57 research outputs found

    A Validated Tool for Psychiatric Comorbidity in the Patients With Functional Dyspepsia

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    Adjunct corticosteroid treatment in patients with pneumonia: A precision medicine approach

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    Pneumonia is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. While inflammation is critically important in host response to microbial invasion, exaggerated inflammation can damage the lungs, contributing to respiratory failure and mortality. Corticosteroids are effective in reducing inflammation and can also cause immune suppression. Presently, clinicians are unable to reliably distinguish between exaggerated and appropriate immune response and thus cannot rapidly identify patients most likely to benefit from adjunctive corticosteroids. In this review, we propose a biomarker-guided, precision medicine approach to corticosteroid treatment, aimed to give these medications at appropriate dose and time and only to patients who have exaggerated inflammation

    Psychological Co-morbidity in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Epidemiology, Mechanisms and Management

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    Functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) is one of the commonest digestive diseases worldwide and leads to significant morbidity and burden on healthcare resource. The putative bio-psycho-social pathophysiological model for FGID underscores the importance of psychological distress in the pathogenesis of FGID. Concomitant psychological disorders, notably anxiety and depressive disorders, are strongly associated with FGID and these psychological co-morbidities correlate with severity of FGID symptoms. Early life adversity such as sexual and physical abuse is more commonly reported in patients with FGID. There is mounting evidence showing that psychological disorders are commonly associated with abnormal central processing of visceral noxious stimuli. The possible causal link between psychological disorders and FGID involves functional abnormalities in various components of the brain-gut axis, which include hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, serotonergic and endocannabinoid systems. Moreover, recent studies have also shown that psychological distress may alter the systemic and gut immunity, which is increasingly recognized as a pathophysiologic feature of FGID. Psychotropic agent, in particular antidepressant, and psychological intervention such as cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation have been reported to be effective for alleviation of gastrointestinal symptoms and quality of life in FGID patients. Further studies are needed to evaluate the impact of early detection and management of co-morbid psychological disorders on the long-term clinical outcome and disease course of FGID

    Etniska vÀnner - Politiska fiender

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    Arbetet Àmnar förklara varför relationerna mellan bosniaker och kroater har sett utsom de har. Arbetet försöker med hjÀlp av instrumentalism, primordialism ochkonstruktivism förklara hur identiteten samt relationerna mellan kroater och bosniakerhar varierat under tidsperioden 1939-1994. Arbetet syftar Àven till att undersöka vilkenteori som bÀst hjÀlper oss förstÄ varför identiteten och relationerna mellan kroater ochbosniaker har varierat. Arbetet analyserar relationerna mellan kroater och bosniakermed hjÀlp av idealtyper och kommer fram till att samtliga teorier behövs om man villförstÄ kroaters och bosniakers relationer Ären 1939-1994. Arbetet kommer Àven framtill att instrumentalismens idealtyp kommer nÀrmast hÀndelseförloppet

    Bosniska ungdomar i Sverige : en kvalitativ studie om bosniska ungdomars upplevelse och hantering av sin livssituation i Sverige

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    Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera bosniska ungdomars upplevelse och hantering av sin livssituation i Sverige. Studiens frĂ„gestĂ€llning var: Hur beskriver ett mindre urval bosniska ungdomar sin upplevelse och hantering av sin livssituation i Sverige i de tvĂ„ kulturella vĂ€rldar de lever i - den svenska och den bosniska? För att besvara frĂ„gestĂ€llningen tillĂ€mpades en kvalitativ metod dĂ€r djupintervjuer genomfördes med fyra ungdomar – tvĂ„ flickor och tvĂ„ pojkar i Ă„ldern 15 – 19 Ă„r. Samtliga ungdomar Ă€r födda i Bosnien och kom till Sverige i början av 90-talet pĂ„ grund av kriget i Bosnien. Ungdomarna befann sig i olika faser nĂ€r det gĂ€ller deras etniska identitet. De beskrev att de anpassar sitt beteende beroende pĂ„ vilken etnisk grupp de umgĂ„s med. Ungdomarna hade ett blandat umgĂ€nge, men tre ungdomar umgicks mer med invandrare Ă€n med svenskar. Ungdomarna uppgav fĂ„ exempel pĂ„ upplevd diskriminering och beskrev sig sjĂ€lva som ”integrerade”, men i deras utsagor fanns motsĂ€gelser. Studiens resultat analyserades utifrĂ„n en hermeneutisk forskningsansats med dialektisk genomgĂ„ng av insamlat material. Analysverktygen var social konstruktivism och rollteori. Begrepp som anvĂ€ndes som analysverktyg var etnisk identitet, ”vi och dom” och diskriminering. Resultatet ligger i linje med tidigare forskning

    Genetic and psychological determinants of dyspepsia and implications for treatment

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    Dyspepsia is a very common condition in the population with a prevalence ranging from 25 to 40%. It refers to a complex of symptoms believed arising in the upper gastrointestinal tract and includes heartburn, acid regurgitation, excessive burping or belching, a feeling of slow digestion, early satiety, nausea and bloating. Dyspepsia is an important and costly health problem due to high medical costs for diagnostic investigations and for drug treatment and its impact on absenteeism from work. The aetiology of dyspepsia is very complex and still poorly understood. Several causal factors are suggested: Helicobacter pylori infection, excessive gastric acid, delayed gastric emptying, visceral hypersensitivity, psychosocial morbidity, use of NSAID's and post-infective mucosal damage. Recently also genetic predisposition has been suggested as a relevant factor in the genesis of dyspeptic complaints. In this thesis we report our studies on the influence of psychological state, major life events, coping style and genetic factors on dyspeptic symptom severity and the extend to which these factors affect the outcome of acid inhibiting treatment in primary care patients with dyspepsia
