225 research outputs found

    The school-tertiary interface in mathematics: teaching style and assessment practice

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    Issues arising in the transition from secondary school to tertiary mathematics study are increasingly coming under scrutiny. In this paper, we analyse two practical aspects of the school–tertiary interface: teaching style; and assessment. We present some of the findings arising from a 2-year national project in New Zealand titled “Analysing the Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education in Mathematics” supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. The results provide evidence of similarities and differences between teachers and lecturers in their preferred teaching approaches and assessment strategies that contribute to a transitional gap between the school and tertiary sectors. The results also show that each group lacks a clear understanding of the issues involved in the transition from the other’s perspective, and there is a need for improved communication between the two sectors

    The influence of attention on mathematical knowledge of teachers and lecturers: a comparison

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    This paper reports on some findings from the project ‘Analysing the Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education in Mathematics’. One of key variables in the school to university transition is the teacher/lecturer, and here we deal with data analysing secondary teachers’ and tertiary lecturers’ responses to four mathematics questions. Elsewhere we consider knowledge, preparedness and teaching style etc, but this paper tracks the ability to use mathematical procedures. We hypothesise that this is a function of what we pay attention to, as described in Mason’s discipline of noticing. The results reveal that many teachers and lecturers fail to notice the necessary conditions for problems that imply that procedures are not always applicable. Possible reasons for this along with implications for student learning are discussed

    Research on the Concrete Dam Damage and Failure Rule under the Action of Fluid-Solid Coupling

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    This paper evaluates the stability of concrete dam under the action of fluid-solid coupling in the two working conditions of water level raising and rainfall intensity increasing with the method of strength reduction, and the conclusions are revealed as follows: The unstable failure of dam always starts from the slope base, the crack on the slope top and the creep slip in the slop base developed, which led to the gradual destruction of the dam and formed the slip surfaces through the dam; the safety factor of the concrete dam reduced and the potential slip surfaces moved to the inside of the dam with the water level raising; the more rainfall intensity, the larger plastic yield region and the lower safety factor will be, and the dam slip surfaces transferred from the base of slope to the inside of the slope top gradually. Keywords: Fluid-Solid Coupling; Damage Failure; Rainfall Intensity; Concrete Dam; Creep Slip; Safety Facto

    The study of seismic response and crack dynamic extension rule of the concrete dam under the fluid-solid coupling action

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    Combining with the concrete elastic damage theory, make a dynamic simulation analysis on the seismic response and crack dynamic extension rule of the concrete dam under the fluid-solid coupling action with the extended finite element technology, the conclusions are as follows: under the seismic action, tension failure and shear failure appear at the same time, shear failure happens to the side near the reservoir, stress concentration phenomenon appears at the inflection point of the dam, which lead to the tension failure and producing crack band, and the crack run through the dam to the failure of the dam; the dam crack appears when the seismic waves reach the peak value, and the change rule of displacement, velocity and stress distribution is similar to the seismic wave acceleration change curve; the failure of dam is induced by the both action of seismic and reservoir. Keywords: damage failure; crack dynamic extension; seismic response; extended finite element; crack degree

    Influence of the Type of Asphalt Binder on the Surface Properties of the Pavement

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo vypracovat rešerši na téma asfaltových pojiv. Diplomová práce obsahuje názvosloví a základní vlastnosti asfaltových pojiv. Potom se práce zabývá nanomateriály, které mohou být použity v silničním stavitelství. Diplomová práce nás seznamuje s důležitými parametry protismykových vlastností a zatřídění poruch netuhých vozovek. V praktické části je proveden monitoring povrchu vozovky, kde je zkoumána mikrotextura, makrotextura. Také je provedena vizuální prohlídka se záznamem poruch. Pro měření je vybrána komunikace rozdělena na tři úseky, které mají odlišnou obrusnou vrstvu. Na závěr se vyhodnotily všechny tři úseky a určilo se, který úsek nejvíce vyhovuje bezpečnému provozu.The aim of the thesis was to produce a research on the subject of asphalt binders. Diploma thesis contains the terminology and basic properties of asphalt binders. Then the work deals with nanomaterials that can be used in civil engineering. The thesis introduces us to important parameters of anti-skid properties and the classification of non-rigid road way faults. In the practical part, the road surface is monitored, where the microtexture, the macrotexture, is examined. A visual inspection is also carried out with a record of disturbances. For the measurements, the communication is selected divided into three sections, which have a different abrasive layer. At the end, all three sections were evaluated and the section most suited to safe operation was determined.227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvívýborn

    Comparison of Industrial Technologies for 3D Data Acquisition

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    Tato diplomová práce pojednává o různých principech získávání 3D dat. Zaměřena je na optické metody, které jsou v této práci podrobněji popsány. Jedná se o metodu laserové triangulace, tedy měření vzdálenosti pomocí promítaného laserového paprsku, „Time of Flight“ technologie, která měří dobu letu světla k cíli a zpět a na základě této doby vypočte skutečnou vzdálenost od měřeného předmětu, technologii fotogrammetrie, která provádí rekonstrukci 3D modelu z pořízených fotografií. Součástí práce je praktické ověření některých optických snímacích metod. Porovnání získaných mračen bodů je provedeno pomocí aplikace vytvořené v grafickém prostředí LabVIEW. Dále je pomocí technologie fotogrammetrie ověřena kalibrace a přesnost snímání na různých typech povrchů.This diploma thesis deals with various principles of 3D data acquisition. It focuses on optical methods, which are described in more detail in this work. It is a method of laser triangulation, ie measuring distance using a projected laser beam, "Time of Flight" technology, which measures the flight time of light to the target and back and calculates the actual distance from the measured object, photogrammetry technology, which performs 3D reconstruction model from the taken photos. Part of the work is a practical verification of some optical scanning methods. The comparison of the obtained point clouds is performed using an application created in the LabVIEW graphical environment. Furthermore, the calibration and accuracy of scanning on various types of surfaces is verified using photogrammetry technology.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Sandwich technique in the Gospel of Mark

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    Intercalations are found in the Gospel of Mark. They are graphically described by the following scheme: A - B - A’. Mark’s convention consists of the break off narration (pericope A) through insertion of another one (B) and placing it inside. Such a technique is called intercalation, interpolation or a sandwich technique. The use of intercalation is somehow intended. The purpose of this article is to indicate a problem of criteria that will allow to select the texts of intercalations precisely. The analysis of the criteria and the features of intercalations corroborates the use of sandwich technique by Mark in the six commonly accepted by the biblical scholars conjoined narratives: 3:20-35; 5:21-43;6:6b-31; 11:12-25; 14:1-11; 14:53-72 and also in case of the juxtaposed pericopes from the group of disputable ones: 8:1-21 and 15:40–16:8

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Bakalářská práce je závěrečnou prací, ve které jsou popsány jednotlivé výsledky z odborné praxe vykonané ve firmě ATEsystem s.r.o. Tato práce je zaměřena na návrh a následný test kamerových sestav pro jednotlivé problémy a dále tvorbu softwarových aplikací pro kamerové inspekce. V první části popisuje, jak správně vybrat kameru a komponenty pro vhodné navržení kamerové sestavy pro detekci vad u výrobků. V druhé části popisuje, prostředí Vision Builderu a jednotlivé kroky pro vytvoření kamerové inspekce v tomto prostředí.The bachelor thesis is a final work in which the individual results from professional practice performed in the company ATEsystem s.r.o. are described. This work is focused on the design and subsequent test of camera sets for individual problems and the creation of software applications for camera inspections. The first part describes how to correctly select the camera and components for the appropriate design of a camera set for the detection of defects in products. The second part describes the Vision Builder environment and the individual steps for creating a camera inspection in this environment.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    The Transition from a Self-employed Person to a Limited-liability Company

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá přechodem osoby samostatně výdělečně činné (OSVČ) na společnost s ručením omezeným (s.r.o.) a zároveň zhodnocením paretovy analýzy zaměřené na odběratele a podnik dle SWOT analýzy. Cílem práce bylo rozhodnout zda podnikatel má či nemá přejít z fyzické osoby na osobu právnickou. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části popíši druhy fyzického podnikání, jaké jsou nutnosti k založení spol. s r.o. a jejich následnou komparaci. V praktické části aplikuji SWOT analýzu na daný podnik, zhodnotím její atributy a následně doporučím řešení pro zlepšení fungování podniku.This bachelor thesis deals with transition between being an self-employed person to a limited-liability company and with the valorization of Pareto principle focused on purchasers of the company and the company itself. The purpose of my bachelor thesis is to find out whether it is worthy for self-employed person to change from individual to a corporate company. This thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretical part and application part. In the theoretical part I present different kinds of individual businesses, what is essential for founding an LLC. and I compare it. In the practical part I apply SWOT analysis to a certain firm and evaluate its attributes. In the end of this thesis I advise solution for increasing of the well being of the firm.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskádobř