632 research outputs found

    L'esametro di Apollonio Rodio: aspetti prosodici, metrici, stilistici

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    La tesi presenta alcuni aspetti prosodici e ritmici dell'esametro di Apollonio Rodio. La prima parte tratta problemi di prosodia (come elisione e correptio attica) mentre la seconda si concentra su aspetti di métrique verbale, ovvero su una discussione, concentrata sulla prima parte del verso, della teoria fränkeliana della quadripartizione dell'esametro. Tutta la tesi si appoggia su dati e statistiche aggiornati sul testo di F. Vian. Particolare attenzione è stata posta nel rilevare volta per volta sia i modelli, da Omero al teatro, sia i paralleli ellenistici per il rispetto o l'infrazione di certe regole o tendenze ritmiche. Si è anche cercato, ove possibile, di segnalare le posizioni di Apollonio in materia di tradizione testuale del testo omerico

    The “Media” System and the Hidden Truth: Journalism Betrayed

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    Those wishing to re-read some of the editorials epitomising the cultural and social line of some major American and Italian newspaperswould see how far from the truth the mechanistically repeated news were, seemingly forgetting the facts, without the least self-criticism and with hypocritical malice because the events did not go as they had wanted In this way we are discovering the “fake. News”. The official and servile story seemed more geared to interests other than that which independent information should have. Honoré de Balzac rightly reminded us “History is of two kinds—there is the official history taught in schools, a lying compilation ad usumdelphini; and there is the secret history which deals with the real causes of events—a scandalous chronicle”, but it is in this that we must seek the facts and events we are witnessing. Thus, in some sort of video game and incapable of criticism, we end up hypnotized and subdued by the “big brother” Orwell described, by now unacceptable

    Section 75(1) of the Mental Health Act 1983 is compliant with Article 5(4) of the European Convention on Human Rights…just

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    R (Daniel Rayner) v Secretary of State for Justice[2008] EWCA Civ 17

    The Perils of Migration. Countervailing Mediations of Risk at the EU’s Maritime Frontier

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    This chapter traces the successive strategies developed by the Forensic Oceanography project we have led since 2011 to document and contest the conditions leading to large-scale deaths of migrants at sea. The chapter first traces the aesthetic regime within and against which the project sought to position itself. It then analyzes the project’s shift from the documentation of specific practices of actors at sea leading to cases of deaths (such as the “Left-to-die Boat”), to the reconstruction of the lethal effects of state policies (such as the ending of the Mare Nostrum operation), and finally its contribution towards the WatchTheMed Alarm Phone, a 24/7-operating nongovernmental emergency phone line allowing to intervene directly to support migrants in distress at sea. While European agencies such as Frontex operate a state-centered “risk analysis” in the aim of neutralizing the “threat” illegalized migrants are constructed as constituting, Forensic Oceanography has forged a form of migrant-centered “counter-risk analysis,” which seeks to contest the violence of borders and mitigate the risks that migrants encounter as a result of state policies. The Mediterranean mobility conflict, this chapter demonstrates, is also fought out through conflicting knowledges and mediations of the border

    In vitro evaluation of different organic matrices used to modulate silicon bioavailability.

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    Silicon (Si) has numerous health properties. It is an element of the extracellular matrix; it is involved in collagen synthesis, bone mineralization, and immune system modulation; and it reduces metal accumulation in Alzheimer's disease and the risk of atherosclerosis. Given its poor intestinal absorption, Si is ingested in the form of orthosilicic acid (OSA) to promote its bioavailability. The aim of this work was to compare different commercial dietary supplements containing stabilized OSA to ascertain their bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and safety in a model of human intestinal epithelium. Biocompatibility with the glycocalyx was also investigated. Supplements containing collagen, maltodextrins, and choline as OSA stabilizers were analyzed. Bioaccessibility was explored by means of an in vitro digestive process. Bioavailability was investigated using a Caco2 cell line alone, or co-culturing with a HT29-MTX cell line. The safety of the compounds tested (in terms of intestinal epithelium integrity) was judged on the grounds of MTS assay, transepithelial electrical resistance, and apparent permeability. The three formulations were also tested in a Caco2 cell model of intestinal glycocalyx Si retention. The choline-formulated OSA formulation outperformed the maltodextrin-stabilized supplement, with a Si bioavailability about 14 times higher (P < .05). The choline-formulated OSA formulation increased cell permeability, with consequent intestinal epithelium disruption. The supplements' absorption and bioavailability (and harmfulness) differed considerably, depending on the OSA stabilizer involved. Of the three formulations tested, the collagen-formulated OSA represents the best Si dietary supplement

    Estudio descriptivo de pacientes con reingreso múltiple anual en el hospital psiquiátrico Vilardebó

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    El presente estudio aborda la problemática del reingreso frecuente al hospital psiquiátrico, fenómeno que también fue denominado “puerta giratoria”. El tema ha sido estudiado a lo largo de décadas en diferentes países, considerándolo solidario de los procesos de desinstitucionalización. Generalmente se lo asocia con fallas en el sistema de salud vinculadas al enlace del paciente con los servicios comunitarios de atención en salud mental luego del alta hospitalaria. Se destaca en la bibliografía consultada la falta de unificación de criterios para definir este fenómeno y se discuten algunas sus principales conceptualizaciones. Se definió al paciente con reingresos frecuentes (PRF) como aquel que cuenta con tres o más hospitalizaciones en el período de un año. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio descriptivo de los pacientes que cumplieron con dicho criterio en el Hospital Psiquiátrico Vilardebó, en el período 2013-2014. La información se extrajo de las historias clínicas y de la base de datos del hospital. El objetivo fue describir las características socio demográficas, psicopatológicas, asistenciales y de sostén social de la población de PRF. Asimismo se realizó una comparación con el resto de los pacientes hospitalizados en el mismo período. Se observó que los pacientes con reingresos frecuentes son una población joven, con un predominio significativo de mujeres. La mayoría vive con su familia la cual fue descripta como no continente. Desde el punto de vista diagnóstico se subdividen fundamentalmente en tres categorías: trastornos de personalidad, trastorno bipolar y esquizofrenia. Para el resto de la población hospitalaria se observó un marcado predominio de los trastornos psicóticos, especialmente la esquizofrenia. El trastorno bipolar y los trastornos de la personalidad se encontraban sobre representados en el grupo de los PRF. Asimismo se destacó la presencia de consumo de sustancias y trastornos de conducta en la población estudiada

    The role of cocoa in human health

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    Hacia una antropología filosófica no androcéntrica: apuntes sobre biopolítica y género en la obra de Paul B. Preciado

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    "Preciados feminismos", texto escrito por la teórica y militante Mabel Campagnoli y publicado por la Universidad de Málaga en el año 2018, es el resultado de una extensa investigación motivada por las provocaciones teórico-políticas del autor español Paul B. Preciado. El fruto de este trabajo es una lúcida y sistemática lectura de la producción textual de Preciado entre los años 2000 y 2010, con el objetivo de mostrar posibles articulaciones filosóficas entre biopolítica y género, que resulten significativas para una antropología filosófica contemporánea no androcéntrica. En el camino, logra combinar un estilo de escritura amable con un minucioso análisis teórico, alcanzando una sistematización que permite distintos niveles de lectura. En un contexto intelectual y político donde las problemáticas de género continúan bien presentes, y donde el mismo Preciado continúa produciendo, es interesante revisar la lectura original de su obra que realiza Campagnoli, cuyo aporte específico consiste en ubicar la producción conceptual de Preciado como un cruce de dos genealogías, la de la biopolítica y la del género.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Shifting Bordering and Rescue Practices in the Central Mediterranean Sea, October 2013–October 2015

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    This counter‐mapping project illustrates the areas of intervention of different operations geared toward rescue and enforcement between 2013 and 2015, including the Italian Navy's “Mare Nostrum” search and rescue mission, the EU border agency Frontex's “Triton” enforcement operation, the humanitarian interventions of commercial vessels, and the action of civil‐society rescue vessels such as those operated by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF—Doctors Without Borders). The project offers a spatial understanding of the Mediterranean border‐scape, the practices of rescue and enforcement that occur within it, and the risk of sea‐crossing at this particular moment. Through these maps, the Central Mediterranean Sea emerges as a striking laboratory from which novel legal arrangements, surveillance technologies, and institutional assemblages converge