190 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPartai Aceh merupakan salah satu Partai Politik lokal di Wilayah Teritorial Negara Indonesia, tepatnya berada Provinsi Aceh, Partai ini ikut berpartisipasi dalam Pemilihan Umum Legislatif tahun 2009.Sejak tahun 2009 sampai dengan tahun 2012 lalu, Partai lokal ini selalu memenangkan kancah perpolitikan serta mengalahkan partai-partai lainya. Pada konteks geografis Kabupaten Aceh Timur. sejak 2009 sampai 2014 Partai Aceh berhasil menguasai kursi parlemen di Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Pola kampanye yang digunakan adalah mengenai sejarah perjuangan GAM dan realisasi butir-butir MoU Helsinki. Namun beda halnya dengan strategi kampanye Partai Aceh Terhadap Pemilih Pemula, mayoritas pemilih pemula tidak pernah merasakan konflik di Aceh dan tidak mengerti mengenai Perjuangan GAM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami strategi kampanye calon anggota legislatif Partai Aceh dalam memperoleh dukungan dari pemilih pemula.Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori yaitu, teori strategi kampanye politik, teori marketing politik sebagai alat untuk analisis dan menjawab permasalahan penelitian.Metode penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif teknik pengumpulan data adalah data primer yaitu dengan wawancara, kuesioner dan data sekunder berupa dokumentasi kepustakaan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi kampanye calon anggota legislatif Partai Aceh untuk meraup suara dari pemilih pemula menggunakan pola sosialisasi politik berupa sejarah perjuangan GAM visi-misi Partai Aceh dan implementasi MoU Helsinki.Pola kampanye interpersonal pribadi dengan menawarkan program beasiswa bagi pemilih pemula.Penyaluran komunikasi politik melalui facebook, instagram, whatsApp. Strategi melalui media spanduk berupa pemasangan spanduk di balai- balai pengajian, warung kopi, persimpangan jalan dan lorong-lorong rumah serta pembagian kartu nama kepada pemilih pemula. Presentasi kampanye politik secara terbuka kepada pemilih pemula berupa sejarah perjuangan GAM, sejarah lahirnya Partai Aceh, visi-misi Partai Aceh, serta implementasi butir- butir MoU Helsinki. Kata Kunci: Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, Partai Aceh, Pemilih Pemula.ABSTRACTAceh Party is one of the local Political Parties in the Indonesian Territorial Territory, precisely located in Aceh Province, this Party participated in the Legislative Election in 2009. Since 2009 until 2012, this local party has always won the political arena and defeated the political parties. other party. In the geographical context of East Aceh Regency.from 2009 to 2014 the Aceh Party gained control of parliamentary seats in East Aceh District, the campaign pattern used was the struggle of GAM and the points of the Helsinki MoU. But unlike the case with the Aceh Party's campaign strategy against novice voters, the majority of novice voters have never felt the of conflict in Aceh and did not understand GAM's struggle. This study aims to find out and understand the campaign strategy of Aceh Party legislative candidate candidates in gaining support from novice voters. The research uses two theories namely, political campaign strategy theory, political marketing theory as a tool for analysis and answering research problems. This research method descriptive qualitative data collection techniques are primary data that is by interview, questionnaire and secondary data in the form of document documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Aceh Party legislative candidate's campaign strategy to win votes from novice voters uses political socialization patterns in the form of GAM's struggle for Aceh's vision-mission and the implementation of the Helsinki MoU. Personal interpersonal campaign pattern by promising scholarship programs for novice voters. Channeling political communication through Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. Strategy through offline media in the form of installing banners in study halls, coffee shops, crossroads and hallways and distribution of business cards to novice voters. Presentation of an open political campaign to novice voters in the history of GAM's struggle, the history of the birth of the Aceh Party, the Aceh Party's vision and mission, and the implementation of the Helsinki MoU.Keywords: Free Aceh Movement, Aceh Party, Novice Selecto

    Faculty Development Program in Dokuz Eylül School of Medicine: In the process of curriculum change from traditional to PBL

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    Introduction: In Dokuz Eylül School of Medicine (DESM) a faculty development program is being carried out by the "Trainers' Training Committee". DESM made a fundamental change in its curriculum from traditional to Problem-based Learning (PBL) in 1997. This was the first implementation of a PBL curriculum in Turkey. Faculty development activities were initiated in the same year. This paper describes the faculty development activities with a special emphasis on PBL courses. Program description: Between 1997-2000 27 four-day long PBL courses were held for 343 participants. The curriculum consisted of PBL philosophy, PBL steps, role of the tutor and students in PBL process, effective case design, assessment principles and group dynamics. PBL simulations enabled the participants to play the roles of both tutors and students. Process evaluation: At the end of the program most of the participants stated that length of the program, content, training methods and the course organization was appropriate. The majority of the participants (89.5%) found the program very useful. PBL steps, PBL practices and PBL philosophy were found as the most useful sessions. Discussion: These courses gave medical staff the opportunity to develop their understanding of PBL methodology and theory. PBL courses and continuous educational activities such as weekly tutor meetings are being held and new courses on advanced tutoring skills are being planned for the near future in DESM


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    Sunum sırasında öğrencilerin ilgisini çeken, aktif katılımlarını sağlayan, pasif dinleme yerine düşünmelerini uyaran yöntem ve stratejilerin kullanımı önerilmektedir. Bu makalede katılımcı sunumların planlanması ve uygulanmasına yönelik öneriler bulunmaktadır During the lectures, methods and strategies should be used to generate interest of students, facilitate participation of them and stimulate thinking instead of passive listening. This paper provides suggestions for planning and implementation of interactive lecture


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    Kesadaran masyarakat untuk mematuhi protokol kesehatan ini merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan penanggulangan Covid-19 salah satunya adalah mencuci tangan dengan menggunakan sabun dan air mengalir terbukti dapat menurunkan jumlah kuman pada tangan secara signifikan. Sabun cair efektif untuk mengangkat kotoran yang menempel pada permukaan kulit baik yang larut air maupun larut lemak dan membersihkan bau pada kulit serta memberikan aroma yang enak dicium. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan sabun semakin bervariasi untuk memproduksi sabun yang ekonomis, higienis, tidak membahayakan kesehatan mudah diolah, mudah didapat serta memiliki nilai jual terjangkau, sehingga dapat digunakan bahan berasal dari alam. Ekstrak etanol bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) dapat digunkan sebagai sabun karena mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid, tanin, alkaloid dan saponin sebagai antibakteri. Pelatihan pembuatan sabun cuci tangan cair juga dilakukan sebagai usaha transfer teknologi kepada mitra pengabdian sehingga dapat dipraktekkan secara langsung dalam penggunaan sehari-hari, bahkan dapat dikembangkan menjadi bernilai ekonomi, sebagai produk kewiausahaan  bagi SMK Wirasaba Karawang

    Comparison of knowledge scores of medical students in problem-based learning and traditional curriculum on public health topics

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study was to compare the knowledge scores of medical students in Problem-based Learning and traditional curriculum on public health topics. METHODS: We planned a cross-sectional study including the fifth and sixth year medical students of Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey. The fifth year students (PBL group, n = 56) were the pioneers educated with PBL curriculum since the 1997–1998 academic year. The sixth year students (traditional education group, n = 78) were the last students educated with traditional education methods. We prepared 25 multiple-choice questions in order to assess knowledge scores of students on selected subjects of Public Health. Our data were collected in year 2002. RESULTS: Mean test scores achieved in PBL and traditional groups were 65.0 and 60.5 respectively. PBL students were significantly more successful in the knowledge test (p = 0.01). The knowledge scores of two topics were statistically higher among PBL students. These topics were health management and chronic diseases. CONCLUSION: We found that mean total evaluation score in the PBL group was 4.5 points higher than in the traditional group in our study. Focusing only on the knowledge scores of students is the main limitation of our study. Upon the graduation of the first PBL students in the 2002–2003 academic year, we are planning additional studies regarding the other functions of a physician such as skill, behaviour and attitude

    Probiotics for gastrointestinal disorders: Proposed Recommendations for children of the Asia-Pacific region

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    Recommendations for probiotics are available in several regions. This paper proposes recommendations for probiotics in pediatric gastrointestinal diseases in the Asia-Pacific region. Epidemiology and clinical patterns of intestinal diseases in Asia-Pacific countries were discussed. Evidence-based recommendations and randomized controlled trials in the region were revised. Cultural aspects, health management issues and economic factors were also considered. Final recommendations were approved by applying the Likert scale and rated using the GRADE system. Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 (Sb) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) were strongly recommended as adjunct treatment to oral rehydration therapy for gastroenteritis. Lactobacillus reuteri could also be considered. Probiotics may be considered for prevention of (with the indicated strains): antibiotic-associated diarrhea (LGG or Sb); Clostridium difficile-induced diarrhea (Sb); nosocomial diarrhea (LGG); infantile colic (L reuteri) and as adjunct treatment of Helicobacter pylori (Sb and others). Specific probiotics with a history of safe use in preterm and term infants may be considered in infants for prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis. There is insufficient evidence for recommendations in other conditions. Despite a diversity of epidemiological, socioeconomical and health system conditions, similar recommendations apply well to Asia pacific countries. These need to be validated with local randomized-controlled trials

    Pendekatan dan pengaplikasian motivasi agama dalam modul pembangunan diri remaja: kajian terhadap Program Motivasi Alihan Pelajar (MAP)

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    Remaja adalah suatu fasa dalam peringkat kehidupan yang perlu diberi perhatian. Ketidakstabilan keadaan psikologikal remaja boleh menimbulkan pelbagai konflik dan kecelaruan sekiranya tidak diurus dengan baik. Dalam suatu proses pembangunan diri, remaja akan berdepan dengan pelbagai cabaran yang berupaya menjejaskan motivasi diri mereka. Justeru, suntikan motivasi agama yang bersifat komprehensif dan sistematik amat diperlukan. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis kandungan secara holistik dan pemerhatian, kertas ini akan menghuraikan pendekatan motivasi agama berserta pengaplikasiannya menerusi modul pembangunan diri remaja dalam Program Motivasi Alihan Pelajar. Berdasarkan analisis, kesemua sebelas slot yang terkandung dalam modul tersebut telah menggunakan pendekatan motivasi agama yang terdiri daripada langkah pertama iaitu; pengurusan emosi dan pemikiran dan langkah kedua; konsistensi amal. Kajian ini merumuskan, intervensi pembangunan diri remaja melalui dua pendekatan motivasi agama ini didapati lebih komprehensif dan integratif sesuai dengan keperluan psikologikal remaja. Justeru pendekatan ini amat wajar diaplikasikan dalam membantu proses pembangunan diri remaja secara holistik