive power of this zebrafish model by testing the effect of a panel of drugs that provide protection in mammalian models. The selected drugs included "standard therapy" drugs (atropine and pralidoxime), reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (huperzine A, galantamine, physostigmine and pyridostigmine),N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists (MK-801 and memantine), dual-function NMDA receptor and acetylcholine receptor antagonists (caramiphen and benactyzine) and anti-inflammatory drugs (dexamethasone and ibuprofen). The effects of these drugs on zebrafish survival and the prevalence of abnormal head morphology in the larvae exposed to 4 μM chlorpyrifos oxon [1 × median lethal concentration (LC50)] were determined. Moreover, the neuroprotective effects of pralidoxime, memantine, caramiphen and dexamethasone at the gross morphological level were confirmed by histopathological and transcriptional analyses. Our results demonstrated that the zebrafish model for severe acute OP intoxication has a high predictive value and can be used to identify new compounds that provide neuroprotection against severe acute OP intoxication. The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00204-016-1851-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
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