58 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT In this paper we present a solution for the three dimensional representation of mobile computer games which includes both motion parallax and an autostereoscopic display. The system was built on hardware which is available on the consumer market: an iPhone 3G with a Wazabee 3Dee Shell, which is an autostereoscopic extension for the iPhone. The motion sensor of the phone was used for the implementation of the motion parallax effect as well as for a tilt compensation for the autostereoscopic display. This system was evaluated in a limited user study on mobile 3D displays. Despite some obstacles that needed to be overcome and a few remaining shortcomings of the final system, an overall acceptable 3D experience could be reached. That leads to the conclusion that portable systems for the consumer market which include 3D displays are within reach

    Autostereoscopy and Motion Parallax for Mobile Computer Games Using Commercially Available Hardware

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    Abstract: In this paper we present a solution for the three dimensional representation of mobile computer games which includes both motion parallax and an autostereoscopic display. The system was built on hardware which is available on the consumer market: an iPhone 3G with a Wazabee 3Dee Shell, which is an autostereoscopic extension for the iPhone. The motion sensor of the phone was used for the implementation of the motion parallax effect as well as for a tilt compensation for the autostereoscopic display. This system was evaluated in a limited user study on mobile 3D displays. Despite some obstacles that needed to be overcome and a few remaining shortcomings of the final system, an overall acceptable 3D experience could be reached. That leads to the conclusion that portable systems for the consumer market which include 3D displays are within reach

    The recognition of foreign administrative decisions in Sweden

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    This contribution describes some basic features of the procedure relating to the recognition of foreign administrative decisions under Swedish law. After some comments on the general legal and theoretical framework relating to administrative decisions in Swedish law, the article discusses the preconditions for service of documents, including international aspects. The subsequent section discusses matters of validity, efficacy, and enforcement in relation to foreign administrative decisions. Thereafter, special attention is given the impact of EU law and international conventions. In the subsequent section, the development of doctrinal treatment of matters relating to recognition of foreign administrative decisions is described. Some general comments conclude the article

    Gamifying our breaks: A case study

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    Sedentary behavior is causing plenty of health risks in today’s digital society. Studies have shownthat very little physical exercise is actually needed to counteract many of these health risks. Merelystanding up regularly and doing some mild exercise by your desk can be enough. Inspired by this,several approaches are being developed based on the idea of scheduling short pauses for physicalexercise, some of which use gamification, some do not. Gamification is thought to improve users’motivation towards an activity. One program that uses gamification to motivate its users to engagein physical exercise is Liopep. In this study, Liopep is compared to Pausit, which does not utilizegamification but is also a program designed for similar physical exercise. Pausit is a program thatguides the user through scheduled short exercise-breaks. Liopep on the other hand is an exergamebased on using a web-camera to track the users movements. Both programs are pause programs thathave scheduled sessions where the user uses the program. Comparing these two may lead to insightregarding the effect gamification has on pause programs. To perform this comparison a two-weekexperimental case-study was performed where participants were asked to use the two programs anddocument their experiences. At the end of each week the participants filled in a review of theprogram they had used during the week, including an Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI)questionnaire to measure motivation, interest, engagement and other aspects that may affectmotivation. After the participants had tested both programs they were interviewed for the purpose ofdocumenting their qualitative opinions and experiences as well as let the participants recommendimprovements for the programs. The results showed that the participants preferred the non-gamifiedprogram Pausit over the exergame Liopep. The issue appeared to be mainly due to drawbacks in thedesign and implementation of Liopep. Participants reported lower motivation and interest forLiopep than Pausit. Liopep was also percieved as promoting less “useful” or less healthy movementwhen compared to Pausit. Whether this is because of Liopep’s design or if it is an intrinsic issuewith gamification of pause programs cannot be confirmed. The theory of gamification claims thatthe implementation of game elements can increase users’ motivation, enjoyment end engagementwith an activity. This study did not show any of these effects when comparing Liopep with Pausit.However, the study’s results are inconclusive due to the small size of the sample. The study didproduce a list of suggested improvements for Liopep that address the issues that caused lowermotivation, enjoyment and engagement

    The effects of dissolved oxygen and enological treatments on quality parameters in wine and cider

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    Dissolved oxygen has previously been shown to affect the colour and sensory properties of red and white wine during storage. A number of different wines and wine based sparkling ciders are made at Kiviks Musteri AB. The aim of this work is to study the effects of dissolved oxygen and different enological treatments on sensory quality and colour of red wine and sparkling apple cider during storage at different temperatures. The effects of fermentation and fining on foaming ability of pear wine are also studied.   Samples of red wine were taken after different processing steps such as pumping, sulphuration, pasteurization and filling. To evaluate the effects of the processes on the wine, dissolved oxygen, colour and free SO2 were measured in each. Measurements were also made on samples of red wine stored at either 38°C or room temperature for different amounts of time. Sensory evaluations were also made of the wine samples. Colour was measured by measuring absorbance at 420, 520 and 620 nm. Dissolved oxygen was also measured after different processing steps during production of apple cider. To study the effects of dissolved oxygen on cider, three different batches of apple cider were produced, with different concentrations of dissolved oxygen. The samples were stored at either 38°C or room temperature for one week. Measurements of absorbance at 420 nm and free SO2, along with sensory evaluation were made on the cider samples before and after storage. Fermentation and fining of pear wine were made in small scale and the foaming ability was compared to that of large scale factory produced wine.   Pumping and filling had negative impact on the flavour of red wine. Colour intensity increased while free SO2 decreased during storage of red wine. The sensory quality decreased during storage and a higher storage temperature had a distinctive impact on this decrease. Dissolved oxygen had no noticeable effect on changes in sensory properties of neither red wine nor cider during storage. A higher concentration of dissolved oxygen was correlated to a higher increase in colour intensity of red wine though. A higher decrease was also seen in free SO2 in red wine samples with higher dissolved oxygen content when stored at 38°C. Fermentation had a large impact on foaming properties of pear wine. Small scale wine fermentation resulted in much lower foaming ability than large scale fermentation. Syrehalten i viner har i tidigare studier visat sig kunna pÄverka bÄde fÀrg- och smakförÀndringar i vinerna under lÀngre tids lagring. PÄ Kiviks Musteri AB i SkÄne produceras en mÀngd olika sorters vin och vinbaserade cidrar. MÄlet med den hÀr studien Àr att studera vilken effekt syrehalten har pÄ smak och fÀrg i viner och cidrar frÄn Kiviks Musteri som fÄr lagras i olika temperaturer. Effekten av olika processteg under produktionen studeras ocksÄ. Slutligen studeras Àven hur skumbildningen i pÀronvin pÄverkas av jÀsning och klarning av vinet.   Prover av rödvin togs efter de olika processtegen vinet genomgÄr pÄ Kiviks Musteri. Proverna lagrades olika lÀnge i antingen 38°C eller rumstemperatur. FÀrgstyrka och smak analyserades pÄ proverna före och efter lagringen. Syrehalten analyserades ocksÄ i proverna direkt efter att de tagits och svavelhalten i proverna analyserades före och efter lagringen för att mÀta hur mycket proverna oxiderades under lagringen. MÀtningar av syrehalt gjordes Àven efter olika processteg under produktionen av Àppelcider pÄ Kiviks Musteri. Vilken effekt syrehalten har pÄ Àppelcider studerades genom att tre olika satser Àppelcider med olika syrehalt tillverkades. Prover frÄn dessa lagrades en vecka i antingen 38°C eller rumstemperatur. DÀrefter analyserades fÀrgstyrka, svavelhalt och smak pÄ proverna. Hur skumbildning i pÀronvin pÄverkas av jÀsning och klarning studerades genom att pÀronvin fick jÀsa och klarnas antingen i stor skala i musteriets tankar eller i liten skala pÄ ett laboratorium. Skumbildningen mÀttes genom ett test dÀr vinprover blandades med kolsyrat vatten.   De processer som inverkade starkast pÄ smaken pÄ rödvin var pumpning och tappning, vilka gav tydliga smakförsÀmringar. NÀr rödvin lagrades sÄ minskade svavelhalten medan fÀrgstyrkan ökade. En försÀmring av smaken skedde ocksÄ under lagringen, sÀrskilt nÀr vinet lagrades i 38°C. Syrehalten hade ingen tydlig pÄverkan pÄ smaken av vare sig rödvin eller Àppelcider. Syrehalten i rödvin hade dÀremot ett svagt samband med ökningen i förgstyrka i rödvin. Syrehalten hade Àven ett samband med minskningen av svavelhalten i de prover av rödvin som lagrades i 38°C. Skumbildningen i pÀronvin pÄverkades vÀldigt starkt av jÀsningen, medan klarningen hade begrÀnsad effekt. Skumbildningen var vesÀntligt mycket lÀgre i pÀronvin som jÀst i liten skala pÄ laboratoriet Àn i det vin som jÀst i musteriets tankar.

    The effects of dissolved oxygen and enological treatments on quality parameters in wine and cider

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    Dissolved oxygen has previously been shown to affect the colour and sensory properties of red and white wine during storage. A number of different wines and wine based sparkling ciders are made at Kiviks Musteri AB. The aim of this work is to study the effects of dissolved oxygen and different enological treatments on sensory quality and colour of red wine and sparkling apple cider during storage at different temperatures. The effects of fermentation and fining on foaming ability of pear wine are also studied.   Samples of red wine were taken after different processing steps such as pumping, sulphuration, pasteurization and filling. To evaluate the effects of the processes on the wine, dissolved oxygen, colour and free SO2 were measured in each. Measurements were also made on samples of red wine stored at either 38°C or room temperature for different amounts of time. Sensory evaluations were also made of the wine samples. Colour was measured by measuring absorbance at 420, 520 and 620 nm. Dissolved oxygen was also measured after different processing steps during production of apple cider. To study the effects of dissolved oxygen on cider, three different batches of apple cider were produced, with different concentrations of dissolved oxygen. The samples were stored at either 38°C or room temperature for one week. Measurements of absorbance at 420 nm and free SO2, along with sensory evaluation were made on the cider samples before and after storage. Fermentation and fining of pear wine were made in small scale and the foaming ability was compared to that of large scale factory produced wine.   Pumping and filling had negative impact on the flavour of red wine. Colour intensity increased while free SO2 decreased during storage of red wine. The sensory quality decreased during storage and a higher storage temperature had a distinctive impact on this decrease. Dissolved oxygen had no noticeable effect on changes in sensory properties of neither red wine nor cider during storage. A higher concentration of dissolved oxygen was correlated to a higher increase in colour intensity of red wine though. A higher decrease was also seen in free SO2 in red wine samples with higher dissolved oxygen content when stored at 38°C. Fermentation had a large impact on foaming properties of pear wine. Small scale wine fermentation resulted in much lower foaming ability than large scale fermentation. Syrehalten i viner har i tidigare studier visat sig kunna pÄverka bÄde fÀrg- och smakförÀndringar i vinerna under lÀngre tids lagring. PÄ Kiviks Musteri AB i SkÄne produceras en mÀngd olika sorters vin och vinbaserade cidrar. MÄlet med den hÀr studien Àr att studera vilken effekt syrehalten har pÄ smak och fÀrg i viner och cidrar frÄn Kiviks Musteri som fÄr lagras i olika temperaturer. Effekten av olika processteg under produktionen studeras ocksÄ. Slutligen studeras Àven hur skumbildningen i pÀronvin pÄverkas av jÀsning och klarning av vinet.   Prover av rödvin togs efter de olika processtegen vinet genomgÄr pÄ Kiviks Musteri. Proverna lagrades olika lÀnge i antingen 38°C eller rumstemperatur. FÀrgstyrka och smak analyserades pÄ proverna före och efter lagringen. Syrehalten analyserades ocksÄ i proverna direkt efter att de tagits och svavelhalten i proverna analyserades före och efter lagringen för att mÀta hur mycket proverna oxiderades under lagringen. MÀtningar av syrehalt gjordes Àven efter olika processteg under produktionen av Àppelcider pÄ Kiviks Musteri. Vilken effekt syrehalten har pÄ Àppelcider studerades genom att tre olika satser Àppelcider med olika syrehalt tillverkades. Prover frÄn dessa lagrades en vecka i antingen 38°C eller rumstemperatur. DÀrefter analyserades fÀrgstyrka, svavelhalt och smak pÄ proverna. Hur skumbildning i pÀronvin pÄverkas av jÀsning och klarning studerades genom att pÀronvin fick jÀsa och klarnas antingen i stor skala i musteriets tankar eller i liten skala pÄ ett laboratorium. Skumbildningen mÀttes genom ett test dÀr vinprover blandades med kolsyrat vatten.   De processer som inverkade starkast pÄ smaken pÄ rödvin var pumpning och tappning, vilka gav tydliga smakförsÀmringar. NÀr rödvin lagrades sÄ minskade svavelhalten medan fÀrgstyrkan ökade. En försÀmring av smaken skedde ocksÄ under lagringen, sÀrskilt nÀr vinet lagrades i 38°C. Syrehalten hade ingen tydlig pÄverkan pÄ smaken av vare sig rödvin eller Àppelcider. Syrehalten i rödvin hade dÀremot ett svagt samband med ökningen i förgstyrka i rödvin. Syrehalten hade Àven ett samband med minskningen av svavelhalten i de prover av rödvin som lagrades i 38°C. Skumbildningen i pÀronvin pÄverkades vÀldigt starkt av jÀsningen, medan klarningen hade begrÀnsad effekt. Skumbildningen var vesÀntligt mycket lÀgre i pÀronvin som jÀst i liten skala pÄ laboratoriet Àn i det vin som jÀst i musteriets tankar.

    Student Modelling in practice; Bridging a Gap

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    : One of the problems in the research area Student Modelling is the difficulty of relating different student modelling techniques to each other. This paper presents a new way of looking at the student modelling problem in order to give one possible framework in which to fit the different techniques. This is based on looking at student modelling as the process of bridging the gap between the student's input to the tutoring system, and the system's concept of correct domain knowledge. A number of published student modelling techniques are studied with respect to what part of the gap they bridge. The process of bridging the gap can be divided into three issues, data acquisition, transformation and comparison, which are studied further. 1 Introduction One of the important components in an Intelligent Tutoring System is a Student Model. This is a collection of data about the student that is used by the other components in the system in a number of different tasks, such as planning the seq..

    Collaborative Dialogue with a Learning Companion as a Source of Information on Student Reasoning

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    : This report focuses on a problem within the area of Intelligent Tutoring Systems; that of analysing student's reasoning (student diagnosis). A novel approach to collecting information for this analysis, complementary to traditional student modelling techniques, is presented. This technique is based on using a Learning Companion, a computer based agent, as a collaboration partner to the student. In the dialogue between the student and the Learning Companion, information on their problem-solving process is revealed. This information would then be extracted and used for student modelling purposes. Analysis of the proposed solution is commenced in a small experiment and an explorative implementation described here. Keywords: Learning Companion Systems, Student Modelling, Student Diagnosis, Collaborative Dialogue, Troubleshooting. 1 Introduction One of the important components in an Intelligent Tutoring System, ITS, is a Student Model. This is a collection of data about the current stude..
