70 research outputs found

    Application of mosses and lichnes for the evaluation of presence of the metals in the environment

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    Předložená bakalářská práce se zabývá využitím mechů a lišejníků jako rostlinných bioindikátorů k hodnocení znečištění životního prostředí kovy. Definuje zdroje kovů v životním prostředí, popisuje morfologii jednotlivých druhů mechů a lišejníků. V poslední části se zmiňuje o metodách aktivního biomonitoringu, při kterých se využívají mechy i lišejníky, a navrhuje konkrétní druhy mechů a lišejníků, které by se daly použít k hodnocení znečištění životního prostředí platinovými kovy.This bachelor thesis deals with the use of mosses and lichens as plant bioindicators, to assess environmental pollution by metals. Defines the sources of metals in the environment, describes the morphology of species of mosses and lichens. The last part refers to methods of active biomonitoring which use mosses and lichens and proposes concrete species of mosses and lichens, which could be used to assess environmental platinum metal pollution.

    Non-specific preparation of figure skaters (5-14 years of age) during preparation period

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    Nazev: Nespecifickd priprava krasobruslaru (5-14 let)v pripravnem obdobi Cile prace: V diplomove praci se zamefim na problematiku nespecificke pfipravy krasobruslaru. Chtela bych poukazat na dulezitost vybudovani siroke pohybove zakladny u deti (od 5-ti let do 14-ti let) v pfipravnem obdobi. Cilem teto prace je vytvofeni modelu nespecificke pfipravy deti. Obsahem modelu je oznaceni, vymezeni a urceni nespecifickych pohybovych schopnosti, potfebnych pro pozdejsi vrcholovy trenink krasobruslafe. Mezi tyto schopnosti patfi rovnovaha, koordinace, pohyblivost, vytrvalost, rychlost a sila (Kerrigan 2003). Tyto pfedpoklady ovlivnuji mini pfesneho provadeni specifickych prvku na lede (skoky, krokove variace, piruety a spiraly). Z vytvofeneho modelu vyplyva, ze nespecificke pohybove schopnosti maji navaznost, prime a nepfime souvislosti se specifickymi pohybovymi schopnostmi. Vytvofenim ucelene treninkove koncepce, muzeme tyto souvislosti objevit, pojmenovat a zafadit do struktury pfipravy. Metody: Pfi tvorbe modelu nespecificke pfipravy krasobruslaru (od 5-ti do 14-ti let) v pripravnem obdobi byla pouzita metoda literarni reserse na zaklade induktivni analyzy dat a ucelovym sberem dat. Vysledky: Vysledkem by mel byt navrh modelu nespecificke pfipravy krasobruslaru (od 5-ti do 14-ti let) v pfipravnem...Title: Non-specific preparation of figure skaters (5-14 years of age) during preparation period Purpose of paper: In the diploma paper I am going to focus on the issue of non-specific preparation of figure skaters. I would like to point out the importance of establishing a wide basis of agility abilities in children (from the ages of 5 to 14) during training season. The purpose of this work is to create a model of non-specific preparation of children, which emphasizes the main non-specific agility abilities for later peak performance training of figure skaters. These include balance, coordination, flexibility, endurance, speed, and strength. These qualifications determine the measure of exact execution of specific elements on the ice (jumps, step variations, pirouettes, and spirals). It is clear that these agility abilities are interconnected in a direct and indirect way. By creating a coherent training approach, these connections can be discovered, named, and included in the preparation structure. The methods: The method of literature research was utilized for this work. The result: The result should be a proposal of a coherent training approach of non-specific preparation of figure skaters (from the ages of 5 to 14) during training season. KEY WORDS: Figure skating, preparation structure:...Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktikaFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport


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    Children´s drawing is one of the most appropriate approach to knowing children, their individuality and also their perceptions. Child is not always able to express their thoughts precisely, because their vocabulary is still incomplete and is gained just lately. In our paper we concentrate on drawing as a communication means, with which we can obtain primary numerical conceptions of children. We deal with observation of children’s perceptions of number. We investigate process in which to numerical information the conceptions of numbers are assigned. The numerical information is word three and the child’s drawing is used to mediate the numerical conceptions of children. The activity was realized with the children in the kindergarten. We analyzed draw children’s conceptions of number 3 and created concept map from those drawings

    The Motifs of Sexual Abstinence and Virginity in Medieval Hungarian Legends

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    The goal of the study is to interpret the motifs of pudicity, sexual abstinence and virginity in the texts of chosen medieval legends written in Latin on the interdisciplinary level as otherwise they would hardly be understandable. These ideals originated in the antique era and were adopted by Christianity. Medieval texts prefer the spiritual world to the material one as well as virginity to marriage and sexual life and this motif also emerges in baroque literature. Medieval legends were written to strengthen the cult of saints and certain religious practice. They stress the suppression of body and the virginity of married saints to strengthen the practice and honour of celibacy which was established as mandatory for all the priests, monks and nuns in the Western Church of that era

    Application of QA/QC system in the commercial firm with chemical substances

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    Diplomová práca definuje systém manažérstva kvality a environmentu, ich aplikácie, tak ako sú požadované normami. Pre bližšie špecifikovanú slovenskú obchodnú spoločnosť sú vypracované dokumenty týchto manažérskych systémov, podľa príslušných platných noriem. Podľa požiadaviek STN EN ISO 9001 je vypracovaná príručka a politika kvality. Podľa požiadaviek STN EN ISO 14001 je vypracovaná príručka a politika environmentu.The thesis is focused on defining the quality and environmental management system and its applications, as it is required by ISO standards. Document management system for a specific Slovak corporation was elaborated according to current standards. In accordance with STN EN ISO 9001, the quality manual and politics were prepared. In accordance with STN EN ISO 14001, manual and politics of environmental management were elaborated.

    Analysis of factors influencing students' access to mathematics education in the form of MOOC

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    Restricting the movement of students because of COVID-19 requires expanding the offer of online education. Online education should reflect the principles of pedagogical constructivism to ensure the development of students' cognitive and social competencies. The paper describes the preparatory course of mathematics, realized in the form of MOOC. This course was created and implemented based on the principles of pedagogical constructivism. The analysis of the respondents' approach to MOOC revealed a difference between bachelor and master students in the use of MOOC. Bachelors found a strong correlation between their approach to MOOCs and the way they are educated in secondary schools. The results of the research point to the need of more emphasis should be placed on advancing the learner's skills in navigating and analysing information. The questionnaire filled in by the participants also monitored the students' access to learning. The results of the experiment confirmed the connection between the preferred approach to learning and students' activities within the MOOC. © 2020 by the authors

    Student Solutions of Non-traditional Geometry Tasks

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    The article deals with student solutions of non-traditional geometry tasks focused on triangle constructions. The research conducted concerns the solutions proposed by the students of Mathematics Teaching in combination with another subject at the University of Tirana in Tirana, Albania, and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia. The second group consisted of technical education students in the field of Software Engineering at the Canadian Institute of Technology in Tirana, Albania. In this comparison, we focused on the success of the solution method used as well as comparison of the solution methods of the individual groups of students in terms of their success

    Interpretation of mathematical tasks misunderstanding in the context of disciplinary literacy of university students

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    In the article, we focus on the investigation of the disciplinary literacy of technical university students with an emphasis on understanding the mathematical language and symbolism in the tasks assignment. As part of the pedagogical research, we were looking for an answer to the research question "How do students interpret the misunderstanding of the assignment?". In the first phase of the research, the students solved a test that contained four pairs of mathematical tasks: a standard task and its equivalent, which required the mastery of mathematical symbolic language at a higher level. In the second phase of the research, students filled out a questionnaire that contained possible causes of failure in solving tasks in the test. Based on the research findings, we can state that the teachers and students agreed on only one item of the questionnaire, namely that the primary cause of the students' failure was a misunderstanding of the assignment. Teachers and students differed statistically significantly in their responses to the other items of the questionnaire. Based on the students' statements, we conclude that their understanding of the assignment of the task corresponds with the ability to assign the learned calculation procedure to the task, that is, with procedural knowledge. Teachers attributed the causes of student failure in the test to insufficient knowledge of the mathematical language. © 2023 by Cherkas Global University All rights reserved