23 research outputs found

    Simone de beauvoir in Turkey: (her)story of a translational journey

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    Aquest estudi explora i problematitza el viatge de traducció de Simone de Beauvoir a Turquia a través de les dades textuals i paratextuals dels anys 50 endavant, amb una perspectiva conscient de gènere. La primera problemàtica està relacionada amb la (in)visibilitat de Beauvoir i la seva obra dins de l'espai cultural de Turquia. Si bé l'obra de Beauvoir havia estat àmpliament traduïda i llegida des de la dècada de 1960, no existien crítiques publicades de les seves traduccions. La segona problemàtica té a veure amb la seva parcial (i dolenta) representació. Com Beauvoir va ser introduïda per primera vegada a l'espai cultural de Turquia pels mateixos mediadors culturals (masculins) que van introduir Sartre en la intel·lectualitat turca, especialment en els anys 60 i 70, el seu nom es va associar amb el de Sartre i l'existencialisme, fins als anys 80 quan Beauvoir va ser finalment abordada per les feministes turques. La tercera problemàtica està, de fet, relacionada amb la segona, i és el retard en la recepció del vessant feminista de Beauvoir en el sistema cultural de Turquia. Per contextualitzar els resultats, s'argumenta que aquests materials paratextuals i textuals que van tenir un paper significatiu en la “reescriptura” de Beauvoir i la seva obra a Turquia ens donen diverses pistes sobre les postures culturals, socials, patriarcals, i ideològiques respecte “la qüestió de dona”, a l'espai cultural de Turquia.Este estudio explora y problematiza el viaje de traducción de Simone de Beauvoir en Turquía a través de los datos textuales y paratextuales de los años 50 en adelante, con una perspectiva consciente de género. La primera problemática está relacionada con la (in)visibilidad de Beauvoir y su obra dentro del espacio cultural de Turquía. Si bien la obra de Beauvoir había sido ampliamente traducida y leída desde la década de 1960, no existían críticas publicadas de sus traducciones. La segunda problemática tiene que ver con su parcial (y mala) representación. Como Beauvoir fue introducida por primera vez en el espacio cultural de Turquía por los mismos mediadores culturales (masculinos) que introdujeron Sartre en la intelectualidad turca, especialmente en los años 60 y 70, su nombre se asoció con el de Sartre y el existencialismo, hasta los años 80 cuando Beauvoir fue finalmente abordada por las feministas turcas. La tercera problemática está, de hecho, relacionada con la segunda, y es el retraso en la recepción de la vertiente feminista de Beauvoir en el sistema cultural de Turquía. Para contextualizar los resultados, se argumenta que estos materiales paratextuales y textuales que tuvieron un papel significativo en la “reescritura” de Beauvoir y su obra en Turquía nos dan varias pistas sobre las posturas culturales, sociales, patriarcales, e ideológicas respecto “la cuestión de mujer”, en el espacio cultural de Turquía.This study explores and problematizes the translational journey of Simone de Beauvoir into Turkey through the paratextual and textual data beginning from the 1950s onwards, with a gender-conscious perspective. The first problematic is related to the (in)visibility of Beauvoir and her work within the Turkish cultural space. While Beauvoir’s oeuvre has been extensively translated and read since the 1960s, no reviewers have commented on any translation at all. The second problematic has to do with her partial (mis)representation. As Beauvoir was first introduced into the Turkish cultural climate by the same (male) mediators who introduced Sartre to the Turkish intelligentsia, especially in the 1960s and 1970s, her name was associated with that of Sartre and existentialism, until the 1980s when Beauvoir was finally approached by Turkish feminists. The third problematic is in fact related with the second one, and it is the time lag in the reception of Beauvoir’s feminist side in the Turkish cultural system. To see the big picture and to contextualize the results, it is argued that these paratextual and textual materials which played a significant role in the rewriting of Beauvoir and her work in Turkey give us clues about cultural, social, patriarchal, and ideological stances on “the woman question” within the Turkish cultural space

    Comparison of Neural Network Models for Nostalgic Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Comments

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    F or this study Sentiment Analysis SA is applied for the music comments using different Neural Network NN Models. SA is commonly used for Natural Language Processing NLP . With the help of NLP, the evaluations / tips about the future can be obtained by analyzing the correspondences and comments. The aim of the study is to draw conclusions from the comments made under the songs whether they are nostalgic. Data is captured using the YouTube Data API. Data extraction is done by entering the link of the song whose comments will be taken. CSV files are obtained and then labeled as nostalgic and non-nostalgic. Different neural network models as MLPNN Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network , CNN Convolutional Neural Network , RNN-LSTM Recurrent Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory are applied for sentiment analysis. Their performances are analyzed. MLPNN, CNN, RNN-LSTM performance results are 78%,88%,88%, respectivel

    Voting age requirements in democracies: an analysis from a Dahlian perspective

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    Although some theorists take age-based exclusion as an essential part of democracy, others try to justify it with reference to the differences between "children" and "adults". One of the most important theories among the latter group is Robert A. Dahl's theory of inclusion. This study aims to liberate the issue of voting age from the controversial terminology of human maturation by showing that democracy looks beyond the dichotomy of "childhood" and "adulthood" when it comes to the right to vote. For this purpose, this thesis offers a four-step test for enfranchisement that encompasses the justifications that have been utilized for excluding certain groups throughout history. Academic and parliamentary debates concerning age-based exclusion are no exception to the validity of this test. Exclusion of "children" is justified via the same justifications. The history of voting age reveals that when "children" play an important role in political life, their inclusion becomes more probable. This observation demonstrates that democracy does not exclude certain individuals because they are "children": it rather labels them as "children" because they maintain to be politically passive. Democratic régimes consider political activism as a positive sign of moral autonomy, which is the main criterion of being included in demos according to Dahl. Turkey, on the other hand, differs from this democratic approach with its top-down focus on régime stability rather than the importance of representation and political awareness for democracy

    Wavelet Neural Networks: A Practical Guide

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    Wavelet networks (WNs) are a new class of networks which have been used with great success in a wide range of application. However a general accepted framework for applying WNs is missing from the literature. In this study, we present a complete statistical model identification framework in order to apply WNs in various applications. The following subjects were thorough examined: the structure of a WN, training methods, initialization algorithms, variable significance and variable selection algorithms, model selection methods and finally methods to construct confidence and prediction intervals. In addition the complexity of each algorithm is discussed. Our proposed framework was tested in two simulated cases, in one chaotic time series described by the Mackey-Glass equation and in three real datasets described by daily temperatures in Berlin, daily wind speeds in New York and breast cancer classification. Our results have shown that the proposed algorithms produce stable and robust results indicating that our proposed framework can be applied in various applications

    Graphical User Interface Aided Online Fault Diagnosis of Electric Motor - DC motor case study

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    This paper contains graphical user interface (GUI) aided online fault diagnosis for DC motor. The aim of the research is to prevent system faults. Online fault diagnosis has been studied. Design of fault diagnosis has two main levels: Level 1 comprises a traditional control loop; Level 2 contains knowledge based fault diagnosis. Fault diagnosis technique contains feature extraction module, feature cluster module and fault decision module. Wavelet analysis has been used for the feature extraction module. For the feature cluster module, fuzzy cluster has been applied. Faults effects are examined on the system using statistical analysis. In this study Fault Diagnosis technique obtains fault detection, identification and halting the system. In the meantime graphical user interface (GUI) is opened when fault is detected. GUI shows the measurement value, fault time and fault type. This property gives some information about the system to the personnel. As seen from the simulation results, faults can be detected and identified as soon as fault appears. In summary, if the system has a fault diagnosis structure, system dangerous situations can be avoided

    Heading Control System for a Multi-body Vehicle with a Virtual Test Driver

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    This paper includes a Heading Control (HC) system for a multi-body vehicle. HC system helps reducing the required torque from the driver and improves the lane keeping efficiency. HC system is important for safety and driver comfort in traffic. The controller performance is examined on a virtual test drive platform. The optimal control theory is applied to HC system and examined on a curved path and under a side wind disturbance. Different assistance levels are applied to see the characteristics of the controller with different virtual test drivers. The results are analyzed based on three performance indices; lane keeping performance (LKP) index, assist torque performance (ATP) index and driver torque performance (DTP) index. As seen from the results while using HC system the lateral displacement decreases as the lane keeping performance increases and the driver torque performance decreases as the assist torque performance increases

    Graphical User Interface Aided Online Fault Diagnosis of Electric Motor - DC motor case study

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    Heading Control System for a Multi-body Vehicle with a Virtual Test Driver

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