99 research outputs found

    Neuropsychiatric profile of a cohort of perinatally infected HIV positive children after one year of antiretroviral medication

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) era in the mid-nineties signalled a dramatic change in the long-term outcome of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Many children have shown significant neurologic benefit, and in particular, a decline in the incidence of HIV encephalopathy. As increasing numbers of children have survived into adolescence and early adulthood new challenges have arisen, such as the detection and characterization of milder forms of HIV-associated neurocognitive deficits in children previously thought to be asymptomatic..

    Assessment of CO2 emissions reduction in a distribution warehouse

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    Building energy use accounts for almost 50% of the total CO2 emissions in the UK. Most of the research has focused on reducing the operational impact of buildings, however in recent years many studies have indicated the significance of embodied energy in different building types. This paper primarily focuses on illustrating the relative importance of operational and embodied energy in a flexible use light distribution warehouse. The building is chosen for the study as it is relatively easy to model and represents many distribution centres and industrial warehouses in Europe. A carbon footprinting study was carried out by conducting an inventory of the major installed materials with potentially significant carbon impact and material substitutions covering the building structure. Ecotect computer simulation program was used to determine the energy consumption for the 25 years design life of the building. This paper evaluates alternative design strategies for the envelope of the building and their effects on the whole life emissions by investigating both embodied and operational implications of changing the envelope characteristics. The results provide an insight to quantify the total amount of CO2 emissions saved through design optimisation by modelling embodied and operational energy

    Bildung und Stoffwechsel von Dehydroepiandrosteron(-Sulfat) (DHEA(S)) im menschlichen Temporallappen

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu klÀren, ob das menschliche Gehirn zu einer de novo Biosynthese von Steroidhormonen befÀhigt ist. Mit der Aufnahme und Metabolisierung im Blut zirkulierender Hormonvorstufen wurde eine alternative Möglichkeit der zerebralen Bildung von aktiven Steroidhormonen untersucht. Dazu wurden in menschlichen Temporallappen Biopsaten die EnzymaktivitÀt und Genexpression der relevanten Enzyme gemessen

    A systematic review of recreation patterns and preferences of students with physical disabilities

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    Students with physical disabilities at higher education institutions are often excluded from recreational activities due to lack of appropriate inclusive integration programmes. This study systematically reviewed literature that identified recreational patterns and preferences of students with physical disabilities to provide recommendations for their recreational programmes. Articles were reviewed using Ebscohost (Medline, CINAHL, PsyArticles, Academic Search Complete), LANCET, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Project Muse, BioMed Central Journal, JSTOR, Google Scholar and Sports Discus databases for the period 1997 to 2014. Articles extracted comprised qualitative, quantitative and mixed method studies that met level three on the JBI level of evidence scale. Articles that were favourably rated for methodological quality by two reviewers were included. The articles were methodologically appraised using a modified CASP instrument. A total number of 426 821 articles were identified, of which 90 were selected for further investigation whilst 69 were excluded after the first review and a further three following evaluation of methodological quality. Thus, 18 articles were included. There was a lack of recreational programmes available for students with physical disabilities. Opportunities for recreation for disabled students should be provided. There was a need for suitable holistic campus recreational programmes at universities.DHE

    Cross‐cultural assessment of HIV‐associated cognitive impairment using the Kaufman assessment battery for children: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Despite improved efficacy of, and access to, combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), HIV‐associated cognitive impairments remain prevalent in both children and adults. Neuropsychological tests that detect such impairment can help clinicians formulate effective treatment plans. The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC), although developed and standardized in the United States, is used frequently in many different countries and cultural contexts to assess paediatric performance across various cognitive domains. This systematic review investigated the cross‐cultural utility of the original KABC, and its 2nd edition (KABC‐II), in detecting HIV‐associated cognitive impairment in children and adolescents.Methods: We entered relevant keywords and MeSH terms into the PubMed, PsycInfo, EBSCOHost, ProQuest, and Scopus databases, with search limits set from 1983–2017. Two independent reviewers evaluated the retrieved abstracts and manuscripts. Studies eligible for inclusion in the review were those that (a) used the KABC/KABC‐II to assess cognitive function in children/adolescents aged 2–18 years, (b) featured a definition of cognitive impairment (e.g. >2 SD below the mean) or compared the performance of HIV‐infected and uninfected control groups, and (c) used a sample excluded from population on which the instruments were normed.Results and discussion: We identified nine studies (eight conducted in African countries, and one in the United Kingdom) to comprise the review’s sample. All studies detected cognitive impairment in HIV‐infected children, including those who were cART‐naïve or who were cART treated and clinically stable. KABC/KABC‐II subtests assessing simultaneous processing appeared most sensitive. Evaluation of the methodological quality of the selected studies by two independent reviews suggested that shortcomings included reporting and selection biases.Conclusions: This systematic review provides evidence for the cross‐cultural utility of the KABC/KABC‐II, particularly the simultaneous processing subtests, in detecting cognitive impairment in HIV‐infected children (including those who are clinically stable). Although the current results suggest there is justification for using the KABC/KABC‐II primarily in East Africa, further investigation is required to explore the instrument’s utility in other HIV‐prevalent regions of the globe.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138351/1/jia21412.pd

    Serogroup W-135 Meningococcal Disease during the Hajj, 2000

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    An outbreak of serogroup W-135 meningococcal disease occurred during the 2000 Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Disease was reported worldwide in Hajj pilgrims and their close contacts; however, most cases were identified in Saudi Arabia. Trends in Saudi meningococcal disease were evaluated and the epidemiology of Saudi cases from this outbreak described. Saudi national meningococcal disease incidence data for 1990 to 2000 were reviewed; cases from January 24 to June 5, 2000 were retrospectively reviewed. The 2000 Hajj outbreak consisted of distinct serogroup A and serogroup W-135 outbreaks. Of 253 identified cases in Saudi Arabia, 161 (64%) had serogroup identification; serogroups W-135 and A caused 93 (37%) and 60 (24%) cases with attack rates of 9 and 6 cases per 100,000 population, respectively. The 2000 Hajj outbreak was the first large serogroup W-135 meningococcal disease outbreak identified worldwide. Enhanced surveillance for serogroup W-135, especially in Africa, is essential to control this emerging epidemic disease

    The South African society of psychiatrists (SASOP) and SASOP State Employed Special Interest Group (SESIG) position statements on psychiatric care in the public sector

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    Executive summary. National mental health policy: SASOP extends its support for the process of formalising a national mental health policy as well as for the principles and content of the current draft policy. Psychiatry and mental health: psychiatrists should play a central role, along with the other mental health disciplines, in the strategic and operational planning of mental health services at local, provincial and national level. Infrastructure and human resources: it is essential that the state takes up its responsibility to provide adequate structures, systems and funds for the specified services and facilities on national, provincial and facility level, as a matter of urgency. Standard treatment guidelines (STGs) and essential drug lists (EDLs): close collaboration and co-ordination should occur between the processes of establishing SASOP and national treatment guidelines, as well as the related decisions on EDLs for different levels. HIV/AIDS in children: national HIV programmes have to promote awareness of the neurocognitive problems and psychiatric morbidity associated with HIV in children. HIV/AIDS in adults: the need for routine screening of all HIV-positive individuals for mental health and cognitive impairments should also be emphasised as many adult patients have a mental illness, either before or as a consequence of HIV infection, constituting a ‘special needs’ group. Substance abuse and addiction: the adequate diagnosis and management of related substance abuse and addiction problems should fall within the domain of the health sector and, in particular, that of mental health and psychiatry. Community psychiatry and referral levels: the rendering of ambulatory specialist psychiatric services on a community-centred basis should be regarded as a key strategy to make these services more accessible to users closer to where they live. Recovery and re-integration: a recovery framework such that personal recovery outcomes, among others, become the universal goals by which we measure service provision, should be adopted as soon as possible. Culture, mental health and psychiatry: culture, religion and spirituality should be considered in the current approach to the local practice and training of specialist psychiatry, within the professional and ethical scope of the discipline. Forensic psychiatry: an important and significant field within the scope of state-employed psychiatrists, with 3 recognised groups of patients (persons referred for forensic psychiatric observation, state patients, and mentally ill prisoners), each with specific needs, problems and possible solutions. Security in psychiatric hospitals and units: it is necessary to protect public sector mental healthcare practitioners from assault and injury as a result of performing their clinical duties by, among others, ensuring that adequate security procedures are implemented, appropriate for the level of care required, and that appointed security staff members are appropriately trained and equipped.Dr Reddy’s Laboratorieshttp://www.sajp.org.za/index.php/sajpam2013ay201

    "Soldaten der Arbeit" und "Fröhliche Arbeitsmaiden". Arbeitsdienstliteratur fĂŒr Kinder und Jugendliche

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    Der Autor erörtert die Arbeitsdienstliteratur fĂŒr Kinder und Jugendliche anhand zahlreicher Beispiele. „Um den „Arbeitsdienst" und das „Pflichtjahr" dem jugendlichen Nachwuchs auch literarisch nahebringen zu können, wurde eigens ein entsprechendes Genre kreiert: die Arbeitsdienstliteratur. Sie fingiert grundsĂ€tzlich AuthentizitĂ€t. Ihr Textsortenspektrum reicht von „Bildberichten" im Stile der Dokumentationspropaganda ĂŒber szenische Texte, abenteuerliche und heitere ErzĂ€hlungen, Romane, Lyrik, Tagebuchliteratur bis hin zu (Vorlese-/ Texten fĂŒr Kleinkinder. Sie sollte den „Geist des Lagers" mit dem nationalsozialistischen Grundsatz „Arbeit adelt" vermitteln und auf ihre Weise die nationalsozialistische Arbeitsethik propagieren. Anhand dieser Arbeitsdienstliteratur lassen sich exemplarisch die wesentlichen Funktionen bestimmen, die dem „Dienstgedanken" im nationalsozialistischen „Jugendschrifttum" zukommen." Abschließend konstatiert er, dass insgesamt „die Literarisierungen von Arbeitsdienst und Arbeitswelt unterschiedliche ideologische Niveaus aufweisen, die wiederum die beschriebenen Verwerfungen innerhalb des Spektrums der Texte bedingen. Ein Primat der nationalsozialistischen Arbeits(-dienst)ideologie ĂŒber die einschlĂ€gige kinder- und jugendliterarische Produktion ließ sich offenbar niemals konsequent durchsetzen".(DIPF/Orig./ah

    Die Ă€sthetische Inszenierung von Herrschaft und Beherrschung im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland. Über die Ă€sthetischen und Ă€sthetik-politischen Strategien nationalsozialistischer Herrschaftspraxis, deren mentalitĂ€re Voraussetzungen und Konsequenzen

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    Die Autoren gehen auf die Ritualisierungen und Inszenierungen des Herrschaftsregimes unter Einbeziehung der Kognitions- und Sozialpsychologie ein. Des Weiteren wird ein Überblick ĂŒber die BeitrĂ€ge des Beihefts gegeben. Sie thematisieren demzufolge "die Aspekte der PrĂ€formierung, Sozialisierung und Instrumentalisierung von Wahrnehmung, Erleben und Verhalten, um der historischen Erforschung des Nationalsozialismus in der Erziehungs- und Bildungsgeschichte einen bisher zu wenig beachteten Doppelaspekt der Wirkungsgeschichte hinzuzufĂŒgen: die Einsicht in die Mechanismen des Bewirkens von bestimmten Bewusstseinsformen und die Einsicht in die kognitive Struktur des Bewirkten, in die Struktur eines Bewusstseins nĂ€mlich, das aus den ZwĂ€ngen der ihm aufgeprĂ€gten Symbol- und Bilder-Welten keinen Ausweg mehr fand."(DIPF/Orig./ah
