389 research outputs found

    Rapid Analysis Fiscal Tool User's Manual.

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    Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, Rapid Analysis Fiscal Tool Project, University of Minnesota

    A retrospective inquiry into second language use for teaching and learning in a rural school

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    Many learners in the South African schooling system do not speak English as their first language. Mother-tongue instruction in schools is offered until Grade 3, after which learners are taught in English. As the country has eleven official languages, it is often challenging to teach learners in English because they lack exposure to English, especially in rural areas. Consequently, learners struggle to overcome their barriers to learning when learning in a second language1. This study is a secondary data analysis study. The purpose was to analyse data collected by previous researchers to gain a better understanding of how rural learners have experienced learning in a second language over the years. The research also aimed to understand the impact of living in rural areas on learners’ learning experiences. The study focused on learners in rural areas, I examined the deep impact that learning in a second language has on learners’ schooling. Schooling consists in learners’ school marks, their grammar, their careers, their expectations for the future, to gain a better understanding of the learners’ language experiences. I used stratified purposive sampling and then analysed the data through thematic analysis. The findings provided evidence-based descriptions of the challenges faced by a sample group of Grade 9 learners from 2012 to 2015. Although they faced challenges, they also possessed protective resources which helped them to deal with various challenges. The findings also indicated the extent to which the learners lacked the skills required to become proficient in a second language. It is recommended that teachers and parents/guardians work together to develop strategies for supporting the learners in rural contexts. Learners’ awareness of their assets and protective resources should be developed. Finally continued professional development for teachers should be made compulsory to ensure teachers are able cope with the demands of their jobs.Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2017.Educational PsychologyMEdUnrestricte

    Kunsten at lege: – Hvordan dramapædagogiske tilgange i børnehaven kan fremme empati, fantasi og kreativitet

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    Drama og rolleleg minder om hinanden, de to udtryksformer benytter sig af samme dramatiske formsprog, hvor det at indleve sig i fiktive roller er helt centralt. At udtrykke sig gennem formsproget er samtidig en kreativ handling, hvor fantasien kommer i spil og skaber som-om-verdner inden for en fælles kontrakt, der gennem mimik, gestik og stemmeleje signalerer, at det »bare er noget vi leger«. Denne artikel undersøger ved hjælp af forskningsmetoden sensory etnography, hvordan en drampædagogisk tilgang i to LegeKunst-forløb kan fremme empati, fantasi og kreativitet i forbindelse med rolleleg, og hvad der i den forbindelse er vigtigt for pædagogen at være opmærksom på. I artiklen fremskrives vigtigheden af, at pædagogen gennem en åben og improviserende forholdelsesmåde og gennem det at bidrage med egne kunstneriske input fremmer den fælles leg og kunstpædagogiske proces

    BRINCAMOS NA ESCOLA Oficinas do Projeto Arte-educação: Estratégias para aprender brincando

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    Este é o relato de uma experiência única. Trata-se da elaboração e execução de um projeto no campo da arte-educação no município de São José do Calçado, interior do Espírito Santo, envolvendo professores da rede pública de ensino. Aprovado por meio de edital e financiado com recursos do governo estadual, o projeto foi realizado no segundo semestre de 2011, em uma semana de oficinas, com o objetivo de levar os professores à reflexão e discussão sobre a importância do lúdico no cotidiano escolar. Ao propor brincadeiras relacionadas a todos os campos do conhecimento, o curso sugere a inserção de atividades mais prazerosas e dinâmicas de grupo que podem ser aplicadas na sala de aula, tornando as aulas mais atraentes e significativas para os alunos. Palavras-chave: oficinas, brincar, escola, professores, agentes multiplicadores

    A construção da identidade nacional pela representação do indígena no mestiço antropofágico de macunaíma

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    RESUMO Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma leitura crítica da construção da identidade nacional representada no livro Macunaíma: o herói sem nenhum caráter com foco no elemento indígena como matriz do processo de miscigenação cultural. Na tentativa de redescobrir o Brasil e suas origens, o livro do escritor modernista Mário de Andrade mimetiza e satiriza aspectos que entende centrais na brasilidade. Ele faz uma representação do indígena como componente do mestiço brasileiro, e promove a deglutição da cultura estrangeira como resistência da identidade nacional. Para a análise, atualiza-se pelo materialismo histórico e dialético o conceito de identidade e que permite depreender da obra - que mesmo em ruptura com o eurocentrismo e o engessamento estético, presentes principalmente na linguagem utilizada - persistem traços de uma visão burguesa e metafísica que trata o indígena como o Outro, evidenciando um paradigma de encontro e representação do primitivo, presentes em grande parte da produção literária no Brasil. Palavras-chave: Literatura brasileira. Modernismo. Identidade nacional. Macunaíma. Indígena

    A Cost Analysis of Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Performed Wide Awake versus under Sedation.

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    BACKGROUND: Hand surgery under local anesthesia only has been used more frequently in recent years. The purpose of this study was to compare perioperative time and cost for carpal tunnel release performed under local anesthesia ( wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet, or WALANT) only to carpal tunnel release performed under intravenous sedation. METHODS: A retrospective comparison of intraoperative (operating room) surgical time and postoperative (postanesthesia care unit) time for consecutive carpal tunnel release procedures performed under both intravenous sedation and wide-awake local anesthesia was undertaken. All operations were performed by the same surgeon using the same mini-open surgical technique. A cost analysis was performed by means of standardized anesthesia billing based on base units, time, and conversion rates. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of total operative time, 28 minutes in the intravenous sedation group versus 26 minutes in the wide-awake local anesthesia group. Postanesthesia care unit times were significantly longer in the intravenous sedation group (84 minutes) compared to the wide-awake local anesthesia group (7 minutes). Depending on conversion rates used, a total of 139to139 to 432 was saved in each case performed with wide-awake local anesthesia by not using anesthesia services. In addition, a range of 1320to1320 to 1613 was saved for the full episode of care, including anesthesia costs, operating room time, and postanesthesia care unit time for each patient undergoing wide-awake local anesthesia carpal tunnel release. CONCLUSION: Carpal tunnel release surgery performed with the wide-awake local anesthesia technique offers significant reduction in cost for use of anesthesia and postanesthesia care unit resources

    Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline

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    Continuous Deployment (CD) has emerged as a new practice in the software industry to continuously and automatically deploy software changes into production. Continuous Deployment Pipeline (CDP) supports CD practice by transferring the changes from the repository to production. Since most of the CDP components run in an environment that has several interfaces to the Internet, these components are vulnerable to various kinds of malicious attacks. This paper reports our work aimed at designing secure CDP by utilizing security tactics. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of five security tactics in designing a secure pipeline by conducting an experiment on two CDPs - one incorporates security tactics while the other does not. Both CDPs have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. We used assurance cases with goal-structured notations for qualitative analysis. For quantitative analysis, we used penetration tools. Our findings indicate that the applied tactics improve the security of the major components (i.e., repository, continuous integration server, main server) of a CDP by controlling access to the components and establishing secure connections

    Anesthésie locorégionale et cancer : que faut-il en penser ?

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    I Love it!

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    Med udgangspunkt i sokraktiske spilleregler har drama- og teaterpædagogerne Anne Müller og Alette Raft Rasmussen undersøgt mulige parametre for kunstpædagogikken i det 21. århundrede. Denne  mailkorrespondance er et uddrag af dialogen. Anne Müller er Cand. Mag i dramaturgi, ogunderviser på Virum Gymnasium og Ingrid Jespersens Gymnasieskole. Alette Raft Rasmussen er BA i Teatervidenskab og Retorik, stud. MA i Drama- og tetaterpædagogik, samt lektor på professionshøjskolen UCC,Pædagoguddannelsen i Nordsjælland